The Chattooga news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1887-1896, October 04, 1888, Image 4

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_. , .... , , ~ —■ — iff X ITHE R. H. JONES GkOCrRY COMPANY, rmiu mm esumk,| TTII , in.l n it „4 <i n„„„„w nn p rrawmima Wiotale anil Retail Fancy aiii liiwici tarns. . [ msi mm on |msims cr rm 231 ZBZRXD-A-ZD STREET, - - - ETOE/TITB, C9-JL. As we carry the largest assortment of FANCY Groceries in North Georgia, we feel that it would be to the interest of those seeking FINE goods and low prices to call on or write us. ZR,. T-l- SORES GROCERY CJOZMZZPJLLT'Y". "Wooden-Hoaded.” When a wooden paveoent was desired outside St. Paul’s cathe dral, Sidney Smith said: “If the canons will simply‘put their heads together,’ the thing is done I” They wore not halt so wooden-headed, however, ns it would be to deny the merit of Dr. R. V. Pierce’s Gol den Medical Discovery,y-which has cured many thousands of liver dis ease, impure blood, king’s-evil, salt rheum, dropsy, chronic affections of the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs, asthma, catarrh, infiuenea, neuralgia, dyspepsia, constipation, and all skin diseases. Druggists. When everything else fails, Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy cures. Jay Gould it is said, pays $20,- 000 year 1o his attending physician, Dr. William Munn, and thus com mands his entire time. The con tract is for 20 years, or until Mr. Gould’s death. Positively the best remedy ever discovered for all diseases of man and beast that can be reached by an external medical application, is Rangum Root Liniment. One tlria will convince. Manufactured only by Rangum Root Medicine Co., Nashville, Tenn. 50 cents per bot tle. For sale by all druggists. The oddest election bet yet is from Newark, whore twenty Dem ocrats and Republicans have put up $5 each, to make a SIOO pool, which the winning side is to take and expend in a glorification bar becue. When you feel depressed don’t dose yourself with mean bitters. Hodges’ Sarsaparilla renovates and invigorates the system, and cures all piseases arising from an impure state of the blood. $1 per bottle, 6 bottles for $5. Manufactured by Rangum Root Medicine Co., Nash ville, Tenn. Sold by all druggists Ai i coffin was being lowered into a grave in a cemetary near Vienna it fell in such a manner as to cause the corpse to fall out head foremost. Three of the mourners fainted. Captain Hubbard, of the steamer Planter, plying between Charleston, S. C., and Georgetown, reports that a sea serpent was seen recently in Georgetown harbor. FINEST STORE IN NORTH GEORGIA. “A thing of beauty is a joy for the time being, if not forever.” The writer was strongly impressed with the truth of this sentiment when passing the other night the new es tablishment of the Robert 11. Jones Grocery Company 231 Broad street, occupying the large store just vaca ted by Simpson, Glover and Hight. Flashing its beauty upon the passer by, it arrests bis attention, and I The Indiana Republican state committee has made a poll of the voters of the state, and are not very jubilant over the result. The can vass shows a majority of 1,200, counting all the doubtful votes, in favor of the Republicans. The number of doubtful votes is estima ted at ft,ooo. Dissatisfied with the result, another poll has been or dered. When the election is held, their dread will be transformed • into a sod realization. In 1884 the total vote cast was as follows: For Cleveland, 4,913,248; for Blaine, 4,848,090;f0r St.Tohn, 151,662 ; for Butler,l33, 728. Cleve land’s majority over Blaine was 68,098. The vote of all parties was 10,018,039. If a Colts revolver has six bar rels, how many ought a horse pistot . to have ? Give it up. A Life-time Trouble Averted. Tatb Springs, Thnn.,July 4, 1888.1 1 The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. During the spring of 1871, while > working in the field at my home in Morgan county, Ga. I pulled off my shoes to give my feet a rest. Un fortunately, I walked into a clump of poison oak,and in a few days my feet wore in a terrible condition, and I could not put on a shoe be cause of the soreness and swelling. I was treated as poison oak cases usually are, and everything was healed up. About the same time the following spring, 1872, my feet became sore again, as at first, and every succeeding spring for five years brought back the same con dition of the disease, only each time it became more distressing, because I began to think it was a lifetime trouble. Finally I was induced to try Swifts. Specific. I took six bot tles, and today am entirely well. My improvement was gradual from the first, and no evidence of the disease remains. I shall take pleasure in testifying as to its cur ative properties. It is the greatest blood purifier in existence. Yours trn’y, J. L. MoRGA' r . Treatis on Blood and skin diseases mailed free. Tim Swifts Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Texas will furnish the oldest voter in the United States. H's name is Richard Kidd, and ho :8 115 years old. looking upon the interior he is en chanted, cannot resist the desire to see more, stops and enters. And so We entered. What a world of deli -1 cacies stood revealed to the gaze! i Shelving of solid walnut aud curly i pine ran around the entire room, and up to the lofty ceiling. Upon these rose tier after tier of canned I goods of every description, fresh ’ looking and ornamented with bril liant hued pictures of the tropical fruits, and vegetable contained in • them,-embracing also all the meats I and dishes of popular canned prep- lavalaaNe Sm is -If Throat, MS |Sgß*i Catarrh, . H Rlieuma- Maim- iisin, Nenralzia, and Hemor- Bnnses, iWes Harns nil Sore Eyes, Ms - INVALUABLE FOR BURNS, SUNBURNS, DIARRHEA, CHAF INGS, STINGS OF INSECTS, PILES, SORE EYES, SORE FEET. THE WONDER OF HEALING! For Tiles, Blind, Bleeding or Itch- InK' it is the greatest known remedy. For Burns, Scalds, IVoiindft. Bviilmcw and Sprains, it is uncqualed—stopping pain and healing in a marvelous manner. For InrtainCil and Sore Eyes.—ltf? effect upon these delicate organa is simply marvelous. In Female Complaints, Pond’s Extract, as i 8 well known, in used with the greatest benefit. For Fleers, Old Sores, or Open Wounds, Toothache, Fncenchc, Bites of Insects, Sore Feet, ite action upon these is most remarkable. JtJSCOM ME ND E D BY PUTS I CIA NS I CSJJJ) IN HOSPITALS! HEYWOOD SMITH, M. D.. M. 11.. C. P.. o( England.—“l have uaed it with marked benefit. 11. G. PRESTON, M. D.. Brooklyn. N. Y.— ‘I know of no remedy so generally useful.” ARTIIVR GII NN ESS, M. D., F. R. C. S.. of England.—“ I have prescribed POND S EX TRACT with great success.” The Famous Lecturer, JOHN B. GOVGH, wrote : “ For Sore Throat, especially when tend ing to ulceration, I have found it very beneficial. ANDREW D. WHITE. Ex-President of Cornell TJmvcreity, says : “ One of the absolute necesn ties of housekeeping.” Be sure to aft the genuine. I EMMA ABBOTT, the celebrated pnma donna. Valuable and beneficial.” In Bottles only. Prices, 50c., ?1. $1.75. Note our name on every wrapper and label. Prepared only by POND’S EXTRACT NEW YORK AND LONDON. MN B’S EXTRACT ” It’s remarkable specific JAfraS action upon the affected ] >arts ** ' “ gives it. supreme control over taraS files, however severe. * Z Also for Bums, Scalds, Eruptions, Salt Rheum &c. Testimonials from all classes prove its efficacy. Price 50c. Sold by all Druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. Put up only by POND’S EXTUCT CO.. 76 sth Art., Jf. T, •IWgpFREE I WiJ y Gold llanting Case*, B Elegant aud jnagniflecat. T ‘tf/T* S VJa Loth hdlea’and gents’slao» '/.fog with works and eases of I Wkgfigyr equal viUuo OXE PEHHOIV I in each locality can secure one L W&MIFREE. How is this poesiMeT B. Wa answer—we want one par- ’ son in each DxjalKy, to keep In their horu-4., and show to tboaowbo call, aoomplote line of our walnaUeand very useful ISOUSEIIOI-l* HA.T«E»LES. Those well as the watch,we send free,and After you tiave kept them in your home for » months and shown them to thoea who may have called,they become your own property; It le possible to make this great offer, Bonding the NOLID €OI.O watch and COBTY sampled free, as the showing of the samples In any locality, always rceults In a largo trade for cs; after our samples have been In a locality fora month or two we usually got from 91000 to SSOOO In trade from th* surrounding country. This, the most wonderful olfct ever known,is made in order tlrat our aamplea may be placed at once w here they can be seen, all over America. Write at once, and mak<sure of the chance. Reader it will bo hardly any troubte tor you to show the samples to those who may caU at your home and your reward will be mort satisfactory. A postal cord oq which to write us coats but 1 cent and after youkDow all,if you do not care to go further, why no harm is done. But If you do send your addr at once, you can secure FB EE one of the Lest solid gold watches In the world and orr large line of COSI LY SAMPLES. We pay all express, fr-lght, etc. AfclreteGfiU BTJIWQN A CQ.jßox 911, POBTLAND, MAINS, stations. As we looked, we could see in imagination a table loaded and garnished with viands from ev ery clime in the midst of a happy company. In the center, on coun ters and in pyramidal cases of crys tal holders were arranged all the supplies needed by cook or house wife to make a royal feast, inclu ding both foreign and domestic gro ceries, staple and fancy. This is also the depot and sole agency in Rome of the Florida Fruit Exchange whence conics the finest orange, that golden king of the fruit world. DO YOU WOT A FENCE? NATIONAL WIRE & IROti GO’S ' Illustrated Catalogue, “T" “t“ *T" |fTr Detroit. Mich \ , Wrought Iron Fences, Roof Cresting, Jail Work, Wire Signs, Bank & Office Railing, Window Guards, Wire Lathing and every 1 1 111 I 11 H description of Wire Work. ~ BIESE <fc DICKINSON, ■umusJMßJAiai' OFFICE and REPOSITORY - _ _ 926 Market Street. WAREHOUSE 921 Georgia Avenue. Chattanooga, Tennessee. DEALERS IN Cortland Spring Wagons and Uu ,;:ies, Cheap Buggies of all kinds, Fish Br >. and Bimel Fann Wagons, General line of Fanning tools. Send for 72 page catalogue. BIESE <t DICKINSON. «,LEY Z»B nml POWEIL USE* is warrant•*«( tn cn». m :on or dry fodder os any machine built in thn wcrM of c. and give better nnthifncilon than itny other r!r every particnlnr. To wnb<tintintc tho ;vn.rnnter, we will rend to any responsible party i tho United States, one of onr cotters, to be used competition with any other cutter In the / y'-W»vorld, of baujo rizo, with tho nndernt-atKiinK I ifniir machino do more «.nrt ’v better work with the mtm« power, and p in sltrengthand durability, as -ro;! ae ease us feed t' ln« ar.d operr-tleff, prow more katinfactory i. rh»a any other, It can be returned t© uh, 1 frci<jht ’to(k ts.fjs, W«* u«o manufacture TTTE SMALLEY CARRIER, THE SMALLEY £ t WEE? and TREAD HORBE POWERS, &c., Aa. H OUR COMPREHENSIVE BOOK Y ‘‘Ensilage and Fodder Cuttirig. £ Sent Free on Application. NUFACTURINC CO. fifianitcwcc.Wik GRANITE IRONWARE. Q HIMniAXG. BAKIW6, I rC. PBESKRVIMG. 8 O rIGSST ; HAXDSOnE, WMOLKSOME, DURABLE. The Best Ware Made for the Kitchen. Manufactured only by the StlouisStampingCo.St.Louis e For Sale by all Stove, Hardware and House Furnishing Dealers. Cook Book and Price list .‘•"res on Application. ■q-VZ bv Sure to y.ontlcn this Pacer. I As this company will’ handle I large quantities of fruit, dealers ■ everywhere in this section should • correspond with it on the subject. The company will also wholesale • groceries generally. ) The goods for the retail trade are ■ all kept in patent bins, no barrels - being used, and are thus kept clean - and free from dust. All the bins b for teas and coffees ha've plate glass i fronts,keeping out the air. Twode a livery wagons ply the’city. , Tho opening of such a store is an . event to Koine, for in the family line there is none superior to it in all Georgia. Such an array as it presents woiffd delight the most epicurean connosscur or stir an ap petite in the worst dyspeptic. The ladies must find the greatest pleas ure in roaming through such an elysiam of goods and dainty things from which to make selections for the enjoyment of the “dear ones at i home.” No one visiting Rome should fail to drop into this rarely beautiful store, for it is indeed an i enchanting sight, that will linger in me nory. “THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME.” r c 1 N ! Vfo*TL 0, r , Jj 1 ‘r '”' -i ■' " '•%..-*■ IK y M-;.4«;-£-/u. y.f.‘r£K Ww-> ''V*~ . H /Wa'- ' i ~ •? - . -•■ x'fe • ■-, tllurtrxte.l bv the tine of * Boggy made by T. T. ITnydnck, which Is not only tho Leading Buggy in '.hi. picture, but THE LEADING BUGGY OF AMERICA. JIM Havd'ock’s Safetv King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Ask your dealer for the T. T® UAYDGCK lit <;gy. with the Haydock Safety King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. I Life in insecure riding over any other. (1 hW ploinra will b® ftirnlshed«a a luge o*rd, printed In •logant «tyle, to any one who will agree to frame It.) [IMCI.OSK STAMP.j a?- T. HATDOCK, : tz ’wh.ul«u VH~ Cor. Plum »nd Twelfth Sts., CISCISSATI, 0. ' AGEITB WANTED WHEEL WE HAVE NONE/ NO INVESTMENT 80 PBOEITABLB. n^=|-vn’SHOWB i cfti?' ..-.- ArtisticStere 1 "““r * t CedarCliesls.Cat)inets,Waidrol>es| CABINET I 1 . 1 . 11111 , 1 . 11 .!. -W ■ ''-<■'■■■'.J. . "Jtei - Dr. SALMON'S ISL f HOG CHOLERA SPECIFICI d* CHICKEN POWDER.—SHEEP POWDER. t] POWDER.-CONDITION POWDER. ’J 1 ("PREVENT & CURE HOG CHO „ L ,?,Sdmc i "3 • ** ..,_ .. . DESTROY & PREVENT HOG LICE & WORMS. ?1 J WE CAN < CURE CATTLE MURRAIN,TEXAS FEVER, Ac- ;i J 'V - CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & CAPEb. 4 L CURE SHEEP ROT, TAPE WORM, Ac. I manufactured by the VETERINARY MEDICINE CO- £ ~ NASHVILLE, TENN. , jdSW : r :.;••. 1 '■mjiici -r-nr £<F~Ft'r s;Jc by TnoMrtox Hiu:s A Co., Suniinorville, Ga.—Hoi.lis A llimton Sutilnif'.rvillf, Ga.- Kobt. F. Konibaoy, Triott Factory, Ga. -Tn.toN J'lan’fo. ; J «•> Trion Factory, Ga.—Hii.ns, Tai.ia t t:nr.o A Fostbi:, Taliaferro, Ga. J. 1 1 and A Bbo. - , Holland’st Store, Ga.—Kkndbick A Bno , Ka tab, Ga.— JI. <!• Bvi.i.ard, Memo, Ga., M. J l ’.. Smith, Alpine, Ga.,—L. M. Hendon, Menlo, Gt, J. T. McWhobteb, Teloga Springs, Ga. SANITARY CLOTHING. HEALTH WAISTS, UNION UNDERGARMENTS, SKIRT SUS PENDERS, STOCKING SUPPORTERS. All aortH of Healthful Garments, at reasonable prices. Family Electric Batteries, Syringes, Water Bag’s, and Invalids’ SuppH* s ® of cvcrjr description. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. SANITARY SUPPLY CO-, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. HEALTH FOODS For all clarasos of invalids® Genuine in quality, and reasonable in price® i SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. / SANITARY FOOD FOR INFANTS. I'roveuUf and cures Cholera Infantum. Tho cheapest and the best in the market® SANITARIUM FOOD CO., BATTLE CREE K. MICH. ,