The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, December 09, 1896, Image 5

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DOLLARS * * AND CENTS. . . . The people of the south are practicing econ omy to-day more close y than ever, and it is right. A penny saved is a penny made. The Way to Save Pennies is to buy your. Fall and Winter Goods where you can get the biggest value for your money. Besides you want something that is stylish and up to date, and the place where all these qualities are combined is Thompson Hiles & Co. Our Mr. Martin has just returned from Cincin nati where he bought an elegant line of season able and Stylish goods for the Fall and Winter trade, which we will offer at Bed rock prices. We had a magnigicent trade last spring and we are determined to keep it up. Low Prices And a good quality of goods will always draw the trade, and to these two features in our present stock we call the especial, attention of the public. It will be to your interest to call and see these Elegant New Goods Whether you are ready to buy or not. It costs you nothing to look, and when you see our values and prices you will come again. The ladies are especially invited to see our Dress Goods. -s- Thompson Hiles & Co. News At Home. < Money to loan on farms. Five years time. Terms easy. Jno. D. Taylor. Mrs. Ellen Griffitt ami children, of Trion, spent last Sunday in town with j friends. Always in season. Hopkins'Steamed Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elegant lum li in Milk. Miss Nettie Johnson of Trion, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives near town. Guns! Guns! We have the cheapest and best line of Guns in town, from $2.50 to $35.00. J. N. Ki sh A Co. The first fifty subscribers who pay a year in advance will get a handsome premium. See offer on another page. I Mr. J. M. Yarbrough, formerly of i Chattoogaville, has removed to Rome. , anil orders his News forwarded to that ■ place. We have some bills to meet, ai d . therefore must collect what is due us. This applies to you if you are due u< ’ any amount. J. N. Rvsh & Co. Mr. Fred Myers, of Trion, who is in the employ ot Hamilton A Co., was taken ill Wednesday and returned home.—Rome Georgian. You cannot afford to miss seeing our stock of Fall and Winter millinery. Our goods are the latest and most sty lish. Thompson Co. The Misses Lawrence, of Subligna have returned home after a delightful visit to Miss Nannie Hargis, corner Avenue B. and West Fourth street in the Fourth Ward.—Rome Tribune. We are receiving daily the very newest and latest styles in Fall Millin ery. Perfect dreams of beauty at prices that will astonish you for their che; .'S, Call and see. Thompson Hiles A Co. A the lovely home of Capt. and Mrs. Thom son Hils Friday night the miss: nary -jciety of the First Metho dist i Lurch held an enjoyable enter tainment. They netted a neat sum and those i resent spent the evening delightfully.—Tribune. John R. Clemmons has placed his not < ar. 1 accounts iu my hands for collection and all parties -owing jin: either by note’or account will please come forward and settle at or ce and save cos C. L. Odell. Att’y. TTT- | Fine Pictures very cheap. Call and see them. T. W. Chastain. Fresh fish and Oysters at W. T. Newton’s every Saturday. Misses Annie Routh and Mattie Es till, of Trion, spent Sunday with friends in town. Wanted—one or two cords of good dry stove wood on subscription. Call early and avoid the rush. A splendid line of new and elegant Dress Goods just received by Thompson Hiles & Co. Several of the teachers remembered the editor in a substantial way last Monday. Thanks, gentlemen. We want all the Peas, Wool, Corn and Fodder in the county in exchange for goods and debts. Cleghorn & Henry. A dollar will buy you more reading mat'er now than ever before. Read our offer on another page, and then call at this office and see us about it. • All parties are warned not to hunt jor trespass on my lands, near Alpine, under penalty of the law. Be warned in time. 11. C. Etheridge. If you are thinking of buying a Bug- j • gy, Surry or Hack, see ours, we have I a tine lot to sell for cash or on time. Cleghorn & Henry. Mr. B. R. Broom and family, of this place, removed last week to Subligna, Mr. Broom was a most excellent citi zen and made many friends during his ■ stay in Summerville. We are receiving this week a big lot of Dress Goods and Trimmings in all the new styles and colors. Re member you get a pattern free with , every dress you buy. Thompson Hiles & Co. J. Randolph Tucker has returned *o his home in Hill city, where his moth er. Mrs. Dr. Tucker, is seriously ill. Mr. Tucker is now one of the opera tors for the Western Union company at Nashville.—Chattanooga Times. Mrs. T. B. High died last Thursday night at the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. D. Hix. of this place, and next day the remains were removed to Dirttown valley for interment. Mrs. High had been iu failing health for two or three years, and her death was not wholly unexpected, but was a sad shock to her familv add friends, never- W... LOCAL ITEMS. Gathered Here and Yonder For NEWS Readers. I have a few more pair Wool Socks yet for sale. W. T. Newton. j Jesse Perry and Miss Rosa Logan, of Taliaferro, were in town Monday. WANTED some corn on subscrip | tion. Examine my samples and let me or der you a suit. W. T. Newton. E. Moore's red heifer is at my house. 11. 11. JJALL, Menlo. Ga. Mr. E. W. Sturdivant has been con- | lined to his room since Sunday with a ■ slight attack of grippe. Clothing, Shoes, Dress Goods and Hats at less money than ever sold be- I fqre. Cleghorn A Henry. Confectionaries and Fruits o:.’ all kinds for Christmas at Hollis A Hinton’s. Little Homer Arrington has been sick for several days past with pneu monia, but is now improving, and is thought to be progressing favorably toward recovery. If you wish to avoid the rush don’t tell your neighbors of the unparalleled bargains in Underwear, Shoes anti | Jeans at Hollis A Hinton’s. Miss Kate M v ers, of Trion, for the ; present a “special” at Shorter, spent' Wednesday night and Thursday with i Mrs. A. W. Shropshire.—Ropie Geor gian. Mr. W. 11. Edwards and family re moved last week from near Center Post, Walker county, to the farm of j Mr. C. C. Bryan, east of Summer-! ville. Miss Hattie Merritt returned last Friday evening from a visit to Miss Eugenia Bitting, at Dalton. She re ports a most delightful visit and says that Dalton “is the finest town in the worlu.” Quite a number of teachers were in town last Monday to get their pay for the third quarter of the year. The last payment has been delayed on ac count of scarcity of money, but the teachers appreciate it when it does come. A difficulty occurred Thursday of last week near New Moon, Ala., be tween Thomas Gillen and Dick B rry, in which the former was rather oadly cut up with a knife in the hands of Berry. One wound on the leg was eleven inches long, besides three or four other wounds less serious. A very pretty marriage was that which occurred at the hospitable home of Judge and Mrs. John Mattox last Thursday night, when their handsome and accomplished daughter, Miss Alice was married to Mr. T. W. Rich. Rev. Jesse Hunt performed the marriage ceremony. The wedding was a very quiet one, only a few of the special friends of the family being invited. The young couple are well known, and are very popular and have a host of friends who wish them a happy and prosperous future. firs; i / Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper es ■ forts—gentle efforts —pleasant efforts— I rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsuf families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle. which is~ manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most ski I -.ul physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Kgs stands highest and is most largely tsed and gives most general satisfaction. • CURES WHERE ALL ELSEF AILS? ? Lgg Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso Fgg 1 EJ in time. Sold by druggists. MILLINERY! If you’ve got to buy a Hat or Millinery of any kind, it would seem almost imper= ativethat you should take advantage of these offer= ings; couldn’t of touched them a month ago at any= thing like such prices. There will be many busy buying and you ought to be one of them. 25c Straw Sailors at 15c. 40 and 50c Cloth Sailors 35c. 75c Cloth Sailors at 50c. SI.OO Sailors at 60c and 75c. All other Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, Velvets, and everything in this depart= at big reduction. Hollis & Hinton. Miss Roberts, who has been hereon a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. T. New ton, returned to her home in Buchanan ast Saturday. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones are improved more by tho pleasant \ laxative, Syrup of Figs, when in : need of the laxative effect of agen ! tie remedy than by any other, and that it is more acceptable to them. | Children enjoy it and it benefits i them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by the Cal- I ifornia Fig Syrup Co., only. Teacher Wanted. Wanted a teacher for the public school at Foster’s store for another year. Address, Jxo. M. Bridges. A New Idea. With every Dress Pattern and trim mings, costing $2.00 or more we will give a pattern to make the dress by, free. These patterns are as good as the. best, and are used by the best dressmakers. Thompson Hiles A Co. School Notice. Prof. King requests the News to say that the present session of his school will close next Friday, at which time an examination will be held. The patrons of the school, and the public generally are cordially invited to be present and witness the exercises. Christmas Tree. The Menlo Baptist Sunday school is going to have a Christmas tree on Christmas eve night. All Sunday schools of the different denominations are cordially invited. Seab M. Baker, ) 11. 11. Ball. J Com ' The prices offered by us from now until the holidays will put everybody in a good humor. Hollis A Hinton. See new legal ads in this issue. Mrs. Willie Taylor spent Sunday and Monday in town, returning to Raccoon Tuesday. We can and will sell you a Suit or Overcoat for less money than you ever ) heard of befofe. Cleghorn A Henry. When in want of Holiday goods, of I all descriptions call on 11. 11. Arring ton. If you will always give me your or ders for fresh fish and oysters on Thursday you will not be disappointed Saturday. W. T. Newton. The Godwin brothers killed 16 hogs last week that weighed 4800 pounds. That was a pretty good lot of porkers. Washington Axes. Don’t buy any other kind. Fully Guaranteed. If one breaks, bring it back and get one free. J. N. Rush A Co. The members of the Cherokee Ma sonic lodge, of Rome, are preparing for an evening of work and social enjoyment on the evening of De cember 28. A number of guests will be invited. If certain of the Summerville Masons should be among the number present it would be well to notify Gomez of the Central Hotel, and give him ample time to “go to mill.” These Summerville Masons •■are fond of their vittles,” so Gomez says. A little child of Mrs. Harris, who ■ lives in Dirttown valley, was burned to death the first of lasi week. It 1 Minis the mother had gone off and left : Hie little one alone, when its clothing -•miehow caught fire and burned it to : death. This is the second child that ' M Harris ha- had burned to death, ar. 1 another one was frozen to death I two vears ago. Mrs. Harris was in dicted for the Salter on a charge of | criminal neglect, hut came cL-ar on a trial* HOLLIS # HINTON. The Ebb and Flow of the trade tide is like that of the Ocean. The slack water of summer business is no sooner reached than the flood tide of fall sets in. This will soon be upon us in resistless volume. We foresaw it. We’ve been preparing for it for weeks. We are ready for it. Been doing some masterful buying for you. All that is newest and best wait your inspec= tion and approval. 0 The Dress Goods Section invites you with a truly magnificent assortment of rich ra dinace. Art has borrowed from the rich autumnal colorings of nature. Nothing glaring, or specially pronounced but rich suggestions of color and tone, such as any woman of refined taste would admire. Mang of these woven beauties are con fined tons for this section. Gome in and look them through; view them bn the clear light of day and remember par ticularly, that no woman’s wardrobe is complete without at least one good black gown, and we’re in shape to gown the country. Handsome lustre, unique brocade Effects, fine fig ured Mohairs. Standard all wool and silk and wool plain 1 and plaids materials all fresh from foreign looms and with a J modesty of price that will make you ready buyers. ■ o j Millinery Distinctively SiylisL 1 One of the most important features in Ladies’ attire is the fl “Hat.” It should be correct in shape, correct in tone, artis- fl tically formed that the effect may blend happily with both fl the complexion and peculiar charms of the wearer. Miss '• 1 Scarborough who has charge of this department possesses be- ’ -gl yond comparison that artistic skill and happy faculty of meeting perfectly and satisfactorily the requirements of every customer. With unquestioned ability and a stock at her dis posal, comprising all the latest effects pertaining to the line, fl the trade will not be disappointed when they visit this do- fl partment, and we will add that hero the very lowest prices fl prevail. O fl Clothing, True to Color, and Perfect in Fit B is what men desire; this coupled wilh a distinctive and al- fl ways desireable feature LOW PRICES should bring to us this season a large percentage of the Clothing trade of this BM section thid season, for we have a stock that is immense and is suggestive of all the features above named. We expect fl you to see this stock, as to results wo have no fears. sflß 0 1 SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! fl The additional space added to this line naturally implies that we are selling Shoes, to have made such wonderful pro gress in this department our prices must be right, it is suffic- J lent to say if you will lock our Shoe Stock through, yourself fl and family will be shod from our shelves and a friendly fl handshake will greet us thereafter. 0 ■ EVERYTHING ’ 1 = = = - _ / ■ that goes to make un a first-class “DRY GOODS STORE” is j here. We confidently expect you to visit us, examine criti- ■ cally our offerings, and whether you bring GOLD OR SILVER ( you will find us ever ready to enter to your wishes just as w| would expect you to deal with us were we to exchange places at the counter. 0 Soliciting Your Presence, YYe are Your Friends, Hollis & Hinton. RuiiSW I Is a remedy of sterling value. It positively g cures all Bronchial Affections, Cough, Cold, Croup, fl Bronchitis and Grippe. You can always rely on ft. B DR. BULL’S COUGH SYRUP is indispensable to fl every family. Price 25 cts. Shun all substitutes. I ch ew LANGE’S PLUGS, The Great Tobacco 4ntidote.lOc, Dealers or mail.A.C. Meyer & Co., Balto.,lM.