The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, October 06, 1897, Image 1

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VOL X Lanham & Sons. ROME, - - - - GA. Jw Fall aOgHn MsH We are about to enter upon another Fall and Win ter season, and it is our Intention to make it the best we ever had. Ten years ago we began this business on a small scale, only one room, but by giving the best bargains, keeping out of combina tions to put up prices, and by the patronage and help of the trading public we have built up the larg est business in this city and one of the largest in the South. Our Seven Stores arejjfilled from top to bottom with all the new goods of the season, and the prices and statements we make concerning them are absolutely true. Some merchants are al ways selling out AT COST and using other deceptive means in their advertisements, such as “half price,” “one-third off” and “bankrupt sales.” We prefer to describe the goods, name the prices, and when they are called for have them just as advertised. : IT Wl LL PftY YOl): To come hundreds of miles as others do, to trade here. Our goods and prices cannot be beaten. I Beautiful Flush Gapes I Beautiful Double beaded" handS ° me ' y Gl]6Viot Cap6S $1.95 and Up. Handsomely Braided and Trimmed They are certainly pretty and cheap, i ‘ n the new Fall styles Ladies Gapes I SI.OO and Up. As low as 42c. Ladies Full size ( stock of Capes is certainly the Cloaks as low as 49c. (1 prettiest and cheapest ever in Rome. LOOK AT THESE PRICES. “ Good Schoolboy Jeans, per yard Iq c Phis is the cheapest Jeans in Rome; it is good heavy quality, and worth nearly double our price. J Pure all wool Flannel, per yard q Medicated Twilled Flannel ‘ ’ jg c Good quality Cotton Checks qE Good Mattress Tick ’ t Good Feather Tick ’ jq c Ladies’ fast black Hose, per pair g c Gentlemen’s fast black and colored Half Hose 5 C Cotton Towels, each, only 2 C Linen Towels, each, only • • • • • Large Size Blankets, each ’ ’ ' • • • • Misses Wool Hese, per pair . . , , , a .’ 12 Balls Sewing Thread for .....*' * k° 6 Papers Pins for . . . . . , ’ . * * ’ - c 8 Spools Best Thread for . . . . . * * ’ 10° Ladies’and Children’s nice Picture Handkerchiefs, each only . 1c We are still selling Window Shades, complete, on Spring Rollers, for . .’' lOc O AUTUMN DRESS GOODS. We have planned for a very big season in Dress and black, absolutely all wool filling, per yard Goods—planned to not only do mo-e business only - . . - - "9c than heretofore, but do it very much better. Pretty double width Cashmere, all the new fall Stecks very much larger and prices much lower colors and black, all wool filling, per yard, idsd ever oerore. * • We have a large stock of all the new weaves in Pretty Silk, 22 inches wide, all pure Silk, ' not ° plain all wool Venetian Covert, an up-to-date fa- mixed with cotton, only - -15 c brie for tailor made suits, at prices that are cer- , Pure Indigo Calico, only * - 4c tainly right. Good Calico, in all the new fall styles, pretty, A large stock of Novelties that are worth a day’s 111 only - - . . . journey to see. | Good quality Ginghams - - B|c Pretty double width Worsted, in ad the colors We have a multitude of bargains that we cannot tell of here, all at prices to please. Call and see us. Everybody WELCOME, whether they buy or not. THE PLACEie LANHAM & SONS, 314(0326, Fifth Ave. ROME, GA. THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS. SUMMERVILLE, CHATTOOGA COUNTY, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 6, 1897. WONT BE SPAIN’S OATSP AW Public Opinion in Germany Is In Favor of the Dons. London, Sept. 28—The Berlin correspondent of the Daily News says: “The statement that the German and Austrian emperors have deci ded to intervene between the Uni ted States and Spain is utterly un founded . Public opinion here favors Spain, but th?re is no ques tion of the German cabinet mak ing itself a cat’s paw for Spain, while Austrian diplomacy will not allow its foreign policy to be in fluenced by certain dynastic in terests. Even apart from that consideration, Austria can do noth ing against the United States. It is pointed out here that France has by far the greatest financial interest in Spain, and as a repub lic, could with more moral weight stand up against the unjust aspi rations of another republic. Should the other powers send a protest to Washington, Germany would not be likely to keep aloof, but that is all. Her commercial interests in the United States are too great to be staked with Spanish rule with Cuba.” Yellow Jack Preventative. Guard against Yellow Jack by keeping the system thoroughly clean and free from germ matter. Cascarets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the system and kill all contagious disease germs. A crafty old fox once saw some fine bunches of grapes ripening in a vineyard; but far beyond his reach. After gazing at them sometime he said to himself. “Those grapes may be sour, but judging from the care ta ken with them, I hardly think so.” He accordingly loped off to the city, and disguising himself as a commission merchant, got them all as soon as they were fully ripened without even the trouble of pick ing. This fable teaches us that all roads lead to Rome. Something to Depend on. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden 111, in speaking of Dr. King’s New Dis covery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe and her case grew so serious that physicians at Dowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seem ed to develop into Hasty Consum tion. Having Dr. King’s New Dis covery in store, and selling lots of it, he tcok a bottle home, and to tne surprise of all she began to get better from first dose, and half dozeu dollars bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Arrington’s Drug Store. Too Much Law. The Birmingham Age-Herald wisely puts it thus. “Thoughtful citizens in many states are begin ing to think there are too many laws. Every year the national and local statesmen meet and go to work making laws as if the salva tion of the world depended upon them. Code fellows code, only to be tinkered, amended or destroyed by new crops of legislators. Over worked supreme courts flash their guesses into print from day today, but the tangle grows worse all th® time. It would be a blessing to the country to rock along for at least : ten years without a single new ■ statute.” A pain in the chest is nature’s warning that pneumonia is threat ened. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bind over the seat of pain, and ar other on the back between the shoulders, and prompt relief will follow. Sold by H. H. Ar rington. FOUND NO INDICTMENT. Grand Jury Couldn’t Indentify : Any of the Versaillies Lynchers. Indianapolis, Ind , Sept 22.—The Governor has received a letter from Mr. R. Connelly, the prosecutor of 1 Ripley county, confirming the re port that the grand jury has ad journed without finding any indict ment agaisnt the Versilles lynch- . ers. Mr. Connolly says: “The grand jury did not return | any indictments agaist the mob for the reason that they did not suc ceed in ascertaining any person it. All the people who would natural have the most interest in appre- ' hending the guilty parties were j brought before the grand jury,but! unfortunately were unable to give j us anything more certain than suspicion, and small circumstan ces that might or might not be true.” The governor has transmitted the letter to the attorney general, directing him to take up and make a through investigation of the case in his own time and way. Those who believe chronic diar rhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P. E. Grisham, of Gaars Mills, La., has to say on the sub ject, viz.. “I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds • of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that effected a cure and that was Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.” This medicine can al ways depend upon for colic cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to effect a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by H.H. Arring ton. The 25th session of the N. G. A. College at Dahlonega opened last week with the largest attendance in the history of the institution. Over 80 new students matriculated and the old students are return ing daily. Indications point to 200 this fall. President J. 8. Stew art has put new life into every de partment of the organization and all are pleased with the improve ments. Croup Quickly Cured. Mountain Glen, Ark.—Our children were suffering with croup when we received a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. If afforded almost instant relief.—F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by H. H. Arring ton. Siberia’s Snow Flower. Travelers in Siberia tell of the wonderful flower that grows there, and which blooms only in January when the winter is at its height. The blossom is something of a “morning glory,” lasting only a single day. The flower, when it opens, is star-shaped, its petals of the same length as the leaves, and about a half inch in width. On the third day the extremities of the anthers, which are five in num ber, show minute, glistening specks veritable vegetable diamonds, about the size of a pin’s head— these are the seed of the flower, A Russian nobleman named Anthos koff took a number of the seed to St. Petersburg. They were placed in a pot of snow and frozen earth. On the coldest day of the follow ing January the miraculous flower burst through its icy covering and displayed its beauties to the won dering scientists. The plant has been very appropriately named the snow flower.”—Pittsburg Dispatch. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men Strong. All druggists, 50c or Si. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address • Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York, No. 31 Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and delidooa. Km POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. GOLD WILL SATISFY JAPAN Peaceful Aspect Around Ameri" can Questions in the Pacific. Washington, Sept. 29.—An offi cial announcement of the depart ure of the Japanese cruiser for Yokohoma, together with the state ment that the immigration ques tion raging between Japan and Hawaii is likely to be shortly set tled without arbitration has thrown a peaceful aspect around Ameiican questions in the Pacific. This cheering news has been communicated to the state depart ment by Minister Sewell, stationed at Honolulu, whose mail reports have just reached the department. The most important statement made by Mr. Sewell is that the Hawaiian-Japanese authorities have agreed that SIOO,OOO in gold will settle the claims of the latter against the Dole authorities. The cruiser Philadelphia will come home immediately after the arrival of the gunboat Wheeling, with to return “when the Naniwa has left.” According to a celebrated ana tomist there are upwards of 5,000,- 000 little glands in the human stomach. These glands pour out the digestive juices which dissolve or digest the food. Indigestion is want of juice, weakness of glands, need of help to restore the health of these organs. The best and most natural help is that given by Shaker Digestive Cordial. Natur al, because it supplies the materials needed by the glands to prepare ti e digestive juices. Because it strengthens and invogorates the glands and the stomach, until they are able to do their work alone. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures in digestion certainly and permanent ly. It does so by natural means, and therein lies the secret of its wonderful and unvaried success. At druggists, price 10 cents to SI.OO per bottle. PERFECT and permanent are the cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, life and health-giving BLOOD* The advertising columns of le gitimate newspapers are now re garded by the more intelligent and thrifty portion of the public as an unerring barometer of the charac ter, energy and success of business men, and those who fail to appre ciate the now universally accepted method of reaching the people must fall behind in the race for business profits. Protect yourself against sickness and suffering by keeping your blood rich and pure with Hood’s Sarsa parilla. Weak, thin, impure blood is sure to result in disease. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. 25c. President McKinley is going to make the south solid once more. CA-BTORia.. Ripana Tabu lea: pleasant laxative. Rioans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabulee cure flatulence.