The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, December 09, 1896, Image 4

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SUMMERVILLE NEWS ■ I fl 00 Per Year In Advance. . “* ' I J. W, CAIN, Editor and Proprietor. EDNA CAIN, Associate Editor. Summerville, Ga., De< 9, 1896- Entered at Summerville P. O. as sec osd clasa matter. The Georgia legislature seems to be in a very liberal mood with the atate’s money Put on the brakes, gentlemen! Why couldn’t a part of the Geor gia convicts be put to work on the coast defenses at Savannah, and other points? It is said that about half of those “hold ups” and robberies re ported as having occurred in Rome and vicinity recently, are fakes, pure and simple. f The Columbus Enquirer-Sun asks: “Who can wonder that Kan sas has more deserted wives than any state in the union if Sister Mary Yellen Lease is a sample of those whom the poor men are de serting?” A story was told on an old gen tleman who was once sent from / the State of Dade to the Georgia legislature, when Milledgeville was the capital of Georgia. The old I gentleman arrived there one night and was up the next morning ear ly, and mistaking the market place L for the capitol building, went in B and hung his hat on a meat hook, ■ taking a seat on one of the meat & blocks. When the butcher came V in the old gentleman asked him ■ how long it would be before the r members of the legislature came in. The butcher informed him that was not their place of meet- I ing, and gave him directions so he I could find the place where they L would meet, informing hiiji that he wished to use the block he oc- B cupied to cut his meat on. The H old man gave up his seat, took his HK hat oil’ the peg, and proceeded to B find the capitol. mSImkH Cuban Affairs. Washington, D>>c. 2. —ITesidniit 'leveland has c<mclud-‘d Ins m s ; Bsage to be sent to congress this week. Upon what ho will say i Bon the Cuban question the most is manifested by th • pub- KHlic at large, and particularly I y VBthe financial world. Tim r High B copy of that was completed yester day. It was submitted to the cab inet meeting and shown to one of the president’s closest friends, who has in the past been a figure in the I government bond transactions. ■ On the Cuban question thepres- B ident will say, in brief that there B is no material reason why the U- States should interfere in Cuban rebellion just now. He IjjMßvs it would be a mistake and Bubd be acting in bad faith v. it MMBin to rofoeni.e. the i/i-b-pi-n- 1 ' Cui .a. >r <v.e: t-'no u - B Aitc. - ;• :r. ..■B r -ii y " But he adds that owing to A merican rights it involves and A merican interests concerned, it is the duty of the Spanish govern ment to suppress the rebellion in a limited time. Dat the conclu sion of a reasonable time, he says Spain has not put an end to the revolution, then it will be his duty as president to recommend to con gress that this government shall interfere. Privately, to his cabinet ofiicers, Mr. Cleveland has said that he will give Spain until the Ist of Febru- I ary to put an end to the insurrec- I tion in Cuba. If at that time the I war is not at an end, he will send a message to congress advocating ■ the recognit ion of the independence B of the Cuban republic. He added F that it might result in a declara- L tion of war on the part of Spain F against the United States. SALE OF THE 0. R. & C. The Central Trust Company of New York Foreclose. The Chattanooga. Romo, & Co lumbus is to be -old at public auc tion at Rome, Ga., at noon on Wednesday. Jan. 13, under a decree , of foreclosure and sale rendered in | 1894 and the Savannah and Wes tern railway also goes to the ham- 1 met. The plaintiff in the case is th- Central Trust company, of N<-w York, and Robert C Alston i has been appointed special com missioner. The conditions of sale say hat no bid of less than $300,- 0(H) will be accepted, and that bid must be accompanied by $25,000 .cash or its equivalent. The sa’e includes 110 miles of road, term inal property, rolling stock, right; ‘of way and everything connected with the road. —Chattanooga Times. That Tired Feeling Makes you seem “all broken up,” with out life, ambition, energy or appetite. It is often the forerunner of serious ill- i ness, or the accompaniment of nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im parts life and energy to every nerve, I organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling i.~ therefore apparent to every one, and the good it will do you ; .is equally beyond question. Remember Hood’s Sarsaparilla Isthe best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. • I FA: 11.. cure liver ills, easy to take, 1100(1 S i lllS easy to operate. 25cents. LYERLY, GA. A. J. Lee is enlarging his livery stable. .John W. Starling, of Rome, was vis iting bis mother Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Dover, of Rome, were up Sunday visiting relatives and | friends. A. J. Lee made a business trip to Chattanooga last week and sold a nice bill of chairs while gone. Mr. jas. Parker died here last week, lie had been sick for some time and his death was not unexpected. Mrs. 11. S. Dover spent several days 'of last week visiting her daughter. Mrs. E. A. Doster, of Alabama. Prof. Davis will move from this I place to Atlanta soon. We under-1 stand that its probable Mr. Etheridge, ' of Alpine, will take this school. Rev. Mr. Troutman, the new preaeh ler for the Lyerly circuit, spent one night last week here. He was accom panied by his wife; we expect to have ' him with us by the 3rd Sunday. A. 11. Hartline’s father and family ’ from Alabama boarded the cars at this place last week for Texas. Did not; : learn to what point they were going; : there are others who expect to be off ; in a day or two. Miss Pearl Burney who has been here for some time visiting her sister, Mrs. j|. L. Pollock, will go to Rome in a day or two where she will spend some dime before returning to her home at Madison. The' Methodist Sunday school wil i have a Christmas tree; it will be prin- i cipally for the children of the school | but any who may wish to put on spec- j ir.l presents will be glad to have them dj so; have not learned whether the j Baptist school will have one or not. 1 M ’ Before you join the insurgents army ; take a peep at our offerings. We are prepared to clothe and shoe the armies of tiomez. and Maceo on short notice. C ome land get your share. Hollis a Hinton. The board of trustees of the Sum merville school met last Saturday and employed a Mr. Bass to take charge of the school for another year in place of Prof. King. This action on their part was a considerable surprise to some of the patrons of the school who were not expecting any change.and has created some dissatisfaction. It was rumored yesterday that some of Prof. King s friends would make an effort to get the Board to reconsider its action, but whether this will be done or not is not uaw known. Married Tuesday of last week W. (). ! Matthews and Miss Deila Horn, both ' o' near Chattoogaville. Rev. J. H.» Clazutr officiating on the happy oeea siou. > CH RISTHASI! More Good Things Than You Ever Dreamed Os! That is the way one of our customers expressed it when speaking of our line of Christmas Goods. We have the largest stock and the most beautiful goods ever brought to Summerville. We buy direct -.-nd in large quantities, therefore get. the lowest prices and new style goods. f » Christmas Presents For the big, the little, the old and young. ( DOLLS. JEWELRY. Bisque, China, Waxen. § Watches, Cl- cks, Rings, A complete assortment, § Chains, and a complete any price—they fit your § assortment of Silver purse. £ Novelties. Lamps! Lamps!! Lamps!!! Swinging Lamps, Plain and Fancy. The new Rochester, which ; is one of the best on the market. Banquet Lamps. This is a very popular Lamp, and the prices are moderate. Vases, Cuns and Saucers, Bisque Figures, all cf finest workman ship and most beautiful design. Cai! and examine our goods before buying. | H. H. Arrington. | Dalton District, First Round. Dalton. First church, Dec. 20th. 11 I a. 'm. Dalton, Hamilton street, Dec. 20th, 7 p. m. Varnells Station Dec. 23rd, 11 a. m. Tilton, Dec. 25th. Calhoun, Dec. 26th and 27th. Adairsville, Jan. 3rd and 4th. Kingston. Jan. 9th and 10th. Mt. Vernon, Jan. 16th and 17th. Fairmount, Jan. 23rd and 24th. Ringgold, 30th and 31st. La Fayette, Feb. 6th and 7th. Spring Place, at Harrison church, Feb. 13th and 14th. Murray circuit, Haslers church, Feb. 15th, 11 a. m. Lyerly, Feb. 20th and 21st. Chickamauga, 27th and 28th. Rossville, March Ist. Summerville and Trion, March 6th and 7th. Subligna, March Sth. A. W. Williams, P. E. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, / gg Lucas County. \ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the I firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, 1 County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this 6th dav of December A. D. 1886. z seal 1 A. W. Gleason, ' ' Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best CHESTNUT FLAT, GA. Chestnut Flat, Ga.. Nov. 30. John T. West and Miss Fann, of Tennessee, were married the other day. W. A. Martin has moved his family from Valley Head, Ala., to this place. John Duke, of Alabama, is now at work at Jones’ saw mill; The Board of Education Will meet Wednesday, Dec. 16th. to consider applications for special license I to teach. W. A. Milner, C. S. C. NO T ICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Al. parties who have claims against the estate of O. P. waters, late of said countv, dec , are required to present the same in teuns of the law, and all who aiy indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment. > J. T. Shropshire, i_ . , , T. J. Rutledge,! Aanir * ■- >■ —— The bill making women eligible to hold the office of state librarian passed the lower house last week, and will come up in the senate for final action this week. It Is thought it will pass > without serious opposition. TELOGA, GA, Xmas is coming and the wed ding bells have already been ring- I ing. Mr. J. O. Smith and Miss Mary Kelley were married last’ Wednesday evening at Mr. Charles; Smith’s, D. A. Hemphill, N. P., of ficiating. We wish for them a long a..d happy life. Madam Rumor says there was . another wedding Sunday, but we have not learned if it is true. Rev. Mr. Butler, traveling evan- j ■ gelist preached at the Baptist i church Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. Rev. J. M. Coley was shaking hands with friends here last Satur day. Miss Alma Martin of Dry valley, attended the Smith-Kelley mar riage last Wednesday. Say boys can you tell me why Joe Harper was so pleased at the wedding. B. Northcutt is suffering with a dislocated arm, caused by a fall I •f while out hunting. There seems m be much attrac tion up the way for Rev. W. L. ,H — of late, as he comes rain or sunshine. Can’t you tell us some thing about it, Miss L? Say girls can you tell me who the boy was that got lost last Sun day night going home after being to see his best girl. What about] it, Mr. F—? Mr. R. L. Pursley is the happy jman of our community on account of another girl at his home. Mr. and Mrs R. A. Watson, of LaFayette, were visiting relatives here Sunday. Sam Barnes, of Jamestown. Ala , was visiting friends here recently. Mr. James Gilreath of near here, will move to Menlo in the near fu ture. Valley Girl. I Nourish > Him. I ■ ' That’s the whole secret in a B word. We can cure no disease i unless ~ c can keep up the pa- s tient’s strength. And there’s M , only one way to do that —feed B ; him. But if the system refuses 0 food? Then use SCOTT’S g EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites. It goes Straight to the Blood. | stops the wasting, rekindles || I the vital fire, makes new flesh <| and so renders a hopeful fight ■ possible against ANY disease. R Especially is this so in bron chial and lung troubles, in the < relief and cure of which Scott’s $ * Emulsion has won its rcputa- 3 j tion. Book about it free. Scott’s Emulsion is no mysterious S mixture. It is palatable, non-nauseat ing and infinitely preferable to the |a ’ plain oiL The genuine has our trade- L ■ mark on salmon-colored wrapper. Get |3 the genuine. For sale at 50 cts. and SI.OO by all Eg druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. *-*• Big Bargain Sale. Wuf OUR PRICES wti naiiicu in su ’ t the people —ROME — and the times on DRY GOODS, JEANS. FLAN- CLOTHING, NELS, BLANKETS SHOES, ETC. JACKETS, ETC. It will pay you to come to Rome and buy from us your' Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, etc. I === POINTERS: -=- ; Good Cotton Check 34 to 4c Men’s Wool Suits $3.75 to $4 50 Best Heavy 27 in., Plaids only 5c Men’s Fine Wool Suits 500 to 7.50 Best AAA Sheeting 44 to 5c Young Men’s Suits 3.50 to 5 00 ■Good 7 oz. Jeans 124 to 15c Boy’s Wool Suits 1.50 to 3.00 Best All Wool Jeans 15, 20 and 25c Men’s Under Shirts 15, 25 and 45c ! Good Worsted Dress Goods Bto 10c “ Dress “ 50 to 75c Ladies’ Cloth Capes 35 to 75c Good Woolen Blankets 2.00 to 3.00 Womens, Misses and Childrens Solid Leather Polka Shoes at 750,650, and 50c. Best Line of Men’s, Women’s and Boy’s every day Shoes in the World for SI.OO. —o Call to See Us When in Rome. • - V SPARKS, BRANNON & C 0,- 233 Broad. St., ROME, GA. ME.RGER UNIVERSITY, MACON, Ga. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 16, 1896, Well equipped, strong, and progressive faculty; university organ ization ; and courses elective. Eleven separate schools: English Greek, Latin, Latin, Modern languages, Mathematics and Astronomy | Natural History, Physics and Chemistry, History and Philosophy 1 Pedagogy, Theology and Biblical Literature and Law. School of Pedagogy open to women as well as men. Its funda mental purpose is to make the scholar the teacher. Special pain ta ken to secure remunerative employment for graduates of this school. School of law, with a very able faculty. Students can take law and special courses in the arts department. Notable advantages for students in the Macon courts. Board in clubs at $5 a month: in families from $lO to sls. Matriculation fee, S4O. No tuition charged. Mercer University stands for Christian character, for honest work for honest and intelligent methods and for scholarship. We appeal to all real friends of education to co-operate with us in our efforts to uphold the proper standard of education. For catalogue or special information address, P. D POLLOCK, Chairman, of Faculty. J. K. UJinitams®®, # JEWELER. I Watches. Clocks and Jewelery. Diamonds, Cut Glass. We have a splendid line of olid liver Ware, Cut Glass and everything usually kept in a first-class Jewelery store. -4=4= Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. J. K. Williamson, 227'Broad St., Rome, Ga.