The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, April 22, 1909, Image 3

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. R THAT A BARREL ISA NICE COOL- TH I bl G To WEA R- BUT WHO WANTS TO WEAR A barrel when we have apparel that I 5 JUST A_s COOL AND /7LZ^rfr^ Lo0 |<5 MUCH BETTER II jl BUSTER. BROWN .1 MQiSTOTD] <tKBI6 M-r - -- r A“’A*cu MUCH CLOTHING THAT IS SOLD FITS LITTLE BETTER, THAN A BARREL. WE ARE NOT ASHAMED FOR A MAN WHOM WE FIT OUT To LOOK AT HIS BACK. EVEN NEGLIGEE GAR MENTS MIGHT JUST AS WELL BE PROPERLY CUT. IT COSTS NO MORE BUT SO MANY MANUFACTURERS ARE CARLESS. THEY Do NOT WISH TO MAKE GOOD THINGS BUT THINGS "JUST AS GOOD." A THING THAT IS JUST AS GOOD CAN BE No BETTER THAN A GOOD THING. WE Do NOT CLAIM THAT WHAT WE SELL YOU IS "JUST AS GOOD," BUT THAT IT IS "GOOD." WOULD YOU NOT RATHER HAVE SoMETHNIG GooDJ COME To A GOOD PLACE. RESPECTFULLY, THOMPSON HILES & CO. - ROYAL STEEL RANGE A beautiful Range at a low price. Re g a I—t h e Range does the name jus tice. Enamel lined Reser- '® voir. Asbestos lined. Lift- er, nickle plated, cold handle, Sheet steel, polish ed and uniform in color. OS'W" 1 * wBIIIW Towel rod--nickle plated. Encased reservoir. End drop draft door. Large fire box. Adjustable oven rack. Grates--coal or wood. In short one of the best Ranges made. Come and take a look at it. 14 TOOTH CULTIVATOR For the last two seasons we have sold 100 of these very useful tools We have bought 80 for this season. All who have used this little harrow will join us in saying that there is no tool used on the farm for the money it cost that will pay better than this little harrow. THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909. LOCAL NEWS. Mr. A. L. Dalton spent Tues day in Chattanooga. Judge J. M. Bellah left Monday on a business trip to South Geor gia. Rev. B. F. Hunt was quite ill Sunday and was unable to fill his appointment to preach Sunday evening. Mrs. Ethel Hiles Moorman of Asheville, N. Miss Hankey of Chicago and Mrs. Maud Allgood Jones of Trion were among the visitors here last week. Mrs. Rude Myers and Misses Margaret and Georgia Green were visiting Mrs. R. D. Jones Sunday. Dr. R. D. Jones returned Sun day from Marietta where he at tended the meeting of the trustee of the|Seventh district Agricultur al College. Mrs. C D. Harper returned to her home at Chelsea Saturday, aftre a pleasant visit of several days in the family of Mr. J. W. Pitts. Hon. A D. Kirby of Huntsville, Ala., spent Sunday with his sis ter, Mrs. R. D. Jones. Many friends here in his old home town were glad to see him looking so well and happy. Miss Pearl Dalton returned to Milledgeville Monday to resume her studies in the Girls’ Normal and Industrial School, after spending a short vacation with her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. A. L. Dalton. Rev. Jesse 0. Brand preached Sunday morning at the Methodist church from Isaiah 1-18, on “Rea son in Religion.” Sunday even ing the subject of his discourse was “Sin and its Remedy,” bas ed on John 1:29. Both services were largely attended. TAYLOR& ESPY Hardware and Groceries. We have the largest and most complete stock of Hardware and Groceries we have ever caried, and we start out with the now year with hearts of gratitude and best wishes to the ones that have given us their trade. We pay cash for every bill of goods we buy. We discount everything that a discount is allowed on. We have less expense than any firm in the coun ty, counting the amount of business we do, and we know we can and will make you as low prices as any cash house in Ga. Or if you want goods on time to the paying trade we will at a small advance accommodate you. We will mention a few of the many things we handle: Tow ers’ Plow stocks, plow lines, traces, Hames, Collars, Breech ing, Barbed wire, Poultry wire, Smooth wire, Pittsburg ami American wire fence, 26, 28 and 30 inches high, Buggy Har ness, Wagon Harness, Saddles, Stoves, Guns, Pistols, Cartrid ges,. CULTIVATORS Walking Plow Cultivators High Ball” Riding Plow Cultivators “Sen tinel” Riding Disc Cultivator “Lit tle Jap” DISC HARROWS We handle the High Frame Deering Harrow—one of the best made. GROCERIES Our Grocery department is full. Everything you want to eat. Prices as low as any body. A few things SI.OO will buy for cash. 18 pounds granulated sugar, 8 packages Kennedy’s Coffee 8 pound good roasted Coffee 25 bars Red Wrapper Soap 25 bars Octagon Soap 27 bars Balloon Soap 17 pounds Head Rice 12 plugs S S Tobacco 12 plugs Brown’s Mule Tob. 12 plugs Thorough Bread GARDEN SEED We handle Ferry’s seed they are fresh and always give good results. Also onion sets and seed Irish potatoes. Mrs. B. F. Hunt came up from Rome Saturday to spend a few days with her family. Mrs. Nellie B. Bryant of Lyerly was visiting friends in town Monday. Misses Daisy Davison and Do rothy Wallace, of Holland, were shopping in town Monday. Messrs. I. M. Henderson, D. D. Wade and Charles Keown spent Monday in Trion. Rev. M. A. C. Bennett went over to Chelsea Sunday morning to conduct the funeral services of Mr. S. E. Henry. Mrs. J S. Cleghorn attended the meeting of the Woman’s For eign Missionary Society of the Methodist church, Dalton district which met in Dalton last week. Mrs. Vashti Lowe has return ed from a week’s visit to her par ents, Capt. and Mrs. Rivers. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Henry at tended the funeral of Mr. Ernest Henry at Chelsea Sunday. Among tl’.cse from Summerville who attended the Sunday school convention at Poplar Springs on last Sunday were Reuben ('lark, G. J. Cochran, L. R. McConkey, Charley Bryant, Emmett Maxey, Henry White, I. M. Henderson, L. C. McGinnis, J. B. Parham. Try a cheeking account with the Bank of Lyerly. You will find it convenic.P sale and econ omical. FOR SALE—Wheel and Drag Scrapers, Second Hand Wa gons, Mules and Horses, for cash or good paper. LYERLY FRUIT COMPANY. The News’ Job department, is prepared to do al) kinds of com mercial printing in a neat, and attractive style. Come in and let us figure with you on your printing. THE LION BUGGY IS THE BUGGY OF QUALITY We have a lu-ge stock of bug gies and all the way through from start to finish the LION buggy is first in everything. Strength, Beauty, Durability These are its features. These are the reasons why it is known everywhere. It meets the rest in price and surpass es them in quality. It has all the perfection that years of experience, a mammoth mod ern plant, skilled workersand perfect material can give it. It has all the advantages of the latest ideas, best improve ments and most up-to-date styles. PITTS & ESPY SUMMERVILLE, GA. * I to See PTAIN JDD for Boys Our Spring Suits for Hen and Boys are in and we want you to come in and see them before you buy. Why pay from $15.00 to $25.00 for a suit when we can sell you one just as good, and one that looks just as well, for SIO.OO to $12.50. Boy’s Suits from SI.OO to $6.00. Boy’s Knee pants from 40ct075c. Oil f .'-.4m: ' .. - <_ j * «■’ HOOSIER COTTON 2»ND CORN DRILL The Hoosier Corn Planter is one of the. best corn planters made. Drops corn 22 inches, 28 inches, 36 inches, or 46 inches. are thoroughly ironed, and so constructed that they will give the very best service. They are made of air-seasoned stock throughout. Hounds, bolsters and reaches are made full size, while the skeins and skein boxes are extra heavy hence the Columbus is a light running wagon. We are always glad to show Columbus wagons and point out their excellent features.