The Chattooga news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1887-1896, November 28, 1889, Image 7

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TO THE TRADE!! 0 If we were at all egotistical we should certainly compliment ourselves in the selection of our immense gorgeous, attractive and unprece dented array of Fashionable Novelties for this season’s trade. We are conscious of the fact, and say unhesitatingly, that never before in Sum merville’s history has there been such a razzling, dazzling, realistic dis play as fashionable Dress Goods, consisting of over one hundred differ ent styles of textures as now await your inspection AT OUR STORE. Every thing from the finest broad cloth to the staple manchesters. Do not fail to'see them—to see is to buy—trim mimgs in Plush, Velvets. Silks or Braids to match every piece of gjods in the house. We have clipped the choicest styles and the richest bargains from a number of the largest Eastern houses and are therefore prepared to show you the latest and best that the afford. Do not take our word—Come • and see. Dry Goods. j*Se- In the selection of Dry Goods generally, we have exercised especial care and are,indeed gratified to note that our shelves are replete with everything in this line that pertains to style and comfort. Cloaks, Cloaks, Wraps, Wraps. In Cloaks and wraps, long and short, we fear no contradiction when we ’ say that our stock is complete,from the ordinary Jacket to the finest Silk Plush—all sizes, all colors, all prices—cheaper by .25 per cent _than you can purchase them in the largest cities. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! Embracing the best Kentucky Jeans suits to the finest Woolens. Huge stock, perfect workmanship and best fitting goods on the market. Our stock of overcoats is in keeping with Clothing stock. We have anything you want from the cheapest to the best. UNDERWEAR. Complete stock—Gent's, Ladies’, Misses’ Children’s and Infant’s in suits or by single garment as you like. HATS akd cjxips. Any style, any price, any color. ': BOOTS AND SHOES. : We arc at least three lengths ahead. We offer you for your inspection a perfect stock. The best Brogan made $1.25, a nice Calf Shoe for Ladies sl, the best lace shoe in calf, flannel lined for ladies $1.25. This shoe is without doubt the best shoe ever offered for the money. All other shoes and boots at lowest possible prices. —— Jeans, Jeans, Jeans. We carry every grade of the old reliable Kentucky and are prepared to offer you inducements this season on Jeans, prices that very few can meet and none can beat. Flannls! Flannels!! Flannels!!! In red and white, twilled and plain, from the cheapest to the finest Shoker and Operas, we have a complete walk-over. We cannot dupli cate our purchase by 10 to 20 per cent. We happened to be at the right place at the right time for these goods. We have added a most beautiful line of window fixtures this Season Shades, Lace Curtains and, and our stock of Lambrequins, Table ( 'overs and Scarfs must be seen to be admired. Shawls and Hoods are in abuudance with us, and we can scarcely get around for notions. Corsets, d’loves, Blankets, Quilts. Trunks, Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Hardware, Guns, ete., —in fact our stock is very complete iu every department and we promise out friends and the trade generally that we shall continue to sell as cheaply as the same class of goods can be manufactured and sold elsewhere. With due ap preciation of past patronage, we await your inspection of our present unequalled stock Very truly, Hollis & Hinton. CHATTOOGA NEWS.; • „ ‘ ———- I TIivRSnAY MoltXlN'i, N-.V.i'' 1880 - — - —-- ( AIL THE LOCAL NEWS IN THIS WEEK’S i . ?<I<WS L - Just received a lot of extra fine old Peach and Apple brandy by Jno. R. Clemmons. The' North Georgia Conference met at Cedartown Wednesday (yes terday). Rev. T. 11. Timmons from this place attended. BLACKDRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. B. B. Tatum, representing the I Alliance Herald of Rome, was in I town Wednesday of last week and L paid this office a pleasant call. EQy’WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. Call on Mrs.Svarwick and see her new Dress Goods, Hats, Trimmings, L Ribbons, etc., etc., as cheap as the 1 cheapest. A letterwas received last week from J. M. Lee, ofCrawflsh Springs, who recently went to Mexico for his health, seating that he was very much better than when he left,! home. ■■'■v Mrs. W. 11. Lyerly will make her ■ home at Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cleg-1 horn’s until Christmas and probably ' , winter, while Capt. Lyerly will continue to give his attention to | mining operations at Dirtseller. Rev. H. C. Brown, formerly pas- j > tor of Bethel church in this couirty, has accepted a call from the Presby terian church at Fort Gaines, this state, at a salary, we understand, of SBOO. We wish him success and I prosperity 7 in his new Held. The crops are fine and this fact \ Jias encouraged us to buy a large « stock of goods of every kind. Wc I are prepared for a big tr. !<-. W;- v know wc can suit you i t qgality j and we invite you to come and talk ! with us about prices. Th . are so ’ «•- Jlow that we can tell them only . across the counter. T. Hiles & Co, I During the past ten days there have been a great deal of bad wea ther—more, it seems to us than common. For Sale.—We have a splendid heating, stove to sell cheap, for cash. Call at News office. Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Wy att in Atlanta on the 18th ifist a tine daughter. The News extends heartiest congratulations to the happy parents. Full line of Millinery Goods of every description at Mrs. Warwick’s A great many people in Summer ville are using coal instead of wood this winter. They say coal is cheaper—and besides it is- very ! difficult to get wood when wanted. McElree’s WINE OF CARDUI for female diseases. The Messenger states that Rev. T. S. Johnson has accepted the call I and will supply the pulpit of the I Presbyterian church at LaFayette. | iln Rev. Mr. Johnson the people of LaFayette secure an efficient and zealous minister. Tax Collector Johnson reports j : only about $2,000 taxes collected to ' !date. There remains only about! 25 days in which to pay and there j are SIB,OOO yet to collect. - Gratifying to All, The high position attained and ■ the universal acceptance and ap proval of the pleasant liquid fruit i remedy, Syrup of Figs, as the most : excellent laxitive known, illustrate the value of the qualities on which its success is based and are abund antly gratifying to the California Fig Syrup Company. A’ Dream for To-Night. The darkness of night like a mantle is lying On the children of joy and the chil dren of sorrow, Who, while the still moments unheed- I ed are flying, | Are dreaming ot trading at Burns’to morrow. For a great many know and more will | find out,—that J. J. Burns will sell i them better bargains than anybody else, Drugstore Talk. - ) O ( We invite your attention to the following points concerning our stock of DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES. Everybody at some time or other uses Drugs and everybody [knows it is highly important that they should be fresh aqd pure. We have fresh, pure, unadulterated drugs, and a practical experience in handling and preparing them ; consequently we feel warranted in saying we can give satisfaction in this line to the trade. Our Patent Medicine stock embraces all the staples and if we have not the article wanted in stock will order it without delay. The next thing we want to mention is our stock of PAINTS, OILS, LAMPS, ETC, And we desire to say that in these articles our stock is complete. Var nishes, Diamond Dyes, all colors, Oils for harness and every kind of machinery, Kerosene oil, Oil cans, all sizes Window Glass. We make a specialty of Lamp goods—have them at from 20c to $5.00 —and will say it will pay you to see them. In TOILET ABTICLES, E’ZEJS.TP'U'Iyr ZEEiIE, ETC. We go head and stay there without a struggle. Talk about sweet smelling things—we’ve got ’em. It takes the wash to Tid handkerchiefs of our extracts. The very best toilet soaps in the market; Brushes for the teeth, shoes, head, nails and clothes— warranted to make the fur fly. Dusters that dust, Chewing gum to chew and Face Powders that, preserves and brings back the bloom of youth—WE’VE GOT’EM ALL. Also Confec tioneries, the kind all the ladies and children cry for, and Stationary beautiful enough to use in inviting a queen to a tea party. TOBACCO, CIGARS .A.HTZD PIPES. The best grades of Tobacco, Havanna filled cigars and smok er’s sundries of every description. Snuff, Cigarettes for men only. GRASS AND CLOVER SEED. Fresh and cheap. And many other articles we have not space to mention. Come and trade with us one time and we’ll try to treat you so well that you will come again. H. H. ARRINGTON & CO., Summerville, Ga. R. D. Jones, physician and sur geon, having located in Summer ville, offers his professional sevices to the people of tills and surround ing communities. Office over T. Hiles & Co.’s store; residence with Jo W. Cain. 9-19tf How is this? The News and the Weekly Constitution both one year fer $1.7(5. Send your order to this oilice. McELREE’S WINE OFCARDUI for Weak Nenes. G. D. Lowe has rented the Pied mont Hotel for another year. Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint. Hood’s Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and thus permanently cures catarrh. Alexander A- Bailey have shipped three car loads of ties to Chatta nooga in the past few days, used on the street car lines. B. L. Knox has sold his farm near Alpine to F. M. O’Rear, Mr. O’Rear has disposed of his Lookout mountain farm and will move to j his recent purchase. A few days since W. 11. Ennis bought from J. O. Perry, the latter’s interestin the Cedartown hotel. Mr. Perry, we hear, has gone to Chatta : noog a with a view of locating there. Crawfish Spring was measured recently and the out-put of water found to be 24,000,000 gallons daily 0rj1,000,000 per hour, a sufficency to constantly supply the wants of 500,000 people. Walker being a “dry” county, the spring is located in the right place. The work on the Presbyterian i church, considering the weather, is progressing finely. The contract calls for its completion by the 15th lof February, and as the Messrs I Clay are fine workers it will prob ! ably be finished by that time. Try BLACK DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. : Maj. George P. Burnett died at . his home at Livingston, this county, t last Sunday evening after a short illness. He leaves two children, only, to lament his death, one daughter, Mrs. Stephens, and a son, l Porter Burnett.—Alliance Herald. L. C. Cameron, George Inman, I John Agnew and others near Centre I Post shipped 34 bales of cotton to , i Rome last Thursday. We learn . i that they intended to sell direct to the manufacturers’ agents. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Fortune, of Trion visited Rome last Thursday. The Chattanooga Times recently alluded to Judge J. M. Bellah as “a --: learned and elderly attorney.” Now the word “learned” is applicable for Judge Bellah is one of the best posted lawyers in the state; but '! “elderly”—why Judge Bellah is no . such thing. He is young; in fact, “one of the boys,” and the Times is j due him an apology for placing , him wroug, We Stave a few bushels seed wheat for.side. Jno S. Cleghorn. Mrs. Warwick invites the ladies to call ami sec her new Dress Goods, Ha'ts,-Ribbons, Trimmings, etc.,etc., jtrsi bought for the fall trade and wrsii be sold cheap. The News and the Souther#! Alli ance Farmer, both one year for $1.75 The News and the weekly Consti tution both one year for $1.75 The News and the Detroit Press one year for $1.60 The News and Home & Farm one year for $1.35 Teachers of publide schools will please bring in their reports as early as possible. Jno. D. Taylor. Nov. 115th, 1889 C. S. C. Strayed from near A. J. Boyle’s, on Lookout mountain, a yearling one-and-a-balf years old, yellow color, marked with split in right ear and overbit in left and branded with a figure eight on left hip. Any information thankfully received. E. P. Strickland. Frank Little, who lives near Trion, recently bought an interest in the steam sawmill of Hall & Hammon. They will move their mill up in the ridges north of Hall’s mill, in the near future. Notice. I will sell to the highest bidder on Thursday Dec. 12th next at my house, all my personal property, consisting of Household and Kitch en Furniture, Farming Tools, Wag ons, Buggies & Harness, Horses, Mules, Cattle, hogs, Wheat, Oats, Clover Hay and Forage generally. Terms—Note with approved secur ity with B<% interest due Nov. Ist 1890, less than $5.00 cash. Near Ly erly, Ga., Nov. 27th 1889. R. W. Jones, McElree’s Wine of Cardui and Tn.EDFpRD'.S black-draucht are for sale by the following merchants in CHA TTOOO A 1,01: NT Y : H. If. Arrington <fcCo., Summerville. Thompson Hiles <fc Co., Summerville. Hollis <£ Hinton, ouiniiierville. I .1. W. Pitts Summerville, Ga. ' Trion Manufacturing Co., lion. I .1. P. Hollmid & Bro., Holland’ Bm.-o. M.Jk Smith, A mine. I O. H. P. Gilreath, Saw Mill. ; Hii.-s, Taliaferro & Foster, T;i!i-m : ro. I M. G. Meritt, Ti lings. W. I'. Tapp, Valley HD-re. .1.8. ('leghorn A Co., Siimmt r vi'ie. Sales Over 42,000,000 IM LONGMAN & js-vMARTINEZ PREPARED AT TV Sold under guarantee to ( repaint if not satisfactory. Composed of only the Most Costly and finest Materials., Actual Cost less than/ $1.25 PER GALLON. / For Sale by ~ ' H. H. Arrington & Co,, Summerville, - - Ga, H. B. PARKS & Co., Leading Dry Goods House Os —North Georgia. Wonderful Bargains Offered to Reduce Stock. $75,000.00 WORTH. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Worsted, Table Linen, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Millinery, Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Fancy Goods, Ladies’ Cloaks Jackets, Plush Wrapa, Blankets, Quilts, Flannels, Jeans, Cassimores, Shirts, Clothing, Overcoats, Hats. <fcc., with an enormous stock of BOOTS and SHOES For Ladies, Misses and Children, Men and Boys all to be sold at a SPCIAL REDUCTION IN PRICES. This is done to reduce our large and heavy stock, and to meet the de mands of the people and short cotton crop of this sectiou of the country Figures that tell. Listen while we tell you what we mean by our REDUCED PRICES* I, yards three-quarter wool Cashmere, all colors sic One ease fine double-with worsted sergelsc, was 25ft (This is the greatest bargain in Dress Goods in Georgia). 1,200 yards double-with English Henrietta 25c and 394 Those are elegant in style and finish, and twenty per cent, nudet value. Groat bargains in Red Flannel atls 18 20 and 25ft 1.500 yards Heavy 9 oz Doeskin Jeans, can’t be matched, 0n1y256 2,00 yards Fino, All Wool Texas Ranger Jeans at '25 and 33!<ie (These goods are being sold on the market at 33% to 45c.) 2.500 yards good, dark Winter calicoes only4%c Large lot ol Fino Cassimeretcfor Sults and Pants .40 50 75 and 00c Mons Wax Brogans only 1.00 Mens extra quality, whole stock Brogans. $1.25 worth 1.5 b 10 cases Worn ens everyday shoes . . . 75 90 and I.loc 500 pairs child ten shoes. '25 40 50 and (15c 500 j>airs Ladies Fine Button shoes, special prices.. $1.25 1.50 1,75 c (These shoos are made for wear and service; try them.) 220 pairs hoys heavy mud boots (never before so cheap) 75 85 and 1.00 100 pairs Mons heavy mud boots, (never before so cheap)l 50 and 2.00 10 dozen boys waiter caps only 10 cents, worth 25e 100 Fine wool hats for boys, only 25c to-65c 85 Fine wool hats for men, only 45c worth ,7.te Clothing, Cloaks and Hats* 45 snits for men sells for $5.00 Our $0 50, 7 50, 8 50, and $lO 00 wool suits are the talk of the country. Nover before were such bargains offered in ROME, Ladies’ Jackets at $2 90, 4,00, 5 00 that cannot he equaled at Drives. Wo also offer the best $5 00 and $7 00 long Wrap and New Market to bo found in the South. Blankets from the great Broadway Blanket Sales going at 1 25, 150, 2 00, 2 75, 3 50, 450 per pair. These are all splendid white Blankets. TIIOrB ANI) S 0 F BAR(1 Al N 8 oliered in every department. Ail We ask is a visit a inspection of our stock and priv. Wo will rniirintee to se ve you live to fifteen per cent, on your Fall and Winter bill, if you cannot come, send your£orders; they Will bo promptly and carefully filled. H. B. Parks <fc Co., 238 Broad St., ROME, GA. - ) ) DEALERS IN( Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Heavy Plated Ware. The Celebrated Perfected Spectacles and Seth Thomas Clocks. Repairing in all its bfanch’es. E3LftOA_TD STREET, - - HOME, GrA_. Judge Maddox is holding court in Rome this week. Lost.—A sum of money. The lin- I der will be liberally reward by re turning to me. H. D. C. EdmoMaSON. We regret to learn that Mrs. S- W. McWhorter is no better, her con dition this week not being consid ered as favorable as last. There will be preaching on next Sunday at Oak Hill at II o’clock and at Glenwood at 3p. m. No j service at either place on Saturday. | The merchants are invited to ad- I vertiss their Xmas goods in these i columns. The ties that bind bus-1 inese men to the public is adver tise. J. T. Megginson has opened up.a fancy goods store in the house re cently ocupied by W. B. Hollis <fc Co. The latter occupies a z room in the Hollis & Hinton building. Matthew Johnson was in town last Friday for the first time in sev ; oral weeks. He is very much im ■ proved in health which, it is hoped, will be permanent. In Chattanooga, on July 5, 1888, 18. 11. Edmondson, W. D. Taylor and John W. Cain bought the first i three tickets ever s >ld to passengers over the C. R. & C. railroad. j How to Cure ail Skin Diseases. J simply apply “swayne’s Ointment.” ]No internal medicine required. Cures ; tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the | face, hands, nose Ac., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy.lts great lieal ; ing and curative power's are possessed iby no other remedy. Ask your druggist ! for swAi sk'sOi n t m i;n i. About $26 was realized from the oygtdr sapper and spelling bee Fri day night. Miss Susie Scott and Eddie Maddox chose sides and after a hotel}' contested battle Miss Allie Gamble was left standing with no one to “spell down.” Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICB —OFTUB— FIGS GF CALIFORNIA* Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to penna-, neatly cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER HKD BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated —so that— PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR SYRUF OF FXOrB MANUFAQTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. iMisvutf, fr. ncw roAK. n, r.