The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, December 09, 1896, Image 1

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VOL IX CHRISTMAS AT r 35- * LANHAM | SONS We are Going to Have the Lar gest and Most Varied Stock of Christmas and Holiday Goods " " in Rome, and if you want to make a PRESENT our Store will be the place to buy it. Our buy< r has just returned from Now York whore he bought t he Largest line of nil New Goods ever brought, to Rome. Our prices are the lowest. TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, PICTURE BOOKS, FINE VASES, FANCY CHINA, and a thousand other things suitable for Presents will be sold by us for Less money than other merchants. Olif Do/ Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes, Clothing, etc., is Being sold for ■ Less, mosey than by other merchants! 0 Our Millinery Department Is Gsrtainla tin ins’Jn Sri;. , Wo soli Hats, Gaqas, etc., real Cheap, and they are o’ the Finest and roost Stylish in Georgia. o LOOK AT THESE PRICES! Fur Trimmed Capes as low as 50 c Infants Plush Hoods cr Capes only 5 c Infants and Childrens Knit Sacks only 10 c All Wool Flannel Per Yard Sic Cotton “ “ “ -H c Cotton Checks, Real Good 3+c Bed Blankets, each, only 20 c Lace Curtains perpair 85 c Towels, each 21c Pretty Double Width Worsted...... 10 c “ " “ “ Cash Worsted only 10 c —Ladies Heavy Button Shoes . , 75 c \ A large lot of Drummer’s Sample Shoes. Come while those goods last. They are cheap. EVERYTHING AS ADVERTISED! ■■ Come to see us we can sell you all you want and by getting everything at Our Store Save Money and trouble. If you want a Christmas Present or any= thing else come to our Seven Stores and you will cer tainly be pleased. If you are going to Marry come to us for your Dress, Hat, Suit, Cape, Stove or Sewing Machine. ‘We sell the celebrated New Home Machine. Case of Finest Quarter Sawed Oak, and of very latest style at $25, others ask $45. LflrNH-ftM > SONS. 'Wholesale and Retail. 314 to 326 Fifth Ave., ROME, GA. THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS. SUMMERVILLE, CHATTOOGA COUNTY, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 9, 1896 THE APPOINTMENTS of Some of these Men You May Know. The following assignment o , were made at the Dalton conference last week, of men whose names are familiar in this section : J. W. Quillian goes to Marietta; M. 11. Edwards to Woodstock; W. J. Cotter to Asbury ; J. A. Reynolds to East Point; A. B. Weaver to Fayetteville; W. T. Irvine to Car rollton circuit; Fletcher Walton to Villa Rica; G. W. Griner to Harmony Grove; G. W. Duva] to Sociar Circle. A B ston woman the other day got into serious trouble by wearing to the theater a hat so big that it obstructed the view of the gentle man who sat behind her. The gen tleman was a merchant Fie recog nized the hat as one that had been stolen from his store, and had the woman arrested. ha Hail Patiaai. James L. Francis, Aiderman, Chicago, says: “I regard Dr. King’s New Discovery as an ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physi cian’s prescriptions or other prep arations.” Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, lo wa, writes: “I have been a minis ter of the Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years or more, ai d have never found anything so ben eficial that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King’s New Discov ery.” Try this Ideal Cough Rem edy now. Trial Bottles free at 11. 11. Arrington’s drug store. Georgia News. A number of government engi neers are engaged preparing plans for the defense of Brunswick. Dr. Wyllis Rede, of Rockford. 111, has accepted the call to the Church of Incarnation at West End, Atlanta. An attempt was made to wreck a Plant System train at the Tide water Oil Company’s switch on Sunday, but it failed. Walker Ray, a 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ray, of Resecca, was fatally burned a few days ago, his clothing catching fire from the hearth while his parents were out. Ho died within three hours. Charles Williams, Willian Hen ry and Henry Thompson, three ne groes, charged with robbing a man in East Rome and on whose person sixteen watches were found, after wards identified as the property of a Chattanooga merchant, were re leased Saturday. After recovering his property the merchant declined to prosecute. H Pain-Killer J | (PBRRY DAVIS’.) | 1 A Sure and Safa Remedy in every case E J and every kind of Bowel Complaint is . 1 Pain-Killer J 2 This is a true statement and it can’t be p S made too strong or too emphatic. < It is a simple, safe and quick cure for g Je Cramps, Cough, Eheumatism, 5 X Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, 2 Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. -’ TWO SIZES, 2Sc. and 50c. 3 Wvgwv wgurangK’wavww wv\> arr Biw BLOOD BALM. I A household remedy for all Blood and Skin diseases. Cures without fail, Scrof ula. Ulcers, Rheumatism. Catarrh. Salt Rheum and every form of Blood Disease from the simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty a years’ use with unvarying success, dem onstrates its paramount healing, purify ing and building up virtues. One bottle has more curative virtue than a dozen of a I any other kind. It builds up the health w and strength from the first dose. S &TWHITE for Book of Won- * * Cures, sent free on applt- M «eation. S If not kept by your local druggist, send j fi ?LOO for a large bottle, or fo.oo for six hot- S fi ties, and medicine will be seat, freight S E paid, by I iBLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ba. j Robbers In Rome. Rome, Ga. Dec. B.—Two negroes and a white man, under the full glare of an arc light, held up John Miller, a pr minent merchant of Rome, at 5 o’clock this morning while the latter was en route t<> his store to*begin his day’s busi ness, and rilled his pockets of over a hundred dol'ars in cash. This crime was one of the bold est of a series of crimes that have followed each other in rapid suc cession, and has almost precipita ted a reign of terror in Rome. A mong the police and private citi zens the belief is strong that the town is infested by a regularly or ganized gang of highwaymen. Miller is the proprietor of a gro cery store and meat market, and does a thriving business. It is his custom to open these places early in the morning, and today he started to them at his us ual hour. When he reached Fifth avenue, ho noticed the group of men gathered under the electric light, and whatever suspicions be may have had at their being e broad at such an hour were allayed by tho very boldness of the men. They were chatting pleasantly with one another, and the white man appeared to have been asking some directions of the darkies. As the shopkeeper got opposite them, one of the trio suddenly wheeled and presented a pistol to Miller’s head, and warned him that an at tempt to move or an outcry would mean death. Miller was unarmed and utterly helpless, and while the white man kept him covered with a revolver, the negroes rilled his pockets. Thoir victim had something over a hundred dollars on his person, and this the robbers secured, in addition to a watch and several ar ticles of minor value. As soon as he was released, the victim gave the alarm, and pursuit has been instituted. City detec tives have been especially detailed on the caee and the entire police force are lending every effort to effect a capture. This robbery has served to em phasize the startling state of affairs existing in Rome for the past sev eral weeks. Lawlessness has been running riot, and all efforts to pre vent it have proven futile. In the opinion of even the policemen themselves, Rome is in the hands of organized bandits and the series of crimes that have so rapidly fol lowed one after the other are the works of these gentry. The police force has just been doubled in numbers in order to break up the gang. A tired stomach is very much like a sprained ankle. If you suf fer from any of the symptoms of dyspepsia, your stomach is tired. It needs a crutch. We must re ' lieve it of all work for a time, or until it is restored to its natural strength. To do this successfully, we must use a food which is al ready digested outside of the body, ■ and which will aid the digestion of other foods that may be taken with it. Such a product is the Shaker Digestive Cordial. The Shakers have utilized the . stive principles present in unis for the manufacture of this .idcle, and its success has been i i rely phenomenal. You can try it for the nominal sum of 10 cents i a- sample bottles are sold by all ! druggists at this price. Lax-’l is the best medicine for children. Ductors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. | The authorities of Rome have released Jeff Nix, Rhymer Marra ■ Fli l and Emma Tolbert, thought to be implicated in the ki ling of Gide >n Pope, the colored mer chant. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Absowteev pure A GREAT RABBIT DRIVE. It Occurred in California Several Days Ago. The great rabbit drive, which was eo elaborately planned at Fresno, was today carried into successrul execution, with the re mit that thousands of rabbits met their fate from the merciless clubs of farmers and town people. Estimates as to he number killed vary, ranging from 10,000 to 25,- 000. It was impossible to count them, and the best estimate is no better than a guess. But the slaughter surpassed anything of the kind ever seen here before. Ten thousand people took part— footmen, horsemen, wheelmen and vehicles of all sorts. When the line was formed ready for advance it was a huge crescent, one horn at McMullan station, and the other near Caruthers, on the west side of the railroad. The line of people was twenty-four miles long. It was after 10 o’clock when W. F. Rowell signalled a general ad vance, and the line moved forward across orchards, fields, vineyards, and finally emerged on tho open plains. The best of order was maintained. The marshals gal loped along the line giving instruc tions. Toward noon the north and south wings began to fold in ward to the center, and when in three miles of the corral the line of men had contracted till it was less than three miles long. All this time the rabbits had been driven forward, constantly increasing ini numbers. At first they had not showed much con cern, but when they began to be crowded they grew excited. Sev eral coyotes were started. Some were shot, and others died later. Some whelps were caught alive. Many rattlesnakes were killed. When the rabbits had been driven into a comparatively small place they covered th| ground, and soon grew excited and ried to escape by rushing through the lines. Then the slaughter begun. A solid line of men dropped on their knees leaving the ground heaped with the dead behind them. Fully 10,- 000 were thus killed and the others were forced into the corral, where they rushed to and fro, frantic with fear. They trampled and smothered each other to death by thousands. A coyote that en tered the coral was actually tram pled to death by the rabbits. Fif teen minutes with clubs finished the work. Many good judges place the to ! tai killed at 30,000. Farmers ! hauled wagon loads away to feed I hogs. The best of order prevailed. Only one person refused to obey orders. He was beaten and driven off the grounds by the crowd. The drive was the best managed, the ; largest and most satisfactory ever held in the country. Alabama News. Twenty-five people left Anniston ' the other day for Texas. i The old city hotel at Tuskegee was burned on Friday night. Citizens of Piedmont will seek to have the city charter amended. Gland© Russell and wif", both totally blind, have opened a store at Attalla. There is a 1 rge New Foundlaud dog at Athens that climbs trees, 1 bear fashion, and enjoys the exer l cise; Slightly Exaggerated. The tendency of some western men to exaggerate is well set off in the following: “Y’es, sir,” resumed the Dakota man, as the crowd of agriculturists seated themselves around a little table, “yes, sir, we do things on a rather sizable scale. I’ve seen a man on one of our big farms start out in the spring and plough a straight furrow until fall. Then he turned around and harvested back. We have some big farms there, gentlemen. A friend of mine owned one on which he had to give a mortgage, and the mort gage was due on one end before they had it recorded at the other. You see it was laid off in counties.” There was a murmur of astonish ishment and the Dakota man con tinued : “I got a letter from a man who lives in my orchard just before I left home, and it nad been three weeks getting to tho dwelling house, although it had traveled day and night.” “Distances are pretty wide up there, ain’t they?” inquired one. “Reasonably, reasonably,” re plied the Dakota man. “And the worst of it is, it breaks up families so. Two years ago I saw a whole family prostrated with grief. Wo men yelling, children howling and dogs barking. One of my men had his camp truck packed on seven four-mule teams and he was ’round bidding everybody good-bye.” “Where was he going?” asked a Gravesend man. “He was going half-way across the farm to feed the pigs,” replied the Dakota man. “Did he ever get back to his family?” “It isn’t time for him yet,” re turned the Dakotagentlemau. “Up there we send young married cou ples to milk the cows, and their children bring home the milk.” The mechanics in the Southern railway shops in Knoxville, Tenn., say they will celebrate the birth day of Mark Hanna when it comes round. Only three days after the election the shop force was cut 20 per cent and two weeks later the hours were reduced from ten to eight, and the force again reduced. An order was placed in the shop Friday stating that the men would only work four and a half days a week hereafter. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Tutt’s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Doctors Say; \ Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great ” driving w’heel” in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt’s Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. No 40