The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, December 02, 1896, Image 5

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DOLLARS • * AND CENTS. . . . The people of the south are practicing econ omy to-day more closely than ever, and it is right. A penny saved is a penny made. The Way to Save Pennies is to buy your Fall and Winter Goods where you can get the biggest value for your money. Besides you want something that is stylish and up to date, and the place where all these qualities are combined is Thompson HUes & Co. Our Mr. Martin has just returned from Cincin nati where he bought an elegant line of season ab e and Stylish goods for the Fall and Winter trade, which we will offer at Bed rock prices. We had a magnificent trade last spring and we ■ • are determined to keep it up. Low Prices And a good quality of goods will always draw the trade, and to these two features in our present stock we call the especial attention of the public. It will be to your interest to call and see these Elegant New Goods Whether you are ready to buy or not. It costs you nothing to look, and when you see our values and prices you will come again. The ladies are especially invited to see our Dress Goods. Thompson Hiles & Co. News fttnome. Money to loan on farms. Five years time. Terms easy. Jno. D. Taylor. R* Always in season. Hopkins’Steamed ' Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elegant lunch I in Milk. > Mrs. J. S. Cleghorn spent several days of last week visiting frit nds in i Dalton. Guns! Guns! We have the cheapest and best line of Guns in town, from .<•2.50 to .<35.00. J. N. Rt sh & Co. Mr. G. F. Kendrick, of Rome, was in town last Thursday talking insur ance'. We have some bills to meet, ai d therefore must collect what is cue us. This applies to you if you are due us any amount. J. N. Rvsir & Co. It appears that most of these who signed notes for the Bonham harrows have decided to pay them off without going into the courts. We desire to exchange a linen dus ter. in fair condition, for an overcoat, or pair of sox. Call early and avoid the rush. You cannot afford to miss seeing our st ick of Fall and Winter millinery. Our goods are the latest and most sty lish. Thompson & Co. Miss Lena Dalton returned Saturday from Trion where she had been visit ing relatives and friends. she was accompanied by Miss Ada Murphy. Last Sunday was a blizzard day. All dav long the wind blew from the north, and with it the rain fell, cold and chilly. Good tires and good books were in demand and were greatly en joyed. Perhaps not since the war lias their been so many fat porkers in the county as now. and since the weather has turned cold hundreds of them have been killed. The farmers ’enerally are well fixed, so far as spare ribs and back banes are concerned. . The death of Mrs. C. D. Hill, of Trion, which occurred last Thursday, •will be sincerely regretted by a host of friends. Mrs. Hill was a woman of a most lovable Christian chair cter, and her quiet and gentle disposi ion and many excellent traits had endeared her to a large circle of friends who will sadly mourn her death. Fine Pictures very eheap. Call anti see them. T. W. Chastain. Mrs. B. 11. Edmondson returned Saturday morning from a visit to the family of Capt. Hill, at Trion. Wanted—one or two cords of good dry stove wood on subscription. Call early and avoid the rush. Read our splendid offer on another i page. Two.papers for the price of ! one. I will pay highest market price for ■ cotton seed delivered to me at Lyerly. W. P. Foster. The first fifty subscribers who pay a year in advance will get a handsome premium. See offer on another page. I A splendid line of new and elegant Dress Goods just received by Thompson Hiles & Co. Cicero Cleghorn, Jr., ?eturned Mon day morning from a trip to Atlanta and Dalton. Miss Edla Fite is spending ‘he week in Dalton the guest of Miss Eugenia Bitting. Delinquent, our duster is flapping mighty lonesomelike in this December breeze. We need that little thou j owest. A dollar will buy you more reading mat'er now than ever before. Read our offer on another page, and then call at this office and see us about it. The members of the Summerville Baptist church are requested to be present at the meeting next Saturday without fail, as business of importance will come up for discussion. V T e are receiving daily the very newest and latest styles in Fall Millin ery. Perfect dreams of beauty at prices that will astonish you for their cheapness. Call and see. Thompson Hiles & Co. The many friends of Col. J. A. Mc- Kamy will be glad to learn that he is recovering from the effects of the in juries he sustained by a fall from a ■ horse last week.—Jimplecute Mr. M . J. Wood, of Dirttown valley, rcjKirts that several of his neighbors i have died recently of what seems to I be eongestiou. Mr. F. A. Weaver's I son is quite sick now and the physicians ! seem unable to relieve the trouble and I are somewhat puzzled as to the true nature of the malady. LOCAL ITEMS. Gathered Here and Yonder For NEWS Readers. Mrs. Will Weathers, of nearLaFay ette. is reported to be critically ill. I have a few more pair Wool Socks yet for sale. W. T. Newton. W ANTED some corn on subscrip tion. R. 11. Bailey, of Trion, was ming ling with his friends here last Sunday. Examine my samples and let me or der you a suit. W. T. Newton. Fresh fish and Oysters at W. T. Newton's every Saturday. An attractive lot of ladies’ and chil drens’ news Hats has been added to J. W. Pitts' stiock of fall goods. We want! all the Peas, Wool, Corn and Fodder in the county in exchange for goods and debts. Cleghorn & Henry. It is reported that a number of peo ple in Dakota were caught out in the blizzard last week and were frozen to death. If you are thinking of buying a Bug gy, Surry or Hack, see ours, we have a fine lot to sell for cash or on time. Cleghorn & Henry. Tax Collector Knox reports that he has collected considerably more money up to date than be had at the same time last year. This would seem to indicate that money was a little more plentiful. John IL Clemmons has placed bis notes and accounts in my bands for collection and all parties owing bin: either by note or account will please come forward and settle at once and save cost. C. L. Odell, Att’y. Our honor roll shows up very nicely this week. There are about SOO more names that ought to appear in the “glory coruer” between now and Jan uary Ist. St. Peter always loves a man that pays for his paper. Moral: Does St. Peter love you? Throughout my store you now will find. Still greater bargains than e’er before, Just only look, convince your mind, That h'.rd Is what you need and more The people come and then do know, For this ip why I’m crowded so, Competitors have made the cry,— His goods are shoddy don’t you buy,— But time has proved just why this plea, - They want the trade, now don’t you see? J. W. Pitts. Mr. A. B. Echols, who for some time past has been with the firm of Hollis & Hinton, has accepted a posi tion with the C. IL & C., railroad as operator at Chickamauga, and Monday, with h : s family, left for that place. Mr. Echols has been in Summerville a number of years and during his stay here has made a host of friends who regret to see him leave. The agency at Chickamauga is one of the best pay ing ones on the line, and is a position much desired by operators. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts —gentle efforts —pleasant efforts— rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of i sickness are not due to any actual dis i ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who Value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase. that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skinful physicians, but if in need of a lax. ' e. one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup oi Figs stands highest and is most largely -sed and gives most general sr.ti.-facti n. hH busts WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good- Use in time. Sold bv druggists. . MILLINERY! If you’ve got to buy a Hat or Millinery of any kind, it would seem almost imper= ative that you should take advantage of these offer ings; couldn’t of touched them a month ago at any= thing iike such prices. There will be many busy buying and you ought to be one of them. 25c Straw Sailors at 15c,. 40 and 50c Cloth Sailors 35c,, 75c Cloth Sailors at 50c. SI.OO Sailors at 60c and 75c. AH other Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, Velvets, and everything in this depart at big reduction. Hollis & Hinton. THE APPOINTMENTS In Dalton District. Assignments For the New Year. Dalton District—A. W. Wilson, presiding elder. First church, L. G. Johnson: Hamilton street, M. M. Wal raven; Whitfield, W. IL Kennedy; Summeiville and Trion, A. B. Pope; Spring Place, N. A. Parsons; Murray circuit, G. P. Gary; Fairmount and Pine Log, J. N. Snow; Calhoun, C. Quillian; Adairsville, W. E. Tarpley; Tilton, J. W. Bale; Subligna, J. N. Myers; Lyerly. M. L. Troutman: La- Fayette, J. F. Davis; LaFayette and Chickamauga. J. A. Thurman; Ross ville, IL B. Taton; Ringgold, J. W. Gober; Tunnel Hill, G. L. Chastain; Kingston, R. P. Martyn; Dalton col lege, G. J. Orr; Fairmount college, J. A. Sharp; Sunday school agent, P. L. Stanton. Rev. Mr. Rosser goes to Little River in Athens circuit, and Rev. 11. J. Adams goes to Conyers. The stockholders, or rather stock subscribers to the C. R. & C., railroad held another meeting in town last Fri day to devise ways and means to keep from paying the amount they sub scribed. It could not be learned what the latest move was, except that it was a fight to the finish before paying any thing. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones are improved more by the pleasant laxative, Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gen tle remedy than by any other, and that it is more acceptable to them. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by the Cal-, ifornia Fig Syrup Co., only. A New Idea. With every Dress Pattern and trim mings, costing $2.00 or more wc will give a pattern to make the dress by, free. These patterns are as good as the best, and are used by the best dressmakers. Thompson Hiles & Co. Teachers Can get their money Monday, Dec. 7th, 1596. W. A. Milner, C. S. C. Messrs. J. C. Penn and S, E. Jones, of Dirttown valley, raised this year for H. 11. Arrington, the seedsman, sixty 1 bushels of okra seed. This is, per , haps, the largest crop of okra seed ; ever grown in this county, or perhays i in this section of the state. Mr. B. 11. Powell, of Lyerly, died ! last Thursday of pneumonia, after a short sickness. Mr. Powell was in the j prime of life, and his death will be ; greatly regretted by his friends and I neighbors. If you will always give me your or ders for fresh fish and oysters on Thursday you will not be disappointed i Saturday. W. T. Newton. Miss Smith, who has been here on a visit to Mrs. W. T. Newton returned to her home in Buchanan last Monday. Washington Axes. Don’t buy any ; other kind. Fully Guaranteed. If one breaks, bring it back and get one free. J. N. Rush & Co. Our readers will pardon us for any lack of local news this week. The weather has been so severe that news is hard to get. We can and will sell vou a Shit or Overcoat for less money than you ever heard of before. Cleghorn & Heni y. After the warm weather that pre vailed in November the cold snap this week i- exceedingly disagreeable. Clothing, Shoes, Dress Goods and Hats at less money than ever sold be fore. Cleghorn & Henry. Mrs. D. T. Espy recently bought the Hansom farm, in Dry valley, and will move to it today. -w HOLLIS HINTON. The Ebb and Flow of the trade tide is like that of the Ocean. The slack water of summer business is no sooner reached than the flood tide of fall sets in. This will soon be upon us in resistless volume. We foresaw it. We’ve been preparing for it for weeks. We are ready for it. Been doing some masterful buying for you. Al! that is newest and best wait your inspec tion and approval. o The Dress Goods Section invites you with a truly magnificent assortment of rich ra dinace. Hrt has borrowed from the rich autumnal colorings of nature. Nothing glaring, or socially pronouuced but rich suggestions of color and tone, such as auij woman of refined taste would admire. Mang of these woven beauties are con fined to us for this section. Gome in and look them through; view them by the clear light of day and remember par ticularly, that no woman’s wardrobe is complete without at least one good black gown, and we’re in shape to gown the country. Handsome lustre, unique brocade Effects, fine fig ured Mohairs. Standard all wool and silk and wool plain and plaids materials all fresh from foreign looms and with a modesty of price that will make you ready buyers. (i Millinery Distinctively SiylisH. One of the most important features in Ladies’ attire is the “Hat.” It should be correct in shape, correct in tone, artis tically formed that the effect may 'blend happily with both the complexion and peculiar charms of the wearer. Miss , Scarborough who has charge of this department possesses be yond comparison that artistic skill and happy faculty of meeting perfectly and satisfactorily the requirements of every ' customer. With unquestioned ability and a stock at her dis posal, comprising all the latest effects pertaining to the line, the trade will not be disappointed when they visit this de partment, and we will add that here the very lowest prices prevail. O Clothing, True to Color, and Perfect in Fit is what men desire; this coupled with a distinctive and al ways desireable feature LOW PRICES should bring to us this season a large percentage of the Clothing trade of this section this season, for we have a stock that is immense and is suggestive of all the features above named. We expect you to see this stock, as to results we have no fears. O SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! The additional space added to this line naturally implies that we are selling Shoes, to have made such wonderful pro gress in this department our prices must be right, it is snffic ient to say if you will lock our Shoe Stock through, yourself and family will be shod from our shelves and a friendly handshake will greet us thereafter. O EVERYTHING that goes to make up a first-class “DRY GOODS STORE” is here. We confidently expect you to visit us, examine criti cally our offerings, and whether you bring GOLD OR SILVER you will find us ever ready to cuter to your wishes just as wo would expect you to deal with us were we to exchange places at the counter. O Soliciting Your Presence, We are Your Friends, Hollis & Hinton. SMIQN The modern Pain Annihilator, will positively cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, Earache, Backache and all other aches. SALVATION OIL is sold everywhere for 25 “cents. Only the genuine will do the work. i Chew LANGE’S PLUGS, The Great Tobacco Antidote,loc. Dealers or mail.A.C.Mejer & Co., Balto.,Md,