The Chattooga news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1887-1896, September 05, 1889, Image 1

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CHATTOOGA NEWS.' THURSDAY MORNING, SEP. 5 1889 All the local news in this week's NEWS. Syrup barrels for sale by J. R. Cmmmons. Lime I Lime !! for sale by Bartow Clay. Miss Mary Shaw, of Coosa, is visiting Miss Berta Maddox this week. 1,000 bushels of oats wanted for debts or goods. Jno. S. Cleghorn. ■. tegr BLACK DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation We wiil buy seed cotton and cot ton seed delivered to us at Sum merville. J. S. Cleghorn & Co. Mrs. Mary Shropshire, after a pleasant visit to her son, W. Shrop shire, Jr., of this place, returned to her home in Rome Monday. Miss Ella Hunt left for her home in Chattanooga on Wednesday of last week after a pleasant visit to friends here. Lewis Watkins was arrested at LaFavette last Sunday on the - ♦ charge of bastardy and brought here and placed in jail. Just received a lot of extra fine old Peach, and Apple brandy by Jno. R. Clemmons. See the tax notice of W. M. John son. Billy is liberal; he doesn't' expect to get all the money in the i country, but insists on a fair divis ion. Just look at J. J. Burns, don’t he sell cheap? Jta*” WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. Mrs. Herndon, mother of W. T.■ Herndon, of this place, died at her home near Holland’s Store on Mon day, aged about sixty years. TOAJON r[W A t joj inosvo J 0 3NIMS.33HT3 =IM For sale at this office, a White A Wilcox Qrgaa ; warranted first class Mid equal to any made or no sale. Call early. Now look here friends: J mean business when I say I want your Chickens, Eggs and Butter and— will call and see me before you make your purchases anyway. J. J. Burns, i Chattooga County Alliance. ' Duck Creek Alliance cordially invites you to be with them on 12th of this month to fi ast at their basket dinner and hear speeches from prominent Alliance men. Bro's. Livingston, Northen, Ever itte and others have been invited to address us on thatday, The din ner will be near Chattooga church at Clarkson’s Spring. Last Monday morning Rufus Ilarralson, colored, went down in a well which he was digging on the premises of J. M Smith, of Semi nole district, but had not wortied long before he called to his assis tants on the surface to draw him out. They had drawn him up a considerable distance when he let "o his hold on the bucket and fell o to the bottom, breaking his neck and causing instant death. It is thought he was overcome with g. r . which caused him to relax his grasp on the rope. The book keeper for Cunningham & Reynolds of Chattanooga told a News representative in that city last Saturday that warrants had been sworn out against the participants in the Williamson-Calhoun duel by an Alabama man who was a spec tator of that bloodless fight and that this was known to Jack King, who had employed Joe Walden, a leading lawyer of Centre, to see after his case in Cherokee county. The News informant appeared to bn a reliable g; inl'-ii::.:■ at: 1 ' i- posi tive that his iiifornm:i'tit cor rect, he just previously having be come acquainted with the facts while on a business trip in i 'hero kee county. Little Ethel Hiles is visiting! friends in the village this week. A good cow with young calf for sale. Apply to J. T. Megginson. A new arrival at D. W. Smith’s last week —a fine girl. Cotton is pouring into the South I Georgia towns. Mr. J. P. Withers, of Cherokee > county, Ala., has been attending court this week. Rev. B. F. Joiner will preach at Broomtown Methodist church next Sunday at 11 o’clock. Mr. E. ,T. Moss reached home’ last Saturday evening after an ab-! sence of several months. W. T. Herndon has the contract' to do the wood work of the new I academy. McElree’a WINE OF CARDUI torfemale diseases. ! We have over 50 Boy’s and Chil dren’s complete suits cheaper than I ever known here. Jno. S. Cleghorn & Co. Miss Civile Close, of Athens, (la., I - is visiting friends and relatives at Raccoon and Summerville this : week. During the first fall days a great | deal of rain has fell,.then the price j of cotton, etc. Yes, it is now time for things to fall. The survivors of company's D and F, Phillips’ Legion of cavalry ; will hold a re-union at Newnan on the 12th inst. A clock has been male which ; plays a popular tune every hour on : Sundays playing sacred airs. It keeps time to its own music. Mrs. A. G. Henry returned to her : home at Guntersville Ala., last > Wednesday after a few weeks visit J to relatives here. The case of Mrs. Dimraock, nee ’ Kirby, against the Kirby heirs was : compromised Wednesday morning, ■ the heirs of the Kirby estate r gree- j ing to pay Mrs. Dimmock $750. The meeting at Broomtown will be I protacted from Sunday for several j davs. Prayer and praise Service I every morning at 10 o’clock, preach- ■ ing at 12 and at night. T. H. Timmons, Pastor. : — A. D. Kirbv, who lias been in’the | employ of ('apt. J. A. Bale, of Rome, for several years, will enter Emory ; College at Oxford about the mid- | die of October, where he intends I taking the regular collegiate course. | He wil adopt law as his proses- ! sion. Ilia many friends here wish him unbounded success. "An addition to Summerville’s at-• tractionsis the “Central House” j which is pleasantly, and as its name ! i indicates conveniently located. The ! ! patronage of the public is respect- i fully solicited. The table will bo i ! supplied with the best the market! affords and every effort will be: j made to make all who come feel ! comfortable and at home. Last Sunday the engineer on the! ■ passenger train had orders to move | a coal car that was on the crossing ! at this place and did not stop the • train until after pissing the switch, I There were a couple of young men, ab >ard who thought they were go : ing to be carried by and decided to i j make a jump for it. They aceor : din jly performed the spread eagle act in the most approved style and I greatly to the amusement of the by -1 stanJers, lighting on the ground ! without injury. j The following visiting attorneys have been attending court this : week: F. W. Copeland, H. P. Lumpkin, J. G. Hunt and J. I*. Shattuck of LaFavette; W. H. Dabney, J. C. Clements and Sea ; born Wright, of Rome; Rich- ardson, of Cedartown, and Stenog rapher Kiker, of Calhoun Solki- ■ tor Janes was here Monday, but on account of sickness in his family, returned home Monday eveninc. ! (Joi Richardson is acting as solici i tor. * Reuben Mitchell, colored, was killed by unknown parties near Camilla on Sunday. Guthrie, Oklahoma, aged four months, has six banks, four daily papers, waterworks, street cars and electric lights. Last Friday Win. Walker and Jack Spaniard were hanged at Fort Smith; W. Nackrum at Plagua raine, La., and John Turner lynch ed at Fayette, W. V., all for mur der. Sheriff Mills, of Screven county, while endeavoring to arrest Hope Bramen last Friday was fired upon four times by the latter, one shot taking effect in his hand. The sheriff' returned the fire, wounding Brannon fatally. The Grand Array of the Repub lic increased in numbers during the pastyear over fifty thousand. The pension estimates have also in creased $25,000,000 during the same period. If this continues for the next ten years there will be the largest pension roll and the grand est army of pensioners tnat a repub lic ever said grace over. M. E. BryQnt, the negro editor who created so much excitement at Selma, Ala., by publishing an ar ticle urging a race war, was arrest ed at Tuscaloosa Sunday and placed in jail. The colt show which occurred Tuesday was the event of court week. The colts exhibited were by long odds the finest ever seen in Summerville and showed in a con clusive manner that the people are becoming aroused to the importance of breeding fine stock. The fol lowing named gentlemen entered colts: J. B. Rogers, Geo. Sewell, W. A. Farnsworth, W. ('. Hendrix, R. G. Williams, A. A. Strange, T. B. Dalton,,). S. Majors, M. M. Agnew, R. L. Pursley, E. I). Bolling, W. S. Kilgo, R. Y. Rudicil and W. H. Penn. The eolts were all sired by B. L. Knox’s Stallion, Cambria. A. A. Simmons, of LaFayette, and L. I). Wootten and Abner Echols, of Crystal Springs, acted as judges, and after a critical inspection of the colts, awarded the prize to the one belonging to W. A. Farnsworth, of Dirttown. J. B. Rogers’ eolt was a good second. The judges are among the finest judges of stock in North Georgia, but wo do not doubt they hesitated in awarding the prize where so many fine colts were on exhibition. HAYWOOD HAPPENING-S. Mr. J. A. Johnson ami Darien Johnson have both about recovered from their recent sickness. Mr. John Owens’ little child has been very sick but is now some better. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Davis, of Heard county, were visiting rela tives in our valley last week, being the guests of Mrs. Barbour. Mr. M. M. Herndon is teaching a school at Ebenezer an I right here I will say if there is any such thing las an expert in singing Mr. Ilern j don is one. You correspondent i visited his school one day last week i and was delighted to see how fast the scholars had been advanced in ! music in a short time. He seemed to understand the gamut as well as j if he had made it himself. The writer had the pleasure of : partaking of a most excellent din neratMr. L. G. Scoggins’ today, ! who had, in addition to myself in vited a large number of relatives and friends who passed the time merrily away. The company present unanimously decided that Mrs. Scogin knew exactly how to prepare a good dinner as well as entertain her guests. D. W. S. Similarities. “Women are like ships,” said a traveling man. “I never observed it; unless it’s because they are both called she.” “No; not that. Sometimes your i girl is good nat tired and kissable isn’t she?” “Perhaps.” “Then she’s a smack. When man’s wife wants a new sealskin sacque?” “Then Mie’s a sealer, of cour-e.” “Right; and when she applies the slipper to her son she’s a whaler.’ —Merc han t T ravel cr. We have in over 100 Men’s Suits, ; winter clothing bought direct from the manufacturers. Please look at them before buying. Jno. S. Cleghorn & Co. Waterbury Watches. New model with second hand, short wind and pendant set. For sale by A. J. Anderson. 'lPry BLACK-DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. I am prepared to card wool rolls in first claSs style. I have new clothing for my carder and guaran tee to do work in a satisfactory manner. J. M. Hall, 5-9-Gin. Hall’s Mills, Ga. Produce Wanted. We will pay the highest market price for spring chickens, hens, roosters, eggs, beeswax, tallow' and country produce generally. W. P. Foster & Co. Wool Carding. Wo have had our carder re-cloth ed and spindles re-turned by first class experienced workmen and find that it does good work. Kendrick Bros. Kartah, Ga., July 15, 1889. In a game of billiards at Chicago recently Joseph Shaiff'er made 881 points in one inning. Another race riot occurred at Gretna, La., bn Sunday, in which several were killed and wounded. ('. D. Graham went over Niaga ra falls in a barrel Sunday. When rescued he was unconscious, but soon recovered. Albert Briefly, the paramour of Mrs. Maybrick, arrived in Boston Sunday. It is said he intends en tering the cotton business in the south. 11. 11. Warner, the patent medi cine man of Rochester and proprie tor of Warner’s Safe Cure, has sold his works to a British Syndi cate for $5,000,000. jftflcElree’s Wine of Cardui and iheoforo’s black-draucht are for sale by the following merchants in CHATTOOGA COUNTY : It. 11. Arrington ,tCo., Summerville, Tliomiron Hiles <fc Co., Summerville. Hollis A: Hinton. uiimmorvillo. .1. W. Pitts Summerville, Ga. Trion Manufacturing Co., Trion. .I.l’. Holland A Bro., 1 lolland’s Store. M. E. Smith, Alpine. O.H. Gilreath, Saw Mill. Hii. : , Taliaferro A Poster, Taliaferro. M. G. Meritt; 'Tidings. VV. !•’. Tapp, Valley Store. .1. S. Clegliorn A Co., Summerville. f .—Proprietor (to recently engaged waiter)— “You will have to go; I can’t keep you." New waiter—“ What's j the matter?" Proprietor—“ Whe n ever a customer asks you if the fish is i fresh you get red in the face. You’d i break up the whole business in a short | time.”—7bz<is Siftings. “How many sons have you?” ! “Three, and two of them are right good boys.” “What’s the matter with the third?" “Well, you sec, Tom and Bill stuck to the farm and worked hard but Jim he went to the city, and he’s never done a lick of work.” “What business is he in?” “He’s a champion of the laboring man.”— Lin coln Journal. —Attorney (to colored witness) — “Mr. White, 1 understand that you de tected a discrepancy between the two statements made to you by Hie pris oner.” Mr. White—“No, sah, I didn’ ’tee’no’screpancy. What I said wuz ! dat de fust time he done tole me he i crib dat ham, an’ de nex’ time he ! sayed he nebber saw de ole piece ob ' meat.” -Drake's Magazine. SassajssiiSa The Chief Reanon tor the great «UC eess of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is found In the article itself. It Is merit that wins, and the tact that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ac complishes what is claimed for It, is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other sarsapa \A7inc ri ’“ a or I>lood Purl iVlerll W HIS fl er before the public. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Side Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength, ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Uood’s Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug, gists. $1; six for J 5. Prepared by C. I. Hood k Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Sweet Revenge. "What is that, mother? It is the brass band, my child. What is it doing? . It is playing “Marching Through Georgia.” "Who is that old man who is look ing so badly? That, my son, is Gen. Sherman. Is he sick? He is. What made him sick? The brass band. Why does it make him sick? Because, my child, for twenty five years every time the general appears in public the band plays “Marching Through Georgia” and this has happened so often that the air makes him sick and tired every time he hears it as you see him now. Are brass bands any good? In some eases, my child, as in the present instance, they are much good. So? So. To Dispel Colds, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the Wood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual consti pation, to awaken the kidneys anti liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. Sales Orer 42,000,000 IM Sold under guarantee to , repaint if not satisfactory. Composed of only the Most Costly and finest Materials.l 'Actual Cost less than/ $1.25 PER GALLON.X For Sale H. H. Arrington. & Co., Summerville, - - Qa. H.B. PARKS &CO. The Great Dry Goods House of North Georgia. We are now showing the Largest, Finest and Most Complete Spring Stock ever seen in Rome. We took every advantage that the New York market offered this spring on account of her LARGE STOCK and dull trade, and we know the trade of North Georgia will appreciate these advantages when they sec our MAMMOTH STOCK of Dress Goods, White Goods, Laces, Hamburgs, Table Linen, Towels, Ginghams, Salines, Zephyrs, <’hamburgs, Domestics, Plantation. Goods, Millinery,' Hats, Shoes,etc.,etc.,and hear our L()W TRIGES and learn that it means actually from lb to 20 per cent, saved on your spring bill of Dry Goods. Fake One Day and Visit Ou r Store. By so doing yon can buy just what you want and at prices that will pay you to come fifty miles to buy a Twenty Dollar bill of goods of us. Great Attraction g AND VZonderful Bargains IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Below' we name a few prices to give you an idea of what we are doing. 1 Case Spring Wool Cashmeres !fi" worth 16J/. 1 Caf Lovely Wool Bege (new shades) 1~>(' worth 25/. 10 Pcs. Double Width (all shad' •) ?');/ sells for 30/. 500 Yds Fine colored Bristle loy, en.irely new. 15 Pcs. 10 in. Fine English Henriettas, lovely shades 30/. 800 Yd ’ Fine Dress Ginghams only 7 ’ Great Bargains iuCheck Nain-s f.s ;>'• 5 to.B/. I Case Fine White ('becked Lav.n -mly 1(»< This is elegant for White Suits actually worth 15/. 1 ( ase Beautiful White Stripe Limns 10< cannot be matched in Rome for 20/. Victoria Lawn 5/, 8/, 10/, 121 y, a:i i 15c. India Linen, splendid value B|/, 10/and 12|/ Parasols Fans and Hosiery. ■ I; 1 ! .of buy::: ■>. fine 22 inch Silk Parasol with handle for and 21 inch for •jb-J A-au ti! ul Fr:: g: . ;• test styles at from 5/ to 50/. 1 and cannot be duplicated. Rmnember *’ ' :1 ! Ig- tth sell eicryt'diig in the Dry Goods line, 1 I ' I'..'u iy. ilk. Gloves. Milts, Etc, ' ' c '■ ■ orders and they will have careful attention. H. B. .RKS & CO. Rome, Ga, AGENIS I Git BUTTES’H' K’S PATTERNS. V * Ji ■ w Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE —OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to lie most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER BUD BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated —so THAT— PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SHIP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every’ one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR ORUOOIST FOR OF yiGD MANUFACTURED ONLY DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, N. K Money to Loan. Money to loan on improved farm property in sums of S3OO and up ward at 8 per cent, per annum. Apply to John D. Taylor, Attorney-at Law. Summerville Ga. H.B. KIRBY, SUMMERVILLE, GEORGIA. TEED, SLE ;r.d MI STABLE, A number of now and first class bug gies and hacks for sale at low prices. Hirst class turn outs at reasonable rates, l-111-ly Chas. F. Durr, Practical Miner & Prospector Reports upon Mines and Mining prop erties of every description. Buys and sells mines and mining properties. (UH Avenue A, ROM E, GA.