The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, April 20, 1939, Image 2

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GEORGIA’S PROGRAM /s’*' ITo RE-CREATE /y empire/<£,,„ / V TATE °7 56Z /44n Ithesouth/ ,«r«t £>/ rrw w m 3 i M35%’ /, VtLJL aww \ TO PAY ALL BUDGET/ How serious is the breakdown of gov ernmental finances in Georgia? That is a question that must interest Georgians more deeply than all the other phases of the controversy over taxation, appropria tions and reform. Not to the exclusion of other features, of course; it is impera tive that we ascertain how much we have been wasting in the past and how and where; it is imperative that these leaks be stopped. Until we know this and remedy the condition, we shall not knots precisely what we need. But in the meantime, what is the emergency? An examination of what we must face in the three months that re main of this fiscal year, and of what must happen inevitably in the next fis cal year, is necessary. The state treasury is empty. The greater part of the income tax money will have to go to pay the loan negoti ated some months ago to pay the teach ers for January. The departments, in general, must op erate on reductions that may cripple im portant functions. In the department of public welfare the condition is as acute as in the de partment of education. It will be neces sary to send back to the counties ap proximately two thousand insane persons now being treated at the state sanitari um at Milledgeville. This will prove a serious economic loss to the state ulti mately, because some of these are on their way toward being restored to a normal condition, where they can be self-supporting. But the budget cut makes it necessary that only those of the in sane who might be dangerous be kept at the state sanitarium. Other phases of the public welfare program will be ham pered also. Old-age assistance and aid to dependent children will have to be lim ited to the most needy cases, and many deserving families must suffer as the rolls are reduced and as the individual payments are cut. The health department will suffer. Through federal assistance, the state has entered the Alto hospital, where the tu bercular of Georgia are treated. But the reduction in available funds leaves all these new beds empty, because the state has not the money to hire doctors and nurses, or to purchase the necessary food and supplies. The public health efforts, which extend into every county, will be curtailed, with considerable waste in ex penditures in the past and with forebod ings for. the future. The university system will receive a heavy blow. The board of regents has di rected a salary cut of one-third, and the future of the colleges is at stake. The common schools are in a plight that already attracted statewide atten tion. Many systems face disaster, because they have borrowed in anticipation of full-payment of state appropriations. Some schools are closing. Some schools are risking not opening in September by using their local funds, scheduled for use then, to finish this session. Some Getting Up Nights Backache —J LEG PAINS - LOSS OF ENERGY - TIRED LISTLESS - LAZY FEELING - BURNING -My PASSAGE - DIZZINESS - SWOLLEN ANKLES NERVOUSNESS May be caused by functional KIDNEY WEAKNESS " from inorganic causes Many times kidneys become sluggish and need aid to filter and pass off acids and poisonous wastes. KIDANS is a long-popular formula indicated as a stimulant diuretic for the kidneys and bladder. Thousands of sufferers from sluggish kidneys have used KIDANS. Reports of pleasing results reach us regularly. If your kidneys need help to carry on their norma! eliminative functions, tvrite for KIDANS today. Test KIDANS on our guarantee ol results or no cost. Two regular, full size boxes, only Si 00. Send No Money Results or Money Write today for two boxes KIDANS. Send no money with order 0.1 ar rival deposit only SI.OO. plus postage with postman. Take one Lox accord ing to easy, simple directions. Then if you don't agree results arc really wonderful, return the second, unused KIDANS and we will refund your full SI.OO. The risk is ours so don't wait hut order today. If remittance edmes with order we pay all postage. THE KIDANS COMPA NY. Dept 21, / ■■ Georgia. Sitton Auto Service General Repairing Painting—Body and Fender Work (On Rome Road, Across Highway from Schoolhouse) r ELEPHOSE 470 communities are resorting to unlawful tuition charges in a frantic effort to stay open. Some communities are taking up public donations to pay their teach ers. Many teachers are teaching without pay. This condition will continue through the present fiscal year, which will end on June 30, 1930. Fortunately, the end of the common school term and the college sessions will come before that date, and their crisis will not recur until fall. But for all the other vital functions of the state government, the new fiscal year will bring a repetition of these condi tions. These are the facts. They indicate that there is a breakdown, and that it is a serious one. Most of the blame must be attached to our failure to plan far enough ahead, to our adoption of easy temporary de vices to ‘get by.’ The assembly discover ed that this system was wasteful, ex travagant and indefensible. It refused to follow it any longer and demanded econ omy and efficiency and a plan for the future. New revenues will be needed to con tinue the functions of government. But better planning will lie needed first, to insure the wise spending of all the rev enue received. An emergency session of the assembly, early in the new fiscal year, seems inev itable. In the interval, Georgians should formulate a plan for reorganization of their government to end waste and ex travagance. They should prepare a plan of tax revision that "‘ill pay the state s bills. Unless this is done, chaos will con tinue. HOLLAND NEWS. Henry Smith and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith this week-end. Mrs. Vergil Medlock spent Tuesday with Mrs. Hill Clark. Miss Janie Davis spent a few days with relatives here recently. Mrs. Claude Ratliff and Mrs. Bolling Ratliff and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strawn spent Sunday at Turner’s Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch High were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Brison Sunday. Mrs. R. I*. Brison has been indispos ed for the past week but is improving. Mrs. Lucile Green and children are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Mattie Worsham. R. A. White is recovering from a two weeks' illness of influenza. His daughter. Margaret, of Chattanooga, visited at home during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hensley and Les ter White were week-end guests at Hol land. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Ratliff spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rat liff. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ratliff were here also. Friends of E. A. Smith will be sorry to hear that he is seriously ill. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Herndon and baby spent Sunday with R. L. Holland and family. THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS: THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1939 The Rhoades Family .*. . by Squier ■s - BL l Motorists are the chief source of state tax revenue. They pay 38 per cent of all the tax revenue received annually by the 48 states. In addition, they pay nearly one-third of a billion dollars in automotive taxes annually to the federal government. WITH THE STARS The life of the Bronte sisters called ••Devotions,” has been purchased by Warners and will be screened with Bette Davis playing the role of Charlotte. Ger aldine Fitzgerald as Emily, Olivia de Haviland as Anne, and Claude Rains as the father. George Brent and Jeffrey Lynn will do the romantic male leads . . Miss Davis has been assigned to enough pictures to keep her busy for two year unless some of the stories intended for her are re-assigned to other actresses. (Ithers on her schedule, besides “Devo tions” are "The Knight and the Lady", "All This and Heaven Too”, "The Mira cle.”. ‘Memphis Blues.’ and “Simon Bol ivar.” She is now working in "The Old Maid” . . . Ray Milland and Eilen Drew left re cently for London, where they will work in “French Without Tears.” This film was originally intended for Marlene Die trich . . . Ann Sheridtin will replace Dorothy Lanioiir in “Black Gold" . . . Robert Montgomery is to have the lead in “Stronger Than Desire." It is the story of a prosecuting attorney whose wife commits a crime . . . Wallace Beery will play the part of a policeman for the first time during his picture career of twenty-six years when he has the part of Sergeant Madden in a picture of the same name. Mr. Beery is 50 years of age ... *. Gladys George is to have her first good role in the movies. She will star in "Every Day is Sunday.” Her part is that of an uneducated mother who sacrifices WHEAT. The Federal Surplus Commodities cor poration recently sold 336,000 bushels of surplus wheat to Germany. The sales were made to exporters at prices design ed to enable them to meet competitive world prices. They averaged 30 cents a bushel below domestic prices. DIES TRYING TO SAVE DOG. PH ILADELPHIA. —While attempting to prevent her pet dog from running aft er an automobile, little Dorothy Mary Reichert, 3, followed him into the street and was grabbing for him when an au tomobile struck and killed her. The dog was not hurt. CARD OF THANKS. We want to express our appreciation for all kindnesses shown us during the illness and death of our loved one, C. H. White. We want to thank the doctors for their attention and also thank he relatives and friends for the beautiful flowers. We express especial thanks to Bro. T. J. Espy, Dr. B. F. Shamblin and Paul Weems. MRS. C. H. WHITE, KATHERINE & HAROLD. E. A. SMITH, MISS MARGARET SMITH INSURANCE TR YOUR RISK a Beulah Shropshire Summerville, Ga. Women Answer From 12 States To date, Touring Reporters have visited the principal cities of 12 Southern states; have asked 1297 users their famous question: ‘Did CARDUI help you?” Os those 1297 users, 1206 said they were definitely beneficted by CARDUI. That’s 93 out of every 100. What a record! CARDUI is a good stimulator for lagging appetites, a real aid to digestion and assimilation. That’s why its proper use enables so many women and girls to build up physical resistance,-and thus helps them avoid the periodic pain of functional dysmenorrhea due to malnutrition, everything for the daughter she loves. Betty Fields has the daughter’s part . . . Betty Blythe, who was once a glam | our girl in the silent movie era. is to have I the part of a colonial secretary’s wife in I "Colonel Fury.” The story is about flu I coloniation of Australia and has Brian i Ahern and Victor McLaglen in the lead- I ■ ing roles .... Kane Richmond is back again on his ■ way to stardom. Five years ago he went with a movie troupe into Malay jungle to be starred in 'Devil Tiger.’ He con tracted a fever and was in bed for a year. His first break since that time was a part in ‘Tailspin,’ with Alice Faye and Constance Bennett. This resulted in a contract and a featured part in The Re turn of the Cisco Kid,’ with Warner Baxter . . . {, '3o h Wwy '■ v / «.v i J CROWN BOTTLING CO. ROME, GA. Phone 2046 Bl ItfVE THE LEADER! EXCLUSIVE VACUUM GEARSHIFT Vacuum Booster Supplies 80% of the Shifting Effort Drive the car with NEW AERO-STREAM STYLING ' I ' NEW BOD,ES BY HSHHt Dove rhe car with CHEVROLET’S FAMOUS VALVE-IN-HEAD SIX 0-ath.carwiff. Prove to yourself that Chevrolet out-accelerates, out- HYDRAULIC BRAKES climbs and out-performs all other low-priced cars—just as it leads all other makes of cars in sales! Drive the car with Drive the leader . . . drive it in traffic . . . and convince yourself that Cher- PERFECTED KNEE- rolet out-accelerates all other low-priced cars—bar none! ACTION RIDING Drive the leader. . . drive it on the hills . . . and get conclusive proof CYCTCM that Chevrolet out-climbs all other cars in its price range! ” (With Improved Shockproof Steering) Drive the leader . . . drive it on the curves, on the straight-away, on On Mas,er Lux<! "<>4.l, only. rough roads . . . and satisfy yourself that here is the smoothest, steadiest, safest-riding car you can possibly buy at or near Chevrolet’s low prices! Drive the car with There’s a new Chevrolet waiting for you at your nearest Chevrolet ijru/ "ftotCDVAYIAkI dealer’s. See him— today! NtW ÜBitKYAHUN ~ Theonly low-priced car combining "All THAT’S BEST AT 10 WEST COST!" A ® ener a e motors value McWhorter-Selman Chevrolet Co. Summerville, Georgia. PENNVILLE 4 H CLUB. The Pennville 4-H club met at the Pennville schoolhouse Friday, April 14. There were ten club girls present. Some of them did not have their aprons cut out. Miss Henry showed us how to finish our aprons. She gave us a cap pat tern and explained to us how it was to be fixed. The club girls learned to sing some songs and play some games. The next meeting will be held April 28. —Louise Pettyjohn, Reporter. Men still die with their boots on, but usually one boot is on the accelerator. — Arkansas Gazette. ~ • - -- ... "• „ r . J.-.,,-, Xf.-vVhf rc. L > STARTS AT > \ / 0 • • • OLD AGE MAY START AT 30 It’s time enough to look old when you ARE hid. So don t let your grey hairs multiply. Say “good riddance” to grey with a quick CLAIROL treatment . . . the Modern* Method of Hair Coloring . . . which takes faded, brittle or grey-flecked hair and without preliminary bleaching gives it the bloom of youth . . . vibrant color, silken softness and flattering highlights . . . making you look years younger! See your hairdresser today or send this coupon NOW. with Be jure to look for this mark of > GENUINE Clairol on the bottle. * The perfect combination of rich oil, fine soap and delicate color that can’t be copied ... a blend that only Clairol contains. JOAN CLAIR, CLAIROL, Inc. 132 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. Send FREE booklet, advice and analysis. Name•- — Address City Stat- My Beautician * Crops Wi/h > BARI-CIDE effective and economical v ~.<-• N on-Arse nica I Insecticide For The I Control of Such Leaf-eating Insects as MEXICAN BEAN BEETLE—CUCUMBER / lV}j BEETLE —POTATO BEETLE, ETC. 11l D° es not injure the foliage of crops on Iffay A? which we recommend its use. ce ‘'■hdT 1 Sold by Reliable Sealers a r„d«t BARIUM REDUCTION CORP'N. SOUTH CHARLESTON, W. VA. BIRTHDAY DINNER. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Pettyjohn were entertained with a birthday dinner Sunday, April 9, at their home near Trion. All enjoyed the day by taking pictures and having an egg hunt. SALVE Il B relieves VWV COLDS Salve. Nose Drops P rlCe Liquid, Tablets 10c & 25c