The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, December 16, 1948, Image 2

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Ga. Farm Bureau Has 73,000 Farm Families MACON, Ga., Dec. I—The Georgia Farm Bureau Federa-! tion closed the 1948 fiscal year last night with a total member- | ship of 73,000 farm families, it was announced today by H. L. Wingate, president, following compilation of county reports reaching the state office in Ma con last night. This year’s membership repre sents an increase of approxi mately 30 per cent over the 1947 enrollment of 58,629 and places Georgia in fifth place among the states of the nation. Only Illinois, lowa, New York, and Indiana ex ceed the total membership se cured in Georgia during the fis cal year which closed at mid night November 30, Mr. Wingate said. Bulloch County leads the state in membership with a total of 2,620 farm families, Laurens County is in second place with 2,490, followed by Colquitt Coun ty with 1,574 in third place. The Third District took first place in the Congressional districts with a total of 12,416, with the First District in second place with 11,- Now You Can Get Your CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Poinsettas, Begonias, Cyclamens, Azaleas. Nice assortment of Artificial Wreaths, also Cut Flowers. Christmas Trees SI Each Send Flowers by Wire Member TDS Phone 65-We Deliver-Summerville HAMMOND-DLFF. FLORIST These Prices Are Our Gift to You WE WILL HAVE BEST PRICES ON BAG ORANGES, BOX OR BASKET APPLES GREEN TOP Bunch CARROTS 7c SIZE'2BB Each FLORIDA ORANGES 1c GOLDEN DELICIOUS Lb. APPLES 10c BUSHEL BASKET $4.00 3 for FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 10c FRESH Lb. CRANBERRIES 23c In CHRISTMAS CARTON Carton £ MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER —A GIFT FOR THE LITTLE FELLER ALL BRANDS CIGARETTESSI.7S | BROOM AND MOP SET49c 3 LB. CAN SNOWDRIFT....... .... .... sl.lO 4 LB* CARTON PURE LARD.. ....................... 83c 4 TO 6 LB.’AVERAGE ’ TABLE DRESSED HENS6Oc FRESH GROUNDLb. HAMBURGER4Sc 905, followed closely by the Eighth District with 11,843. The ■ Second District is in fourth place with 11,168, followed by the Sixth District with 8,558; Tenth Dis trict, 5,704; Fourth District, 5,- 012; Seventh District, 3,608; Ninth District 2,215, and the Fifth District, 591. In a period of eight years Georgia has jumped from a total : membership of 1,313 to the pres : ent enrollment of 73,000, “evi dence of the fact that our farm i people fully realize that accomp ! lishments for the benefit of agri culture come only when this seg . ment of our nation’s economy ! work closely together as a unit,” j Mr. Wingate said in releasing re sults of reports compiled today. Georgia leads the south in Farm Bureau membership, he said, whereas only a few years age “we were at the bottom of the list in the matter of farm organization.” NEW MOON NEWS Bv Mrs. J. A .Sentell. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Moseley visited their daughter, Mrs. W. C. Sentell, and family Sunday night. q The Home Demonstration Club Summerville Cash Store WE DELIVER SUMMERVILLE, GA. PHONE 72 met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Bill Jennings. The members exchanged gifts and elected officers for the com ing year. Mrs. J. H. Humphery was re-elected president; Mrs. Bill Jennings, vice president; Mrs. Ben Humphery, secretary. Hot chocolate, ice cream and cake were the delicious refresh ments served by the hostess. Mrs. J. A. Sentell will be host ess at the next meeting. —o —o — J. M. Murphy visited her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Sentell, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Sentell I is reported improving nicely. Arch Parker is ill this week. Mrs. Bonzie Bailey and chil ; dren visited Mrs. W. C. Sentell I and children Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lonnie Morrison visited her sister, Mrs. Carlton Tucker, j who has been ill, at Alpine, Fri ’ day afternoon. Atrhur Hurst visited his sister, I Mrs .J. A. Sentell, Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. J. C. Smith was the guest of Mrs. Clarence Sentell Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Claudy B. Miller, of Lawrenceville, Ky., have been visiting Mrs. Miller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hester, and other relatives the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sentell and children, Alvin, Terry and Carol Kay, visited Mr. Sentell’s sister, Mrs. T. T. Toles, Mr. Toles and family Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. A. Sentell and Mrs. J. C. Smith called Sunday afternoon to visit Mrs. Grace Sentell. The Rev. J. A Sentell and J. C. Smith visited C. A. Dodd, who is ill at his home in Alpine, Sunday afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morrison, of Oak Hill, visited Mr. Morri son’s mother, Mrs. J. W. Morri son, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Murphy and children, of Broomtown, Ala., visited Mrs. Murphy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sentell, over the week-end. Mrs. Willis Sentell called to see Mrs. Annie Ruth Dempsey and young daughter at Alpine Sat i urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henton Baker and daughter, Mrs. Carl King, iof Rome, were the guests this week of the Sentells. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tallent were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Tallent’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5: 1 LB. CELLO BAG I STEWART PECANS 25c X X *♦•*♦**♦♦*•♦•♦♦***** < r*****t*•♦♦*•**•***•*••*•**♦*'«**♦* *•**•**■**'* i lb' cello bag J ENGLISH WALNUTS 43c t 1 LB. CELLO BAG I BRAZIL NUTS 35c X <-♦-•-•-»»»»»»<♦**♦*»****♦****♦**•••*•****♦**•*•*•••-•**♦••***♦-♦*••*****••*••*♦*****•**♦**•**•*****•* t Pound j FRESH COCONUTS 12c *♦* > ? 5 LB* MESH BAG NO 1 I STEWART PECANS SI.OO T £ 5 LB. BAG j SUGAR t:-. 45c :( : | SEEDLESS RAISINS3Sc | We Are Now Handling Western Beef Choice AA Grade | FRESH LOIN OR SHOULDER Lb. I PORK ROAST49c me sumazerville news Will Weaver, of Broomtown, Ala. Miss Annie Weaver was the guest Sunday night of her sister, Mrs. Ray Tallent. Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, Sr., and son, Taylor, were visiting the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Sentell Sun day night. 'Don't Let Death Take Your Holiday' “Don’t Let Death Take Your Holiday!” That slogan will keynote the National Safety Council’s nation-! wide campaign to hold down the huge Christmas-New Year’s ac cident toll. Each year accidents cast a shadow on the holiday celebra tion of thousands of families throughout the nation, according to Council figures which show the year-end holiday season to be the most dangerous period in the year. Joining forces with the Council in a united effort to call public attention to the extra holiday hazards and the extra caution needed to overcome them are city and state officals, civic groups, local safety councils, and 130 na tional organizations. The Council said that heavier travel and the festive spirit of the holiday season add to the normal winter hazards, such as bad weather, slippery roads and more hours of darkness. Traffic accident deaths on both Christ mas Eve and Christmas Day total more than two or three times the annual daily average. “Every family in the country looks forward to Christmas as the time for joy and celebration, and that is what the holiday per iod should be,” said Ned H. Dear born, president of the Council. “But every year thousands of families see Christmas joy turn ed into suffering and tragedy be cause of unnecessary and pre ventable accidents. “To keep death from taking your holiday costs nothing, takes no time and requires only a little effort—refusing to take the drink you can’t handle, yielding the right-of-way, waiting for the light to change, discarding a string of Christmas tree lights with worn insulation. “These are little things—but they pay off big in happiness. They will keep the lights burn ing in your home, keep the holly wreath on your door, and pre serve for you and yours the de light that is America at Christ mas.” Sand Mountain News By Mrs. Z. M. Cooper Sunday school was well attend ed at the local church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Owens and daughters, Thelma and Wilma, of Summerville, were at Sunday School and were dinner guests jpf Mr. and Mrs W. L. Owens. The W. H. D. Club held its meeting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Deforrest Owens Saturday atfernoon. A coconut cake was baked. Misses Doloris and Caroline Geise spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Frances De- Berry, and Mr. Deßerry at Chuck’s Camp. Alfred Pettyjohn, of Celanese, was Saturday guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rosser went to Atlanta Friday afternoon on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Cooper. Mrs. Emil Geise, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Murdock went to Floyd Hos pital Saturday night to see Tim Bohannon who is sick and has been a patient there several days. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper went back Sunday to see Mr. Bohann on who continues very ill. The W. M. S. Lottie Moon meeting was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mathis, Saturday night. Mrs. H. E. Mathis, the president, had charge of the devotional. Mrs. H. M. Rosser bad charge of the program. The membership chairman. Mrs. G. W. Murdock, reported five new members. The offering was SIO.OO. The Christmas Pageant, Hope- Joy-Service, under the direction of Mrs. Deforrest Owens, will be presented at 7 p. m., Friday, De cember 24, in the church here. There will also be a Christmas tree. Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy Christmas at the church here. —-0 The monthly meeting of the Farm Bureau will be held Friday night, December 31, in the £ 1 LB. BOX CHOCOLATE COVERED ICHERRY CANDY.. _ 55c •f . ’•»*****Z**«********»********»*** < •»**♦*•»* **********«*****»**»**Z**»********«***********» < **♦*♦*******••**»*♦***♦*****♦*♦♦**♦**•*****♦♦*♦******* ? 1 LB. CELLO BAG I OLD FASHION MjX CAiWY 25c x ♦ ■*♦**♦•*•**♦**♦**♦♦*♦**♦**♦♦*•*•**** **»*****l****\****v **Z**v*****L***********«********’***«**»*****************»********** :( 1 LB. CELLO BAG | CHOCOLATE DROP CANDY 27c •*. ■**********t**»**♦*•♦*•♦**♦ ■**♦♦**•*•**♦*****♦*****•♦****•**♦**•♦•*♦♦*•••**•**♦*****•*****♦****♦•**♦*♦***♦**••*•**♦**♦**•*♦***♦**•**•*****•***•*♦* :< 1 LB. BAG CELLO BAG ORANGE OR PINEAPPLE SLICE CANDY :; . -- -- - -25 c ? i lb’ box assorted ’ | CHOCOLATE CANDY 75c t MAKES A NICE GIFT ? SWANDOWN | CAKE FLOUR39c ♦♦♦ ’♦»*♦•**•**•***♦*•**•**•**•**»**♦**♦♦*••*•**•*•♦*••*%**♦***•*♦•*••*•*%♦*•**•♦*•**•**♦**♦**•**•*♦•♦****•**♦**<**•*♦♦**•*****♦*•♦**•**•**♦**♦***• | EAGLE BRAND I MILK29c •f Pound | OCEAN PERCH FISH36c £ ALL BRANDS OF Special ? OLEOMARGARINE39c *•* home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Owens. It is hoped that all the families on Sand Mountain will be present at this meeting. This being the last day of the year 1948, it will be a good time to make some good resolutions for the New Year. Mrs. Bettie Owens, of Summer ville, was visiting on Sand Moun tain Sunday. Miss Rachel Cooper was Sun day guest of Miss Maxine Tucker. Miss Margarett Price was Sat- a song Christmas S ea M It’s part of the American Christmas spirit— to give the greatest gift of all . . . health, life itself. It began in 1907, this idea of buying Christmas Seals to overcome tuberculosis . . . and each Christmas since, the crescendo has swelled. Last year, it reached a mighty chorus of more than 15, 000,000 American families. You probably were included; thank you, and thank you again. If not, join in. Add even a tiny remembrance to the bottom of this year’s Christ mas list. Send your contribution to your Tuber culosis Association today, please. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS Because of the importance of the above message, this space has been contributed by McGinnis drug company Phone 110 Summerville, Go Thursday, December 16, 1948 urday night guest of Miss Rachel Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Cargle went to Floyd Hospital Sunday afternoon to see Tim Bohannon. Mr. and Mrs. George Reece and Melba spent the week-end in Brunswick. Miss Cicily Parker spent the week-end in Milledgville, visiting friends. Subscribe for the Summerville News. $1.50 per year.