The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, July 13, 1939, Image 2

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Wrinkled Turkey Eggs Found In Fitzgerald FITZGERALD. The trend of the times has not only caused many human beings grave concern, but is taking its toll among members of the turkey fami ly. S. M. Smith, of this vicinity, recently displayed a pair of turkey eggs, deeply marked with heavy wrinkles. According to poultry experts, however, this peculiarity in marking was due to no amount of worry on the part of the fowl, but to a deficiency of lime in its diet. Some wag advanced the theory that the eggs were exposed to the rain and “sorts shriveled up.” Governor Leche. of Louisiana, resigns; Huey Long's brother suceeds him in of fice. !ive Quicker, lith This New Price! Entirely New Kind Os Edges Protect Your Skin From Irri tation Os Misfit | Blades d-looking, comfort ives that save both >ney ... get the new e Blade at only 10c of easy-flexing steel, r-keen edges of a proved kind. You’ll : out-performs and inary blades two to package of Thin m your dealer today. Thin Gillette Blades Are Produced By The Maker Os The Famous Gillette Blue Blade 5 For 25c iU : ■ F. H. A, LOANS 80 Pel. and 90 Pct. You Build—Summerville Grows HALE REALTY CO. ROME. GEORGIA Headache, Bad Breath Tell oF More to Come Just as Paul Revere’s famous ride warned of the Redcoats’ coming, so Nature’s messengers headaches, biliousness, bad breath —often warn of faulty elimination. Neglecting these signs may cause a host of constipation’s discomforts: sour stomach, belching; no appetite or energy; mental dullness. It's so easy to wake up your lazy insides. Just take spicy, all vege table BLACK-DRAUGHT. Its un usual help comes from its principal ingredient—an intestinal tonic-lax ative which imparts tone to lazy bowel muscles. Millions of packages used testify to BLACK-DRAUGHT’S merit. Try it. I 9 1 l*7V I - v v I . I I 371 i IT ISN’T any trouble whatever for you to obtain the very best of insurance advice. Just reach for your phone anytime and call 371 this agency of the Hartford Fire In | surance Company. i . I • Summerville Insurance Agency j Office: 109 N. Commerce St. | Phone 371 Summerville j HOLD THAT TIGER! HEw ... nd hbi w JI . OB ry® * \ .J? BB / oak JBBr NEW YORK (Special)— Here 3 one way to make a living in a profession that’s never overcrowded. Captain Proske is literally putting his head in the tiger’s mouth at Frank Buck’s Jungleland at the New York World’s Fair. The beast with the meal on the tip of her tongue is Lily, aged seven. THEY SAY By HF BERT DODD. “Remove not the ancient landmarks , which thy fathers have set."—Proverb. Rev. C. L. Bray, Rev. R. E. L. Harris j and I drove up to Moreland Monday ■ evening to hear Chief Justice Charles S. j Reid deliver an address to the high | school graduation class. It was a great ! speech, and one which should be heard widely. Judge Retd’s general theme was that ; the oldness or newness of a thing or idea bad nothing to do with its worth —that even the ancients knew some things of eternal w’orth. He named and discussed an imposing list of artists, scientists, philosophers, poets, jurists and prophets of the rather distant past who have been scarcely equalled in modern times; and pointed out that much of the treasure in these fields is to be found in the dead languages, Latin and Greek. Hence, he advocated a swing back to a study of these subjects and other cul tural subjects in our schools. By restrict ing our school curricula to modern prac tical subjects we cut ourselves away from the rich heritage of the past. Doubtless, Judge Reid would not advo cate the doing away with the practical subjects in our educational set-up any more than the most modern of us would. But his theme that we cannot throw over board the culture of the past without im poverishing modern thought and life can I hardly be successfully refuted by the most modern of us. A superficial people may imagine them ' selves great, feasting off the pabulum of I their own thoughts and ideas; but a truly great people will not forget the land | marks of thought and culture set by l their forebears. It has been said that since the past is gone and the future has not arrived it is well to live in the present. That, does fairly well as a superficial statement, but logically there is very little real life that is not rooted in the past and that is not ful of hope for the future. MAN RECEIVES $5.95 FROM 35c INVESTMENT SYLVESTER. —“How to lend money and get rich" is the advice being givtyi by Bob Lee Sutton, of Tignall. Sutton lent 35 cents to one Orphan Ben Wein gott some forty years ago, and recently was repaid, at compound interest, the sum of $5.95. Weingott, who borrowed the money “to become a success,” met Sutton upon coming to Hignall from California, where he has become operator of a chain of hotels. TRY A NEWS WANT AD THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS: THURSDAY, JULY 13. 1939 GOOD TIDINGS By THOMAS D. LYNN. Subject: Titheing. There are many people who believe in titheing. They think if they don’t pay their tithes, they won’t have the victory, they should have. Poor ignorant people! Get this into your heart, you can pay all the tithes you want to and then lose your soul. They that were of the sons of Levi had a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, Heb. 7:5. Numbers 18:21. But get it in your heart, this was according to the LAW and not according to GRACE. The LAW and the prophets were until John. Since then the kingdom of heaven is preached. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that be lieveth. Therefore, by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight.—Rom. 3 :20. For by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; It is the gift of God.—Eph. 2 :8. Christ is be come of no effect unto you. whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fall en from grace.—Gal. 5:4. Therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the works of the law. —Romans 3 :28. The law is force, and grace is favor; if a man will not support his wife the law has power to force him to, but if he loves his wife he will support her with out being forced. It is the same with Christians: If we love the church of God we will contrib ute to her needs without being forced. About the first Scripture these tithe receiving preachers fall on is Malachi 3:10 (read it.) But poor foolish people, that was under the law. and whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.—Gal. 5 :4. The Bible teaches a money system un der grace. But doesn’t teach titheing un der the grace plan. Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live by the Gospel.—l Cor. 9:12. But Paul said. “I have used none of these things.”—l Cor. 9:15. Al though he said. “If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal (natural) things.—l Cor. 9:16. Titheing has never been endorsed by the grace plan, it was altogether under the law. And the Levitical priesthood had the commandment to take tithes of the people, that is of their brethren (Israel ites. —Heb. 7 :5. The law made nothing perfect.—Heb. 7 :19. Perfection was not by the Levitical priesthood.—Heb. 7:11. In the birth of Christ the priesthood was changed from Levi to Judah. The law was received un der the Levitical priesthood.—Heb. 7:11. Jesus Christ was made a priest after the law of a carnal commandment.—Heb. 7:16. The priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the law.—Heb. 7:12. The Gentiles were never under the law. The money system endorsed by grace is recorded in I Cor. 16:12. II Cor. 8:8-12. 9:7. Read for yourself and get the truth planted in your heart. For as many as are of the works of lz % F 7 ° V C .s J S J RO Y / CROWN BOTTLING CO. ROME, GA. Phone 2046 SNeed Money? Announcing the opening of a new service for working people. SATURDAY, JULY 15th THE INDUSTRIAL CREDIT COMPANY (Located in the Old Georgia Power Company Building.) Summerville, Ga. SI.OO to $25.00 / ON YOUR OWN SIGNATURE NO ENDORSEMENTS - NO RED TAPE - DUO SERVICE “Why worry about little bills when ready cash is so easy to obtain?" CLAYTON PEACOCK, Mgr. the law are under the course; for it is written cursed is everyone that continu eth no.t in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. And the law is not of faith: but the man that doeth them shall live in them. ('hrist hath redeemed us from the curse 0 ° ° ° Facts That Concern You no. 9 of a »erie». I &) ... THE NON-BEER ® DRINKER BENEFITS FROM . PRE * REPEAL MARKET! A HELP T 0 thousands BEER TAXES OF FARM FAMILIES! SWELL GOVERNMENT /7\ RECEIPTS, AND fl V' 1 M REDUCE THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT ~ TO ALL OTHER TAX- 1 ' PAYERS... BY A MILLION DOLLARS A DAY I yy and now, TO KEEP BEER'S MANY n64 it > jgMff benefits, for you and for them, ! AMERICA'S BREWERS WANT TO HELP \ Kr A KEEP BEER RETAILING AS WHOLESOME \\yjslwi IZ\Q£ •JSBZ' AS BEER ITSELF. THEIR PROGRAM WILL INTEREST LOCAL LAW AUTHOR- V' BK BEBtl 1 1T1E5.... AND YOU. WAGES-INSTEAD MAY WE SEND YOU THE FACTS ? OF THE COST OF „ r . KEEPING HUNDREDS For free booklet address: nc TuruicAMnc. ™ ofi tec I United Brewers Industrial Foundation, OF THOUSANDS ON RELIEF« 19 East iOth Street> Neu> BEER ••• a beverage of moderation I- ' ———— of the law —Gal. 3:19-13. And now may I ask as the apostle Paul: Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith? MOTHER 17 TIMES. SCRANTON, Pa. Mrs. Glendora I Pope, 45, recently became a mother for - seventeenth time in her married life I of 27 years. Fourteen of her children are i living. All were born singly. m checks MALARIA in 7 days and relieve! Liquid - Tablets - Salve - Nose Drops symptoms first day Try “Rub-My-Tism”—a Wonderful Liniment