The Chattooga news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1887-1896, October 11, 1888, Image 4
[Agents Fori the IM HANDLING BKiowmmm Woman’s Relief. “Eirth has no sorrow that hoav ven c Minot heal” whether arising from physical, mental or moral sources. The promise and con solations of the gospel furnish abundant remedies for all spiritual or mental woes, and the Creator has stored, in the kingdom of Na ture, remedies for every physical ail ment. For ages these remedies wore allowed to lie dormant, through the ignorance of mankind as to their uses, and for ages more but little attention was given to rem edies for the peculiar afflictions of women, who was looked upon and treated as a slave by lordly, and then brutal man, and her suffering regarded with beastly indifference. In later times, science and Chris tian philanthropy have come to her relief, devising remedies for her pe culiar weaknesses, which have been combined in Dr. Pierce’s Fav orite Prescription, a remedy that, cures the pains, aches, nausea, dis placements,wasting and debilitating afflictions to which she is constantly exposed. “Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists under a positive guar antee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Positively the best remedy ever discovered for all diseases of man and beast that can be reached by an external medical application, is Bangum Root Liniment. One tlris will convince. Manufactured only by Rangum Root Medicine Co., Nashville, Tenn. 50 cents per bot tle. For sale by all druggists. From 5 to 6 p. in. 50,000 people leave Now York city each day. From 40,000,000 to 50,000,000 people en ter and leave each year. Nearly 1,- 700 regular passenger trains enter and leave each day. When you feel depressed don’t dose yonrself with mean bitters. Hodges' Sarsaparilla renovates and invigorates the system, and cures all piseaees arising from an impure state of the blood. $1 per bottle, 6 bottles for $5. Manufactured by Rangum Root Medicine Co., Nash ville, Tenn. Sold by all drug ’ists THE R. 11. JONES GROCERY COMPANY. WWffllc aiii W Fancy mi lajurmt trims. 231 IBIROJLID STREET, - - - GEA.. As we carry the largest assortment of FANCY Groceries in North Georgia, we feel that it would be to the interest of those seeking FINE goods and low prices to call on or write ns. FINEST STORE IN NORTH GEORGIA. 1 — I "A thing of beauty is a joy for the time being, if not forever.” Ihe ( writer was strongly impressed with the truth of this sentiment when passing the other night the new es tablishment of the Robert 11. Jones Grocery Company 231 Broad street, occupying the large store just vaca ted by Simpson, Glover and Hight. Flashing its beauty upon the passer bv it arrests his attention, and n. EC. J OUST ZES G-BOCERY COMPANY. Storm at Sea. Possibly one of the finest storm , spectacles ever witnessed was in the Bay of Bengal. It was mid night. On the port side of the ship the skv was black with thunder clouds, whoso swolen outlines were revealed by the incessant play of lightning. The thunder was shock j after shock of explosions. On the starboard side of the ship the lull moon would sometimes dart a beam through rifts in the black wings of electric vapor. Meanwhile it was blowing a gale of wind and a high sea was running. The effect of the play of lightning and the occasion al glance of the brilliant moon upon the dark coils of the seas melting into foam may' be imagined. The alternations of light were redupli cated by the flashing of phosphorus, with which the water was charged to an uncommon degree. The pic ture was magnificently unearthly and outside the pages of Milton rvithout expression in literature. A Mother's Affliction. Farmersville, Tex. Juno 28, ’BB. The Swift Specific Co. Atlanta Ga., —Gentlemen : The mother of a member of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous sore on her face for about twenty years. During the past few years it troubled her very much by continued pain and itch ing. She used your S. S. S. and the sore has disappeared and is appa rently well. Should it break out a gain will advise you. Very Truly, Pendleton, Yearly & Riley, Druggists. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At'anta Ga. The State fair will be held at Ma con in November. President Cleveland has signed the anti-Chinse immigration bill and it is a law. Mrs. Crocker of California, has given $19,000 to the Women’s Chris tian Association of California. Duluth, Minnesota, is under going the ordeal of a typhoid epi demic. There are 450 cases there. Winter is on its way to the sun ny south. The mountains of Vir ginia were covered with snow last week. looking upon the interior he is en- i chanted, cannot resist the desire to see more, stops and enters. And so we entered. What a world of deli cacies stood revealed to the gaze ! Shelving of solid walnut and curly pine ran around the entire room, and up to the lofty ceiling. Upon these rose tier after tier of canned goods of every description, frosh looking and ornamented with bril liant hued pictures of the tropical fruits, and vegetable contained in them, embracing also all the meats and dishes of popular canned prep-j MM lnvalnal>!3 SM 11 Wsib I Thra! ’ I’llßs, JY.-M WOUDIIS, I Caiarrh, Sores, Rheuma- Mamua- usm, nous; neuralgia, milemor- Brnises, Burns, 4 0,311 Sore Eyes, .. Xinds. INVALUABLE FOB BURNS, SUNBURNS, DIARRHEA, CHAR- 1 . INGS, STINGS OF INSECTS, PILES, j SORE EYES, SORE FEET. THE WONO OF HEALING! For Files, Blind, Bleeding or Itch ing, it is tho greatest known remedy. For Burns, Scalds, Wound*. Bruises and Sprains, it is unequaled—stopping pain and healing in a marvelous manner. For Ititlnmod and Sore Kyra.—lf effect upon these delicate organs is simply marvelous. In Female Complaints, Pond's Extract, as is well known, is need with the greatest benefit. For Ulcers, Old Sores, or Open Wounds, Toothache, Fnccache, Biles of Insects, Sore Feet, its action upon these is most remarkable. B-BCO-V -If A.vl> E D 7tY Pin'S TCI ANS f VSED IN HOSPITALS I HEYWOOD SMITH. M. D.. M. 8.. C. P.. o< England —“ I have usod it with marked benefit,’’ j 11. G. PRESTON, M. D.. Brooklyn. N. Y.— *1 know of no remedy so generally useful.” ARTHUR GUINNESS, M. D.. F. R. C. S.. of England.—“ I hive prescribed POND'S EX TRACT with great success.” The Famous Lecturer, JOHN B. GOUGH, wrote : “ For Sore Tliroat. especially when tend ing to ulceration. I have found it very beneficial.” ANDREW D. WHITE, Ex-Presidentof Cornell ■University, says : “ One of the absolute nfcefsir tle* of housekeeping.” Be eurc to get the genuine. ■ EMMA ABBOTT, the celebrated prinuylonna. —“Valuable and beneficial.” In Bottles only. Prices, EOc., sl, $1.75. Note our name on every wrapper and label. Prepared only by POND’S EXTRACT NEW YORK AND LONDON. KXTfeAGT 013 Tgi E 11T, a® 8 remarkable specific I action upon the affected parts | * 1 givee it supremo control over fcawS files, however severe. r Also for Runis, Scalds, § a3l<a, S Eruptions, Salt fiheum &c. jpe-j Testimonials from all classes pwfeiY! prove its efficacy. Price 50c. Sold by ail Druggists or sent by mail : on receipt of price. Put up only by I POND’S EXTRACT CO., 76 sth Ave.,». 7, A. J. Anderson I Watches, Clocks andj Jewelry of Every De scription. ALSO REPAIRER OF ALL THE | A BOVE ARTICLES. | •d OFan Motto Cards name cover, AWf,] with scraps and sample i for 1888 sent to your address for 10 I ets G packs for 50 cts. Address S.: M. IJoJiauu, Temple, Georgia. stations. As we looked, we could see in imagination a table loaded 1 and garnished with viands from ev- i ery clime in the midst of a happy i company. In the center, on coun ters and in pyramidal cases of crys- ; tai holders were arranged all the supplies needed by cook or house wife to make a royal feast, inclu ding both foreign ami domestic gro ceries, staple and fancy. Tide is also the depot and solo agency in Rome of the Florida Fruit Exchange whence comes the finest oringe, that golden king of the fruit world, j TAX NOTICE. i I will be nt tho following places on tho davs named below for tno purpose of collecting tho State and County taxea for ihc year 1888. Valley Store, November 1, a m and December .3, a m. Tologa,Oct. 15th, Nov. 1 p m and Dec. 8 p m. Gilreath’s Mill, November sth. Menlo, Oct. 16th am, Nov.6th a m and December 4th a m. A Ini no, October 16, p m Nov. 6th p in and December 4 p m. Foster’s Store, Oct. 17th, Nov. 7th and 1 Dec. sth. Seminole, Oct. 18th, Nov. Sth a m and Dee. 6th. Price’s Bridge, November Sth p in. Holland’s Store, Oct. 19th am, Nov. Sth and Dec. 18 a rn. Henley’s Mill, Oct. 19th p in, Nov. 12th and Dor. 7th. New Hope Chnreh, Nov. 13th a r-. Weathers’ Shop, Nov. 13th n in. School house near Tom Kendricks, November 14th a m. Uncle Jimmie Herndon’s, Nov. 14 p in Taliaferro, December 18th p in. Coro, November 30th. Kartah, Oct, 22nd, Nov. 29th, Dec. 10tK j Tidings, November 15th. Farmersville, December 11 th. E. N. Perrv’a Saw Mill, Nov. 16th a nr Reuben Johnson’s. Nov, 19th a in. D. Walt Smith’s Mill, Nov. 19th p m. Havwood, Oct. 23rJ, Nov, 20th and Dec. 12th. <l. R. Ponder’s. Esq., Nov, 21st am, < ’ant. Atkins’ Nov. 21st n m. I Subligna, Oct. 24th, Nov. 22th, and December 13th. I Hall’s Mill, November, 28rd a in. ' Roberson’s Store, Nov. 28rd pm. I Trion Factory, Oct. 26tb, Nov. 26th and Dec. 11th and 19th. Raccoon Mills. Nov. 27th and Doe. 17. Sunny Dale, Nov. 28th a m. Clemmons it Dickerson’s Mill, Nov. 27th p m. SUMMERVILLE all other days not | mentioned als>ve< including every Sat urday in October, November an l Do-I I comber un to the 26th. Taxpayers will j please accept my many thanks for their ! promptness last year and hope they will do as well or hotter this year. J. R, ' Clemmons is authorized to receive ami; receipt for ine at any time at summer-i in my absence. Jury tickets will be taken"for county taxi’s only: other or ders will not be accented. Books will t bo closed December 20th, and fi fas is-j sued as the law requires. W. M. JOHNSON, Tax Collector Chattooga Co. j ! d SCOTT'S aiLssii OF PURE WLIVE3 Oil HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as ftftUk. St> dl.jjuls.d ffiinl It can ho tah'n. dlgottcd, and Mnisailatcd by tensitivo stornr.cb, when tbs plalx oil 1 cannot be tolaratcd; and by tho o»xn ! blnatloa of tho oil ’irlth the iiypoph»M --' pklt* a 1* mv.uli uioiu ofilcaeloaa. Beinarkatle M a fitch prodnesr. Perww gain rapidly white taking & i SCOTT'S EMULSION is ccksowledg.-* by | Physicians to bo the Finest and Bost pjopn. radon in the world for tho relftf and cu:» of COWSUiSPTIO*!, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CMRQKIC COUGHS. 7'ht grfal rmrdy for (hnnimptian,. and i WcKtin-j in Ckil-ltcn. Sold by all Dnigaisii. As tins companj’ will handle large quantities of fruit, dealers everywhere in this section should correspond with it on the subject. The company will also wholesale groceries generally. The goods for the retail trade are all kept in patent bins, no barrels being used, and are thus kept clean and free from dust. All the bins for teas and coffees have plat# glass fronts,keeping out tho air. Two de livery wagons ply the city. The opening of such a store is an event to Rome, for in the family CHATTANOOGA, ROME & COLUMBUS V RAILROAD. SCHEDULE In EFFECT July2S, isss TRAINS RUN DA ILT. AOITTHBOTT N D * ST A TIONS 7 NORT n r.OI • NI KEA I» DOW N K BAD I ! L 8..30:im ...Chattanooga A .3.10 pn 8.50 “ East End ... “ 2.50 “ Rossville “ 9.00 “ .. Mission Ridge “ 2.40 “ “ f*.l2 “ Crawfish Spring “ 2.28 “ “ 9.27 “ ... Rork Spring . ** 2.1.3 “ M 9.52 “ .... Ln Fayette.... “ 1.48 “ “ 10.06 ** Chnttoogn <’rerk. “ 1.34 “ “ 16.14 Alien’s (Jap “ 1.2(1 “ “ 16.JH “ Trion “ 1.06 “ “ 16.51 “ . .Summerville. “ 12.49 “ “ 11.02 “ ..Raccoon Mills “ 12.-3 S “ “ 11.29 “ .Clarkes “ 12.11 pm “ 11.57 “ Lavender. “ JLI.3 an “ 12.17 pm R it D Junction “ 11.23 “ A 12.35 “ Rome . L 11.05 “ L 12.50 “ ... “ A “ “ 12.55 “ ...East Romo. . “ 10.55 pn “ 1.10 “ .. Silver Creek. “ 10.10 an “ 1.2> “ . ...Summit .... “ 10.22 “ “ 1.55 “ ...Cedartown.... “ 9.58 “ “ 2.20 “ Dug Down .. “ 9..30 “ “ 2.48 “ .. .Buchanan “ 9.02 “ “ X.lO “ . Karmer “ 8.38 “ “ 3.22 “ ....Mandeville . “ 8.20 “ A 8.38 “ .... Carrollton .... L 8.00 am CONNECTIONS. At Chattanooga with all rai’roads ’end ing out of that place’ At Rome witn E. T.. V., A* <L. R< rm and I’.. A D. railroads, and with White Star Uno steamers. At Cedartown with E. A W. raihoad, At Bremen with (la. Pacific railroad. At Cnrrolton with Central R. R. of [Georgia. GEO. 1). LAWRENCE, Superintendent. FMR BEST IN THE WORLD. Its rearing qualities arc unsurpassed, actually outlasting two Imjxps of any other brand. Free from Animal Oils. C3TGET THE GEN UINE. I FOP. SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. i CURE ■ II Oi When I say Cutie I do not moan merely to atop them for a time, and then have them re turn again. 1 mean A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A. life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cure the worst chsgh. Because others havo failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Semi at ouce for a treatue and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Pott OiUc.o. it costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address H.G. ROQT'M.C., 183 Pearl St., New York SiWEBM/ll CHRISTMAS cards! AlhnmF, Pocket Books, Pictures, Bronzes, Bisqnos. riabj, laksb.iuds, Purtfolini, Peach Blow Gln£3, Brcnza fiv MAIS toin, «“ »a mnli. UJOFiEN & BATES 8o g»® line there is none superior to it in all Georgia. Such an array as it presents would delight the most epicurean connosseur or stir an ap petite in the worst dyspeptic. The ladies must find the greatest pleas ure in roaming through such an olysiam of goods and dainty things from which to make selections for the enjoyment of the “dear ones at homo.” No one visiting Rome should fail to drop into tiiis rarely beautiful store, for it is indeed an enchanting sight, that will linger in memory,. “THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME.” COPYRIGHTED ' ' ' . ' xwf FfflF I IM* ifilml rGP..PLUf» B ir> STS. ~ , . I f '^ILL« lUn.trnted t.v the n.o of a Buggy by T. T. Haydoek, which is not only I’.UCKV in’ ‘.hi. picture, but THE LEADING BUGGY OF AUFUICA. lias tlardbck’s Safctr Klug Bolt and Fifth Wheel. Ask your dealer for the T. 1. MiYDCfK BI’GGY. with the Haydock Safety King Bolt and Fifth Wheel. . Life is insecure riding over any other. (Ihhrle'nrr wll 1 f" rnlahf.d en a lirje «»ri, printed In elagant Btyk, to Any one who will Agree to frame it.) ? [rxcLosr st rvr | I JJ. r 2?_ TT ZK “V I ir*"^C**!"K7 T ..• p&’j ”u Cor. Plant and Twelfth Sts., CINCINNATI, 0. AQEKTB WANTED WHEEL WE HAVE NONE/ KO INVESTMENT 80 PROFITABLE. Jjr .m ■W./l'll* t'-'.U *'■- ■*’ ~ r ~~"’*WiT Dr. SALMON’S 1L / HOG CHOLERA SPECIFICI W K CHICKEN POWDER.—SHEEP POWDER, fl POWDER.—CONDITION POWDER. ’'j 1 r PREVENT & CURE HOG CHOLEfiA. | «» DESTROY & PREVENT HOG LICE & WORMS. '. J I*l „ WE CAN < CURE CATTLE MURRAIN,TEXAS FEVER, &o. f x, CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & GAPEb. J I CURE SHEEP ROT. TAPEWORM, &C. / MANUFACTURED BY THE VETER I NARY MEDICINE CO- Js NASHVILLE, TENN. fdf For sale by Thompson A Co., Summerville, Ga. A llistox .Summerville, Ga. —Robt. F. Robini-on, Trion Factory, Ga. — liuon Man ro. co., Trion Factory, Ga.-Hn.ES, Tamaiekiio A Foster, Taliaferro. '•’n.-J. 1 l\nd <t Bro.'. Holland’s Store, Gp.-Kbxdbick <t Bro., Ka tan, Ga. H. 11. Bui lard, Menlo, Ga., M. IL Smith, Alpine, Ga.,—L. M. Menlo, Gn., J. T. aMcWhohter, Teloga Springs, Ga. SHOW S Store cedar Cheste.Caiuieu.waisrobesl CABINET WOBK.BgS2g£SSi yU-rMj do you wot It ;f Y I IF SO, BEKB FOR l | J OTieiAL WiRE & IROS CC S jM M I 3 s H Illustrated Catalogue. i IrHTMI HTt d‘ Detroit. Mich M I I S 5 Wrought Iron Fences, Rooli o a | J i i | | Cresting, Jail Work, Wire Signs, || I ||| Ir| I I BaMk & Office liailing, Window Guards, Wire Lathing and every | I I 1 • i I J 1 All I j | description of Wire Work. |Also Depou | • foi’ I HANDLING I MIME TOMIS