The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, December 02, 1896, Image 1

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VOL IX LANHAM & SONS Are Almost Giving Goods flrvVay! Look at These Prices: White Bed Blanket?, each . . . . f 20 c Fur Lined Capes as low as 50 c Two Toned >ilk, stylish for Waists or Trimmings,. .. 15 c Ten Balls best Sewing Thread for 5 c • Good Hickory Shirting 4jc Good Yard Wide Sei Island 4 c Good Ginghams ; ’>tc (}'•<><! Indigo (,’alico 3|c MatUess Ticking 5 c Feather Ticking 10 c All Wool Flannel as low as 0 c Paper Patterns, all kindsand sizes 10 c Clothing, a real nice suit for a man $2.50 Worsted double width, nice 10 c Canton Flannel 4 c , Good Cotton Checks 3|c Pretty Capes trimmed with Velvet Braid and Buttons ..SI.OO Shoes! Shoes! We have an immense stock of New Shoes, and will sell for less money than any other house in the coun= try. __ • Clothing, All Kinds! * as Big Stock of Clothing as a regular clothing store and can and will sell Clothing cheaper than any house in Rome. This is no boast but a fact. Come in and see our line of Clothing and if you don’t think it cheap don’t buy. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! The finest stock of New Hillinery ever brought to Rome. Everything new and at prices no other house will name. We always knew the Ladies had to pay too much for their Hats, and therefore we decided to save them some money, and we do it too, We sell Fine and Stylish Hats for less money than any House in Georgia. Dress M ami Silis! Our new Fall Stock is the largest and is as fine as was ever shown in any house in Rome. Not an old style in the house, and all the latest Novelties at prices that will please any one wanting to save money. Don’t buy your Dress till you see our new goods. A beautiful all wool Serge Imported to sell at 40c. Our price only 21c. o Gome and sec the silk we are selling at 15g. Nothing like It in Rome. Who would be without a Silk Waist when they Gan get One at 15g a yard. We have by far the largest stock of New Goods Ever brought to Rome and will sell cheaqer than any one in Rome. All we ask is a trial. We have the finest line of Gapes. Silk Dress Goods and Millinery to be found anywhere and we know we will please gou. O We will be pleased to show goods whether you buy or not. L/tNrtftM SONS. Wholesale and. Retail. 314 to 326 Fifth Ave., ROME, GA. THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS. SUMMERVILLE, CHATTOOGA COUNTY, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 2, 1395 IMPORTANTBILLS That Have Been Introduced In the General Assembly. Below will be found some of the more important bills that were in troduced in the G moral Assembly last week : Among these are the bill by Speaker Jenkins to create the office of commissioner of pardons; one by Mr. Mozley, of Cobb, making women eligible to the office of state librarian; one by Mr. Freeman, of Coweta, allowing children residing near county or school district lines to attend the school nearest their residence, and anotner by Mr. Yates, of Catoosa, amending the registration law so that no new egistration shad bo required for voting in elections for justices of the peace. By Mr. Yates, of Catoosa—A bill to amend the general registration law so that no additional registra tion of voters in elections for jus tices of the peace shall bo neces sary. By Mr. Turner, of Henry—A bill to regulate the attendance on schools in county or school dis trict lines so that children may be allowed to attend the school near est their residence and the teacher shall bo credited with the pro rata of the school fund. By Mr. Jenkins, of Putnam —A bill to create the office of commis sioner of pardons, to hold office two years, hear evidence on both sides, visit the penitentiary, hear from the convicts and investigate the cases there, and report to the governor. The commissioner is to receive $1,200 a year and have his travelling expenses paid. By Mr. Boynton, of Sp tiding—A bill to authorize the officers in charge of county matters in each county to designate a depository to require such depository to give bond and to create a lien on all the property of the depository and of the sureties should they bo nat ural persons. Charles Ellis, a negro went to sleep on the railroad track near Mobile Saturday and was knocked off by the “Cannon Ball” of the Louisville and Nashville . Ho es apel with a few slig it bruises. (PERRY DAVIS’.) w A Sure and Safe Remedy in every case and every kind of Bowel Complaint la Thia is a true statement and it can’t be made too strong < 9 or too emphatic. / It is a simple, safe and quick r cure for ' f Crimps, Cough, Rheumatism, * 7 Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, C? Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. jF Two sizes, 25c. and 50c. X Keep it by you. Beware of if Imitations. Buy only ths J? Genuine—Perry Davis’. Y' Sold Everywhere. •V* ■ 111 ■ .■ Ml - =—M——oa ■ ■■ ■■■ ■■l in ■- low I g 3LOOD BALM. I A household remedy lor all Blood and St Skin diseases. Cures without tail, Serof- M uls,fleers. Rheumatism. Catarrh. Salt Rheum *1 and every form ot Blood Disease from the I simplest pimple to thefoulest Ulcer. Fifty S: I years use with unvarying success, dem- a loustrates its paramount healing, purify- Si ing and buildine up virtues. One bottle S has more curative virtue than a dozen of St any other kind It builds up the health i and strength from the first dose. g: ItTUHITL for Bonk of TFon-M dertiil Cures, sent free on ap nip- * cation. * K If not kept by your local druggist, send S B eLOO for a large bottle, or *5.00 for six bot- S j ties, and medicine will be sent, freight S I paid, by S SBLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, 6a. S This and That. Charles R. Crisp was last week nominated at Hawkinsville to fill his father's unexpired term as con gressman from the Third district. Palmer and Buckner carried one voting precinct in Hie United States so far as heard from, and that was Dudley township, in Has k> 11 county, Kansas. The report from that bailiwick shows that Palmer and Buckner received three votes, McKinley and Hobart two and Bryan and Sewall one. That was j nst one precinct more than many people thought they would get, and one more than they were entitled to. The Zeigler brothers, of Screven county, have been acquitted of the charge of murdering Sheriff Brook er. The evidence by a number of prominent men showed plainly that the Zeiglers shot Sheriff Brooker in the back while he was leaving the church grounds, and without giving one word of warn ing. The verdict was a most mis erable travesty on justice, and just such cases as this do more to encourage lynch law than anything e’si.. The Zeiglers were defended by Tom Watson. Not long ago a telephono line was built from Gadsden to Walnut Grove, and recently, when the price of cotton declined, the farmers in that vicinity attributed it to the wire. Ono day last week a bright and intelligent farmer hitched his oxen to the wire and yanked down about two miles of it before he was satisfied, and now ho will have to answer in the court for the damage doiie to the company’s property. Judge Newsome, the beautiful singer of the ‘’Lone Rock By the Sea,” is getting his grappling irons into the members of the General Assembly occasionally, as is evi denced by an occasional squib in our country exchanges signed ‘ Court Reporter.” Judge Newsome is a nuisance and ought to be sat upon gently, after removing his button hole boquet. It is claimed that 200 trains en ter and leave Atlanta every twenty four hours. WEYLER IS DOOMED. Insurgents Offer $5,000 to the Man Who Kills Him. The agent of a Chicago powder and dynamites firm passed through Atlanta Thursday on his way home from Cuba. He wont over on the last expedition of the Dauntless, was transferred with the tug’s cargo to a fishing smack in the gulf and was landed at a point fifty miles from Havana He gave his name as Phillip Car roll, and says ho accompanied a cargo of ammunition and bore let ters to Cuban leaders on the island . Carroll says the insurgents have set a price on Gen. Weyler’s head and that he will be taken or killed if he gets near the insur gents lines. A company cf Texas rangers, armed with rifles which will carry a hall five miles, landed on the is land three we ks ago, andthes - men are < n the lookout all the time for Spanish officers. The ri ll -s which are Sharp's needle ga: s, with v.ind gauges and telescopic sights, and weigh twenty eight p unds. But an insurgent accom panies each sharpshooter and car ri -s :> strong fbdd glass. With t,o ch.-s ;’>e j.alive scan the country < fficers. When one is fount! the ranger g* is in action with his rd: -, fiii' g from a rest, These Texans operate chi<-tiy from tree t> ps. F<>r ev-ry officer whom they kid or fatally v. uml they get $1.00?. and the man who kills Gcu. Weyuer is to get $5,000. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Powder > Absolutely pure LARGEST CORPORATION. The Greatest Corporation in the "World is in the United States. According to a writer in the j American Exporter we have in the I United States the greatest corpor ation in the world. We hold this preeminence, whether it be desira ble dr not. That is altogether an other question, which it is not needful that we should argue now. This great corporation is the : Pennsylvania Company, which controls the Pennsylvania Central and other vast systems of rail roads. It has a capital of $857,- 075.1)00, and 15,430 miles of track which traverses thirteen states It lias 3,756 locomotives, which consume 20,000 tons of coal a day, and make runs equal to the dis tance around the globe every two hours. It has 3,935 passenger cars, 154,000 freight cars, 350 Pullman cars, and 241 other cars for con struction and other purposes, making a total of 158,524 cars, which make a journey equal to the circumference of the earth every eight minutes. The locomotives and cars, if placed upon a single track would reach from New York to Chicago, or fen times the dis tance between Philadelphia and New York. The rails of the Penn sylvania railroad, if laid end to end, would encircle the globe and overlap about 100 miles. The to tal annual revenue of the road is $135,000,100 —equal to $372,506 a day, and $15,525 every hour of the day and night. There is no corporation of any sort, anywhere, that can make such a showing. A drowning man wou'd have lit tle use for a method of rescue which would require days. A dy speptic doesn’t want to bother with a remedy that is going to take weeks to show its beneficial effects. The Mount Lebanon Shakers are offering a product under the name of Shaker Digestive Cordial which yields immediate relief. The very first dose proves beneficial in most cases; and it is owing to their un bounded confidence in it, that they have put 10 cent sample bottles on the maiket. These can be had through any druggist; and it will repay the affiicted to invest the trilling sum necessary to make a trial. The Shaker Digestive Cordial re lieves by resting the stomach and aiding the digestion of food. Laxol is the best medicine for children. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Imprisonment For Life. Yorkville. S- C., Nov. 24. —The motion for a new trial in the case 1 of M. R. Reese and Daniel Luckie, j convicted jointly’ of murdering ' Charles T. Williams, of Georgia, was heard this morning. The at torneys for the defense made a strong ph-a, but it was ignor >d by i the prosecution. Judge Watts overruled the mo tion and asked the defendants t • stand up for fit tenet?. They were both S' ub :><•< d for life imprison m< nt, the verdict of thejury being ' gui ty with a recommendation to mercy. The erection o f a $500,000 cot ton mill will be commenced m i Birmingham in the near future. Newd Notes. The Bank of France has a cam era so trained that the picture of any suspicious visitor may be se cured without the suspected indi vidual knowing that he has been caught. Richard E. Cherry, for a long while associate editor of the Al bany Penny Press, committed sui cide by taking laudaum last Wed nesday evening. Despondency, caused by losing his position is said to have been the cause of his rash act. The county authorities of Atlanta have just signed a contract for a new jail to cost about $170,000. The Jonas King suit for the re covery of valuable real estate in Rome which from the magnitude of the amount involved and the prominence of the parties to the suit has excited much interest, lias boon postponed until January. Policeman W. W. Thornton, of Gadsden, shot Ned Hickman, col ored, one night last week. The negro refused to halt when called to by the policeman, when the hitter fired with the result as stated. i. . Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junc tion City, 111., was told by her doc tors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King’s New Discov ery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Fran cisco, suffered from a dreadful cohl, approaching consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. lie is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this med icine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at 11. 11. Arrington’s Drug store. Regular siz l 50c, and SI.OO Mrs. Brown (in awed whisper)— Sh-h! I hear a burglar in the pantry. I believe he is going to steal the cake I cooked today. Mr. Brown (sleepily)—Poor devil! He may have a family, to >. —Up-to-Date. The new order had begun to be a pretty old thing, when one eve ning she came home to find her husband in tears. “Thecook,” sobbed the unhappy man; “has gone and bought a new stovepipe hat just like mine.” — Detroit Tribune. Tutt’s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Doctors Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great ” driving wheel” in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt’s Liver Pilis 1 Cure all Liver Troubles. No 39