The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, December 12, 1912, Image 2

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We Are All Ready For Christmas WITH THE BIGGEST STOCK and greatest variety of HOLIDAY GOODS ever offered in this sec tion. Now is the time and this is the opportunity for economical satisfactory Christmas buying; and nobody can afford to miss seeing OUR NEW HOLIDAY STOCK. OUR NEW HOLIDAY STOCK IS BRIGHT AND CLEAN AND AFFORDS A GREAT VARIETY Really desirable and useful Presents for people of all ages. We have prepared for all requirements and the variety we show is innumerable articles of varying prices and makes the selection of Ap propriate Gifts easy and you can count on getting exactly the RIGHT THING. The Best of Everything for Christmas And “Just What You Want” is our welcome to Christmas buyers. Come and be pleased. SUMMERVILLE DRUG COMPANY THE REXALL STORE. FARMERS UNION NEWS Conditions has caused thousands of farmers to realize that something should be done to Improve their methods of marketing. It Is plain that organization Is the only road to Improvement, hence, thousands are coming back into the Farmers Union, who had dropped out for one cause or another. During the last several ! months we have been unabel to get i men who could do effective work, to Rive their exclusive time to organ izing and re-organizing. During the last eight weeks Mr. R. F. Duckworth has been working In the following counties: Hart, Banks. Madison. Cherokee, Rabnm, Rockdale, and Stephens, and has put over one thousand members Into the Union. Mr. Duckworth will continue on. mak ing two speeches per day, but he can not reach all counties at once. We should have other men in the field. We "Xpert to give the news of the work, In the local weekly papers, 'mm time to time, under the above heading. The fanner is entitled to expen ses and a reasonable profit on his Investment, the same as other pro f->sßfons He should keep n svstem of accounts, that would enable him tr ’■now what it cost to grow a hate of cotton bushel of corn nr anv thing ♦hat he grows on the farm This '’•outd enable him to de’orm’nc which crop was showing a profit and which was pot and hr should rut out the one that did not pav and give more time to the ones that does Wo rive some suMorts for discus sion that have boon selected hr the mion. following are those for De cember Ist how the organization 'lroadv Improved the faremrs oondi *lon* Tn discussing this snbiect ft w|B be well to hear tn mind th" fact ‘hat th" Harmers Union led the rfght the tmnrovod methods of farming the re-organirstion of oar public 'hoot evstem *hc nuttier of convict' -■ *ho public roads the establishing •if onr new College of tmfculture m, »ho nfetelot tericuttuml schools tt encored the reduction in paasenger •'-es a reduction in the price of fo-tflf’O' I'd h-s rrcatlv reduced th" -np mortgage svstem •nd Ts ft nr-’cticenhle for onr gnv •■'rnment to nroteet fts cotton and to h.,~<-o fndnstrv hv government con trol? •rd What eommnnftv interest has ♦ho farm and town Oh What fs neecssarr In m>’ :ha iocs' mfetinsrt more internsttpr In our next letter we will give the subjects for January and we would be glad to have a short statement from readers in reference to these subjects, or other matter of general interest. Address all communications to the Farmers Union, Union City, Ga. California Woman Seriously Alarmed. “A short time ago I contracted a | severe cold which settled on my • lungs and caused me a great deal of annoyance. I would have bad coughing spells and my lungs were so sore and inflamed I began to be seriously alarmed. A friend recom mended Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy saying she had used It for years. 1 bought a bottle and it relieved my cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of the cold and soreness . of my lungs," writes Miss Marie Ger i her, Sawtelle, Cal. For sale by all , dealers. 1 Czar Nicholas, of Russia, yearly spends $25,000 on telegraphic mes > sages. The value of 1912 crops in United : States is estimated to be $5,000,000,- 000. i , Fit His Case Exactly. P “When father was sick about six . years ago he read an advertisement , of Chamberlain’s Tablets in the pa , Pers that fit his case exactly,’’ writes , Miss Margaret Campbell of Ft. Smith, , Ark. "He purchased a box of them , and he has not been sick since. My sister had stomach trouble and was also benefitted by them." For sale , by all dealers. , A Berlin specialist says knitting in bed is an excellent nerve tonic. t f Grape growing in the United States f Is on the increase. Cured of Liver Complaint. . “I was suffering with liver com . plaint,’’ says Iva Smith of Point , Blank. Texas, “and decided to try a 25c box of Chamberlain's Tablets. • and am happy to say that I am com > pletely cured and can recommend them to every one.” For sale by all dealers. Germany has 61 wallpaper manu factories. Cbii«r«a Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTOR I A THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1912. LITERARY SOCIETY Organized at Lookout Hall Friday Evening. Called to order at 7:15 p. m. by Chairman pro tern, Clyde Burgess, Will Story was elected president, E • nos Martin elected vice president, Eb ' Thomas, secretary; Arthur Smith, ! critic; Ben Miller, chaplain. House adopted resolutions extend i ing cordial invitation to everyone to visit us. Committee on program announced that they would have a Spellingßde next Friday evening, also some ad dresses. ' Much enthusiasm was displayed and very optimistic were the predic tions for the society s future. Meetings will be held every Friday evening at 7 o’clock p. m. Clyde Burgess, Chairman Com. on Publicity. Dr. Wm. Sadler of “The Cause and Cure of Colds," says that common colds should be taken seriously, es pecially when they ‘hang on.’ Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound is a relia | ble household medicine for coughs and colds, equally effective for chil dren and for grown persons. Take i,t when you feel a cold coming on. It tfill avert danger of serious results ' and cure quickly. No harmful drugs. For sale by all dealers. China has schools to teach oper ' ation of sewing machines. i Fifteen thousand miles of motion , picture films were exported from the United States in the year ending witl’ June, and nearly 3,000 miles were , , imported. They Always Help Elderly People- Foley Kidney Pills give the help elderly people need to tone and to strengthen their kidneys and bladder and regulate their action. John Mc- Masters, Streator, 111., says: “I feel better and stronger than I have for 1 many years, and Foley Kidney Pills ' did it.’ For sale by all dealers. GUNS and SHELLS Cheaper here than Anywhere. Standard Supply &,Hwd. Co. Rome, Ga. CHATTOOGAVILLE i People that have to move are be ginning to move. J. R. Smith has moved and F. W. and A. J. Rowls I are moving; Arthur Ragland moved last week to Dry Valley, and Mr. Jim Flemmon has moved into his place. Mr. A. M. Snow moved last week, Mr. J. D. Veatch will take his place; Mr. George Thomas has moved and Mr. Bailey will take his place, Mr. F. W. Rowls and Mr. W. C. Rut ledge and Claud Snow will take the place of A. J. Rowls. Mr. G. B. Goodson will take the place of J. R. Smith, and Mr. Percy Gaylor the place of Mr. Goodson. Mr. P. M. Deberry is talking of going to the cotton mills with his family. J. M. Weaver says we will need our third teacher in our school soon. We have had a good deal of rain for the past week, but this morning is cold and windy. The J. P. and bailiff election came off here Saturday. J. M. Smith was elected J. P., and J. H. White and G. B. Goodson constables for 961st district, G. M. Edward Gayler and family were visiting W. L. Gayler Sunday. Mr. F. M. Gayler’s health still con tinues bad. He is quite feeble, but no worse than he has been for a long time. Mr. L. W. Millican went to Chat tanooga Monday. Mr. Thomas Millican visited the writer Monday. He is an old confed erate soldier, 70 years old, has been married twice, but is now a widower, lie belonged to the famous 6th Ga. a> airy, Col. Heart’s regiment. Se.,i iei very soon, all of u: old sMdiers win soon be gone, but it makes me proud to meet these old gray beards and talk with them. I love all the old soldiers and there is a kind feel ing with all old soldiers that dont exist with other men. G. A. R. Croupy Coughs and Wheezy Colds. The quickest simplest way to rid 'he children of dangerous, croupy coughs and wneezy, stuffy colds is ’o give them Foley’s Honey and Tar 'ompound. It gives almost instant relief and stops a cough promptly. It -oothes and heals. Contains no opi , iates.—For sale by all dealers The price of coffee has doubled in a half dozen years. ChambedaiH s Cough Cu.-'e* Cikte Cwvrp xaZ Wr-Zcptsg •ctC-i Administrator’s Sale. Georgia, Chattooga county. Pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary, granted at the Dec. term, 1912, will be sold before the court house door within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Jan. 1913, to the highest bidder, j for cash, the following described I lands of the estate of Ike Hogg, de ceased, for the payment of debts and distribution, to wit: What is known as the Ike Hogg place in said state and county, in the 14th district and 4th section, the same being lots of i land No. 67, and No. 68, containing i each 160 acers more or less, exceptt- j ing therefrom 70 acres more or less, off the south side of lot No. 68 which I has been set apart as the dower of Mrs. E. W. Hogg, the said dower de scribed as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said lot No. 68, thence north along land line 70 rods, thence due west to east boundary of said lot, thence 70 rods south along land line to southeast corner of said lot, thence west along land line to commencing point as marked out by J. A. Branner, Coun- , ty Surveyor. Said lands are improved, partly in : original timber and partly cleared in good state of cultivation. This Decmeber 3. 191-2. W. J. HOGG, Admr., of Ike Hogg, deceased. "FAGGED-OUT” WOMEN Will Find a Helpful Suggestion In This Letter. Overworked, run-down. "fagged out” women who feel as though they could hardly drag about, should profit by Miss Richter's She says: "Last winter I was completely run down and felt fagged out all the I time, was nervous tfnd had indiges tion. “One of my friends advised me to , take Vinol, and it has done me great : good. The tired, worn-out feeling is j all gone, and I am strong, vigorous and well. The stomach trouble soon j disappeared and now I eat heartily and have perfect digestion. I wish every tired, weak, nervous woman could have Vinol, for I never spent I any money in my life that did me so much good as that I spent for Vinol.” Marie Richter, Detroit. Mich. Thousands of women and men who were formerly weak and sickly owe their present rugged health to the wonderful strength-creating effects of Vinol. We guarantee Vinol to build you up and make you strong. If it does not, we give back your money. SUMMERVILLE DRUG CO. SumiwsrvDl*, Ga For Women Who Care Os course you use an antiseptic in your family and in the care of your own per son, and you want the best. Instead of what you have been using such as liquid or tablet antiseptics or peroxide, won’t you please try Paxtine, a concentrated antiseptic powder to be dissolved in water as needed. Paxtine is more economical, more cleansing, more germicidal and more healing than anything you ever used. ANTISEPTIC IWi In the toilet— to cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth, destroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgewo-.k clean an- 1 , odorless. To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspira tion odors by sponge bathing. As a medicinal agent for local treatment of feminine ills where pelvic catarrh, inflammation and ulceration exist, nothing equals hot couches of Paxtine. For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. has been regularly advising their patients to use it because of its extraordinary cleansing, healing and germicidal power. For this pur pose alone Paxtine is worth its weight in gold. Also for nasal catarrh, sore throat, inflamed eyes, cuts and wounds. All druggists, 25 and 50 cents a box. Trial box and testimony of 31 women free on request. •-4 PAXTON TOILET CO .80-toh. Mac-. Are You in Arrears on your subscription ? You know NEED THE MONEY J fOIEYSMIEWAE t-ures Prevents Foley Kidney Pills What They Will Do for Yea T\ey will cure your backache, strengthen your' kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright’s Disease and Die bates, and restore health an • itrength. Refuse substitute*.