The Chattooga news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1887-1896, October 11, 1888, Image 1
THE OHATTOOGA NEWS. VOL. 2. G. E. MARTIN, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon, Taliaferro, ... - Ga. Residence at J. N. Taliaferro's. crcTEßWcionr, Physician and Surgeon, summebville, o-a__ Dr. £ H. Field, DENTIST, Will visit Chattooga county frequent ly. Those wishing his services will please write to him at Summerville. ' "CLOVIS D. RIVERS, Attorney-at-Law, Summerville, - < ’ a * Offers his professional services to tho citizens of Chattooga and surrounding counties. By close attention to whatever business may bo entrusted to him, ho hopes to merit pul*lie confidence. ~w7m7 henry, Attorney-at-Law, Summerville - - - Georgia F. W. COPELAND? JESSEQ. HUNT LaFaycttc, Ga. Summerville, Ga. COPELAND & HUNT. Lawyers; Summerville and LaFaycttc, Georgia. Prompt attention to all legal bosiness. olleeting claims a Specialty. WESLEY SHROPSHIRE Attorney-at-Law, Summerville - - - Georgia. J. M. BELLAH, Lawyer; Summerville _ " <.c<>i_i.i "".JOHN TAVI.oII. " T. U.TAYl.olt. ' TAYLOR & TAYLOR. Lawyers; ... - Georgia. Summerville - La.dhah- j.w.ewinq. h. smith Dm, Ev/ing & Smith. —< o > Attornsys-At-Law. bomb, - J. RNEi • ANUBUILDER—{ OFAicb: Adams’ Block, East Bth St., (Second Floor) CHATTANOOGA - - TENN Work promptly executed. WES DREW, The Barber MARBLE FRONT 2 DOORS BELOW J.. A .sit KDIVAM A t U. «■— Now Shop, New Razors, and everything connected with a first-class barber shop. Call in. DR. HENLEY^! A Most Effective Combination. Thl. well I great Mronler. It | fiia« an - debilitated conditions of the «y»- BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. " |TK? FISST > fer>J Tho Original Wins. C b. Sijntnous. St., J’mp’r aj ’.I. X.Sjmmont LivriM . • . E-'t’d k I jsio, in the U.S. Cnvrt J. fl H.Z r i!:n,Pjop’r?..Q.bin ntGi:s Liv- hr.j « K. plater. JG-fUbyZ, k-L3 M.A. S. L. la- 47 years I? V7J iNIUGkSTJON, EII.XOLS.-. hbS, 6k 'k Dy ?>iA,SjCk Hzad.-.cHw,Lo; T K/ tA A. i -TiTK, Sour Stomach, Etc. \ Rev. T IL Reams, I H. *}. © •/, Church, A.laui*, Tenn., writer.: “1 (}. .Ithink I should have been dead but C ! 'or y° ur Genuine A. Sim- i ;nori» Liver Medicine. I have • f.'tr.elitnes h?d to substitute r 1 j 'tf-f'/ ; “Zcilir’s stuff” for your M*di / cine, but it don't answer tho 1/ / purpose.” ICs Asl Dr. J. R - <Jrvw, Editor 7».- Memphis, Tens. says: t 7 I received a pr-ckage of vour Liver f* u-* Medich- e, and have used half of it. & i It rrorksbkc a charm. Itv ant r.o \j better Liver Regulator and <xr ftM, \ t&ialy uo more of Zcilin’a mixture. jbßic . in CO nays wo will Bend you one watch free. , I This regular $25 00 Ladies* | watch will bo sent C. O. D., I subject to cxan-ination. to ( I any address on receipt of W I cents in postage stamps as a guarantee that widen is or- I uered in good faith; if found , -4 perfectly satisfactory and exactly as represented, you ; pay the balanc'i nt your WrWAexpress < ‘hcc otherwise you ■ <lO hot pay one cent. Toin- I 1 tr-odueo our gii'lj. v.’d otter | ’ . this Hue Ladies’ heavy gold , Cut is half size, watch is pJatcd or ililed hunting cn 10 \ regular ladies’size. watch which is richly cn- ? also have thorn in gentle- c r a> cd and onw monted by (men’s size at samo hund.wili retain its b'.-a'i". I- fib, JwtSww*Wmhr« 1 W. J. Satterfield. G. H. Rawlins. NEW STOREI NEW GOODSI KrfSLr.,, JfiS*Mlifc2kii StrH & Mi, 318 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. Wc have opened our doors for business with a complete stock of Skplo Fans; Dry Goods, teiu, &c, And respectfully solicit an investigation of Style, Prices, etc. OXTZES/ GrOOIDS Are Brand New and Fresh From First Hands And Were Bought For Cash, Enabling Us to Give Our Customers Advan- tage of all Discount. Very resiDectfully, SATTERFIELD & RAWLINS. 318 B St., Rome, Ga. J. B. GABVER & CO., The Live Crockerymen of Rome, Keep a Large Stock of Assorted Crates of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Looking Glasses and Tinware expressly for the Jobbing Trade. Terms and Discounts as liberal as any House in the South. In our re tail Department yon will always find the newest goods, the largest assortment and the lowest prices. While at the Exposition give usacall. LTWTI SEED, GBAIH SACKS, LIHE, PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, LAUD PLASTER. Cotton Received or Storage and Commission C. A.. IV!CROSS & CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. Send for Catalogue. TBE PARKER -A . V- ■ ■ A"'''-' ,’■■■■ Breech-Loading, Double-Barreled Shot Guir PARKER BROS., Makers, MERIDEN, CONN. Show-rooms: 87 Chambers St., How York. d -RTM-M-n-KTCT AACJCTLIZEE] &d 242 & 244 Broad Street, Rome, Ga. THE LAHG-EST PEALEES ITT MEN" jAITLD BOY’SWEABIKG AFPABIL j.TJ TU-lS SECTIONi OT COUTsTT Ready-Made O l o t h i n g, FOUR GRAND STORES IN ONE: >- Furni shi n g Goo ds, J Hats and Men’s Fine Shoes. dollars worth of goods that comes into our store, thereby saving a large amount kj oiscounts. , (nd po honse the country will offer you - No House in the Country Has Greater Auyan tag e^ B u C h bargains a8 can be bought iromus. x-s. .-v- Our bu.-incss has grown from the SMALLEST to the LARGESI. and bquare ueaimg whh imUeement that MONEY, ENERGY aT ABILITY can command. "An examination of our stoq will pnwe that for GO K . IX g 9 McKee vos. .ti -7 ■"'/a 1 c rp t - • - Rome, Ga. SUMMERVILLE, CHATTOOGA COUNTY, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 11, 1888. ■:ta©ta IMleßiood A POS’TIYL CVREFoRSCROMA RiiWMATiSHSCAiDHtADoR Tetter, DO US PINPLES QLDorCKROXiC sores of AI.I|<,INPSA«oAn, DISEASLS ARISING FROM an IMPURE. STATE. o-fyheBLOOD M PerßoTTle 6roßss LIMIMEMt. I\£ BESTOHEABJH MUSflSHPilj’ NEVER TADLS To CURTL. T. T4EOXI.Y Ih'fALHBLE. CURE- • ' • foR MEUPkAJ-GIA/ • • -taOLD For snlc bv all Druggists. THE ELECTION. The returns in last week’s News from the precincts of the county for representative were exactly cor rect. They are as follows: HENRY JONES Trion 73 77 Dirttown 57 120 Alpine 22 66 Teloga 21 63 Coldwater 27 96 Summerville 188 232 Seminole 32 61 Dirtseller 41 41 Subligna 15 136 Haywood 5 45 Totals 481 940 Majority for Jones, 459. The official returns were received here in the order tliat they appear above, Trion being first, followed by the others in the order named. Al though before night it was univer sally conceded that Jones would be elected, yet the large majorities lie received, as they were made known, created universal surprise. At about 5 p. in., when Jones’ success was assured, some of his enthusias tic adherants placed him in a buggy and hauled him through the streets amidst great cheering. TU' e Henry supporters, though badly beaten, proposed to die game. Some of them putlsam Echols, colored, a strong Henry man, in a buggy and rode him down the street amidst cheering and laughter. The result of the election was a great surprise to every one. It was thought by some of Jones' support ers that Henry would be elected by a small majority, and those who thought otherwise never dreamed of Jones being elected by a vote of nearly two to one. The following is the vote for gov ernor and state senator. While the total vote of the county for repres tative was 1,421, yet Gordon receiv ed only 836, which is a heavy cut, and resulted from his action in the Henry Pope case. GORDON. HARRIS. Summerville 276 385 Trion 113 137 Teloga 15 68 Alpine 56 80 Dirtsi Iler 68 78 ! Seminole 71 92 Coldwater 92 123 Dirtto vn 116 142 Haywood 2 47 Subligna 27 114 Total 836 1,266 The rote for the other candidates in the county was as follows: For Secretary of State, Barnett, 1,210; for Treasurer, Hardeman, 1,253 ; for [ Attorney-General, Anderson, 1,260; ' for Comptroller, Wright, 1,258. | The proposed amendment to the constitution authorizing the next j legislature to elect two more judges ' to the supreme bench did not at tract much attention. The vote against it, what was cast, was unan imous, it. not receiving a single vote. The vote on it was ns follows: FOR. AGAINST. Subligna 00 156 Summerville 00 20 Trion 00 27 Teloga 00 79 Alpine 00 80 Dirttown 60 02 Total majority against 364* The.* other precincts did not cast a vote at all for or against the amendment. YVe like to have forgot that Glenn received 4 votes for governor. OVER THE STATE. In Walker county Frank Thur- man defeated J. B. Wheeler for representative by a vote of 701 to 572. McCollum was elected State senator from the 44th district, com posing Walker, Dade and Catoosa, by a majority of 168. In Whitfield, Glenn defeated Hamilton for representative by a majority of 500. In Floyd, Ewing, Turner and Johnson were elected, defeating Hi dell and Speed. In Fulton the regular democratic ticket was elected, Rice defeating Small for senator by 1,500. In Mclntosh a white democrat was elected representative for the first time in 14 years. 4n Liberty a colored man is elect ed to the legislature. In Bartow Felton and Foute are elected representatives. The lat ter’s majority over Crawford, Re publican, was only eight. In Polk B. F. Wright was elected, representative over Everett by 214 majority. Pickens county elected Aired, republican, to the legislature, by 100 majority over the democratic candidate. In Dade, G. W. M. Tatum is elec ted representative by 217 majority. James Hunt was elected represen tative from Catoosa. Camden county elected Anthony Wilson, colored, to the legislature. Ben Dugger, republican, was elec ted from Fannin county. In the 41st senatorial district, David Garren, republican, was elected. In the next house of representa tives there will be four republicans, two of whom are colored men, and in the senate one republican. The amendment received heavy majorities in the cities, while in the country the vote against it was equallj’ heavy. It is probably de feated. Jack Frost has got as far south as Mobile. A man by the name of Brown, of Detroit, Michigan, has 33 wives. I America now leads the world in ! the manufacture of astronomical instruments. Forests are springing up on the abandoned mines and mining towns in California. In Portugal they cure a quick tempered person by inviting every body to give him-a kick. On English railways from Janu ary 1 to July the first this year 165 persons were killed and 857 injured. The Chattahoochee Brick compa ny has withdrawn its application for a receiver for the C. R. & C. railroad. Red Shirt, an Indian, recently visited Washington. When asked what he tiiought of it ho replied: “Humph I 'White roan heap fool!'’ On the front of a building in Oakland Cal., mostly occupied by an undertaker, is another man’s sign which reads: “Spirits Recti fied.” ■ Gov. Gordon Ims ordered the sus pension of the collection of taxes in Richmond county until the legisla- H.ure meets, because that county ' ulfered so greatly by the Hoods ' come weeks ago. Obituary. On the morning of the 21st of August, 1888, the death angel en tered the family of Thomas and Elizabeth Littlejohn and took from them their little infant boy, Vivvie Palmer, aged eleven months. It is sad, indeed, to give up a little one like this, but Jesus says: “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” About eight o’clock, a. m., the little bud, . so pure and tender, was plucked by the Master’s hand and gently borne on the pinions of His love to the celestial city on high ; there to “min gle in holier strains in realms of 1 fadeless day.” No more will the sunlight of his smiles, or the inno- ( cent prattle of his infant tongue, make glad his parents’ hearts and home. But in that bright beyond, the golden link now severed shall ; be united, which the cruel hand of death shall never break assunder. 1 We would now say to the parents, , be faithful and you will meet your : darling Vivvie in the sweet bye and 1 bye, for he is now an angel, a bright j shining jewel and once was a jewel to you but he’s gone—gone to Je sus in heaven. Ho is now standing I at the golden gate with his white snowy wings beckoning to you to , come up higher. The littlo one was laid to rest in , the Bird Chapel cemetery after the funeral obsequies, which were conducted by Rev. Mr. Milner. B. B. The Traders Bank, of Chicago failed Oct. 3rd, owing $1,000,000. It is estimated that over 100 spee ches each night are being made in Indiana. J. 11. Oberly of Illinois, has been appointed Indian Commissioner in place of J. C. D. Atkins, resigned. Os five convicts who made a break j for liberty at Dallas, Texas, two | got away, one was captured and two were killed. Mr. Barnes of Georgia has intro- < duced a bill in congress offering 1 SIOO,OOO for the discovery of the ' cause of tho yellow fever. , Mormons are making converts from Europe. Last week 150 per- | sons landed in New York from there , on their way to Utah. , Justice Matthews of the United 1 States Supreme court is in very bad health and not expected to be able 1 to attend to his duties when court i opens. Mr. Robert King, the owner and operator of a saw mill four miles from Calhoun, Ga., was killed last, week by falling upon the saw while it was running at full speed. Bazainc who died in Madrid Spain, a few days ago, poor and un honored, rose from tho ranks to be Marshal of France. He surrender ed an army of 200,000 men to the Germans at Metz in 1870 and his countrymen thought then that he was a traitor and tried and sen tenced him to imprisonment for life. , By the aid of his wife he escaped , and now, although ho died in ilis- < ir rau!', it is generally believed ho . was no traitor to France but only unfortunate in his military oper ations. NO. 36. Just One. Once upon a time a certain preacher was making one of the greatest efforts of his life. While in the midst of a glowing period a long haired, freckle faced urchin rose in the audience and looked around inquiringly. He attracted the preacher’s attention, who ad dressed him thus: “My eon are you looking for sal vation?” “No, Sir,” answered the boy, “I'm looking for my cousin, Sal Carter. Do you know where she’s at?” When you are constipated, with loss of appetite, headache, take one of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney Pillets. They are pleas ant to take and will cure you. 25 cents a vial. The government, since it adopted ■ the policy of buying its bonds not yet due, has purchased $53,266,800. Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns, cuts sprains and bruises; for use in such cases Dr. J. IL McLean’s Vol canic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite household remedy. Polk county, Ga., is going to build a new $20,000 court house. For sick headache, female troub les, neuralgic pains in the head take Dr. J. 11. Midcan’s Little Liv er and Kidney Pillets 25 cents a vial. United States troops have been ordered to the RioGrande to quell trouble between Texans and Mex icans. Imperfect digestion and assimi lation produce disordered condition of the system which grow and are confirmed by neglect. Dr. J. IT. Mc- Lean’s Strengthening Cordial anil Blood Purifier, by its tonic proper ties, cures indigestion and gives tone to the stomach. SI.OO per bot tle. The tobacco crop in Kentucky has been considerably damaged by frost. If your kidneys are inactive, you will feel and look wrecked, even in the most cheerful society, and melancholy on the jolliest oc casions. Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Liv er and Kidney Balm, will set you right again. SI.OO per bottle. The remains of an ancient town has been discovered in Russia near the river Volga, which show a far more advanced civilization than that of the people living there now. In cases of fever and ague, the blood is as effectually, though not so dangerously poisoned by the ef fluvium of the atmosphere as it could be by the deadliest poison, Dr. J. H. McLean’s Chill’s and Fe ver Cure will eradicate this poison from the system. 50 cents a bottle * The republicans are making des perate efforts to carry Indiana and are said to be importing negroes in to the state. Croupy suffocations, night coughs and all the common affections of the throat and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. Fifteen furnaces in various parts of the South are said to be prepar ed to go into operation at an early day. It is estimated that their yearly capacity will reach 1,200,000 tons of pig iron. You will have no use for specta cles if you use Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Strengthening eye salve; it removes the film and scum which accumu lates on the eyeballs, subdues infla mation. cools ami soothes the irrita ted nerves, strengthens weak and failing sight. 25e. a box. Wednesday of last week twenty five babies wore entered for ti e prize of $25 in gold at the Rome Exposition. The judges after con siderable hesitation awarded the prize to Hines Smith, the eleven months old son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Smith of Rome. Old people suffer much from dis orders of the urinary organs, and are always gratified at the wonder ful effects of Dr. J. H. McLean’s . Liver and Kidney Balm in banish -1 ing their troubles. SI.OO per bottle. Some geologists of Greenock En gland, claim they have found a live ■ toad that is 30,000 years old. i I_, . .. If you Spit up phlegm, and are \ troubled With a hacking cough, use ; Dr. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung