The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, July 01, 1909, Image 8

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I. “SEE THE SIGN” WHEN NEEDING GLASSES COME TO CHATTANOOGA Locate uw by the sign ( >f the. ‘‘EYE.” Ours is a complete •manufacturing Optical plant. EYES EXAMINED ami glaascs ground to order on wane day. It don’t pay to have your eyes “trifled” with. You are safe in our hands. ..EASTMAN KODAKS.. AND FRESH SUPPLIES 13 E. Eight Street CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Notice of Local Legislation GEORGlA—Chattooga county. Notice is hereby given that at the next session of the General Assembly of Georgia there will be introduced a bill, the title ot which is as follows: “An Act to create ami incorporate the city of Summerville in lieu of the town of Summerville in Chat tooga County ami for other pur poses.” This May 26, 1909. Sheriff Sale Georgia, Chattooga county. Will be sold before the court house d<Mir on the first Tuesday in July, 190 ft, in the town of Sum merviile, for cash the following lands to-wit : One-eight undivid ed interest in lots of land Nos. 5 and 32 in the 13th district and 4th section of said county to sat isfy a fi fa issued from the Jus tice Court from the 925th Dis trict, G. M. in favor of .1. L. Ev erett against Tom Johnson. This June 3rd, 1909. A. 11. GLENN, Sheriff. Dismission Notice. GEORGIA- Chattooga county. Whereas, M. W. Wimpee, ad ministrator of Mrs. C. Malony, represents Jo the court in his pe tition duly filed that he has ad ministered Mrs. C. C. Malony s estate. This is to eite all per sons concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, it any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration ami receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in July, 1909. This June 7th, 1909. J. I’. JOHNSTON. Ordinary Chattooga county. Letters of Administration GEORGIA Chattooga county. To whom it may concern: E. W. Sturdivant having made ap plication to me in due form to be appointed permanent administra tor upon tin 1 estate ot .left Bai ley, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said applica tion will be heard at the regular term of court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in July. Witness my ham! and official signature, this 7th day of June. 1909. J. r. JOHNSTON, Ordinary. Dismission Notice. GEORGIA Chattooga county. Whereas J. L. Scogin, adminis trator of R. W. Malony, repre sents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administer ed R. W. Malony s estate. This is to eite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion and receive letters ot dismis sion on the first Monday in July, 1909. J. T. JOHNSTON. Ordinary Chattooga county. To relieve constipation, clean out the bowels, tone and strengthen the digestive organs, put them in a nat- j ural condition with Hollister's Rocky I Mountain Tea the most reliable ton ic for thirty years. Sa cent* Tea or Tablets. Summerville Drug Co. HOW CATTLE TICKS SPREAD TEXAS FEVER. By Exterminating the Ticks the Dis ease Can be Stamped Out i The microscopic parasite which I cases the disease known as Texas fever or tick fever of cattle is found in the blood of affected animals and Is transferred from one to another by means of the* fever tick. A re- ■ markable feature of this transaction I is that the disease-produc'ng paras'te are transmitted through the eggs 'of the tick that draws the blood, and not directly by the old tick, as an engorged tick after dropping from the host (cow) dies without ever at taching itself to another animal. But its offspring, produced by the eggs laid after it drops off and before it dies, carry the Infection and inocu late the first cow they get on. The length of time elapsing be tween the exposure of susceptible cattle to infection by ticks and the appearance of Texas fever among them is dependent upon the climate and the development of the ticks. Thus, if northern cattle are placed on pastures, highways, or in pens, cars, etc., in summer immediately af ter the premises have been infested ’ with ticks from southern cattle, Tex as fever may occur in from thirty to sixty days, as the female ticks which drop from southern cattle may lay ’ ‘‘ggs ami these must hatch before the northern animal becomes infested ' with ticks and thereby inoculated with the disease. After the seed ticks become attached to the animal ■ the disease will appear in about ten ' days in summer or somewhat longre period in winter. In fact, the dis ease may occur before the ticks are large enough to be seen without a very careful search. One objection that, has been ad vanced against the fact that the cat tle tick is a carrier of Texas fever is that cattle are sometimes found to be suffering with the disease with out showing tile presence of ticks on their bodies. This condition in the case of southern cattle may be ex plained by the fact that the animal already had its blood infected with the parasite-: and under normal con ditions was resistant to Texas fever’ how< ver, as a result of lowered vi tality caused by some other diseases, or by exposure, privation, injury, rough handling, etc., this resistance has been reduced and finally over come, and the parasites at last suc ceed in producing the disease. On the other hand, when this disease Is observed in northern animals, the young seed ticks may be so small find so few in number as to be unob served. Under certain conditions, as when living on horses, mules, etc., the ticks lose their infectiousness, and when southern cattle not previously infested with any but these nonin tious ticks come in contact with in fectious ticks they are just as sus ceptible as cattle raised on tick-free pastures. Many cattle appear perfectly healthy and yet are infested with ticks and have the fever parasite in their blood. Sometimes the owners can not understand why such animals should be regarded as dangerous to others, and consider it unjust that they should be subjected to quaran tine restrictions. The fact is that such cattle have usually contracted tile disease in a very mild form at an early age and have become immune to further attacks, although still car rying the parasites tn their blood. They are dangerous because the fe ver parasites in their blood may be transmitted nt any time to suscepti ble cattle by ticks. While the disease may lie pro duced artificially by inoculating a susceptible animal with the blood ot an infected one. it is spread naturally only by the ticks. By exterminating the ticks, therefore., the disease can be stamped out. and the quarantine can then be removed. The discovery of the part played by the tick in the spread of Texas fever was made by the Bureau ot Animal Industry of the I'nited States Department of Agriculture in 1891. and the sarfie principles has since been found to apply to the transmis sion of malaria and yellow fever from man to man by mosquitos, and to Hie spread of certain other diseases. Publications containing full infor mation about the ticks and giving directions for getting rid if them may be obtained free, on application to the Bureau of Animal Industry, Ik’- j part inent of Agriculture, Washing ton. D. C. Could Not Be Better, No one has ever made a salve. | ointment, lotion or balm to compare] with Bueklen's Arnica Salve. It's the I one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns. I Burns. Bruises, Sores. Scalds, Boils. I i Ulcers, Eczema. Salt Rheum. Eor Sore Eyes, Cold Sores. Chapped I Hands its supreme. Infallible for Piles Only 23c a t Summervilla Drug I THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1909 BURNS KILL 6,000 YEARLY An interesting and instructive I pamphlet has been issued from the I office of State Fire Marshal W. S. I Rogers of Ohio, which gives valua ble advice as to first aid to the in jured and burned at fires. It reads in part: "More than six thousand persons are burned to death every year in the United States.. Many times that number are badly burned. "A burn of the first degree hurts i only the outside of the sin. The burned place is red, painfully hot and tender. When it gets well the outside layer of the skin is made of scales like those of a fish, but very much smaller. "To stop the pain from such a burn the air must be kept away from it. Lint or cotton wet from a pint of water into which a teaspoonful of baking soda has been stirred should be put over the burn and held by a bandage. If there is no soda use sweet oil or molasses. Many moth ers use scrapings from a potato If a burn of this kind covers a large part of the body it is dangerous, and a doctor should be sent for. “While waiting for him an exten sive burn should be wrapped in cot ton or covered with flour. A very , large burn which only makes the skin fed without blistering may , cause one to sink and die from shock and pain. Big burns that are I not deep often come from gas and I gasoline explosions in which the heat only lasts a moment. I “In burns of the second degree ! there are blisters. Blisters are , made by water from the blood being poured out to cool the burn. The skin over the blister should not be ] taken away, but the water should be let out of it by a needle prick at its edge. Clothing should be taken off with care not to break any . blisters. The skin over the blister I is the best covering for the raw spot under it until new skin grows. "Burns of this kind should be cov ered with soft rags or cotton dipped in carron oil, which can be had at I any drug store, or by cloth smeared i with tallow. Over the cloths a band age, should be put. “Burns of the third degree take the life out of all the layers of the skin, and sometimes out of the flesh ' under them. The skin is made hard like stiff paper. The dead skin and flesh is gotten rid of by matter form ing under It. While these deep burns are healing the flesh under them may draw up so that a joint cannot be moved. They always leave ( bad scars. "Any deep burn should have the care of a doctor quickly. Until he gets there the burned one should bq 1 wrapped in a blanket or put. into a bathtub of warm water. Many per sons say a burn should be held near it flame to draw the fire out of it, That is foolish. "Many of the deep burns are suf fered by persons whose clothing is ignited. This is because the flame is kept against the skin so long. "Children whose clothes take fire 1 are usually burned to death. 1 "Scalds are burns from very hot ’ water. They are not likely to be s deep, because the water runs off. 1 If the fluid is thicker than water the ! scald is deeper. Burns and scalds are most dangerous to children if on tile chest. 1 "Tablespoonfuls of coffee or soup i heated to 130 degrees can be swal ’ lowed from a spoon without hurt. but if the spoon touches th? lips it burns them. Although the skin on the soles of the feet is the thickest ■ on the body one cannot stand on a hot plate which he could hold in his hand without discomfort.’’ Cot DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch Ha zel Salve when you ask for it. There are a great many imitations, but there is just one original. This salve is good for anything where a salve is needed to be used, but it is especially good for Piles, Sold by all druggists. It's a mighty good joke that can stand the way most people tell it. If you have pains in the back, weak | back, or any other indication of a weakened or disordered condition of the kidneys and bladder, you should get DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills right away when you experi ence the least sign of kidney or blad der complaints, but be sure that you get DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. We know what they will do for you. and if you will sepd your name to E. U. DeWitt & Co.. Chi cago, you will receive a free trial box of these kidney and bladder pills, i They are sold by all druggists. Foley’s Honey and Tar not only i stops chronic coughs that weaken the | constitution and develop consumption • 1 but heals and strengthens the lungs. |lt affords comfort and relief in the worst cases of chronic bronchitis. I asthma, hay fever and lung trouble, j Sold by all druggists. Right Here in The Seventh Congressional District Is Located the Largest, Strongest and Most Progressive Insurance Company in the Entire South and One that Ranks High up in the Standing of All Life Companies in the country. It’s Unquestioned Financial Strength, the Efficiency and Integrity of its Management, and the Fairness and Liberality of All Polices Issued, are Amply Evidenced by its Enormous and Ever Increasing Patronage. The State Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Rome, Ga., is a Purely Mutual, Legal Reserve Company. It meets Promptly All Just Claims, issues the Most Attractive Policies, and gives Real and Full Value for the Premiums. Its Funds are Invested here at Home where they are most needed and where their Earning Capacity is greatest. It has assets of more than $2,000,000.00 and surplus over all legal requirements of $200,000. Visit our nearest Representative and let him exp l ain to you the Vir tues of our Different Policies, or ask him to call on you. STATE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. W. M. JONES, Agent. C. R. PORTER, President. Lyerly, Ga. Head Office: Rome, Ga. NEED NO MORE WAR MEN An Army Waiting List has Been Es tablished by Uncle Sam Uncle Sam at last has the ranks of his army completely' filled. That means there are now enrolled in the national army 78,300 men, who are ready for service. So fully supplied with soldiers is the regular army, that no more recruits are now re ceived. This, of course, does not apply to old soldiers—those who have enlisted in the army and then allowed their enlistment periods to expire without renewal —who are received at any time, no matter how full the ranks may be. But unless you have served already in the national army yov Cannot now gain admission, as for the present the ranks are filled. Those who apply now for enlist ment are subjected to a preliminary examination. If they pass this suc cessfully their names are kept for future reference. But so many ap plicants come for enlistment in the army that Uncle Sam does not con sider them unless they are the very best. In brief, so many now apply for admission that the recruiting au thorities may take their choice, tak ing only the very best. Only a few years ago, about three years In fact, the war depart ment was at a loss to now what could possibly be done to fill up the ranks of the army, which were sadly depleted. Only as recently as the Spanish-American war the entire standing army of the nation num bered only 25,000 men. Since that time the unmber has been more than doubled, as the report from the war department for March 27th of the present year showed 78.300 men en rolled. The government has increased the pay, and now offers a bonus for re enlistment to every man now in the service or who will enter when need ed. The increase in pay had a most marked effect in swelling the ranks of the army. It is said now that 80 per cent, of the men in the army come from the. country districts which furnish the ranks with men of fine physique and also of excellent I character. i Proper Treatment for Dysentery and Diarrhoea The great mortality from dysentery and diarrhoea is due to lack of prop r treatment at the first stages of :he disease. Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable and effectual medicine, and | when given in reasonable time w ill j prevent any dangerous consequnecea. it has been in use for many years | and has always met w ith unvarying I success. For sale by Summerville Drug Co.. Summerville. Ga. Children cry FOR FLETCHER S c ASTORIA WAYSIDE Mrs. R. C. Bullman is on the sick list this week, we are sorry to say. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Cobb of Gore were visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hill and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Alexander and family of Bolling were visiting; Mr. Will Alexander Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Smith visited | her father, Mr. Doster, of Martindale Saturday and Sunday. Miss Jessie Alexander of Bol ling was the guest of Miss Tennie Hendrix Sunday. Mr. Lon Goings and Mr. Oscar Nash made a business trip to Chat tanooga one day last week. Mr. Bob Teams of Armuchee and Miss Rilla Carpenter were happily married Sunday afternoon at the home of Ordinary Johnston. BLUE EYES. Ask for Allen’s Foot-Ease, A powder for swollen, tired hot, smarting feet. Sample sent FREE. Also Free Sample of the Foot-Ease Sanitary Corn-Pad, a new invention. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Marriage is not a failure unless the parties to the contract are. A man in love gives; a woman in love forgives. Delay in taking Foley's Kidney Remedy if you have backache, kidney or bladder trouble, fastens the dis ease upon you and makes a cure more difficult. Commence taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy today and you will soon be well. Why risk a serious malady? Sold by all drug gists. Low Excursion Rates via Central of Georgia Railway. Tickets account Fourth of July Celebration will be on sale July 2. 3,4, 5, final return limit •July 8, jSM'9. hot total rates and further inform.' tion apply to ticket agent. WESTON, Ocean-to-Ocean Walker, Said recently: “When you feel down and out, feel there is no use living, just take your bad thoughts with you and walk them off. Be fore you have walked a mile things will look rosier. Just try it." Have you noticed the increase in walking of late in every community? Many attribute it to the comfort which Al ien’s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic pow der to be shaken into the shoes, gives to the millions now using it. As Weston has said, "It has real merit.” There's musy in the sole of a I I new boot —such as it is. • fiiraAiffi J COUGH REMEK ipaaaaagA a juUaaaOa a aaHQgnHauttßnqaig Coughs,Colds, CROUP, This remedy can always be depended open and is pleasant to take, it contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adult. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. Impaired Digestion May not be all that is meant by dyspeptia now, but it wUI be if neglected. The uneasiness after eating, fits of nerv ous headache, sourness of the stomach, and disagreeable belching may not be very bad low, but they will be if the stomach is suffered to grow weaker. Dyspepsia Is such a miserable disease that the tendency to it should be given early attention. This is completely over come by Hood's Sarsaparilla • hid) st rengtbens thewhole digestive system KILL™ COUCH CURE the LUNCS with Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR Colds' 3 UNMft. AND ALL THROAT ANO LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. - 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE ™ / a W K J k ■ I3r k ■ 1 Trade Marks 'WUIMbR' Designs Copyrights Ac. An rone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patent able. Communiea tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents seat free. Oldest agency fur securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive tpfcicU without charge, in the Scientific American A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest cir culation of any scientific j arnaJ. Terms. S 3 a 1 rear: f-'urmonths,sL Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 38 ’ Br 9! New York 1 Braacb Olßee. 5# F St-, WMbUsgtog, D. C,