The Chattooga news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1887-1896, July 18, 1889, Image 1

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CHATTOOGA NEWS. THURSDAY MORNInTCJuLY IS 1889 All the local news in this week’s NEWS. An infant child of G. H. Perry, of Kartab, died on the 10th inst. Lime Lime !! for sale by Bartow Clay. SLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation Stove wood for sale. S. W. McWhorter. Just received a lot of extra tine old Peach and Apple brandy by Jno. R. Clemmons. Judge and Mrs. J. W. Maddox spent a few days of last week visit ing the family of Mr, Amzi Dick son of Bronco. We arc now selling Ladies Hats regardless of price or cost to. clean up the stock. Jno. S. Cleghorn & Co. McELREE’S WINE OF CARDUI for Weak Nerves. The many remarkable cures Hood’s Sarsaparilla accomplishes arc sufficient proof that it does pos sess peculiar curative powers. We have just received a Car Load of the best wagons made, which will be sold cheap. J. S. Cleghorn <fc Co. Will Wooten, brother of John Wootten who died recently at Trion, died at his father's home three miles west of LaFayette one day last week. ’Sq ire (). F. Perry, of Gore, has the thanks of the News force for the nice basket of peaches he brought in on Thursday last. They were the best and most delicious we have seen this year. Try BLACK DRAUGHT tea tor Dyspepsll. To make room for other goods we will close all our Satines and Dress Ginghams out at cost for Cash. If you want bargains in these goods, come quick. J. S. ('LEGHORN & Co. I am prepared to card wool rolls in first class style. I have new clothing for my carder and guaran tee to do work in a satisfactory manner. J. M. Hall, 5-9-Gm. Hall’s Mills, Ga. DOWN THEY GO.—ln order to reduce our stock will sell figured Lawns at 3ic, 5e and 6,}c for cash, worth sc, 7c ami B|c. These a great bargain. Come quick and get you a dress for 35 cents. J. S. Cleghorn & Co. Jkjy-WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. You can make 5 to $lO a day during the Fruit season. We will sell you a new Zimmerman Drier worth $45 for sls cash. Hollis <fc Hinton. Entitled to the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every fam ily, should have at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs,to cleanse the system when cos tive or bilious. For sale in 50c and SI.OO bottles by all leading druggists. MeElree’t WINE OF CARDUI for female diseases. We have for sale at this office a complete set of Chamber’s Encyclo pedia. consisting of ten volumes of about 800 pages each, substantially bound and elegantly illustrated, and embracing information on al most every conceivable subject down to January, 1889. Any one wanting a good Encyclopedia can not do better than buy Chambers’. All the members of Grove Level Farmers Alliance who expect to take stock in the State exchange are requested to be present at the regular meeting on Saturday July i Q for the purpose of paying in their prorata share of said stock. This is the last chance as we pro pose to close the secon 1 assessment at that time, . H. A. Brownfield, Sub Trustee Stockholder. Rev. W. A. Milner will preach at Raccoon Mills next Sunday night. Use Arrington’s Worm Candy. If not satisfactory money refunded. 40 closes for 25c. Messrs. A. R. and J. R. Steele and Miss Belle Steele, of Trion, spent last Sunday in town. Capt. W. T. Irvine has been vis iting his son Rev. W. T. Irvine, jr., at Bolton, Ga., for the past two weeks. He returned home the first of the week. Dr. Joseph Freeman, of Alpine, raised tais year off of a little less than two acres, fifty bushels of wheat. The land was in clover last year. All parties indebted to S. W. McWhorter are requested to settle at once. His stock of goods are sold at cost. Call early and secure choice of bargains. Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Hen ry on Monday morning last a little girl. May it bring to its parents a gleam of brightness and joy that will increase with age and last through life. Frank Irvine and Miss Rose Shropshire, daughter of Mr. John Shropshire, of Haywood, were mar ried last Sunday. TlicNews wish es the new married couple a pros perous and happy future. The Methodist church at this place has been greatly improved. It is nicely painted inside and the pulpit is new and of modern' style. It is the intention to carpet the aisles as soon as it can be done. The prospect for a good corn crop in Chattooga is good, abun dant rains having fallen within the past few days. Another good Sea son two weeks from now will assure an abundant crop of the staff of life. Dr. R. I). Jones came over Mon to assume charge of his position as surgeon of the C., R. & C. railroad. Mrs. Jones will probably visit friends in Atlanta before making Summerville her permanent home. Our citizens gladly welcome them. Married Tuesday last, near Tali aferro, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Thos. T. Davis, of Kartab, to Miss Lula Rhinehart Rev. T. 11. Timmons, ofliciating. That they may have a long, pros perous and happy future is the sincere wishes of many friends. It is rumored that Messrs. Marsh and Allgood have found oil on their , lands about three miles from La- Fayette. It is also stated that they will build a railroad from LaFay ette tff their iron mines near that place. The iron beds they own arc extensive and the quality of the ore very superior. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Williamson left this place for Cedartown last week, which will be their future home. Dr. Williamson is acting as adjuster of claims for the C., R. <fc C. railroad and selected Cedar town as a more convenient point to transact the business in his charge. The people here regret the depart ure of the doctor and his charming wife and hope they may again’ in the early future make Summerville their home. Last Sunday evening a bolt of lightning struck the rods on J. N. Rush’s house and running down to near the ground tore the baseboard off the sill and threw , it several yards away. A portion of the elec tric current passed down the road ou the opposite side of the house and tore a considerable hole in the ground win re the rod entered, and scattering the dirt in every direc tion. None of the family were in jured although some of them were in close proximity to the deadly bolt. M. S. Leigh is at work on im provments being made in the court house, which when completed, will add very much to the convenience of officers as well as the public, ] The judge’s stand has been taken otrt and a new one put in which is j lower and much more convenient ;l the solicitor’s office has been moved ! to the northeast corner of the room and the clerk’s desk will be placed directly between it and the judge’s ] stand; a witness box has beenl placed directly between the judge’s' stand and the jury box, and the i bar has been moved in four feet.' The changes made will give more; room and will greatly facilitate the , discharge of business. 1 Wool Carding. We have had our carder re-cloth-1 ed and spindles re-turned by first I class experienced workmen and ; And that it does good work. Kendrick Bros. Kartab, Ga., July 15, 1889. Produce Wanted. We will pay the highest market price for spring chickens, hens, roosters, eggs, beeswax, tallow and country produce generally. W. P. Foster & < '<>. JOE COX The Barber, though slightly disfig ured, is still in the ring, having purchased a new supply of Barber | instruments is better prepared than lever to wait on his customers. Call and give him a trial. McElree’s Wine of Cardul and Thedford's black-draucht are 1 for sale by the following merchants in (' II ATTOOGA COUNTY : 11 . 11. Arrington <’<>., Summerville. Thompson Hiles A- Co., Summerville. Hollis A Hinton, otunnierville. .1. W. Pitts Summerville, Ga. Trion Manufacturing Co., Trion. J. I’. Holland A Bro., Holland’s Store. M. E. Smith, Alpine. O. H. I*. Gilreath, Saw Mill. Hiies, Taliaferro A Poster, Taliaferro. M. G. Meritt, Tidings. W. !•'. Tapp, Valley Store. A Card. I, William Padgett, do hereby acknowledge and confess that, the slanderous report that I have cir culated about Miss Mary Cobb is false and untrue and I further ac knowledge that I never saw or knew of any act of hers that was unbe coming a lady. This July 14,1889. W. 11. Padgett. In presence of J. D. Sh AMLIN, N. 11. Coker, J. P. 11. L. Hammond. James Cox says he had an acre and a half in wheat which yielded twenty-three bushels, There are thousands of acres in the countv * that would yield sixteen bushels to the acre, a good paying jjrop, if only the proper attention were given. There will be a re-union of the survivors of the 35th Georgia Reg iment on July 23d at Lawrenceville, Ga. Parties arriving the evening before will report to T. M. Peeples, M. V. Brand or D. T. Cain, who will assign houses. W. T. Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Hamilton, of Atlanta, arrived in town Mon day and on Tuesday visited their uncle, Mr. O. F. Perry, of Gore. They will remain here until the last of the week. Mr. Hamilton, who formerly lived in Summerville, has many friends here, who are glad to see him and his charming bride. Those who wish to contribute to the Church Fund and do not wish to make the act or the amount public now have the opportunity to do so. Names will not be made public un less contributors so desire. Any sum will be thankfully received in this good cause. “A stitch in time saves nine.” The subscrip tions are needed now; not next year, or the year after, or even after you have become rich. 'The other day we saw two little boys in a small cleared place making threatening demonstrations at each other with their fists and moving around at a lively rate while six or eight others stood looking on. Upon going up we learned that the two principal actors represented Profs. Sullivan and Kilrain and that they were imitating these two eminent citizens in their recent grand act atj Richburg. Thus the effects of the prize fight are shown even in Sum- ] merville. t An interesting programme has been arranged for the entertain ment to be given at the court house Friday evening, July 19th. The proceeds of this entertainment wi 1 be given to the Methodist church of this place. There will be fine music and recitations. Miss Es-1 telle Mitchell of Rome, who is one of the best elocutionists in North Georgia, will recite. Miss Ad lie Mitchel], who received the music medal at Wesleyan college, will fur nish some of the music on that oc- ; casion. Big drive in Lamps, Combs and Brushes at Drugstore. Mrs. Jane Barksdale is visiting at H, B. Kirby’s this week. IV. D. Johnson, of this place, vis- ] ited Rome last Sunday. Capt. J. S. Cleghorn visited At-| lanta the first of the week. Best and cheapest lot Tobacco and cigars at Arrington’s. Mrs. T. F. Maxey, of Trion, is I visiting in Summerville this week, ; The hum-m-m and whir-r-r of! the thresher is heard in the land i now. The season is nearly here for the i people to go to see their wife’s kin- j nery. W. P. Foster, of the thriving! town of Lyerly, was in Summerville | last Sunday. R. P. Ellis, representing the | Washington Life Ins. Co., has been ] spending some time in town. F. A. Echols and family of this i place went to Rome last Sunday on ; a visit to friends and relatives. A daughter of Air. R. A. Coulter,! of Valley store died last Sunday morning of fever, aged fourteen years. Mr. J. S Doster mid family moved to town last week and are living in the house recently occu pied by Dr. Field. Mrs. Davis, sister of Mrs. S. V. Powell, formerly of Summerville, has been visiting at S, W. Mc- Whorter’s the past week. The third Quarterly Conference of Summerville circuit, will be held at Broomtown church the 23d inst. J. M. Lowry. A. D. Kirby, of Rome, has been spending several days in town with relatives. He recently returned from St. Simon's and other points south. Misses Estelle and Addie Mitchell two of Rome’s beautiful and accom plished young ladies, are visiting in the village, the guests of Miss Alice Cleghorn. Misses Hugh Lee Knox and Queenic .Moss returned Monday] after a pleasant visit of several j weeks to friends and relatives at ; Guntersville, Ala. Last Saturday night a little stranger made its appearance at the residence of E. C. Smith. If it hail been a boywe would have called it the little bailiff but it was a girl— j and the sixth one at that. In mowing over a thirteen acre! clover field not long since, R. L. j Knox, of Alpine, found twenty par-1 tridge nests, all with u setting of eggs. There must be lots of birds around Alpine. Mr. M. M. Richardson, of Hart-I well, Ga., paid Summerville a Hying visit this week, and while here cal led at the News office. He is a most pleasant gentleman, and re ported himself highly pleased with I our town. .Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Edmondson and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shropshire, Jr. leave today (Thursday)' for Shelbyville, Tenn., on a visit to Mr. ! and Airs. Marshall, the parents of the ladies. Mrs. T. W. Scott, of Rome, another daughter of Air. and ; Mrs. Marshall, will also be one of tl e ! party. We hope it may be a fami ily reunion that will long be pleas antly remembered by all the par ties. Sales Owr 42,000,000 Lbs. Sold under guarantee to . repaint if not satisfactory. Composed of only the Most Costly and finest Materials, i Actual Cost less than/ $1.25 PER GALLON./ 7 For Sale H. H. Arrington & Co., Summerville, - - Ga. L. 'aX’W A.- W Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE —OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER HKD BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to cleanse the system effectually When one is Bilious or Constipated —so THAT— PURE BLOOD, RETREBHIMQ SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOrt MANUFACTURED ONLY DY' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, NY. HFV YORK, N. Y. I. R. Clemmons, Successor to Johnson & Clemmons. Siiminerville, - - - Ga. o T’WO TELOTTSES: I lie lower house on the corner is | The upper house, the old, origin in charge of Giles L. McCollough, al stand is in charge of E. T. ('a formerly of Cherokee countv, Ala., leathers, formerly of Walker coun who will be pleased to sec his ty, who will be glad to have his 11 lends and sell them what goods Walker county friends call and they need in our line. I see him. SPECIALTY: Fine Home-Made Corn Whisky. ALSO Fine Brandies,Wines,Beers, Tobacco & Cigars. Express orders will have prompt and careful attention. 11. B. PARKS & CO. The Great Dry Goods House of North Georgia. We are now showing the Largest, Finest and Pdost Complete Spring Stock ever seen in R< line. We took every advantage that the New ork market offered this spring on account of her LARGE STOCK and dull trade, and we know the trade of North Georgia will appreciate I these advantages when they see our MAMMOTH STOCK of Dress Goods, White Goods, Laces, Hamburgs, Table Linen, Towels, Ginghams, Satines, Zephyrs, I hamburgs, Domestics, Plantation Goods, .Millinery, Hats, Shoes,etc.,etc.,and hear our LOW PRICES and learn that it means actually from 10 to 20 per cent, saved on your springbill of Dry Goods. Take One Day and Visit Ou r Store. By so doing you can buy just what you want and at prices that, will pay you to come fifty miles to buy a'Twenty Dollar hill of goods of us. Great Attractions Wonderful Bargains IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Below we name a few prices to give you an idea of what we are doing. 1 Case Spring Wool Cashmeres 10/ worth Iti'Q*. 1 Case Lovely Wool Bege (new shades) 15/ worth 25/. 10 Pcs. Double Width (.-ill shades) 20/ sells for 30/. 500 Yds Fine colored Bristle 10/, entirely new. 15 Pcs. 40 in. Hine English Henriettas, lovely shades 30/. 800 Yds Fine Dress Ginghams only 71/. Great Bargains in Check Nainsooks at 5 to 8/. 1 Case Fine White Checked Lawn only 10r. This is elegant for White Suits actually worth 15/. 1 Case Beautiful White Stripe Lawns 10/cannot be matched in Rome for 20/. Victoria Lawn 5/, 8/, 10/, 12./', ami 15/. India Limn, splendid value B.Q', 10/ and 12.',/ Parasols Fans and Hosiery. Think of buying a line 22 inch Silk Parasol with handle for 75/ and 24 inch for 85/. 500 Beautiful Fans, all the latest st.yles at from 5/ to 50/. These are our sp< goods and cannot be duplicated. R-mcinlx r the Prices. Don’t forget that we sell everything in the Dry Goods line. Ladies Hats, Bonnets, Millinery, Silk, Gloves, Mitts, Etij. If you cannot come send your orders and they will have careful • attention. H. B. PARKS & CO. Rome, Ga. fW*AGENTS FOR BUTTE! I K’S PA'HERNS, JIUIUm ADIZS MS GOWS. . 0 0- Aii Elegant Lino of Ladies’ Hats, Trimmed and Untriniined, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Press Good s, Rusching, Veiling, and in fact everything constituting a lady’s wardiobe, in tlio latest styles and at lowest | ri -es, at Mrs. Wwick'n New Mlienry Store, —O O-. Mrs. Warwick invites the Ladies to call and inspect her Goods. She has many things impossible to enu merate here and only by personal inspection can their cheapness be REALIZED. Money to Loan. Aloney to loan on improved farm * property in sums of S3OO and up ward at 8 per cent, per annum, i Apply to John D. Taylor, Attorney-at Law. Summerville Ga. H,B. KIRBY, COUMMERVILLE, GEORGIA. I®, SU isi MT STABLE. —— A number of new and first class bug gies and hacks for sale at low prices. Eirst class turn outs at reasonable rates. 1-19- lv