The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, November 03, 1897, Image 1

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VOL X LANHAM & SONSIII i LANHAM & SONS __ ___ _ J j(l_ DOWN DOWN DOWN! Dry Goods, Dress goods, Millinery, SHOES, CLOTHING, And everything in our Seven Stores down to prices never before heard of in this ’’city. The people are going to have so little money to spend this Fall on account of the low price of cot ton, and we have so many goods to sell, we have put the prices down lower than they are at any store in this country, and lower than they have ever been in the history of thiscity. We have never “sold out at cost” nor faked the people any way. We advertise truthfully and have the goods just as advertised. We name a few prices, but have thousands of goods we can’t even mention in this small space. Come to see us and we will sell you your Fall and Winter goods for less money than any store in this country. DRESS GOODS. The largest and finest stock we have ever shown, and these prices are lower than have ever been nam ed on as good goods in the history of Rome. Our lot of Worsted, some all cotton, some all wool filling, some double width and some single width, choice of tho lot 44c Beautiful double width, Brocaded Dress Goods in all colors and black, all wool filling only 9c Pretty smooth Cashmere, double width, all colors and I lack, all wool filling, only 9c Pretty double-width Cashmere and Henrietta all-wool filling, all colors and black 9c Beautiful two-toned Dress Goods, 34 in. wide, all colors, only 15c Beautiful Dress Goods, 40 in. wide, all the new colors and black, only 20c We have a large line of all the new Dress Goods, imported and American made, and we are selling a way down under their value. Our trimmings are of the latest style, and we can match up your dress beautifully and sell it cheap. NOTIONS AND SMALL WARES 5 Spools Thread for .. 5c 13 Balls best Sewing Thread 5c 80 Japaned Hairpins, crimped or plain, for 1c 7 Papers Pins for 5c Pretty Celluloid Sidecombs, the 15c kind 6c Pretty Roachcombs 7c 3 Spools Best Thread made 10c Boys’ Suspenders 4cj SILKS. A large stock and prices. A pretty line of 22 in. Silks 15c This is all pure Silk, and not a cotton mixture. HOSIERY, ETC. Misses’ Pure Wool Hose 10c Ladies’ and Misses’ Black Cotton Hose 5c Children’s and Misses’ Ribbed Hose 5c Ladies’ good quality Undervests 12|c Shoes, Clothing, Crockery, i Stoves, Groceries, Etc., Etc. At prices no other merchant in Rome can meet. Big stock of Shoes from pair and up. We will sell you your Shoes for less than you can get them j elsewhere. CLOTHING.—The largest line we have ever carried and at prices that will please;— from 50c suit and up. Hats and Caps from 10c for Caps and 15c for Hats and up. IDon’t spend your money till you see our goods and get our prices, m LANHAM & SONS, 314 to 326, Fifth Ave. ROME, GA. THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS. SUMMERVILLE, CHATTOOGA COUNTY, GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 3, 1897. MILLINERY. We have the finest stock of Millinery in North Georgia, and are selling it real cheap. Look at a few prices, come, see our goods, and you will buy you : new hat here. Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Tam O’Shan ta Caps . . . 10c Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s nice Fur Hats trimmed with ribbon, velvet and feathers, each 50c Nice Sailors 25c Infants’ Caps as low as 5c Worsted Veiling, double width, per yard.. . 3c Silk Veiling 5c CAPES. Nicely trimmed Capes, in gray and black 39c Beautiful Plush Capes, handsomely braided and beaded $1.83 and up Finest stock Capes and lowest prices in Rome. SKIRTS. Ladies’ nice Black Skirt, lined throughout with good quality lining, bound with velveteen binding, each, only 89 c DOMESTICS. Bleached Cotton 3|c Pure Indigo Calico 3|c Yard-wide Sheeting . 3|c Cotton Flannel 3|c Wool Flannel B£c Black Sateen, good quality, worth 10c s|c Cotton checks .. .. .. .. 3|c Best AAA Drilling .. .. .. 4|c Good Feather ticking, will certainly hold feathers 10c Good Waterproof, 56 in. wide .. .. 35c Good Wool Mixed Jeans, not cotton, but a Good Heavy Mixed Jeans .. .. li)c This is the best bargain in Rome in Jeans. * LOOK AT THESE. Good Corsets . . .. .. 2>3c Infants’ Knit Socks . . .. . , I,oc Towels, 14 in. wide and 27 in. long, each . . l‘4c Linen Towels, each .. .. .. 'sc (_ CONDEMN M’KINLEY. Georgia Legislators On Hogans ville Postmastership. Atlanta, Oct. 27. —In the legis lature this afternoon Mr. Hall of Coweta introduced a resolution on the shooting of the Hogansville postmaster, in part as follows: “Whereas. In the town of Ho ! gansville, state of Georgia the Pres ident of the United States has seen ' proper to appoint to the office of postmaster a man whose appoint ment was opposed by 90 per cent. of the property owners and respon sible citizens of that community; : and. “Whereas, In no other section of the United States would the Pres ident make or permit to be made an appointment of like character —on the Pacific slope the Presi dent would not dare s to appoint as postmaster of any Chinaman over the protest of 90 per cent, of its property owners responsible ; citizens, nor would he dare in any town of the north or east appoint to a local office one who was op posed by 90 per cent, of the best people of the locality; therefore be it “Resolved, house of rep resentatives of the general assem bly of the state That if said attempt to shoot said appoin tee be true, which we disbelieve then we condemn in unmeasured terms the lawless conduct of the wouldbe assassians. “Resolved, That we deplore this and similar appointment as exhi bitions of petty aad narrow sec tional hate unworthy the high office ; of chief magistrate of this great ; nation.” The resolution passed viva voce, but disvision cut off the announce ment of the result. It was then re ferred. His Tale of Woe. A bashful young man living near ' Durant recently got married, and a few days afterward he delivered himself thus to a sympathizing friend: ‘‘You don’t know how bashful I am,” he murmured. “The girls just worry the life out 1 of me, When I stood up to get married they all giggled and when the minister asked me if I’d take , this woman to be my wedded wife • I said, Purty well, thankee,’ and ; when he pronounced us man and ! wife and said, ‘What God hath ’ joined together let no man rip ’ apart,’ I broke down and bawled. . Oh, it was horrible! But that’s : nothing to what’s to come. ‘Bout eleven o clock lilac night, tbo, old ' man sed, sez he: ‘Jim your room’s at the head of the stairs.’ I wi l 9 so skeered that when I tried 1 o stand my legs got all tangled i,p 5 and I fell over the dog and get ’ bit in three places! I waited ui (l . j til everybody had gone to bed, and then I crawled upstairs like a spoon thief. I was afraid to go □ so I sat on the stair-steps ai ; d shivered and shivered. It’s 4 0 use, sez I; what’s got to be h^ z got to be, so I took off my in the dark and shut my ey 3s tight! Then I made a break f or the door. I found the bed, afthp spoonin, around for a time, ard pulled the cover up clear over head and laid on the front rail s|i night long. In the morning I peeped through my fingers to 8 ?0 if I could dress and get out before my wife woke up, and hang me if I wasn’t in bed with the old mu and old woman! Oh, I car’t go back—l can’t, I can’t’’’-Colum bus Ledger. Mr. N. N. Osburn well known tt \\ oodstock, Mich,, was troubl&d with a lame back. He was persua ded to use Chamberlain’s Paia Balm. It gave him relief in ou night. This remedy is also famous for its cures of rheumatism. sale by J. J. Arrington. FREE TO ALL DOCTORS. Claimed That a Cure for Consump tion Has Been Discovered. San Francisco, Oct. 25. —The claim of Dr. Joseph C. Hirschielder, o p this city, that he has discoverd a cure for consumption has been investigated by the faculty of the Cooper Medical college. Sixteen patients who have been treated with oxytuberculine, as the doctor calls his preparation have been examin ed, and the report to be made this week will be favorable. Dr. L. C. Lane, president of the college, an nounces his faith in the discovery, i which is in no sense a secret one, as the method of its preparation is freely given to the medical pro session. Chronic Malaria. The symptoms are : cold, sticky sweat, tired-out feelings, chilly feel ing alternating with hot Hashes, coated tongue, bad breath, dizzy head and dull headach, loss of ap petite, heavy, unrefreshing sleep, 1 ringing in the ears, brown mov ing specks before the eyes. Os course no one has all these symp toms at once, but they will come, one after the other making the victim hideously miserable. The remedy is Peruna. This rem edy quickly restore the appetite, when new blood is made strength returns, refreshing sleep, new cour age and good nature come back, one by one. Life is worth living again. Send for free book on malaria, written by Dr. Hartman. Ad dress The Pe-ru-na Drug Manu facturing Co., Columbus, Ohio. A young man named Henry Ham lin, of Peoria, Illinois, died sud denly the other day from excess ive cigarette smoking. An autop sy showed that his lungs were completely collapsed and covered with bluish spots. We hear a great deal about saving the boys from liquor drinking (all of which is proper) but it is equally impor tant for the crusaders to turn their guns on the cigarette habit. It is doing almost as much harm to the young boys of this country as whiskey, and it is a habit when once formed more difficult to break than liquor drinking.—Newnan Herald, Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Elec tric Bitters. This medicines does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids diges tion. Old people find it just what they need. Price fifty cents per bottle at H. H. Arrrington’s. The annual report of State Treasur er W. J. Speer was made public yes terday. Mr. Speer shows that the cash balance in the treasury when he suc ceeded Col. R. U. Hardeman, was $466,923,08, and that the receipts since > have been $2,929,388,89 making a to j tai of $3,396,211,97. The disburse ments during the same time amounted to $2,974,065,77. leaving a balance of $422,246,22. This balance however does not consist of cash, but is largely represented by the semi-annual interest on the public debt paid on the first day of July last, advances to civil estabhsh ' ment for quarter just endea September i 30th, the per diem and mileage for the extra session of the legislature and ex penses of the investigating committee authorized by resolution approved Feb ' uary 4, 1897. Petersburg, Ky., August 11, 1896. i Our customers are w’ell pleased with Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic as a remedy for cuts, burns, bruises, J etc., and for general household purposes, Buchanon & Co. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. FBI ko POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. A BIG DEAL. Georgia Marble To Be Used In Minnesota Capitol. A very important deal in Geor gia marble has been recently made. As has been heretofore announced, the New State capitol of Minneso ta, to cost three million dollars, is to be built of Georgia marble. The Butler-Ryan Company, of St Paul, Minn., largest contractors proba bly in the I nited States, havejust closed a contract to open up and develop the Herndon marble prop erty in Pickens county Ga. This property is owned by Judge G. F. Gober, o£Marietta, and the estate of George R. Brown, and compris es one hundred and sixty acres of the whitest marble in the Sate- The contractors passed through Marietta on last Tuesday morning and will begin work at once. They are to build a railroad of probably one and a quarter miles from Tate, Ga., to the quarry, equip it, putin all needed machinery at the quarry and operate it at once, without expense to the owners. The owners are to get a handsome royalty for all marble used, and a certain a mount has to be used annually. It will take 700 car loads or marble to build this magnificent capitol, and the very fact that these people come to North Georgia to get the material needed shows the super iority of the marble in this sec tion over all others. It will be means of giving a large number of hands employment and ‘urn loose a good sum of money in this section. We coi gri ulate tl.e ow ners on the splendid deal they have made. —Marietta journal. Scrofula is the advertisment of foul blood. It may be entirely driven from the system by the faithful use of Hood’s Sarsaparil la, which thoroughly purifies the blood. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy ' to operate. Cure indigestion, bil iousness. 25c. The press dispatches state that the international agreement scheme has collapsed . The Eng lish capitalists and newspapers were against it and the commiss ioners from the United Stateshave no hope for enlisting the British government. It was not to be ex pected that the geld worshipping Englishers would lend a hand in destroying their idol. Thia action having been taken, it is more highly important than ever that the sil ver forces in the United States , should stand together.—Newnan Herald. Learned, Miss., March 12, 1892. I found Dr. Tichenor’s Antisep tic all that is claimed for it. It is as staple here as quinine. J. H. Rhodes, M. D., Druggist. Monroe, La., Febuary 24, 1893. We have never seen any prepar ation that sells like Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic, nor any that gave such perfect satisfaction T. O. Brewer & Co. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles, No. 35