The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, December 16, 1896, Image 4

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•cf* ••'’'•'w't'r r«x'g.-*w»»to." ■■»«■.- SUMMERVILLE NEWS 51 00 Per Yeah In Advance. i J. W, CAIN, Editor and Proprietor. EDNA CAIN, Associate Editor. Summerville, Ga., Dec 16, 1896- Entered «t Summerville P. O. as sec o s d class matter. Taylor Delk has been sentenced' by Judge Beck to hang January! 27. Santa Claus can do the hand some by putting Cuba in Uncle Sam’s Christmas stocking. 1 ♦ B. . Hou. William J. Bryan wil open his lecture tour in Atlanta, January sth. Our old friend, the spicy Con gressional Record, puts in an ap pearance this week? How could we get along without it, anyway? •———• The total amount of pensions paid to Federal soldiers since the war is said to be two billions of dollars. •— State Geologist Yeats favors the building of a state museum, to be used for a permanent exhibit of the mineral products of Georgia. ♦ — We hope Mrs. Nobles will not be allowed to hang. Women get awful cranky sometimes, but then we don’t believe in hanging ’em . He—Do you believe there are microbes in kisses? She —I never believe anything without investi gation. And even then the bloke didn’t give her one for investiga tion. We believe it would be a good idea to elect the members of the General Assembly for a term of four years, and provide for bien nial sessions. Too much lawmak ing is as bad as too little. Leap year is almost gone and another one will not occur until 1904. Some of the girls will have to hurry up with their proposals, or they will be old maids before they get another opportunity. ■ I The fight for the appointment to the position of state librarian promises to be warm. All of the applicants for the position are worthy and excellent gentlemen, except one—and she is a woman— and will win. Why not complete the Chatta nooga. Rome and Columbus rail road from Carrollton on to this city. It would make a mighty good road operated in connection with the Georgia and Alabama Columbus Enquirer-Sun. ♦— The reported death of Maceo, the cuban leader, has aroused re newed sympathy for struggling Cubans among all classes of Amer icans. The most probable theory of Maceo's death is that he was be trayed by his physician, and murjderered by the ambushed Spaniards. ■ w « A western exchange says that a practical revivalist requested all in the congregation who paid their debts to rise The rising was gen eral. After they had taken their seats, a call was made for those who didn't pay their debts, and one solitary individual arose, who explained that he was an editor, and could not because the rest of the congregation were owing him their subscriptions. T|je increased appropriations by the Georgia Legislature, wilidouot less cause an increase of tax«s next year. It is time a halt was called on taxation. It is climbing too high. The people can't afford to give such a big per cent of their earnings to the government they live under just simply that benefits may be bestowed on a few. Mod ern progress is a good thing, but don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg. —Marietta Journal ' They Reconsider, The Board if Trustees of Sum merville school held another meet ing last Friday evening, and recon sidered their action of the week before. Saturday before, they had de cided to let Prof. King go, and to employ as teacher in his place, a Mr. Bass. When this action be came generally known, a petition was circulated among the pupils, asking that Prof. King be retained as teacher, which was signed by most of them. Another petition was circulated among the citizens of Summer-! ville, which had many signatures thereto. Accordingly, the trustees held ! another meeting and decided to ‘ retain Prof. King, and so he and I Miss Hemphill will have charge of j the school for another year. The examination of the pupils at the academy last Friday evening was most creditable, indeed, to both pupils and teachers. It de veloped the fact that the pupils, even the smallest ones, have made most gratifying progress in their studies, and that the teachers in charge have been faithful and ear nest in their efforts to obtain the best possible results. The people of Summerville can never hope to have such a school as they might, unless they unite and go to work in earnest. It takes united and harmonious effort t • insure the success of any enterprise, and the school could be built up and made one of the most important factors of the town’s progress if those most interested would make a de termined effort along that line. They’re Cornin’ Home. The colonels—they are coinin’ home; the mules begin to bray, An’ the dust is jes’ a-llyiu’ as they meet ’em on the way; Au’ the flags will all be wavin’ from the housetops, high an’ low, An’ the drums will roll in music, an’ you’ll hear the bugles blow— When they come, come, come, With a hurrah an’ a hum— O, we’ll blow the biggest bugles, An’ we’ll beat the biggest drum. The colonels—they are coinin’ home; we see ’em up the road, A-makin’ of the fastest time the cross ties ever knowed! An’ you’ll see the cotton blossom, an’ you’ll hear the jaybird sing, An’ the cow-bells will be elan Kin,’.an’ the dinner bells will ring— When they come, come, come, With a huirah an a hum— O, we’ll blow the biggest bugles, Au’ we’ll beat the biggest drum! —Constitution. Deputy Marshal Goodson* raided a still about three miles above Trion, on the Christopher farm, last Thursday night and captured the still. He also arrested Sam Lancaster, Henry Wal ker, Fayette Harless and two of the Christopher brothers. One of the lat ter, however, was released before they had gone far with him. One of the men was captured after a most excit !ng chase. Another man who it seems was near by wen the arrests were made made a run up the valley, that is said to exceed anything on record for speed. It is not known who he was, but his record as a racer is said to be first class. The legislature will adjourn De oember 20th. Merit “Merittalks” the ■■■ ■■ intrinsic value of B I Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ■ Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there fore it has true merit. When you buy Hood s Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, yon are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood&Co., LowelL Mass. Hoc-d’s Pills grille AlFdru£g£ts?gto CHRISTMAS!! More Good Things Than You Ever Dreamed Os! That is the way one of our customers expressed it when speaking of our line of Christmas Goods. We have the largest stock and the most beautiful goods ever brought to Summerville. direct f>nd in large quantities, therefore get the lowest prices and new style goods. CHRISTMAS For the big, the little, the old and young. DOLLS. JEWLLRY. Bisque, China, Waxen. § Watches, Cb-cks, Rings, A complete assortment, § Chains, and a complete any price—they fit your § assortment of Silver purse. § Novelties. Lamps! Lamps!! Lamps!!! Swinging Lamps, Plain and Fancy. The new Rochester, which is one of the best on the market. Banquet Lamps. This is a very popular Lamp, and the prices are moderate. Vases, Cups and Saucers, Bisque Figures, all of finest workman ship and most beautiful design. Call and examine our goods before buying. H. H. Arrington. MENLO, GA. J. T. Stark, of New Moon, Ala., who has been under bond to the United States court on a charge of altering postofiice reports, was con victed last Friday at Birmingham, and is said to be in jail awaiting sentence. It is said that there was other indictments against him and the present case has been in the courts for four years. The jury was out only twenty minutes be fore agreeing on a verdict of guil ty. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) gs Lucas County. S Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business ita the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December A. D. 1886. ' seal z A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best A Pleasant Occasion. Editor News : —There was a unique and delightful entertain ment given on Monday the 14th, inst, at the residence of Rev. J. H. Glazner. The occasion was the celebration of his sixty-third birth day. Many of the friends of this good man of God throughout the county came together with their money, corn, potatoes, flour and well filled baskets. Though the rain fell freely in the morning, still the people came early, many of them, and continued to corrfe until 12 o’clock noon, when a large and an appreciative circle of friends had congregated at the home of the parson. At 12 o'clock Col. joshua Lee, 1 senior deacon of the Lyerly Bap tist church, in a few well rounded sentences presented to the assem- | bled people Rev. J. H. Glazner, who addressed them. He told I many interesting incidents of his past life and service among the people of this country. We dare say there are but few men in all j this section of country who have rendered longer, better, or more faithful service to his people and to his God than has Bro. Glazner.! He has officiated at tl e marriage | and at the funeral of hundreds of 1 our kindred and friends; he has I baptized thousands, and has ■ preached the Gospel of Christ for j more than two score years. After he had finished his talk, Rev. J. G. Hunt, of Summerville, was introduced and he spoke very interestingly to the people for sev eral minutes. He had been re quested by the good sisters to pre sent to Bro. Glazner the purse which they had made up for him. He did so with a very appropriate speech. The purse amounted to even forty dollars. In addition to this there were many other useful articles presented, articles that are needful for the comfort of any household. Then it was that dinner was an nounced. Time nor space will al low an enumeration of the many good things there were to eat. Every one present seemed to enter freely and heartily into the spirit of the occasion. The occasion to every one seemed to be a most de lightful one. It’s success is large ly due, yes wholly due, to the thoughtful consideration and the devoted efforts of the noble, good women of the community. May God bless them all and all those who help them in their noble work for good. * * * A New Idea. With every Dress Pattern and trim mings, costing $2.00 or more we will give a pattern to make the dress by, free. These patterns are as good as the best, and are used by the best dressmakers. Thompson Hiles & Co. SHARPE, GA. C. D. McConnell is attending the Medical college at Chattanooga. T. B. Dodd and family left yes terday for Sale Creek, where they will make their future home. J. M. Clarkson is in Alabama looking after fat cattle. Y our Vitality? The essence of life is force. Every breathyou breathe,every heart beat, every motion of your hand, takes force. The measure of force we call vital ity. If this is lacking, there is loss of flesh, lack of resistive power, a tendency to catch di sease easily, especially a tend ency to Consumption. For low vitality nothing is better than Scott’s Emulsion. It supplies force by furnishing the nourish ing, strengthening elements of food in an easily digested form; enriches the blood, and builds up the system* When ordinary food is of no avail, Scott’s Emulsion will supply the body with all the vital elements of life. Two sizes, 50 cts. and SI.OO. All druggists. If you will ask for it we will send you a book telling you all about Scott’s Emulsion. Free. SCOTT A BOWNE, New York. Big Bargain Sale. LOWEST PRICES W OUR PRICES ever named in _ I'iTr su * t the t>e °P^ e —ROME— and the times on DRY GOODS, jeans > RM- CLOTHING, HATS, Wf JNELS, BLANKETS SHOES, ETC. WQgk JACKETS, ETC. It will pay you to come to Rome and buy from us your Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, etc. POINTERS: === Good Cotton Check 84 to 4c Men’s Wool Suits $8.75 to $4 50 Best Heavy 27 in., Plaids only 5c Men’s Fine Wool Suits 500 to 7.50 Best AAA Sheeting 4| to 5c Young Men’s Suits 3.50 to 500 Good 7 oz. Jeans 12| to 15c Boy’s Wool Suits 1.50 to 3.00 Best All Wool Jeans 15, 20 and 25c Men’s Under Shirts 15, 25 and 45c Good Worsted Dress Goods Bto 10c “ Dress “ 50 to 75c Ladies’ Cloth Capes • 35 to 75c Good Woolen Blankets 2.00 to 3.00 1 Womens, Misses and Childrens Solid Leather Polka Shoes at 75c, 65c, and 50c. Best Line of Men’s, Women’s and Boy’s every day Shoes in the World for SI.OO. —o— to See Us When in Rome. —s ——-• SPARKS, BRANNON & Co.> 233 Broad St., ROME, GA. MERGER UNIVERSITY, MACON, Ga. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 16, 1896, Well equipped, strong, and progressive faculty; university organ ization; and courses elective. Eleven separate schools: English Greek, Latin, Latin, Modern languages, Mathematics and Astronomy Natural History, Physics and Chemistry, History and Philosophy Pedagogy, Theology and Biblical Literature and Law. School of Pedagogy open to women as well as men. Its funda mental purpose is to make the scholar the teacher. Special pain ta ken to secure remunerative employment for graduates of this school. School of law, with a very able faculty. Students can take law and special courses in the arts department. Notable advantages for students in the Macon courts. Board in clubs at $5 a month; in families from $lO to sls. Matriculation fee, S4O. No tuition charged. Mercer University stands for Christian character, for honest work for honest and intelligent methods and f->r scholarship. We appeal to all real friends of education to co-operate with us in our efforts to uphold the proper standard of education. For catalogue or special information address, P. D POLLOCK, Chairman, of Faculty. K. l&iniomsoH, # JEWELER. # Watches, Clocks and Jewelery. ( Diamonds, Cut Glass. We have a splendid line of olid ilver Ware, Cut Glass and everything osuaily kept in a first-class Jewelery store. —Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. 4-7 J. K. .Williamson, 227 Broad St., Rome, Ga. 4