The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, November 11, 1896, Image 5

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DOLLARS * AND CENTS. . . . The people of the south are practicing econ omy to-day more closely than ever, and it is right. A penny saved is a penny made. The Way to Save x Pennies is to buy your Fall and Winter Goods where you can get the biggest value for your money. Besides you want something that is stylish and up to date, and the place where all these qualities are combined is Thompson Miles & Co. Our Mr. Martin has just returned from Cincin nati where he bought an elegant line of season able and Stylish goods for the Fall and Winter trade, which we will offer at Bed rock prices. We had a magnigicent trade last spring and we are determined to keep it up. ? Low Prices And a good quality of goods will always draw the trade, and to these two features in our present stock we call the especial attention of the public. It will be to your interest to call and see these Elegant New Goods Whether you are ready to buy or not. It costs you nothing to look, and when you see our values and prices you will come again. The ladies are especially invited to see our Dress Goods. ..., Tlwjnpson Hiles & Co. * -A. dh -A- afc, News At Home. Judge and Mrs. Mattox spent Sat urday in Koine. Money to loan on farms. Five years time. Terms easy. Jno. I). Taylor. Rev. J. J. Andrews was quite sick last week but is now improving. Guns! Guns! We have the cheapest j and best line of (inns in town, from $2.50 to $35.00. J. N. Rvsu A Co. Mr. J. W. Pitts was seriously siek ' last Friday and Saturday but is now • much better. Clothing. Shirts. Hats, I'nderwear ami all kinds of things. Cleghorn A Henry. | |Mrs. Willis Taylor spent the first part of the week in town with the fam ily of her brother, Mr. B. O. Henry. Mr. J. R. Huff, of Dalton, repre senting the firm of Peeples A Pituer, Chattanooga, was in town Monday. We would be glad to hear from our correspondents regularly when it is possible for them to write. Mrs. Will Hinton arrived in town Thursday and she and Mr. Hinton are for the time being, al home at the Hawkins house. We have some bills to meet, ai d therefore must collect what is due us. This applies to you if you are due us any amount. J. N. Rvsu A Co. Hen’ is what delights an editors soul: "You had better stop pa- per as he is gone off and nobodv knows where he is gone to." Such a man ought to go oil and never return again.—Ex. \\ e have the best stock of open and top Buggies. Surries. Hack* and Carts you have seen in a long time. Prices cheap to good. It wilt pay you to ex amine them before buy ing. Cleghorn a Henry. Married last Thursday at Chattooga ville, Mr. T. D. Rutledge and Miss Etta Adams. Rev. J. H. Glazner offic iating. Mr. Rutledge has lived to be about 4-> years old before marrving ami. now his friends are congratulating him on his nerve. Double and Single-barrel Shot Guns. Winchester and Remington Riffes. Pistols at all prices, loaded and empty Shells. P. imers. Pistol am! Riffe Car tridges, reloading tools and everything iu that line. Cleghorn A Henry. -A. -a- Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. McKinney, of Trion, were in town last Thursday. Wanted—one or twio cords of good dry stove wood oji subscription. Call early and avoid the rush. I will pay highest market price for cotton seed delivered to me at Lyerly. W. P. Foster. J. C. Fuller, who has been in Vir ginia for some months past reached home last Saturday night. I Don't fail to see W. T. Newton’s I new winter Clothing Samples before Y oii buy a suit. We have this season the best and most complete stock of Clothing ever opened in Summerville. Come and see for yourself. Prices lower than ever before. Holi is A Hinton. P.iof. J. W. MeV'horter, of Trion, : contributes a timely and thoughtful ar ticle to the News this week, which we commend to the careful consideration of our readers. This article will be followed by others on the same line, and will be richly worth perusal, for they will touch on matters of vital in terest to tbe whole country. Our Dress Goods department is a blazing panaroma of beauty, the most extensive stock, embracing the latest weaves and colorings await your in spection at prices lower than ever. Do uot fail to see this stock. Hollis A Hinton. Rev. E. D. McDougall preached his farewell sermon as pastor of the Pres byterian church lasj Sunday. The people of his church and of the city city regret to lose Mr. McDougall who goes to Thomasville, to accept the pas torate of the church there. He has been a zealous consecrated worker in the field of the Master tn this com munity and by his pure life and good \W>rks has greatly endeared himself to all.—Courant- American. Before ’he Chattanooga. Rome A C olumbus road was built various par ties along the line subscribed to the stock of the company! among them be ing a number of citizens of this coun ty. An effort is being made to collect the amout subscribed but the suit will be resisted to the last. A meeting of those who subscribed her? was held in Summerville last Saturday, and J. S. Cleghorn. G.„J. Movers and G. D. Hollis were appointed a committee to i have charge of the defense. WANTED some rorn on subscrip tion. Dress Goods, Clothing and Shoes. Hollis & Hinton. Those winter Socks at W. T. New ton's are in demand now. E. M. Simonton and wife, of LaFay ette, spent last Sunday in town. Fresh fish and Oysters at W. T. Newton’s every Saturday. Get a pair of W. T. Newton’s winter socks before they are all Last Sunday night was the coldest of the season. A heavy frost fell and good tires were quite comfortable. An attractive lot of ladies’ and chil drens’ new Hats has been added to J. W. Pitts’ stock of fall goods. Our Shoe stock contains what you are looking for. Our prices are just right. Hollis & Hinton. There arc vague rumors of a wed ding or two in Summerville sometime in the near future. Our clothing has been bought for cash, direct from the manufacturers, and our prices cannot be met. Cleghorn & Henry. Miss Ellen Penn, one of Chattooga county’s fairest daughters, and of many accomplishments, is in the city visiting at Air. S. F. Taylor’s in the Fifth ward. -—Tribunc. Our stock of goods in every line is full, new and complete, and we will meet all competition in everything if you will give us a trial. Cleghorn & Henry. Miss Hattie Merritt and Miss Martie Guthrie will leave tomorrow for the latter’s home at Tunnel Hill. Miss Merritt will visit Miss Eugenia Bit ting in Dalton, and friends at Kings ton before returning home. We do not claim to have all the la test fabrics in Dress Goods, but we will show you some of them if you will only give us a chance. Cleghorn & Henry. Bev. W. A. Milner left Tuesday morning to attend the Presbyterian Synod meeting at Athens. He was ac companied by his little daughter, Floy, who will visit relatives in Car tersville. We have the largest stock of Men’s, Youth’s and Children’s Clothing ever shown under one roof in Summerville. To see these goods is to buy them for our prices are certainly the lowest. We will prove every assertion that we make if you will come and see us. Hollis & Hinton. Mr. M. G. Willis, of Holland sta tion, had the misfortune to have both an arm and a leg broken last Monday evening. He was driving in a buggy when the horse ran away, throwing him out and inflicting the injuries as related above. Dr. Bryant was sum moned by telegram and he went down anu set the broken limbs. Mrs. R. M. Black, the mother-in law of Judge Lumpkin, died Thursday at his residence in the 76th year of her age. Friday after funeral services at the house conducted by Rev. A. B. Weaver, the body was laid to rest in the LaFayette Cemetery. Her two sons and sons-in-law, her daughter and several of her grand-children at tended the burial.—Messenger. 3^.'i lIP -Co wi Y Jjl WisY Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts—gentle efforts —pleasant efforts— rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsuf families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness' without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle. which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be cc.tnmended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-inforrqed everywhere. Syrup of Rgs stands highest and is most largely » sed and gives most general satisfaction M. . < '. ,M Jfl CURES WHERE ALL ELSEFAItS. jpg Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Fee Dock Waters, youngest son of O, P. Waters, died last Thursday, of cot»- > sumption and was buried at Subhgna , last Saturday. As for Shoes our stock is immense, and our competitors can not equal our prices or styles. Cleghorn & Henry. Mr. John Poe, one of Walker coun ty’s enterprising farmers called at the News office yesterday and renewed his subscription to the News. Washington Axes. Don’t buy any other kind. Fully Guaranteed. If one breaks, bring it back and get one free. J. N. Rush & Co. All parties interested are warned not to hunt or otherwise trespass on my lands under penalty of the law. H. J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Taylor went to Holland last week to be present at a family re-union at the home of the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fos ter. In magnitude and variety our Shoe stock heads the list. We are in posi-' tion to, and will save you money on your Shoe purchases. Hollis & Hinton. Several parties who were inveigled into giving orders for a patent harrow made at Canton, are now being notified by the bank at Canton that their notes will soon be due. Messrs Junkinsand Hendrix, two of the parties interested, declare that they simply signed orders for a single harrow to be used by them iu taking orders as agents, and gave no notes whatever. Quite a number of people are involved and some of them are hot in the collar at what they believe is an attempted fraud. Throughout my store you now will find, Still greater bargains than e’er before, Just only look, convince your mind, That here is what you need and more. The people come and then do know, For this is why I’m crowded so, Competitors have made the cry,— His goods are shoddy don’t you buy,— But time has proved just why this plea, They want the trade, now don’t you see? J. W. Pitts. This is a boy’s composition on girls. He says: “Girls are the only folks that have their own way every time. Girls is of several thousand kinds, and sometimes one girl can be like several girls all at once if she wants to do any thing. They are also like kittens; they go singing and purring about until you stroke them the wrong; way, and then they get mad. This is all I know about giris, and father says the less I know about them the better off I am.” —Ex. A Child Enjoys The pleasant flavor, gentle ac tion and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative and if the father or mother be cos tive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known, and every family should have a bottle on hand. TULIP, GA. Mrs. W. H. Vanpelt is visiting her mother, Mrs. Millican, at Elm Grove. mt. J. P. Bouchillon is progress ing very fast from his injuries re ceived a few weeks ago. Mr. Fletcher Parish has returned to his home near Gadsden, Ala., and consequently some of our girls are looking rather lonely. miss Mollie Weathers, of Ore burg, spent several days of last week in our vicinity. Miss Battie Barker is visiting her sister. Mrs. John Cofer, at Farrill. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freeman gave the young people a candy pulling last Tuesday night which was greatly enjoyed by all present. Miss Nona Millican returned home Sunday after spending sev eral days with her uncle, Mr. J. P. Bouchillon. The people of Tulip are almost going wild at the idea of being cut off into Floyd county, on account of the Board of Education, of Chattooga not treating them right about their school, and they say something has to be done. Mrs. B F. Tolbert with her chil dren are talking of moving to Rome in the near future. SILENCE. -* HOLLIS HINTON. The Ebb and Flow of the trade tide is like that of the Ocean. The slack water of summer business is no sooner reached than the flood tide of fall sets in. This will soon be upon us in resistless volume. We foresaw it. We’ve been preparing for it for weeks. We are ready for it. Been doing some masterful buying for you. All that is newest and best wait your inspec tion and approval. o / The Dress Goods Section invites you with a truly magnificent assortment ot rich ra diance. Art has borrowed from the rich autumnal colorings of nature. Nothing glaring, or specially pronounced but rich suggestions of color and tone, such as any woman of refined taste would admire. Mang of these woven beauties arc con fined to us for this section. Gome in-and look them through; view them by the clear light of day and remember par ticuiar'.y. that no woman’s wardrobe is complete without at least one good black gown, and we’re In shape to gown the country. Handsome lustre, unique brocade effects, fine fig ured Mohairs. Standard all wool and silk and wool plain and plaids materials all fresh from foreign looms and with a modesty of price that will make yon ready buyers. o Mtay Distinctively SiylisH. • One of the most important features in Ladies’ attire is the “Hat.” It should be correct in shape, correct in tone, artis tically formed that the effect may blend happily with both the complexion and peculiar charms of the wearer. Miss ■Scarborough who has charge of this department possesses be yond comparison that artistic skill and happy faculty of meeting perfectly and satisfactorily the requirements of every •customer. With unquestioned ability and a stock at her dis posal, comprising all the latest effect’s pertaining to the line, the trade will not be disappointed when they visit this de partment, and we will add that here the very lowest prices prevail. 0 I Clothing, True to Color, and Perfect in Fit, is w’hat men desire; this coupled with a distinctive and al ways desireable feature LOW PRICES should bring to us this season a large percentage of the Clothing trade of this section this season, for we have a stock that is immense and is suggestive of all the features' above named. We expect you to see this stock, as to results we have no fears. O SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! The additional space added to tiffs line naturally implies that we are selling Shoes, to have made such wonderful pro gress in this department our prices must be right, it? is suffic ient to say if you will lock our Shoe Stock through, yourself and family will be shod from our shelves and a friendly handshake will greet us thereafter. 0 EVERYTHING that goes to make up a first-class “DRY GOODS STORE” is here. M e confidently expect you to visit us, examine criti cally our offerings, and whether you bring , GOLD OR SILVER you will find us ever ready to cuter to your wishes just as we would expect you to deal with us were w r e to exchange places at the counter. O Soliciting Your Presence, YYe are Your Friends, Hollis & Hinton. That heritage of rich and poor, has saved many a life. For Throat and Lung affections it is invaluable. It never fails to cure Cough, Cold, Croup ahd Whooping=Cough. DR. BULL’S COUGH SYRUP is the best. Price 25 cents. Chow LANGE'S PLUGS, The Great Tobacco AntWow,loc. Coalers or ma»i,A.C.Mejor & Co., Batts.,M4.