The Summerville news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1896-current, January 20, 1949, Image 2

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OAK HILL NEWS By Bettye Harrison Mr. and Mrs. John Echols visi ted Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hawkins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold S£hite and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Vernon visited Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Vern on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Junior Hughes and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mitchell and family Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ware, of Summerville, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Harrison, of Pennville, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Harri son Saturday night. Mrs. Tom Brooks is reported ill at her home this week. R C T. Alexander L. Reynolds, of the U. S. Army, from Fort Jackson, S. C., was the week-end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Raynolds and fami- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hawkins visited Penny Hawkins and Ronnie Friday night. The Rev. and Mrs. Oliver Pledger, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ashworth. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Massey and Mrs. Colbert visited Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Harrison Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Walter Gardner visited Mrs. Tom Brooks Sundaq. Mrs. E. L. Harrison is report ed ill at he home. Charlie Brooks and his grand son David Massey visited Mr. | and Mrs. Tom Brook Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ray. of Gadsden visited Mr. and Mrs. : E. L. Harrison and Betty Wednesday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Holt and ’ MrS. Foye, of Pennville, visited Mr. and'Mrs. E. L. Harrison and Bettye Friday night. Miss Fern Hawkins visited Mr. i and Mrs. Penny Hawkins and j Ronnie Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Holt is spending | a few days with her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Harrison and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reynolds visited Mrs. Reynolds’ brother. John Tuder, who has undergone an operation at the Trion Hos pital Friday. Mrs. Penny Hawkins visited Mrs. E. L. Harrison Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reynolds and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Tudor and family, of Trion, Saturday ngiht. Irene Brooks spent Saturday afternoon with Virginia Mitch ell. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Ward visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reynolds and family Saturday. Miss Virginia Johnson visited Louise Reynolds Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Fulton and Grey were the guests of Mr. and Mrs? Robert Yarbrough Sun day afternoon. Misses Louise Reynolds and Virginia Johnson and Lelia Rick ett visited Virginia Mitchell Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Payton and family Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Norton, of Summerville, visited Mrs. Ruth Ricskett and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sye Hawkins and family, of Chattanooga, and Mrs. Edmond Kerce and son, Eddie, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hawk ins Sunday. The Rev. Loran Parker and family were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moseley and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Fulton Slop Look Listen WATCH NEXT WEEK'S NEWS FOR AN ANNOUNCEMENT OF RACKLEY'S BIG SALE USED CARS AND TRUCKS The Best Place to Buy, Sell or Trade 1948 Super Deluxe Tudor Ford, 8 Cylinders, 7,500 miles. New car guarantee. 1947 Stylemaster Chevrolet Coach. Extra clean. 1946 Super Deluxe Ford Tudor, 8 Cylinder, heater A-l Condition. 1947 2-Ton Ford, 158" W. B. Two Speed Axle, 8.25 Tires and Booster Brakes. 13,000 miles. Like new. Don't miss this. SEE ALLEN OR CORDLE TODAY HAIR MOTOR CO., INC. Sales—FOßD—Service and son, Greg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks Saturday night. Max Jones was the week-end guest of Marvin Whaley, of Sum merville. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Brown and sons were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bullard were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hix and fami ly, of Subligna. A birthday supper was given in honor of Miss Dorothy Reynolds and Bryant Ward Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Ward. Those present were: Louise Reynolds. Jim Pledger, Bettye Harrison, Robert Ball, Dorothy Reynolds. Shorty Cayle, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reynolds and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Ward. Broomtown News By Virginia Ann Ward Mrs. Frank Barnes, Joyce and Joan Barnes; of Summerville, visited Mrs. Rita Henderson and Mrs. Vivian Witt and children Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Leath and daughter, of Gadsden, visited Mr. and Mrs. Graves Leath and family Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nip Jones. Mrs. Roy Nickols and Mrs. J. M. Toles made a business trip to Centre, Ala.. Saturday. The Rev. and Mrs. Blalock, of Rome. Mrs. Myra Leath. Mrs. Ida Shamblin and Orble Barnes were the spend the day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Graves Leath and fam ily Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nip Jones and Mrs. Ray Nickols motored to Menlo Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bob Jones visited her Berryton Message A man that feels worse than i a murder. Ezekiel, 3-18: “And i thou givest him hot warning, nor | speaketh to warn the wicked from his wicked way. He shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I require at thine hand.” Dear reader, take warning from this verse. Just think if you worked with some friend and probably you were around him often and he was wicked, but yet a good moral person always doing you a favor. You liked him. but didn’t ever tell him the story of Jesus and the saving grace of God. because you didn’t think it would work, well one day you were standing by his side when suddenly a broken belt knocked him into a fly wheel and dropped him with the shock of a sudden death. You stood amazed. The first I thought in your mind, with tears 1 in your eyes while your hands j lifted him from his blood, say ing he is lost and unsaved, on Lord why didn’t I tell him the j story of Jesus? Then he is carried on the I stretchers. Next you attend the j funeral and stand beside his j casket with a cross of flowers, ■ feeling guilty as his wife and ■ children stoop to the casket, say ing good bye for ever, and espec- ! tally his little baby, crying for a ■ departing daddy to see him no i more forever. You remain standing with a \ tremble and tear covered eyes konwing your opportunity was i on the job with him while he was living. You feel that you ; could have had a part in seeing : the family united in heaven by I telling him the story of Jesus I and helping him to Church. I Work for the night is coming when no man can work. Come to | the Berryton Baptist Church, ■ each Sunday and to Chesterfield 2 p. m. Alabama time. We are I heard over WGWD Gadsden 'station each Saturday 9:30 a. m. I Ga. time. Send all offerings to i Rev. Howard Finster, Trion, Ga. (adv.) mother, of Summerville, last week. Mrs. Clyde Brewster visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin, last week. Maxine Jones spent the week with Mrs. Ray Nickols and Betty of Rome, last week. Mrs. Henry Martin and Ivalene visited Mr. and Mrs. John L. Martin and children, of Mont gomery over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Van Pelt and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Saturday. Mrs. Paul Jones and Trish, of Gadsden, visited Mr. Henry Martin over the week-end. The friends of Calvin Blalock regret to hear of his death. Deepest sympathy is extended to his family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rattery and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Rob Van Pelt and family Saturday night. Nell Leath, Frieda Shamblin and Max Toles visited Billy Franklin and Virginia Ward Tuesday night. Mrs. Billy Martin and Reggie and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Vaughn visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitz- Patrick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Toles, Hazel and Tommy, of Alpine, visited Mr. and Mrs. Millard Ward and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Loyd and children visited Mrs. E. C. Loyd Sunday. Ann Tallent and Virginia Ward visited Jackie Hartline Sunday. Nell Leath, Orble Barnes, Joyce Barnes, Hazel Toles, Son ny Leath, Franklin Powell, Wayne Toles and Billy and Vir ginia Ward visited Frieda Shamblin Sunday afternoon. Miss Margaret Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Williams and Mr. and NOW COMES THE' LEADER WITH A 7-YEAR ADVANCE IN ONE! CM is the only car bringing you ail these fine-car advantages at lowest cost! Hc/cowc l/eAra' ™ u ™ efe " its loo '” ! Chevrolet’s new Leader-Line Styling is lower, wider, racier . . . with new Dyna-Cool radiator grille. Single- ' Sweep front and rear fender treatment, and fleet-as-a ■tihb 1 ■BBk. \ Si S ‘ ‘ K rocket lines all around ... by far the most beautiful / ■ ■ J ■ 1 B l i Itr development of the new “functional form” for motor cars. [ [ I I I|\ i f / 111 I MORE BEAUTIFUL FROM EVERY ANGLtI ■ jP® I ■ 7 W g I X I | | I 1 The new Beauty-Leader Bodies by Fisher (with push- ■ ■ l fl ■ \ ■ W I *1 1 button door openers outside) are true masterpieces by . B /K I ■ ■ I ■ \ ’jf I | ■ \ 1/ B 1 fK [K 1 the master builder of fine coachcraft .. . with superb < ■ ■ B B I f I B 11 i CU ■ / B JB ■ 1 lines, extra-fine upholstery and a wide variety of alluring X \ /J| ■ j ■ ■ / | \ M ' ■ S W / ■ y ■ ■ colors. . . much more beautiful from every angle—inside 5 and outside—front, side and rear. . MORE ROOM AT EVERY POINT! The new Super-Size Interiors featuring extra-wide “Five- /f r ' Foot Seats,” give you plenty of //Il f . I• V\ . -a' head, leg and elbowroom as V well as exlraord ’ nar y seating /Jyj/ y 4 space for six full-grown passen- [ r J /?'y. v z oers and Y oull also notice that r. V'ft/yX-/— -~-4 •' 7 El)t (J ‘ ant rear (,ecks have what \! r •>, r ' ' 1 ’ '% amounts to “trunk room" I J— -e, IW<\X. « w - Z ' SBe.LUE.JOY.Ui , ' f\ vy ew Panoramic Visibility, with y/i -A Z)?' \\'/l / wider curved windshield, thin- ~. s :Z\ \J ner windshield pillars, and 30% /i ■(' r'€- ~"H Bk\\ more window area all-round, y'"’ JHX permits vou to see all and enjoy Mjjffffifwfcfo., a ail ' and ir< maximum v| " 7 j/ ? |y THESE ARE CARS THAT “breathe-! * '•"■ ~ V /7y Yes - youil fcn J°y the additional pleasure ol riding in a \7 /• / fl n , car that t r, '“’ hes ,>r a completely elective htoting* I and systnm supplies air to every iH»ok The Sty.rhne z7I. IP and lor ner of the interior—exhales stale air—and keo{>B rx ////'iWB 77 glass dear ir. all weather. ♦(Heater and defroster units - ■ 0 Y li “‘' l,< "' d lra // \ Ja THE NEW RIOE ’ S A revelation! /■\ 7/ .71 ,0. A vastly improved Unitized Knee-Aotion Ride, combined jli// I 1/ // 1 ff/\ j\ < A IrA \ II liß> jij iyL and rear, and extra low pressure tires, gives the stability, 1 ; y I Z Y / smoothness and road-safety you have always wanted. THERE’S ONLY ONE ® W ON DISPLAY SATURDAY w ORED ’S champion You get the finer results of Chevrolet’s sturdy Valve-in- Head Thrift-Master engine in all Chevrolet models . . . together with all of Chevrolet’s money-saving economy of operation and upkeep . . . and this is the world’s »X □FA X - * X SCXS —ifeSaßh XX champion engine for miles served, owners satisfied, and rJJ J / £ rI J j|\ / Jf y® ars tested and proved. //if mosr jDeaufyful J> U u or all Push-Button Starter for sim plest, easiest starting; Hand-E- Gearshift with Synchro-Mesh / ZT> • Al\ Transmission for maximum * \S' 7 ' We cordially invite you to see the new Chev- prices and with the low cost of operation and t£'n foVride- ‘ rolet for'49—the first completely new car the upkeep for which Chevrolet products have uiwur^ssed d jn r< the s chevroiet A//” price range. x/ leader has built in more than seven years— always been famous. and tAe most beautiful buy of all! STOP MORE SWIFTLY AND SAFELY! Yes, here’s the newest of all new cars-pre- The new Certj _ Safe Hydra ’ ljc Brakes gjve even (aster You’ll find it’s the most beautiful buy for tested and preproved on the great General styling, for driving and riding ease, for per- Motors Proving Ground—and predestined to formance and safety, and for sturdy endur- win even wider preference for Chevrolet as YOU LL SAVE MORE MONEY, TOO. . , ... , ~ ,1 1 ~ , j , e ii e • . This new Chevrolet is designed, engineered and built to ance born of quality construction throughout the most beautiful buy of all, from every point speed your pulse and spare your pocketbook, for it brings you all these and many other important improve . . . because it alone brings vou all these of view and on every point of value. Come 056,118 atlhe lowest prices and with extraordinary ° J -■'Jr' economy of operation and upkeep, advantages of highest-priced cars at the lowest in and see it! l/'lf.i NEW CENTER-POINT DESIGN! rit > liln /f A remarkable 4-way engineering advance exclusive to ///J/ /Ol IJIICIIIII/ 111 JjOWCSI l>OSl C S‘n e ter POin J Gravity and Center-Point Rear Suspension gives the , .new Chevrolet riding and driving results without prece- mmhw hent or parallel in low-cost motoring. That means a new . —j--' kind of riding ease and a new kind of driving ease AMERICA’S CHOICE JeS'l =vjl 'T«I lAi w FOR 1R YEARS heretofore reserved for owners of more expensive cars. AMCKIVAd tnui L t . rvK ,e ' cM K ® Remember—only new Center-Point Design can gtve ■■■■ you al! these finer motoring results; and only the new Chevrolet brings you Center-Pcint Design at lowest cost! McWhorter-Selman Chevrolet Co., Inc. THE SUMMERVILLE NEWS LYERLY NEWS i By Alice Murphy , Mr. and Mrs. Smith Floyd and son, of Summerville, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crabtree, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Johnson were visi ting Mr. and Mrs. Belton Warren Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Colbert, of Lyerly, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colbert, of Center, Ala.. Sunday. Mrs. R. M. Gilliland is re covering from % two weeks ill ness. Billy Joe Mobbs is ill at his home, with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Loyie Murphy and family, of Alabama, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Murphy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Murphy, of Mrs. Webster Blake and daugh ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leath and Mrs. Myra Leath visi ted Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty and sons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tallent and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Weaver and family Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Culberson, of Chattanooga, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty and sons Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Weaver and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mauney and Ellen Sunday. Roy Lee Tallent, William Hart line, Bobbie Fincher and June Hartline visited Jackie Hartline Sunday afternoon. Miss Jean Hartline visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yarborugh over the week-end. Misses Maxine Jones and Betty King, Hugh Shamblin and Ray Bulkhatter were the supper guests of Miss Barbara Leath Sunday night. Menlo, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Murphy Friday. Mrs. Gus Williams is suffering from a heart attack at her home here. v Mr. and Mrs. Will Woods and daughter, Toni, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook and son, Daniel, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kirby, of Chattoogaville, Sunday after noon. Mrs. Hobart Stallings visited Mrs. R. M. Gilliland Friday af ternoon. Mrs. Earl Miller was the supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hughes and Mrs. Jackson last Wednesday night. Mrs. Jessie Brewster and daughter, Haynie, of Alabama, were the week-end guestsofMr. and Mrs. Ben Murphy and fami ly. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCain an nounce the birth of a daughter, Linda Diane, January 9. Harvey Whisenant was visiting Arthur Thomas Sunday. Friends are sorry to hear that Bert Brodgon is ill at his home. Mrs. Walt Smith spent last Friday in Rome with* Mr. and Mrs. Junior Brooks and son, Malcolm. Mrs. Margret Floyd and Shar on have returned to tljeir home after a three weeks visit with relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brewster, of Alabama, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Murphy and family Saturday night. Mrs. T. M Gilliland left Sun day for Rome where she’ll visit her daughter, Miss Alta Gilliland for a few weeks. Harold Dean Gilliland spent Sunday night with his aunt, Mrs. L. B. Whisenant. Arthur Thomas is ill at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller, of Summerville, visited Mrs. Full er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller. Monday. Houston Miller spent the week-end with Doyce Haggard. Mrs. Lucille Sentell, Mrs. W. T. Ortwein and children, Mrs. Brodas Coker and son, all of Rome, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hogg and children, of Berryton, Mrs. Katheryn Crow and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rhinhart, of Pennville, were visiting Mrs. J. E. Thomas and Arthur Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Morrison, of Oak Hill, visited Mrs. W. H. Yancey Saturday. Miss Toni Woods is recovering from the mumps. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Whisenant Sunday were: Tom Peppers, of LaFayette, Clifford Peppers, of Trion, Mrs. Caude Barry, of Menlo. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Yancey, of Pennville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ragland. Miss Flora Rutledge spent Fri day and Saturday in Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Friends of Calvin Blalock are sorry to hear of his death. • Mr. and Mrs Cecil Yancey, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Yancey, of Gadsden, Ala., were called here Saturday to attend the funeral I WASHING AND LUBRICATION | Gos—Oil—Tires and Batteries Wholesale and Retail j PLENTY OF KEROSENE PLENTY ANTI-FREEZE !; 5 All Wholesale Trade Strictly Cash |! BULMAN OIL CO. 5 1 ’/j Miles North of Summerville City Limits | Thursday, January 20, 1949 of their aunt, Mrs. Tom Mc- Crickard. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Yancey, of Gadsden, visited Mr. Yancey’s mother, Mrs. H. Yancey, Fri day. Friends are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Tom McCrick ard. Egg production in some flocks is low because owners are not feeding enough grain along with the mash. The twig girdler, which causes pecan tree limbs to break off and fall to the ground, also attacks hickory and persimmon trees. % FOR SALE Practically new five-room house. All hardwood floors, plumbing, wiring. Both. Lo cated on 8 lots. Must sell all together. Corner of Wash ington and Congress Street, Summerville Available in 30 days. BRYANT AND SONS LUMBER CO. Phone 7, Summerville