The Chattooga news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1887-1896, August 26, 1896, Image 2

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CHATTOOGA NEWS fl 00 Per Year Is Advance. J. W. CAIN, Editor and' Proprietor. MISS EDNA CAIN, Associate Editor. Summerville, Ga., AUG. 26,1896- Entered at Summerville P. O. as sec ond class matter. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Senator 42nd District. WESLEY SHROPSHIRE. For Representative. R. V. RUDICIL. Woman’s way : woman sway. The man who is bravo enough t<> face Hanger ami death has not nerve enough to have an aching tooth extracted. It is hard to please people. A few weeks ago the gold bug organs v re abusing McKinley for his si lence ami now they are after Bry an for talking too much, People who watch the weather and know about its signs and such like, say that there will bo no more hot nights. After the middle of August there is always a touch of autumn in the night air. - All of us are sympathetic. The trouble about it is that too many of us cannot bring ourselves to sympathise* with hearts that have the misfortune to ache outside the pale of respectability. The senior editor of the News is away, on a much needed vacation and is not to be- held responsible for any of the political or other eccentricities that may appear in those columns during his absence. Col. Rankin, who wants to go to congress from this district, is run ning independent of all political parties and when the final count is made it will bo seen that he has been running independent of all voters. See?—Ringgold New South. The fact that Warren A. Cand ler and Sam Jones, two of the lead ing Prohibitionists in the state, have repudiated the Populist can didate for Governor should do much to hold prohibition demo crats in lino. Dr. Nansen should take a slice of this weather to the north pole and cool it oil. —Dalton Citizen. Why not bring down a splinter fr->m the Polo and cool the weath er where it is? Sam Jones and Dr. Chandler have political sense as well as a tin-rough knowledge of men. They / are themselves men of deep thought sound reason and lasting convic tions. Os course all such men choose Atkinson, the orator and statesmen over Wright, the orator. —Rome Hustler. . I I ■■■ ■■ Young Sewall is a Republican and is stumping the state of Maine against his father, the Democratic imminei- for Vice-President, Hon. M *ses R. Wright of Rome is a Democrat and will stump the state against his brother Seab, who is the propopi boss and wants to be Governor of the sore head element. Rome Hustler. After a careful investigation of all official reports received at his office, and after a personal inspec tion of the crops in nearly all parts of the state, Commissioner of A griculture Nesbitt estimates the damage from the heat and drought t ■ the cotton crop at 33 per cent. A conservative estimate of the crop this year places it at 8,000,000 bales. The original estimate wont above 10,000,000 bales. Speaking of the prohibition plank in the Seab Wright platform adopted by populist bosses, Mr. Atkinson said that Georgia Demo cracy had many years ago taken the position that the liquor traffic wa- right or it was wrong, and had euact“d the local option law under which 100 counties in Georgia are today “dry.” ‘‘And, 5 ’ said he, “no d- tnocratic governor of Georgia ha« over vetoed a prohibition mea sure that had been enacted into a law.” As to himself he had always in local option lights voted a dry ticket —Rome Hustler. The Wesleyan Christian Advo vocate, the Methodist organ, has a strong editorial in its last issue which is in line with the interview from Dr. Chandler. It does not think that the Prohibitionists of Georgia should lend themselves to the Populists to be ridden into of fice on. After forty-eight hours of obsti nate deadlock in the fourth dis trict convention at Warm Springs, W. C. Adamson was nominated for Congress on the 239th ballot. He succeeds C. L. Moses. His home is at Carrollton and he has a splen did record as judge of the city court, having held that position since 1885. Judge Adamson is a good Democrat and has been ac tive in the councils of the party for years. - - <1 1W St In Memory Os Jonathan H. Ellison, who departed this life July 20th 1896. He was born in Walton county, Ga-, May 5, 1822; at the age of 18 years his father moved to Tennes see near Chattanooga. There they lived 7 years when they moved to Lookout mountain, Ala., where he lived the balance of his life. June 2, 1850, he was married to Miss Lamirian Baker near Menlo, Ga. March Ist 1863, ho moved to the George O’Rear place. Near Little River falls, some time in ' the year 1856 he professed a hope 1 in Christ and joined the Methodist church after which thechurch was disbanded and he joined the Bible Christian church, from which he has since lived a true and upright Christian life. He raised a family of 9 children to be grown and lived to see them all converted and bap tised but one. Ho raised his chil dren to be strict, upright and hon est, and he himself, was ever faith ful and true in all his dealings and all he come in contact with honor ed and respected him. Ho bore his sickness with pa tience and was never heard to mur mur or complain. He had faith ful and devoted attention from physicians and friends, but noth ing could stop the progress of the fell disease, cancer on the face. His remains were followed to the grave by a large host of friends, he being buried in the Little River cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Revs. J. W. S. Higgins and J. L. Pauter. A Friend. The pops claim that the demo crats have endorsed or accepted their platform. When Chairman Clay, of the State Democratic com mittee, and Tom Watson met on the streets of Atlanta the other day, he asked Watson if the demo crats had stole their platform why did they not unite with the demo crats. Watson only smiled and passed on . “Where was he at?” The joke of the season is to see Seab Wright posing as having nev er been a member of a political party. It has been less than, or only about, four years since Seab Wright was chairman of the Dem ocratic Executive Committee of Floyd. Mr. Wright held that of fice in the Democratic party when he called on his Maker in that year's State convention to witness the purity of his democracy—and that was about the time he bought the Rome Tribune and was trying to succeed Mr. Everett, of Fish Creek, in Congress. If the Hustler of Rome remembers there was no prohibition planks in the platform he wanted to mount, either. Seab is all right personally—politically’ be is Seab Wright, the heir appa rent to that prince of Hoppers, Dr. W. 11. Felten. —Rome Hustler. Don't bolt your food, it irritates your stomach Choose digestible food and chew it. Indigestion is a dangerous sickness. Proper care prevents it. Shaker Digestive Cor dial cures it. That is the long and short of indigestion. Now, the question is: Have you got indiges tion? Yes, if you have pain or discomfort after eating, neadache, dizziness, nausea, offensive breath, heartburn, languor, weakness, fe ' ver, jaundice, flatulence, loss of appetite, irritability, constipation, , etc. Yes, you have indigestion. To cure it, take Shaker Digestive i Cordial. The medicinal herbs and plants of which Shaker Digestive , Cordial is composed, help to digest th* food in your stomach; help to strengthen your stomach. When your stomach is strong, care will keep it so. Shaker Digestive Cor dial is for sale by druggists, price 10 cents to SI.OO per bottle. I Tarver McAfee Shot. ’ Tarver McAfee while out on a government raid after moonshin ers a few weeks ago was shot bv . one of two brothers named Strick r land up in Northeast Georgia. The ’ bullet went into the scalp behind the right ear coming out just be hind the left ear. He was taken to a hotel in Gainesville where Dr. Bailey’ waited on him for two weeks. The matter was kept quiet for two reasons, one, to keep it from agita ting his family here and the other to make sure as to who did the dastardly deed. One of the Strick lands hung around Gainesville several days and went home and bragged about it thus giving him self and brother away. They are now apprehended and in jail. He is a brother of Mayor Glenn Mc- Afee, of Dalton.—Dalton Citizen. On the 13th of August, 1895, the first bale of new cotton was re ceived in Augusta. On the 13th of August, 1896, 240 new bales i had been received and they are I coming into that market at the rate of 100 a day. Among the poorer classes in England there are some strange notions regarding the law of hus band and wife. A woman solemn ly appealed to one of the London : Magistrates the other day to advise her whether she was compelled to wash her husband’s brother’s shirts j and seemed surprised to learn that i she was not. The death of Jose Maceo, the late dashing loader of the Cuban field forces, was characteristic of the ir repressible spirit that made the American colonies free, and will certainly free Cuba in the end. An eye witness, who has just arrived, says that Maceo, being shot through the neck with a rille ball, fell hoad ong to the ground, half raised him self for a moment and shouted: ‘‘We have won the fight! I am glad to die! Cuba! Cuba!” That cry will echo round the world, striking a sympathetic chord in the heart of every true lover of liberty. Fully 1,500 people from Polk and the surrounding counties gathered at Rockmart on Thursday to wit ness the reunion of the surviving members of the gallant old Firs} Georgia cavalry. After dinner the regiment, which numbered about 100 strong, all the companies being represented, held its annual elec tion. Dr. W. 11. Boyd, of Rome, was elected president; Lieut. James Gilreath, of Bartow, vice president; and W. C. Edwards, of Cartersville, secretary. Carters ville was chosen as the next place’ of meeting, on the first Thursday in August next year. Schley is a prohibition county but the old spirit of true Democ racy is as strong here as ever, and the Populist-Prohibition fusionists need not count on receiving sup port from a single Democratic vo ter. Hon. Seaborn wright, the Populist nominee for governor, is no doubt a good man, but the tend ency of Populism is towards so cialism and we cannot afford by division and strife to hazard Dem ocratic success in the state. In the settlement of all issues we must be one in party purpose and in devo tion to the principles of Jefferson, Jackson and other distinguished Democrats whose names are an “aureole around the brow of the nation.” —Schley County News. It has been rumored for some time that Secretary of the Interior Hoke Smith would resign, and he has actually done so and his resig nation has been accepted. After the nomination of Bryan and Sew all Secretary Smith was the only member of the cabinet to announce an intention of supporting the tick et, and this, presumably,led to his resignation, Ex-govornor Francis, of Missouri las been appinted to succeed Mr. Smith. In Memory. Os Nellie Lois, infant daughter of Henry and Mannie Chinn, was born April 22, 1895 and died at Lovejoy, Ga., August 18, 1896. For sixteen months had she glad dened and brightened the home for father and mother, but no more will her sweet dark eyes smile a welcome to papa or look confidingly in the fond niether’f face and hold out her little hands to be taken to her rare Jesting place. Weep not father and moth er for the babe that has gone. She is now safe in the arms of the Heavenly Father and of such is ■ the kingdom of Heaven. * TRION NEWS. Mrs. Sarah Herndon, who has ; been sick a long time died Friday evening at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Hern don was 64 years old. She leaves a son, four daughters and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. She was a strict member of the Methodist church for many years and has gone to her reward. The funeral services were held at the cemetery Saturday evening, conducted by Rev J. F. Davis. A little child of Mr. George League died Sunday night and was buried Monday afternoon. The family have the sympathy of their friends in this sad'bereavment Mr. G. K. Walker, of Echart, Ga., father of Mrs. Dr. Palmer of this place, died Friday morning and was buried at the Penn graveyard Saturday. Miss Carrie Hill is spending this week with Mrs. James Hill, of Chattoogaville. Misses Sallie and Minnie Wilker son, two charming ladies of Car tersville, returned to their home last Wednesday after several days visit to the family of B. F. Flour noy. Mrs. M. A. Allgood is visiting in Atlanta. The meeting still continues at }he Baptist church, conducted by Rev. Jesse Hunt. Much interest is being taken, 26 having united with the church. Miss Lula Lowe is spending this week with friends at Summerville. Mrs. Laura Estill, of Menlo, came to Trion Monday to assist her daughter, Miss Mattie, in her elocu tion and music classes. mt. Albert McKinney spent Sun day at Summerville. Mr. Charles McKinney, of Rome, is visiting the family of Z. T. Mc- Kinney. Mr. J. 11. Sowell and family, of Summerville, spent Sunday with friends at Trion. Mrs I). T. Espy and Dayton Es py visited Mrs. C. D. Harper, of Chelsea, Monday. Miss Sallie Dedman, who has been visiting relatives at Tunnel Hill returned home last Saturday. Miss Sallie League is spending the summer with friendsand rela tives at Augusta, Ga. Henry Kirby, Jr., leaves next Mon day to enter the Young Harris Insti tute in Towns county. KARTAH, GA. Wc had a good rain here Sunday night. Mrs. J. F. Perry, who has been sick for some time, is no better, we arc sorry to say. Little Miss Beulah Kendrick has about recovered from her recent severe illness. Mrs. W. A. Milner is visiting rela tives in this valley at present. Mr. J. A. Jones and Mr. James Alexander went down to Euharlee on business last week. Rev. J. M. Childers is conducting a series of meetings on Sand mountain this week. A protracted will begin at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church the first Sab bath in September. Mr. John Davis and family visited relatives at this place the past week. Mr. T. M. Balenger of Gore, will soon have his new dwelling house completed. It is very nice and will add much to the looks of the little village. Country Girl. We hear men nearly every day say that they have shook hands’ with the third party and expect to vote the democratic ticket from uow on. They are welcome and their sins are forgiven them. —Spring Place Jimplecute. Notice to Debtors & Credi tors, All persons having demands against the estate of E. C. [Smith, late of Chat tooga deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the under signed according to law and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. This Aug. 4,1 ’96. T. j. Harris, adm’r- E. C. Smith dee. > MMM.■ MXUXfcFW ■ • a 9 *m**F*9 -aXlb* ts < Consumption’s a Cruel Record. $ | More than two-fifths ofi | all deaths in this countryj Sare caused by j tion and pneumonia. This; 5 diagram tells the story : j ■ Pneumonia and ? < Consumption. . . 3 » Diarrheal % Bright s disease f • Heart disease.. -■■■■■■ « C Apoplexy ■■■■ r $ Cancer * j By the timely use of« | Dr. Acker’s English Rem-g jedy, consumption andj | pneumonia are quicklyi Sand absolutely cured.| |Takeitat the first sign? sos sore throat and lungs.? J 3 Sizes: 25c., SOc., sl. AUDrnggisti. | ? Ackeb Miuicise Co. 1«-18 Chambers. Sc. N.Y. J LaFayotte McWhorter can no longer be numbered with the Methodists. Saturday he rode in to Duck Creek at the Rogers Ford, on his filly, and dropped the bridle to let her drink. As he looked around he saw an impudent moc casin swimming toward him. He had a green walnut in his hand, and thought it would be a credit able thing if he could kill the sake with it. Ho drew back and throw. Just as the walnut struck the water, the filly jumped from under him. He went o'Ver back wards and was lost to sight, covered with water. The first intimation his mother-in-law, Mrs Alexander, had of the occurrence, was when Jasper Adkins rode up to the gate and asked her: “Did they sing ‘Will the Waters Be Chilly,’ when they baptized LaFayatte?”—Wal ker County Messinger. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they can not reach the diseased portion of ’he ear. There is only one way to euro deafness and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of deafness caus ed by catarrh that cannot be cur ed by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best For Sheriff, Thanking the voters for past fa vors, I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the of fice of Sheriff of Chattooga county. If elected my present deputy, D. P. Henley, will again bo with me. We promise a faithful and impar tial discharge ol the duties of the office. J. C. Penn. For Surveyor. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Surveyor of Chattooga county and solicit the support of every voter in the county. If elected I promise faithful performance of the duties of the office. Very Respt. W. T. Herndon. I am a candidate for the office County Surveyor. I thank you for your support in the past and take this method of soliciting your support at the coming election, as I will not be able to canvass the county. J. A. Branner. Bridge Notice. GEORGIA. Chattooga county. To all whom it may concern: .A con tract to build the approaches to the new bridge on Raccoon creek will be let to the lowest responsible bidder at bridge site on Monday the thirty-first day of August 1896 at three o’clock p. m. The bidder will be required to give bond and security tor tire faithful performance of his duty and the keeping up and in good repair said work fora term of two years from date of completion. This Aug. 24th 1896. John Mattox, Ordinary. Tax Levy. GEORGIA, Chattooga county, It is ordered by the court that tire sum of thirty cents on the one hundred dol lars as per tax digest of 1896 be and the same is hereby assessed as a tax for said county for said year to be collectep by tax collector the present year. Distri buted as follows: General county fund 70.% Pauper “ 15 Bridge “ 15 It is farther ordered tlpat a tax of one tenth (1-10) of one per cent be and the same is hereby assessed on the amount of the taxable'property on digest of 1896 for road purposes as provided for by law to lie collected b.y tax cm lector for the present year. This August 24, 1896. John Mattox Ordinary. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA Chattooga county. WilFbe sold to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door in Sum merville, said county within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September 1896, the following described lands to-wit: Lot no, 183 in the 14 dis. trict and 4th section of said county con taining 160 acres more or less. Said place known as the “Mayo place’’ and bounded on the north by the lands of R. M. Crawford, on the east and south by the lands of T, J. Worsham and on the west by the lands of John McDaniel. Said lands levied < n and will be sold as the property of defendant under and by virtue of a mortgage fi fa in favor of Hiles, Taliaferro ami Foster vs O. A. D. Mayo, issued from the July term of the Superior court of said county 1895. Prop erty pointed out by plaintiff’s at-ty. Tenant in possession notified. This July 30, 1896. J. C. Penn, Sheriff Application for Years Sup port, GEORGIA Chattooga county. To all whom it may concern: Mrs, Rachel Smith, widow' of E. c. Smith having made application for 12 month s support for herself and seven minor children out of theesta’e ofE. C. Smith. | I will passMpon said application and \ return of appraisers on the first Monday ; in September next. This Aug. 11 1896. JOHN MATTOX, Ordinary, j Ripans Tabules -at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. j Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Mothers Anxiously watch declining health of ’ their daughters. So many are cut off by consumption in early years that there is real cause for anxiety. In . the early stages, -when not beyond the reach of medicine. Hood's Sarsa -1 parilia will restore the quality and , quantity of the blood and thus give good health. Read the following letter: “It is but just to write about my daughter Cora, aged 19. She was’com pletely run down, declining, had that tired ; feeling, and friends said she would not live over three months. She had a bad Cough and nothing seemed to do her any good. I happened to read about Hood’s Sarsapa rilla and bad her give it a trial. From the very first dose she began to get better. After taking a few bottles she was com pletely cured and her health has been the best ever since.” Mrs. Addie Peck, 12 Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y. “I will say that my mother has not stated my case in as strong words as I would have done. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has truly cured me and I am now well.” Cora Peck, Amsterdam, N. Y. Be sure to get Hood’s, becauso Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. sl. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ».» j, ».<< are purely vegetable, re- Il OOu S PIIIS liable and beneficial. 25c, ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Tax Collector. I hereby announce mysnlf a can didate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Chattooga county and ask the support of ev ery voter in the county. I sincere ly thank the people for their sup port in the past, and if elected, I promise a faithful discharge of the duties of the office. B. L. Knox. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Collec tor of Chattooga county and solicit the support of every voter in the county. If elected I promise a faithful performance of the duties of the office. Very Respt. Jno. R. Simmons. [ hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Collector of Chat tooga county and ask the support of every voter in the county, both white and colored. W. R. Harper. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chattooga county and respectfully as:[ the support of the voters at the October election. I promise a faithful discharge of the duties of the office. William Gore. For Ordinary. Thanking the people of Chat tooga county, both white and col ored, for past favors, I announce myself a candidate for Ordinary of said county. I need the office for a living. I make the race on my cwn merits. John Mattox. To the voters of Chattooga county, both white and colored: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Ordinary of said county, and most respect fully ask your support at the polls. I promise, if elected, to bo dili gent in the discharge of the duties of the office. J. P. Johnston, Jr. For Tax Assessor. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Asses sor for Chattooga county, and ask each voter to consider my claims at the polls. I promise, if elected to discharge the duties of the of fice faithfully and to the very best of my r ability. B . F. Atkins. For Senator 42nd District. To the people of the Forty Sec ond Senatorial district of Georgia: I hereby announce myself an In dependent Democratic candidate to represent the Forty-second Sen atorial district in the next General Assembly of Georgia, and respect fully ask your support and influ ence. If elected I will faithfully’ and to the best of my ability represent the best interest of ihe entirp eis trict. lam a Prohibitionist, and will favor all just legislation look ing to the regulation and suppres sion of the sale of spirituous and i intoxicating liquors. I favor the free, unlimited and independent I coinage of silver and gold at a ra-i tio of 16 to 1, as it existed prior to ; the act of Congress of 1873, and if elected I will vote for the .Hon. Charles F. Crisp for the United States Senate, unless otherwise in structed by a vote of the people of the district. Very’ Respectfully, Robert W. Jones. I hereby announce myself acan ’ didate for the office of Tax Receiver of Chattooga county and r spect fully ask the support of every’ voter in the county. If elected I promise a faithful and efficient discharge I of the duties of the office. J. P. Lawrence. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. ME.RCER UNIVERSITY, MACON, Ga. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 16, 1896, "Well equipped, strong, and progressive faculty; university organ ization; and courses elective. Eleven separate schools: English Greek, Latin, Latin, Modern languages, Mathematics and Astronomy Natural History, Physics and Chemistry, History and Philosophy Pedagogy, Theology’ and Biblical Literature and Law. School of Pedagogy open to women as well as men. Its funda mental purpose is to make the scholar the teacher. Special pain ta ken to secure remunerative employment for graduates of this school. School of law, with a very able faculty. Students can take law and special courses in the arts department. Notable advantages for students in the Macon courts. Board in clubs at $5 a month ; in families from $lO to sls. Matriculation fee, S4O. No tuition charged. Mercer University stands for Christian character, for honest work for honest and intelligent methods and f->r scholarship. We appeal to all real friends of education to co-operate with us in our efforts to uphold the proper standard of education. For catalogue or special information address, P. D POLLOCK, Chairman of Faculty. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver and ask the support of every voter in the county in the coming election. If elected 1 will give the office my best attention. I am competent to attend to the duties of the office and will appreciate the gift of the people if they see fit to elect me. James IL Smith. To the voters of Chattooga coun ty : I. hereby announce myself as a candidate for Tax Assessor and shall endeavor, if elected to faith fully discharge the duties belong ing to that office. Respt. J. L. Huie. To the voters of Chattooga coun ty: I respectfully announce my self a candidate for Tax Assessor, and ask the support of the people of the county’ at the coming elec tion. A. S. Alexander. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Re ceiver of Chattooga county, and ask the support of the people at the ensuing election. G, W. Sewell. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Receiv er, and ask the support of every voter in the county. F. A. Weaver. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Receiver and ask the support of every voter at the polls in October. I have only one arm which greatly incapacitates me for farm labor, and I will great ly’ appreciate ail assistance given me by my friends throughout the county. J. McCamy. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Receiv er for Chattooga county. I res pectfully solicit the support of ev ery voter at the election in October next. In conclusion allow me to say any interest manifested in my behalf I promiseyou will have no cause to regret it. Very’ Respt. Geo. M. C. Branner. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Receiv er of Chattooga county and ask the support of the voters at the coming election. Respectfully, 11. J. Perry. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a can didate to represent the people of Chattooga county in the next Gen eral Assembly. Believing as I do that “a public office is a public trust;” that a man elected by the people is their servant and not their master; therefore if elected I will, to the best of my ability, represent the people regardless of any party. Viewing the money question as the greatest issue of the day and favoring the flee and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and following the teachings of Jefferson and Jackson that National Banks and Banks of issqe are dangerous to the welfare and liberties of the people and ought to be suppressed. Hence if elected I will do all in my yower to elect a man to the United State Senate who favors the same. Education is the hope of the state, therefore I am in favor of a liberal support of the public schools. I oppose the present convict sys tem as it is inhumane and in com petition with free labor. As the price of the products of ’abor has decreased and the pur chasing power of money has in creased and I deem it just and right that fees and salaries be re-I duced. Asking the support of every man in the county J am very’ respect fully. A. J. Moore. For Clerk. Thanking the votersol the coun ty for past favors shown me, I again ask their kind consideration of my candidacy for Clerk of the Sup»ru r court of Chattooga coun ty- . J. V. Wheeler. For Treasurer. I hereby’ announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of County’ Treasurer and respect fully’ solicit the support of every voter in the county. My friends know my’ physical condition and their support at the October elec tion will be greatly appreciated by one who has tried and will contin ue to tiw to fill the treasurer’s of fice with squareness, fairness and accommodation to all. 1 feel very grateful for the kindness shown mo in the past and will appreciate any favors shown mo in the future. Respectfully, 11. E. Dorsett. To t he voters of Chattooga coun ty : 1 hereby announc.'. my.-. J-f a candidate for the office of Treas urer and respectfully ask the sup port of every’ voter in the county. If elected 1 will faithfully dis charge the duties of (ho < Hico. James W. Pursley I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treasur-j er of Chattooga county, and earn-' estly ask the support of the voters ’ at the October election. lam get ting old, and my health is bad, and any assistance the people can give me under these circumstances will be greatly appreciated. If e lected I promise that the business of the office will be carefully at tended to. Jackson Millsaps. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. T. ROAN. Office in Hollis & Hinton Block, SUMMERVILLE G-A. I auv. pueppjrd. Jo t re.Jr-44tffrturc, Hemorrhoids, Fistula in Ano, without ligaf ure or knife or drawing blood. My operations are quite painless. Consultation free. A. L MURPHY, Jeweler. MENLO, GEORGIA Repairing a specialty. All wo k neatly and cheaply executed and satis faction guaranteed. Old gold and sil ver taken at market prices. 11.J. -Arno® aS® Deqtisf, LaFayette, - - Ga Does first class Dental work of all kinds. Will visit Trion once a month WESLEY SHKOPSHIRE, Attorney-at-Law Summerville, - - Ga W. H. ENNIS. J. W. Sl AKINQ. ENNIS & STARLING Attorneys-at-Law. MASONIC TEMULE. ROME, - - - GA. W ill practice in all the courts of north Georgia. T. J. Harris, LAWYER, Summerville, Ga. T. 8. Brown, Dentist. Office over Hollis & Hinton’s store Summerville, Ga. All Dental opera lions neatly performed ami work guar anteed. Prices reasonable. C. L. ODELL Attorney at Law. SUMMERVILLE GA. Strict attention given to all busimss entrusted to my care. Letters Dismission. GEORGIA, Chattooga county. To all whom it iiriv '•or.cein: .1 V ’lVhec'r'F administrator nf A rclre w Far mer il< coiisml having applied to ihe a it dersigm d for letters ot dismission, t his i to imijlv all je i.-oii ■> concerned t lat ■" ;:| i'l api-Jicauo.i will be passed upon tt lliis olliec on tfi«. first Monday in f-'e p tcmbcr next. Witness my hand, tli is July 4, 1896. John Mattox, Ordinary. Ripans Tabules: for soiiretomach. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure nausea.