The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, November 25, 1896, Image 7

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Persons exposed to weather ere protected by (Itfuucm \w N . ' BcUadcnna v ;TYY't\\'' yUwWr : IT A | THE Jry spot, ;i HINDERCORNS The rrrly ror* Care far Corn« St>p«*;l pa n. Make* walking e«*y. 15c. at Druggists. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAMT Jg* Cleanse* and bcautifiei the halt K' -fyZL.. "* r ■SB Promote* a luxuriant growth. ■HRIBr= Fail* to Restore Gray mHiOrjC *wH Hair to it* Youthful Color. V Curea scalp diseases St hair falling flfrc.aod fl.Ou at Drugriata If yoa arr. CONSUMPTIVE or bar, Indi erection. Painful ills <.r bebtlitr of anr kind use PAllkEll’S GINGER TONIC Many who wiv uoj*>- lci»s aud discourairul Lave renamed health by its uso. tSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSt mwmimrn i ■■■ Ul* rilfli"»u-r'» Fng*l/a Ulurjon * Jirund, rEHtIYROYAL FILLS □ . •>. On!/ Cfnnlne. A e».rc ai ways reliable. '.*Dit6 /A KfcvA !»r*:~xirt for C\Ufilterm F*cU*h !><* jrf*\ '<f Mmn.l »n Krd and iue!*dlto\%j^Sr j£y —•<>*..•». scaisd wur» blue ribhaa. Tal'O ,a« oilier. /**/»<«« dw*g*ronM v I'/ ~ f.r ttoiuarul imitut.snM. ai Drugg.--:*,or *euft4e. I W la K»npi fur partleafars, tcnizubnUU and \ ty “Relief for La«llr«,” in k«er, by return •»\ fir Bind. 10.000 Testimonials. Him* i’aptr. (ihK'lii-<tert'uaiilouiL'u>|iii!tttU’ t (>n^(|uure ) gold jj ad Lvvti i'iiiktla. l'a. Not one part but every part of HIRES Rootbeer tends toward making it _ the perfect temperance and healthgiving drink. Made only by The Charles E. Hires Co., Philadelphia. A 26c. package makes 6 gallons. Sold everywhere. A BOON TO HUMANITY! CUSHMAN'S MENTHOL INHALER GrraUst Discovery of lll'.h CfCorj. Curt s all trouble* of the Head mud Throat. ; WgpfaP CATARRH. HEADACHE, ■&>*- yz,ae2> It. NEURALGIA, LaGRIPPE. WW * S WILL CURE halat.'in atoj 9 SUfiECURE* <llecL * */ It hnp no equal for #|T COLDS.SoreI hreat TT \ Pay Fever, Bron- V Nk\A * X chitlß, l.a GRIPPB. '. The most Refreshing * Ik and Healthful aid to T* li EADAcriE isuflerera. '' Brings Sleep to the 81ee{ >less. Cures Lisomnfk and Nervous Prostration. EVDOItShD TIY I*ll VMM IASS EVERT WIIEH*. J. LENNOX BROWNE, V. It. C. 8. Ed. Senior Surgeon to ths Central London Throat and Ear Hospital. ‘’The vapor of Menthol checks in a manner hardly I?s« than marvelous, acute Colds in the head. For all forms of nasal 'Ureases, ranting obstruction to ths natural breathway, 1 prescribe CUSHMAN'S MENTHOL LMIU.Ui to the extent of hundreds per annum.'-' DR. BROWNE also says: ‘‘Always carry tie in yen ions HEX* TlfOL IMIiLKK known a* < | SIIJEAN'S, which should be used not only on the first approach, but thr e or four times a day during an epidemic, aud always in cold catching weather by those subject to head colds.” lIICI ll£il7A V DR. J. H. SALISBURY, a distinguished IIVI l* U Cl* !■ A • physician of New York, said: ” Inhaled Menthol is particularly destructive to ths life of the Influenza bacilli.'* DR. S. S. BISHOP, Surgeon to the Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago, says; “You need no other assurance of my good opinion of your Inhaler, when I say that 1 aiu constantly using and pre • r-.Mng them for niv | »:;. , ' at alt Druggists, or mailed p<-*inaid on rect ’n* ofi i. e on Meutbol and testimonials. AGEN'I’S WANTED. ’AtMrtV Cuihmu Dtbj Co, ''inceanes, hi, or Ki I>f»rkn St, Ctiiesga the Hands. Go and get a of C'uahuiitn'a Menthol Klsslm and keep It In the bouse. It is the safest remedy und surest for Cuts, Burns. Bruises. Scalds, Chapped Hands. Sores, or any skin eruptions. It Is quick to relieve pain and intlnmmation. For Farm ers cracked hands it Is it wonderful cure. Largest box of ointment on the market. Cured Ilia Mother. CaRTHAOK. Mo., July 28, lhUs.—Your Menthol Rulvo cured mothers hands. She has had no trou ble with her hands s-nce 1 got her the bOJC. My mother is happy and doing all her own work again. She was not able to do any work for three years on recount of her hands. Your Budm has cured them, thank you very much. KoY Rahm. It Acta Like a Charm. Salem. Ala , April B, 1882.—1 have used your Men thol lßnlm on some old had sores, and on two or three cases of Itch and other eruptions: the patients ■ay it “acts like a charm. *’ Please send four boxes Bn!m. 1 Intend to encourage the use of your prepa rations because they do act sure enough ” like a Charm.” I). \V. FLOYD, M I). if you cannot get It of your druggist send 25c. for one box by mail. Sold by all leading druggists. Cushman Drug Co., Vincennes, Indiana. MOMORE EYE-GLASSES, So Weak More v Eyes! MITCHELL’S ‘ EYE-SALVE A Certain Safe aid UfocLivs Sencdy for v SORE, WEAK and WFLAKES EYES, .Prixfiieiiiv fy.Mij-.'iff/j'jfrd;.. n», aiul Mtestorinff the Sig l. l<;/’the old. Cuts Tear Drops, GrannlaSion, Siyo Tumors, IL.-1 Ey»>s, 'Jnfit ! Eye Lasbe% AND PRODUCING? QUICK RELIEF AND riiilAIANiiNT CURD. € Also.pqTtr.C.v « wl;fnasr4fa oilier ni.’ilmlli ' , ?;=!•:• .: ■ Mtvr.s f'ovjj Norm, Tui*» >rs. i:;:rn^, ■Mirs. or wiicwr iiiliHußiinUon ptS MIT('IU'.U.‘A NALVL may i t' s •dionln^r. SOLD BY On*JCG :c >' T“3 CCiTS- Thinacura FOR THIN PFOPLE. ARE YOU THIN? Flesh made with Thinacura Tablets l>v a scientific process. They create perfect assimilation of every form of food, secreting the valuable parts and discarding the worthless. They meke thin faces plump and round out the fig ure. They are the Standard Remedy for leanness, eo itaining no arsenic, and absolatelv harmless. Price, prepaid, $1 per box, «for so. Pamphlet, "How to Get Fat,” tree. The Thinacuba Co., 94i) Broadway, Sew York . Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripaus Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules assist di .estion. W Rjpans Tabules cure bad breath. & R;paus Tabules cure biliousness. W Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. f Ripans Tabules cure constipation. ng A pffiBfeJMWISV* | VScUtni. Addrva T. HIM 01, 863 Brc.i-v, X.w Wt. I OUE n GLOEY ,> CORNEB, A List of Those Who Remember The Golden Rule, The News thanks the following friends most kindly for their con tributions during the past week. They evidently believe in the gol den rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” And a mighty good rule it is. T. A. Hendrix $1 00 W. L Salmon .25 John Poo 1.00 C. W. Juukins .50 J. It. Huff 1.00 A. J. Lawrence 100 j Dr. King 800 R. A McWhorter .75 Henry Holbrooks 2.50 Wm. Key 1.00 S. D. Martin 2 00 C. M. Sitton 1 00 G. McConnell 1.25 J. L. Wright 1.G5 Mrs L. It Williams 1.00 J. H. Raster 2.50 W. A. Sharp .50 Mrs. Martha Smith GO G. J. Wilson 25 A. J. Hendrix 1.00 Miss Hattie Madden 1.00 Mrs. E. O. Boyles 1.00 Terry Bowling 25 G. T. Latimer 2.60 Hugh Richardson 1.00 J. M. Wyatt 1 00 J. C. Owen 1.00 B. R. Broom 2.00 R. P. Waters 3.00 R. A. Jennings 1.00 W. H. Atkins 50 Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for you troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. The medicine lias been found to bo pe culiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Complaints, ex erting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appe tite, Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is the medicir you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only 50 cents at 11. H. Ar rington’s drug Store. Braun on Man. The place to take the true mea sure of a man is not the forum or the field, not the market place or the amen corner, but his own fire side. There he lays aside his mask and you may judge whether he’s imp or angel, king or cur, hero or ! humbug. I care not what the world say about him—whether it crown him with rays or pelt him with bad eggs; I care never what his reputation or religion may be. If his babies dread his home-com ing and his better ha’f swallows her heart ovory time she has to ask him for a five-dollar bill, he’s a £' ‘sd of the first water, even tho’ he prays night and morn till he’s black in the face, and howls hal leujah till he shakes the eternal hill. But if his children rush to the front gate to greet him, and love’s own sunshine illumines the j face of his wife when she hears his footfall, you may take it for gran ted that lie’s true gold, for his home’s a heaven, aud the humbug never gets that near the great white throne of God.—Braun’s I couoclast. The Best for Children. “I believe Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the best for childreu I ever used.. For croup it is une qualled. It is a splendid seller with us.— T. M. Eckles, Gh. G. Manager Wampum Pharmacy, Wampum, Pa.” When used as soon as the first symptoms appear, : that is as soon as the child becomes | hoarse or even after the croupy j cough has appeared, it will prevent ; the attack. The mothers of croupy children should bear this in mind i aud always keep the remedy at I hand. It is also the best medicine ; in the world for colds and whooping ! cough. For sale at 25 and 50 cents ! per bottle by 11. H Arrington. The People's Tribune, of Birm j iugham. which for three years was the official organ of the Populist party in Alabama, has been sold by the proprietors, Capt.R. F. Kolb and his son, Mr. Reuben Kolb, to Hon. Philander Morgan, of Easonville, St. Clair county. THREE YEARS AGO 0. W, Knaner Was Cured of Chronic Catarrh—His Cure Remains Permanent. C. W. Kuaner, Sheldon, lowa, writes as follows : “I had been | troubled with catarrh for over two 'years; so bad at last that I could not work but two or three days in a week. I tried two doctors with out any relief. At times I was so bad that I could not hear. After using nine bottles of Pe-ru-na I was completely cured and believe Pe-ru-na will do all you claim if the directions are followed. I heartily recommend it to all who are afflicted with catarrh. I should call my cure lasting, for I have been working in an elevator for three years (among the dirt aud dust of wheat.)” No greater test could be made of an}' cure, than three years’ expo sure to dust and dirt of a grain el evator. This letter is a sample of tl ose we receive daily. They come unsolicited aud unrewarded. They express the sentiments of the writer in words that are direct and forcible. A book on catarrh will be sent to any address by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. “Yes,” said the old man, ad dressing his young visitor, “I’m proud of my girls and should like to see them comfortably married. I have some money, they won’t go to their homes penniless. There’s Mary, 25 years old, and a real good girl, I shall give her $5,000 when she marries. Then comes Bet, who won’t see 85 again, shall give $lO,- 000, and the man who takes Eliza, who is 40, will have $25,000 with her.” The young man reflected a moment or sn and then nervously inquired: “You haven’t one about 50 years old, have you?” Believe Also In Me. There is no journey of life but has its cloudy days; and there are some days in wfflich our eyes are so blinded with tears that we find it hard to see our way, or even read God’s promises. Those days that have a bright sunrise followed by sudden thunder-claps and bursts of unlooked-for sorrows are the ones that test certain of our graces the most severely. Yet the law of spiritual eyesight very closely re sembles the law of physical optics. When we come suddenly out of the sunlight into a room even moderately darkened we can dis cern nothing; but the pupil of our eye gradually enlarges until unseen objects become visible. Even so the pupil of the eye of faith has the blessed faculty of enlarging in dark hours of bereavement, so that we discover that our loving Fath er’s hand is holding the cup of trial, and by and by the cup be comes luminous with glory. The fourteenth chapter of John never fails with such music on our ears as wheu we catch its sweet strains amid the pauses of a storm : “Let not your hearts be troubled; ye be lieve in God, believe also in me. I will not leave you comfortless.” — T. L. Cuyler. ALABAMA NEWS. Capitalists will build at an early date in Birmingham, a $500,000 cotton mill. Thursday near Abbeville, Miss Maggie Murphy fell out of a wagon and was run over and killed. Fifteen additional men have been employed by the stove works at Bridgeport. At Attalla the marble works have been put in operation after! an idleness of several months. f The Simmons Coffin factory, of j Atlanta, recently destroyed by fire will be rebuilt. Royal Snead, a young white boy, j while riding a bicycle in Athens, | Saturday,collided with a horse and buggv and as a result, is seriously, j if not fatally injured. Near Rowland Springs Saturday a gun carried by Harry Woodall was accidentally discharged and the contents struck a 13-year-old uegro boy, killing him instantly. A Victory For the South, From the New Orleans States. There was an exciting scene in Miss Brown’s fashionable school on Fifth avenue, New York, the night after theelectiou. It appears that in this school, which prepares young ladies for a course at Yas sar, there were a bevy of McKinley girls, who determined to have some fun at the expense of six fair maids from the south, w r ho were ardent supporters of Bryau. The McKin ley maids after “taps,” clothed in their nighties, ascended by means of the fire escape to the floor above, on which were the rooms of their schoolmates from the south. The rooms were charged in a body by the McKinley girls and in a jiffy the contents of bureau aud armoir drawers were scattered over the floors in indescribable confusion. The six southern girls were dazed for a moment by the unexpected onslaught, but indignation soon gave place to dismay, and seizing water pitchtrs they drenched the McKinleyites, who chilled to the bone by the icy water, which went through their night gowns like a sieve, fled screaming to the fire es cape, and as they scrambled down it at the imminent risk of breaking their pretty necks, the six southern girls continued the acqueous bom bardment at short range and with telling effect. The affair was a great shock to such an exclusive institution as Miss Brown’s school and it is said there will bo an in vestigation, with tears and apolo gies as trimmings. We are glad to know, however, that the southern girls not only held their own a gainst superior numbers, but rout ed the enemy after a short and glorious engagement. Mrs. Bryan should telegraph her congratula tions to tho young ladies. The Life of the Soul. No man can measure the life of the soul in the coming eternity, nor set a limit to its growth and expansion. No man can prophesy of the celestial glories which will dawn upon it from age to age along the track of that great future. But the spirit comes to all this only by the pathway that leads through the dark valley, “over the river.” Death alone strikes off its fetters and opens the doors of its prison house, and brings it the freedom of new birth and larger growth. “It cannot be quickened except it die —but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” The old body per ishes in order to give place to the new body—“there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body; how beit that is not first which is spir itual, but that which is natural, and afterward that which is spirit ual,” Georgia Notes. Last week a party of hunters found a skeleton in the woods near W aco. The Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railway company sold on Friday of last week 4,000 tons of iron at Birmingham at an advance of 25 cents per ton ov9r previous fig ures. Two murderers confined in the jail at Jasper received help from unknown persons and had nearly succeeded in filing the steel bars when the attempt to break jail was discovered, Saturday. Mr. Frank Jackson, of Union Point, has a mammoth tomato vine. It is twenty feet long aud after using ripe fruit from it all the summer, he gathered a half bushel of green tomatoes last week. A colony of people from West Superior, Wis , have purchased the old saw mill site of Johnston & Co., at Sibley station, on the Geor gia Southern and Florida rail road. consisting of 10,000 acres of land. W. T. Downs, the young tele graph operator who took four bis cuits from a house near Macon, plead guilty in the superior court to the charge of burglary preferred against him, and was sentenced to thirty days imprisonment. An effort is being made to secure a pardon for him. PECULIAR in combination, pro portion and preparation of ingredi ents,Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great curative value. You should TRY IT» A DOUBLE CASE. Remarkable Cure of a Boston Man who was Afflicted with Salt= Rheum and Rheumatism. BOTC PROMPTLY CURED BY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE. From the Herald, Boston , Mass. Those who have had the misfortune to be afflicted with salt-rhf \m, more especially when it has come in early childhood, can appreciate what it is to “ doctor ” for this al most incurable trouble. They almost all tes tify that they have “ doctored ” for years, and often with some of the leading physi cians, spending large sums of money without obtaining relief. When this is complicated with an attack of rheumatism, especially in the case of a man whose advocation is one that exposes him to it, the serious nature of his physical ills may be imagined, and also the potent efficacy of such a remedy as Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, which has proved able to conquer such a concensus of bodily problems, and to put the man into a condition of vigor as a substitute for one of a moss. disheartening outlook. In view of the circumstances it is not sur prising that many in Boston, especially those of the railroad men, who have been familiar both with the individual and the attendant circumstances, should make so much com ment on the cure wrought in the case of Mr. James Freeman, for a number of years past employed as a brakeman on the Old Colony Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. This gentleman had been afflicted with salt-rheum from infancy and his blood had a decided tendency to humors, in addition to which the exposed character of his occupation promoted an ag gravated attack of muscular rheumatism which threatened to destroy his usefulness and deprive him of this means of livelihood. But learning of the remarkable testimony which had been given to the eflk .icy of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People when ever tried for these and kindred difficulties, particularly such as arise from an impover ished or disordered condition of the blood, he was induced to try them, and the result has been so gratifying that he has became a pioneer in recommending them to his fellow workmen, who through his words find the manifest results of his example have shown a constantly increasing use of the pills. In view of the degree of attention which the case attracted, particularly in its effect of promoting the use oT the pills among men who are not in the habit of taking medicine, the circumstances were deemed worthy of personal investigation, and accordingly a re porter made a call at the cosy home of Mr. Freeman, at 233 Shawmont Avenue, Boston, Mass., where he and his wife were found to be thoroughly free and unreserved in stating the facts, and most cordial in appreciation of the Pink Pills. "Yes, it is true,” he said in response to enquiry, “ I have the greatest satisfaction in giving ray word as to what Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have done for me. I have no per sonal interest in speaking about the matter except that I feel grateful for the cure they have caused, aCd I think it is only right that I should try and let others have the same opportunity for benefit as myself.” In re gard to the origin of his use of the Pink Pills e remarked: “ I was first led to try them on account of a certificate from a Montreal man which was published in the papers, and I thought the same thing that hhd done so much for him woul«i help me. * I needed to take the Pink Pills for the condition of the blood and for rheumatism. The fact is that my blood has been of a very hirmory nature and I have been troubled with salt-rheum from infancy. My head was covered with it and a good deal of my LOCAL SCHEDULE. = CHATTANOOGA, ROME & COLUMBUS RAILROAD,— EUGENE E. JONES, Receiver. Passenger ScHedule in EM Nov. 15,1896. SOUTHBOUND QfATTOUQ •, NORTHBOUND Sunday only. Daily No. 2. MiAiiUih)> Daily Sunday only. P. M. A. M. U. M. A. M. 4 XO 8 10 Chattanooga 0 40 0 55 !. ! 4 15............8 15 Shops 635 9 50 "4 36 8 37 Battletiield 6 14 9 27 4 4b. 8 44 Chickainauga 6 07 9 18 b4O ...........9 39 Trion 512 814 ” 5 50 9 48 Summerville 5 03 8 03 .’.’.‘.'.'..’.605...' ..1006...* Lyerly 4 4b 7 47 7 00 11 00 Rome 3 oO 6 45 7 45 11 44 Cedartown 3 07 6 00 ~... Connections are made at Cliatianoogs, Rome, Cedartown, Bremen and Car rolton with other lines at these points, Trains 3 and 4, Sunday oners splendid opportunity for those desiring to visit Chickainauga ..nd the National Military Park, or to spend the day at Chattanooga or Lookout 1 oir.t. hoi fur ther infoimation apply to C. B. Wilburn, Trailic Manager, Rome, or Odell, Agent, Summerville, Ga. PIEDMONT STOCK FARM. Green Bush, Ga. /VNP JENNETS. |VV.tK, HrORNE., Prop. hair came off. It was very uncomfortable and nothing that I could do seemed to cure it. “ Then came my rheumatic trouble dur ing three months of last winter. I think it came from exposure in the railroad yard dur ing bad weather. It was muscular rheuma tism and was located principally in my right arm so that I could hardly lift it that high.” Here Mr. Freeman raised his outstretched right arm slowly to a position below the middle of his breast and gave a graphic idea of the difficulty and distress which accom panied that effort before taking the Pink Pills. “ I began to receive benefit from the first time that I took the pills, and I have never known them to fail of doing good. The trouble with a good many people is that they think they do everything by taking the first small quantity of any remedy. I am not one of those who are ttisfied with that kind of sampling, and when I became satisfied that they were the right tiling for me I re solved to use them with fullest effect. I soon secured about 25 boxes. 1 bought them mostly from Janes’ Apothecary Store on Washington Street. One of the first good effects i found was an increase of appetite and the benefit of a general tonic. My blood became purer and better, and the effects of the muscular rheumatism rapidly disappear ed. As I took no other medicine the whole effect must have come from Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I was so gratified with their effect that I must have bought altogether about eighty boxes. “The result was that I was enabled to at tend to my work as a brakeman on the cars, which you know requires a pretty free strength in the arms, and I found my gener al health and spirits toned up. “ In the early periods of taking the pills I took one ns a dose, and latterly I increased to two and then three, the toning effect being all the stronger without any disagreeable effect. “I was so pleased with the results of the Pink Pills in my case that 1 recommended them to all the railroad men and others with in my knowledge that I knew would need their benefit. As a consequence quite a num ber began their use, and from all that I hear their eftccts were very satisfactory, so that I doubt not. they would be willing to reinforce my certificate with their own testimony.” Mr. Freeman’s remarks were corroborated at intervals by his w T ife, who was a partici pant in the conversation and manifestly shared his genuine enthusiasm for the cura tive effects of which she had been a witness, and for which the name of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills has become synonymous. He certainly looked well and no one csmld imagine by his appearance and manifestation of energy the double siege of rheumatism and salt-rheum from which the Pink Pills has rescued him. “I am so satisfied, ” he said, “ as to the trne results which the Pink Pills have brought me that I can readily give an affidavit before a Notary to that effect. All who know me and the circumstances of my case will, how ever, feel convinced without the need of that.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an j unfailing specific for such diseases as loco motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nerv ous headache, the after effect of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all j dealers, or null be sent post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box or six boxes for i $2.50, by addressing Dr. Williams’ Medicine j Company, Schenectady, N. Y.