The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, November 04, 1909, Image 2

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The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is n disease prevailing in this con nt rv most dangerou s because so decep ——*j!l || ||| T'A tive. Many sadden S” ritKii E*®' dentils are caused I- by it - heart dis ’ ease, j netinionia, IPa”*/ HH heart failure or l|rc*£j« rViA 't ’ ;.]><•] lexv arc often MW tin- result of kid !• ” cv ‘ligase. W i ■-\ tS l kidney trouble is . 'JpM >1 i'j u allowed toadvance Vvk ' * JrMj tbckidncy-J/ ison- - --'— C, l blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, bri- k-dtist or sediment in the urine, head ache, back ache, Same back, dizziness, sleeplcj mess, nervous n or the l;idn< themselves break do-,*, a and waste away cell by cell. );! dder troubls nltuo: >a I ways result front a derangement of the kidneys and better health in that organ is obtained quickest byaprojx r (treatment of the kid ney Swamp-Root corre< 1;. inability to ‘ hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of living compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate efiect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands tin highest be came of its remarkable health restoring properties. A trial will convince anyone. f.wamp Root is pleasant to take and is soil! by all druggets in fiity-cent end onc-dol'lar size bottles. You may have a simple bottle and a l«x>k that tells all alxmt it. Imth sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. V. When writing mention reading this gen cro is offer in this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but rem< rnlxr the name, Swamp-Root, ami don’t let a dealer sell you i omethingin place of Swamp-Root— if you do you will be disappointed. YOUKG MEN LEARN TELEGRAPHY! TELEGRAPH OPERATORS ARE N GREAT DEMAND!! Hoys, this Is your opportunity to learn a flrat-clasa trade that pays a ! good salary every month in the year. : There will be a greater demand for Telegraph Operators this fall and winter than there has been for many yenrs past. The prominent railroads of the south and other parts of the Unit i od Slates are writing uh to qualify ■ ns many young men of good character 1 for their service as we possibly can. V.e trust that the reliable ambitious boys of the South will rally to his golden opportunity. Our students qualify for service in only four to six months. We guaran tee positions. Graduates begin on $45 to $65 per month; easy ami pleas ant work; permanent employment; rapid promotion. Our tuition is reasonable; board at low rates; Newnan Is extremely j healthful; fine climate; excellent drinking water. Write at once for ; our now illustrated catalog. A letter , or postal will bring it. IT IS FREE SOUTHERN SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Box 272, Newnan, Georgia. MONEY TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE Safe Loan Investments secured for those desiring to lend. And available funds fur those desiring to borrow. No loans under $1,000.00. Apply to Lipacomb, Willingham & Doyal Attorneyo at Law 12-3-4-5-6-7 Clark Bldg. Rome, Ooorgiax 9 1,1 Nervo".s Break-E-own Nerve energy is the force that controls the or gans of respiration, cir culation, digestion and elimination. When you feel weak, nervous, irri table, sick, it is often be cause you lack nerve energy, and the process of rebuilding and sustain ing life is interfered with. Dr. Miles’ Nervine has cured thousands of such cases, and will we believe benefit if not entirely cure you. Try it. •My iierv.’j ■ tern Fave awiy pie! ly. ! b .t me on the verje of th.* .\» I sKHhd phrsi- cis ns bet &»t u<» i *-rnunrnt relief. 1 g t >• ba! I had to give UP my husitieiis* 1 Im g lsl Re.-loutt N n re 1 ~ <. .* 1 wn> much I* lU t 'I I • ‘-ted to Inipvn e urn I vnt.'ih ' 4. I am in buwin-'ss ngnin. at dn« r mlsa ati <t|Mrtu-i t to '. .lUH nd Uris rvmvdv- V’. W • M’KKK C v -*v. MIcKOU. Your c t -x t - V *s’ Nerv Inc an t t « r m -» u : ■ •’ ll Ki...... _ . .. '. d.jrt. Ind Krxrlnl For * *VzM VA A Relieves sour stomach palpuauon of tbe bean. Digests what you eai WHAT NEGRO SCHOOLS COST State School Commissioner Pound Gives Out Some Interesting Information. Atlanta. —Valuable statistics on the respective amounts given by Georgia for the education of the white and black races are contained in a letter which State School Com missioner Jere M. Pound has written to a certain northern publication. It shows that Georgia is giving four times as much for negro edu cation as it receives from negroes for educational purposes. He shows the total receipts from all sources for public education in 1908 amounted to 13,786,830,70. It may be stated that two-thirds of this amount goes to pay the salaries of teachers. White teachres in white schools received 289,258.12. Negro teachers in negro schools received $437,269.39. The value of property owned by negroes in 1908 returned for taxa tion in Georgia was $27,042,672. If every dollar of this property paid taxes at the rate of five mills it would mean that the state secured from this source $135,213.36 for all state purposes—education and every thing else. The receipts from poll taxes paid by negroes amounted to $75,000 in 1909. making a total of $123,676 for education. The actual proportion of taxes paid by negroes for education purposes under the state apportionment which set aside a tax of 1.8 mills for education, was $48,676. in other words, four times as much was paid out in Georgia for negro education as was received from negro tax payers for that, purpose. EFFECT OF PROHIBITION. Great Slump In Bottle Manufacturlna Business. It developed at. the meeting of the glass bottle blowers and manufactur ers in Pittsburg that the wave of prohibition which has swept over the i country during the last few years ! has worked harm to the industr even lif It has accomplished good in the communities where It is enforced. It Is estimated that more than 30,- 000 bottle blowers have worked on half time or been altogether idle through the slump in the bottle man ufacturing business caused by prohi bit ion. This is not in keeping with the statements of distillers and brewers ttiat prohibition does not prohibit but really increases the use of liquor. . The inanuafcturers reported that i iti recent years the bottle business i has deterioated until It cannot be i conducted on a paying basis, the j same being attributed solely to the lack of demand for beer and liquor .bottles. Many of the factories pre- Iviously engaged In the business have j now turned their attention to munu afcturlng proscription bottles. ROADS KILLED 2,791 DURING YEAR 1909. Washington, D. C. —The Interstate I commerce commission announces that by railroad accident dtrring the year ending June 30, 1909, 2,791 persons were killed and 63,920 fnjur jed, as against 3,764 killed and 68,- ,989 injured in the preceding year. The number of employees killed in j coupling cars was 32 per cent less ! than last year. 1 It is also shown that there were 12,917 derailments and collisions in ‘the same period, of which 272 affeet od passenger trains. This is a de- 1 crease of 30 per cent over the pre ceding year. When a man begins to tell a wom an about his past love affairs he is planning to add another to the list. If you desire a clear complexion take Foley's Orino Laxative for con istipation and liver trouble as It will stimulate these organs and thor oughly cleanse your system, which is what everyone needs in order to feel well. Sold by all druggists. The New, job department is well equipped to do all kinds of commer cial printing. The work turned out It of the highest quality, and the prices are always found satisfactory , by those who favor us with their or ders for printing. When in need of printed matter of any kind come In 'and let ua figure with you. Some people's minds are gauged by dollars rather than sense. One fault in a man is of more con sequence to him than a thousand in ' that of his neighbor. When a cold becomes settled in the system, it will take several days' treatment to cure it, and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It will cure quick er thar any other, and also leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition- Sold by Summerville Drug THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1909. PROSPERITY COMING SAYS. MR. EDMONDS. Prosperity to an overwhelmning de gree may be expected soon in the South, according to R. H. Edmonds, editor of the Manufacturers’ Record. During a visit to Atlanta iast week he gave out this joyful news in an interview and said there was no doubt in his mind about its coming. •Mr. Edmonds pointed out what an excellent barometer of trade condi tions the iron and steel demand in the Birmingham district was and gave some figures which showed his pre diction is based on facts. He show ed how the price of pig iron has risen from $11.50 and iast year with few orders to sls now and the furnaces running to their fullest capacity. The demand, too, has grown from 15,000,- 000 tons last year in a figure for October which is at the rate of 30,- 000,000 tons a year. The development of water power, too, Is considered significant by Mr. Edmonds and he declared that in stead of lessening a demand for coal the cheap power furnished by reason of this development would create more industries. The prediction is confidently made by Mr. Edmonds that the railroads will have more business in a short time than they will be in position to handle and he pointed out how already the roads in the North ami , West were placing orders for addi tional equipment. ' INVENTS MACHINE TO GATHER FRUIT A little machine that can reach 10 feet among orchard boughs and gath er peaches, apples, pears or any oth er fruit more quickly and just as safely as a man’s hand, has been in vented and patented by C. G. Han nah, of Atlanta. A stock company capitalized at $25,000 has been or ganized to sell the machine through out the fruit growing world. The device is remarkably simple, weighing only three and a half pounds. An adjustable blade attach ed to a strip of wood cuts the fruit which straightaway falls into a sack that is a part of the contrivance. In this way there is no breaking or bruising of the trees and the work of about three men is economized. A large number of the machines have already been manufactured and will be sold in New York, New Jer sey, California, Georgia, Florida and wherever there are orchards. With in the near future the company will build its own plant in Atlanta. Many school children suffer from constipation which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle in their effect, and will cure even chronic constipation. Sold by Summerville Drug Co. It sometimes costs too much to get rich. There are other things more valuable than money and when those other tilings ■ are sacrlfied for the sake of money the price' paid is too high In the lust for wealth men not unoften lose all sym pathy with and consideration for oth ers and also lose all interest in pub lic affairs except as they financially effect them. When all this is al lowed to go on unchecked the soul shrivels up and becomes as hard and metallic as the coin itself after which men grasp. The man who deserves the credit is the one who has a temper, but knows how to keep it from wander ing out of calling distance. Nature makes the curu. after all. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypo phosphites can do just this. It strengthens the nen es, feeds famished tis sues, and makes rich blood. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send XV, name of p«t*r and thia ad for our bMUtitul Sariiup BanA and Child’. Skel.h-B.xW h bank contain* a Good Luck Penn.'- SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Peart St. New York —...- .■* DEATH RATE DECLINING So the Government Vital Statistics Show. Tuberculosis is De creasing. Washington, D. C. —The great fight against tuberculosis is being won, ac cording to Chief Statistician Cressy L. Wilbur, of the division of vital statistics, United States Census Bu reau. In a bulletin issued he says: "A continued decline in the death rate from it from year to year, may be expected.” He says that the organization of many state and local anti-tuberculo sis societies since the international congress on tuberculosis in Washing ton in 1908 has helped to check the disease. The total deaths from tu ' berculosis returned in 1908 was 79,- 289, exceeding those of any previous year of registration, but the death rate per 100,000 for 1908 is consider ably less than that for 1907. In all registration states, the death from the tubreculosis showed a decline, ex cept in Colorado, Rhode Island and : Vermont. | Mr. Wilbur notes pellagra as a dis-i | ease of increasing importance with twenty-three deaths recorded in 1908. j This does not. include the bulk of pel i lagra deaths in the south, from which no records are received. Among the ; rarer disease, smallpox caused nine-1 ty-two deaths; plague, five; yellow fever, two; leprosy, eleven, and hy- j drophobia, eighty-two. COST OF PANAMA CANAL Goethals Places the Total For Con struction at $375,000,000. The Panama Canal Commission has submitted to the secretary of war a list of estimate of appropria tions aggregatnig $48,063,524 for work on the canal during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1910. Os ’the amount asked for $15,043,000 is for skilled and unskilled labor, and $20,- 218,983 for material and supplies used in construction work. The total appropriation made by congress up to this time on account of the canal is $210,070,408. Col. Goethals, chairman and chief engi neer of the commission, has declared it to be his opinion that the great waterway will be completed by Jan uary 1, 1915, and has estimated the j total cost at $375,000,000, which however, includes the cost of sanita tion and civil government and the ’550,000,000 purchase price. The unusually large amount asked for the new fiscal year is probably due to the fact that work on the waterway has entered a more ad vanced stage. Foley’s Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder troub le that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Cures backache and irreg ularities that if neglected might re sult in Bright’s disease or diabetes. Sold by all druggists. Civic patrotism is not so pronounc ed or so common as national patrio tism, yet without it no place can prosper. Every citizen should be loyal to his town and that loyalty I should be expressed by acts as well as words. Words are cheap and we are not to be compar ed with the useful patrotic acts by I which a man shows his faith and in terest in the community of which he I is a part. Such acts build up a• town, promote its prosperity and make j sure its future. And there is no cit-1 izen however humble or however low ly his occupation but can contribute something to the common good. Lame back comes on suddenly and I is extremely painful. It is caused by rheumatism of the muscles. Quick relief is afforded by applying Cham berlain’s Liniment. Sold by Summer ville Drug. The old idea that the first man . was cursed in being compelled to I work, and that in consequence all : work is a drudgery- fit only for men- I ials, is happily out-grown. We now J reconlze the dignity of labor and > how that through it, and through it alone, all progress is made. Work, jin fact, rests upon the principle that ■ whatever may be the present con dition of things that condition can tbe improved by labor. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthins the lungs and expels colds. Get the genuine in a i yellow package. Sold by all drug gists. Young Girls Are Victims. of headache, as well as older wom en, but all get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Lite Pills, the world's best remedy for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Try them -’.’e at Summerville Drug Co. Many a man's honesty has saved him from becoming a politician. I FATHERBO-MOTHER 761 . The aged father and mother ji of a prominent Boston lawyer R \ safel y carried throu s h the last I two winters by ffigL Wol Wj-LiL. i , ■F- \ The son says: “My father and mother owe their present strength and good health to Vinol. During the last two | trying winters neither of them had a cold, and were able to walk farther and do more than for years. I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful.. It certainly is the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic tor Cid people I ever heard of.” We want every feeble old parson in this town to try Vinol. We will return their money without question II it does not accomplish ail we claim for it. SUMMERVILLE DRUG CO., Summerville. UNLIMITED SCHOLARSHIP FOR $25 Until the 20th of October, we will sell our Unlimited Scholar ship in either Bookkeeping or Shorthand with the related studies for $25 In our Commercial Department, we teach practical Book keeping from start to finish. Our Penmanship is not equaled in the South. We teach the famous Chartier Shorthand —a system so sim ple that a child can learn it, and best of all, can read it. You can learn it in three months. Satisfaction guaranteed. For full information address: THE MOSS BUSINESS COLLEGE, A. C. Moss, Principal Rome, Ga. c OBMHB l-mw— TWISRH —I "in MUM a JIIM II ■ HUAI W WJ.WW wkscc ■ - All ■Kl'll liaMMMI 'l' rsMaaMW?' '."r aw I SEARS & ROEBUCK -of Chicago- Sell Goods and Guarantee satisfaction | THE EDISON LAND CO. ...0F... MENLO Will sell LOTS with the specific agreement to refund every dollar at any time within five years from time of purchase if not satisfactory. Call on or write to A. J. LAWRENCE, Mgr* Menlo, Georgia. ~ , , - , ,ji TWOAND hoes HIGHEST KAHKET PRICU -.kSL* pi ■ I ■ paid fob e.*.w FUHS B AND HIDES. —Wool Commission. Write For price-list men LioniDgthh aa gXlglffhM'fr ESTABLISHED 1837 JOHN WHITE & CO., On the Ist and 3rd Tnc'days of each month.very W‘ '<C' low fare round trip tickets will be sold via the Cutton Belt Route to points in Arkansas, Louisiana. T exas ffe'' end Oklahoma. Take advantage of these low fares and ivestigate the wonderful opportunites now open in the outhwbst. The 25 day return limit gives you ample B time, and you can stop over both going and returning. B The Direct Line to Texas The Cotton Belt is the direct line from Memphis ■ to the Southwest, through Arkansas. It operates : ’‘4 two daily trains, carrying through sleepeis, chair cars and parlor-case cars. Trains from all points make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton Beit trains for the Southwest. . Do not delay your tri, to the Southwest until al'* . " the big opportunities are gone—write me to-day Vc 4 • J i Y-y * t. here you want to go and I will show vou hew I .-‘-r-.-V-r cheap you can make the trip and give you complete ‘’tTihU L schedule, etc. I late -nd you free our books - Texaa and Arkansas, with County map in colors. rL H. SUTI’ON, Diatrict P***ent er Agent. H. E. ALLEN, Passenger Agent. Tfßg 109 W, 9th SL, Chattanooga. Tenn.