The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, June 24, 1909, Image 7

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*: Some women retain their beauty to an advanced B Mage. But women, who regularly endure pain. ageß —Hk-apidly, for suffering leaves its lasting marks oii|| gg them. Nearly all women suffer more or less with someH |l form of female trouble. It should not be neglected. B H Avoid the pain—treat yourself at home by taking fej B Cardui, as thousands of other women have done. K If Begin at once and give Cardui a fair trial. eCARDUI c ■ i 36 Bi | It Will Help You | Mrs. Katie Burlison, Goreville, 111., tried Cardui and writes: Kg ife “I suffered with female troubles, and was so sick 1 could not stand gfi Bon my feet. Finally I began to take Cardui, and soon began to Eg B mend. Now I am able to do all my housework and am in much B better health than I was before.” Try it. DR. GEO. B. WOOD Optometrist and Optician 309 Broad street, Rome, Ga. Examines Eyes thoroughly— Relieves Eyestrain, Headaches, tired and inflamed eyes, er de fectfr* vision. Every kind of Spectacle and Eye Glasses Sold Does lens grinding and gives best service to be had. Dupli cates any lens and repairs glass es promptly. Everything guaranteed. Ab solutely reliable. Don’t ruin your eyes and un dermine your health. See Dr. Wood at once. MONEY TO LOAN $1,000.00 and up on First Class Farms Write or Call on Lipscomb, Willingham & Doyal Attorneys at Law 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Clark Bldg. Rome, Georgia. You can’t afford to bank on a man unless he has plenty of sand. There a*'< many imitations of De- Witt’s Carboiized Witch Hazel Salve —DeWitt’s' is the original. Be sure you get DeWitt’s Carboiized Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it. It is good for cuts, burns and bruises, and is especially good for Piles. Sold by all druggists. The Federal government is to erect a fine monument in the sec tion of the cemetery at Salem, N. J. in which rest the remains of 2,460 Confederate soldiers who died at Fort Deleware as pris oners of war. The Value of Good Digestion Is easy to figure if you know what your stomach is worth. Kodol keeps the stomach at par value, by insuring good digestion. Kodol cures Dyspepsia. Kodol insures good <lige>t.imi by to special effort by “tonics” and absolutely duplicating Nature’s “stimulants doc-sn t cure anything, normal process, in p- .. ctly digest- or accomplish any good. Neither Ing all food taken into the atom- does dieting. Indigestion and the serious ailments which it induces Whlro Kodol is doing this, the can be averted and corrected only stomach is resting—and becoming by natural means. strong and healthy. A strong and Kodol supplies this na tiral healthy stomach guarantees a means. It performs the stomach s and active brain work for It—Just as the stomach -a stomach that is doing for the ach takes a little rest, for the body just what Nature intended stomach, st.. It to do —is the man who is always ; Our Guarantee prepared for any emergency. He > go to your druggist today ar>u get a dol« Is “there with the goods.” i iar bottle. Then alter you I.aye u-td the _. ' ..s, _ o x,v cmmArh entire contents of the bottle if you can The man With a SICK Stomacn, IS honestly Bay, that it baa not done you any a man Bick all over. When the goods return the bottle to the drarid ia bv undigested he will refund your inoio-y without (j > Stomach IS imta I tion or delay. We will then pay the drug- food, the blood and heart arc ai- or tne Don’t hesitate, ail v affected Then dullness, un- drugjnHts know that our guarantee is good. r . ■ , snoc{ . Qfrk h pad aches i This offer applies U> the larpe bottle omy natural Sleepiness, sick neaaacnes, bntOT eln a fanQiiv . The i arge u,t vertico and fainting spells, ana t - e con tainH 2/x times an much as the fifty E SpuX t£ stomach and brain tories of E.C. DeWitt & Co, Chicago. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST. In Loving Memory. On June the 3rd, 1909, the an gel of death hovered over the home of Air. and Airs. Will All man and took from them then darling baby, Willie, who was born on the 22 day of February 1908. He left a father, mother and sister to mourn, but weep not dear ones, for he is safe in the arms of Jesus, and one more tie to bind us to that heavenly home We cannot understand why lit tle Willie was called away from this earth so young, but God knows best and doeth all things well. Weep not dear parents for your darling is only asleep m Je sus, and some day you will meet him on the other shore where I parting will be no more. The remains were laid to rest in the Garrett cemetery to await the resurrect ion morn. An angel in the book of life Wrote down an infant’s birth. Then added ere he closed the book, “Too beautiful for earth.” The mother wept, but she will not weep When all her days are o’er, And at the gates of Paradise She meets her darling once more. A FRIEND. The campaign for increased attendance at the different Sun • day schools of McKinney, Tex., has reached the stage of newspa per advertising the last issue ol the < ourier-Gazette of that town I containing a quarter of a) page “ad by the Sun. lay school of the I First Uluristain church urging i full attendance at the Sunday school. This was a novelty in newspaper advertising, and met with gratifying results. Getting something out of life depends on putting something in to life. Every lime we measure a man by our own yardstick, we are very apt to undermeasure him. THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1909. FLIES. I In former times it was the big ■things that froze men’s hearts 1 I with sea mythical giants, the. dragons, the specters. Nov : science has taught us that the lit tie things are the dangerous ones the inserts, mosquotoes and flies I and the microbes, those immeasur 1 ably minute plants and animals, too small for the unaided human eye to see. ' We first learned of the part the niosquoto plays in the truns mission of malaria and yellow fe er, but the menace that there is to mankind in the house-fly was for long unsuspected. It is only about fifty years cinee the 1 first heeded warnings were uttered a gainst this insect, and its actual guilt as a murderer of nen was clearly demonstrated only at lh< time of the Spanish War when so many of the flower of American youth died of the typhoid level that decimated the volunteer ar my in the detention camps in all parts of the country. So active is the fly in the spread of this disease that it has been proposed in a recent publics ■ lion of th'e I’nited States Depart ment of Agriculture to rename it the “typhoid fly.” It may carry germs of this dis ease in one of two ways, either di rcctly by soiling its feet with tin discharges from fever patients and then flying off and alighting upon food or tailing into milk; oi else by eating matter contaminat ed with typhoid, and carrying the ’ germs in its intestinal canal and depositing them upon food. But it is not. alone typhoid that, flies spread. The germs ol tuberculosis may’ readily be ear- I ried by them unless the patient < has heeded the warnings sounded on all sides, and taken care to destroy all expectorated matter The virus of a sore may’ bn taken up by’ a fly’s feet and de posited on a cut or abraded sur face of the skin of another per son. Any disease, indeed, which is capable of inoculation or of be ing spread by the taking in of its germs with food or drink 1 may be spread by these noxious insects.—Youth's ('ompanion. Colds that hang on weaken the con [ stitution and develop into consump tion. Foley’s Honey and Tar cures persistent coughs that refuse to yield to other treatment. Do not experi ment with untried remedies as de lay may result in your cold settling on your lungs. Sold by all drug gists. 1 A Dozen Dont’s Don’t tell your troubles; oth > er people have troubles of their own. 1 Don’t be a snitch. A snitch is * a. man who will accept benefits and refuse to help secure them. ! Don’t think that having a “good time” is all there is to life. i Don’t give advice that you are i unwilling to follow. Don’t forget that wasted mo ments means lost hours. Don’t start anything you know you can’t finish. Don't forget that the reason you have only one mouth but two ears is that you are suppos ed to tell only half of what you - hear. Don’t think your moral yard stick is the sole standard of mor ality. Don’t worry over things that ! may nev, r happen. Don’t boast of being until after you ha.\ amined thoroughly the fin I >•<' product. Don't beast of what you sess. Don’t complain because haven’t got what you warn Commoner. Os Interest to Farmers and IV chanics Farmers and mechanics frequent! meet with slight accidents and inju ries which cause them much annoy- I ance and loss of time. A cut or I bruise may be cured in about one | third the time usually required by ; applying Chamberlain’s Liniment as soon as the injury is received. This ■ liniment is also valuable for sprains, j soreness of the muscles and rheumat ;ic pains. There is no danger of I blood poisoning resulting from :• ' injury when Chamberlain's Linime <■ I is applied before the parts become i> flamed and swollen. For sale by i Summerville Drug Co., Suiniu- r 1,1 I Gil. I WILLOW GROVE, TEX. As I have nut seen anything from this place I thought 1 would write you some. 1 ami an old Georgian and was raised in and around old Summerville. I would be glad to see the old place again; there are so many there I would like to see. Our fanners are getting busy now; very few done chopping cotton and some have just com menced. Hands are scarce and in good demand. Some are paying one dollar and a quarter and dinner and some are paying one dollar and fifty cents and dinner, and paying their fare from South ern Texas. This is a good country for a man to get work at this time of year, but it don’t last long—about one month. Corn is all laid bye and is looking fine; most the corn is in full silk and tassel. Lois of the cot ton not chopped and full of squares. If the farmers can get done chopping cotton by the 2011’ of July it will make half bale to the acre. I have 65 acres in cotton and with a few showers will make 40 hales. Last year I bad the same amount, and gather -12 bales and never had any rain after the 28th of May. The land is black and sticky, no stumps nor grubs. A man can plow all day and never have to stop and can make his rows just as long as he wants them. I have rows 800 yards long. Some of the farmers are cutting their spring oats, while others are threshing fall oats and they are sorry. We had no rain in the winter and spring to make oats Moody will give a big barbe cue on the 12th of July, which will be on Monday. Moody is one of the fastest little towns in the west. It has about 2500 pop ulation and has six gins, tour ol which has four 70 saw stands and the other two have eight. 70 saws. each. She Ims 12 automo biles and six R. F. D. routes and some of the carriers have motor cycles to carry their mail. Air. Whitehead from Georgia, is vis iting his brother, ’loin, near Wil -1 ow Grove and we hope he will enjoy his trip. Hope he will like our county and will come out and make his home with us. Wishing the editor success will close. WILL MORTON, Moody, Texas, Rural I. No. 90 Obituary Mrs. Aimer Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnsen, wa.s born December 12th, 1884, in Chattooga, county Georgia. Alaib n profession of religion in August 1903, and joined the Baptist church at. I’erenial Springs, was married to 11. R. Riley in May, 1904. In Alareh 1909 moved to .Mountain Park, Oklahlmna. April 22nd following, while sur rounded by relatives and friends who loved and sympathized with her, she passed away. The funer al service was held at the Bap tist church at Mountain Park, by Rev. R. J. Morgan, and the re mains were laid to rest in the .Mountain Park cemetery. She was an obedient daughter, al factional e wifi', fond mother and a friend to all. She leaves a bus! and, little boy, mother, two brothers to mourn her loss ami many friends who sympathize with the bereaved. “Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep, From whence none ever wake to weep. A Brother. To relieve constipation, clean out th bowels, tone and strengthen the i ,1, .-stive organs, put. them in a nat . .1 condition with Hollister’s Rocky main Tea, the most, reliable ton >r thirty years. 35 cents, 'lea oi ■>i“ts. Summerville Drug Co. • News’ Job department i. ired to do all kinds of com 1 printing in a neat am r ■ . ivc style. Come in am ’ t figure with you on youi s b ,n, " ,ng ' M We do not know of any other pil ’ that in as good as DeWitt’s. Littl ‘ I’.ilv Risers, the famous little llv< f • ...all, gentle, pleasant aiu . . with a reputation. Sol . ll druggists. ' It’s easy Io impose upon a mai who has a good disposition I vMvi wyg| The Kind You Have Always Bought, and Which has been in use for over 30 years, h is borne the signature of _z? and has been made under his per- (S* , Sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jiist-tis-good” are but lAperinients that trifle xvith and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhiea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach ami .Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA always .Bears the Signature of _ The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 7T MURRAY BTHEET, NEW YORK CITY. BY THE SEA WHERE OCEAN BREEZES BLOW. EXCURSION RATES VIA (entrap Georgia RAILWAY J OUICK AND CONVENIENT SCHEDULES. " SPLENDID SERVICE FROM PLACES IN I GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. ASIA YOUR NEAREST TICKET AGENT FOR TOTAL RATES, H SCHEDULES, ETC. I ■■»»in-Tnriwwnm—wr ASK YOUR DEALER FOR A 3 PIEDMONT (ft , r BUGGY J A Made In one grade only ■ II S “THE BEST.” 7I <1 r Unlit. bv<-r|>i-rIH Every job fiiUy W ' Pll.l rutltffll. UliH all ii'P IlllPHt | ff' f 1 B 11 A Inipr'tv'-n • H- < GrrfKpondvnco F I V | holiciUxi from live dealers. XTz/t < J' // PIEDMONT BUCCY CO., I\ V H Monroe, N. C. *• Wf Bell Iht'.in wlu rinter W 9 go; they go wherever we ne.ll the>nJ* B ”I'—Him f DOCTOR KING I y K TUt’■LOKUABiECOCLOfU OLDEST HI ACE AMO LOWEST LOCATES. OEOt'LAR GIADOITU IF HETHC <£- ■ 1- atLEOtOttUMIEC- _ WE OFFER TOU IHE tAA.’.E AAO EAIUAOIE EmOIBKi W 1 T«U««« I. ■ M FUMn’ttfO AFO HOST REtIASU SFr> lAUSTS (» RE .... jjl H f \ Authorlr- a uy Vio vu lre»i tHKCHIC, OEJAuOI IM MCMLM h 6UEASES W« ’■ (Hl.d AM .di J M V ’ - ’ furnwherttor wte lo m-icury or InjorloU«« H U*.? Abused No deletion trnui ll F T 4. irtiwOAtMUMil! I4e<i[.[»e» »«» IS [1 7 A _•> . J t r ,,rn p:>r.e or breakage. No medUliio C ..A >n ■ W A •Y-'v- < Birul-ted Coarnr:, -r Toou»»nd. of c-. yc...- Blow your ■ I- ! f . -.,-l\->.d tor t. a ,!>•. (oi , >ll 100 ffn. and uonOOBiUL, Inß ( ] I £ * «zISwX”T r - or Uy icttor. Cell or vr.le today. Doa’t Relay di & lentous t6bi!!<y t V’P' : ' i’BBBo-SfriclH'?F "j*,, r^^if***ST. •* a, . t; . , ’ •’tit '-y <•/ T- ~ t . ... (1O eipoaur*. Mo emusth.-RM IP uOT hitlrts M. - .-> • ►- ” ■ - AnsorvK. _., fu t . llidg . Mototeßtloatrom bu»l-E •’ F ~!* n tl.c fu • • »u .. J< , ( e«l Wo goiAOWO refund® . , >. b«: ba-< uoatiy curod. My t>oo* fully ox ■ P 7 r . t, a ■ L ,n< rz, RVCf -O Ju v. • lb>« di -• f” .. ■ f 4 - i’ n; t' . : |.. .EnlATgrd YOiM lr. •or*Wru— ■ .. ( , n( , 1..• alp • iCQCSii), „. < l( nervous debility, WO-M®«aaß jjj p 1 f ■ rT. ' ’ ' VlU *'B i<- KypbHis/”' *■.' ydfC'®«l« wllhuul ~*>». I r ; ..H re .1 I tn 0 • t 9 ■ ~| J ■ ’. "" ” ■ TO MIM .to. •nti-o-r-B 1 • d n-.t. re-'-. , C w.-h .r »Wt. w ’ flirty k KU-1'... ■ .CO., j. Tt ANTA, CA. DI MS-. rx.r'B'. :ooor: a oaitorl).. 1... of