Newspaper Page Text
H. ( . HAMILTON. Proprietor. J
- i
SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1882. ,
Atr. stepht ns is a*go<xl Qsherman. ,
Awtqiay next expect to see him hang a (
w traTf*
- ■ I
The latent m-wn from Senator Hill is ;
of an encouraging nature. Heiseoming |
home soon. i
The Georgia rivers have received their '
annual quota of little Huh from the I'nitol I
States fish commission.
It to getting quite as unsafe for a Brin
dle cur to venture away from home, here- |
about*, ns it lias formerly been for a ,
flock of sheep. '
No two of the Georgia daily papers
are, just now, in a perfect state of har
mony, and the country weeklies scarcely
know how to jump.
If the independents had taken Gartrell
as a candidate for governor, Stephens 1
would have been out of active politics
and a neat little race would have followed
this fall.
Many fanners are reported ns plowing
up the sickly looking cotton and plant
ing in corn. It may have been better
to only replant with corn, thus getting
two chances at a crop.
If our citizens who are now investing
in fruit trees will remember that ten trees
planted in rich, fresh land, are worth a
hundred planted recklessly, it will he
worth something to them.
The inauguration of Mr. Stephens next
December will be a great disappoint
ment to several of the hoys. But such
is the perplexity of polities! They
should learn to grow up with the coun
The New York Times concludes, from
the standpoint of a number .of southern
correspondents, that the people are en
tirely contented, politically, in the south.
We had supposed that they were merely
disgusted into a condition of Micawher
Co-operative insurance peeps out in
all sorts of novel ways now. The mat
rimonial aids are becoming numerous,
followed by a new scheme to get a pol
icy in bebali of the first result of mar
riage. Whitfield county would knock
the bottom out of the baby insurance in
a couple of years.
Five years from to-day Dalton, as a
shipping point for peaches, small fruits,
and the products of the dairy, fowl yard
ami truck patch, will charm the eye with
the beauty of its fertile and well-tilled
surroundings and prompt the cheerful
grin of success over the countenances of
a contented and happy populace.
Beef has reached the highest point
ever known in Chicago. On the 26th
inst, choice beef cattle sold at the stock
yards in that city at $12.50 per cwt. on
the hoof; porter-house steaks were 30
cents a pound at the markets, sirloins
25 cents, and round steaks 16 ‘cents.
The probabilities are that the prices
will yet be lyigher. The farmers are
sending their dairy cattle to market.
First statesman : “You did •” Second
statesman: “I neverdid!’’ Both states
men; “There is no issue between us.”
—Atlanta Herald.
As things look now, nothing can pre
vent the success of the democratic party
in 1884, except the nomination of Sam
tilden—or Samrandall—or both !—Wash
ington Critic.
New York and Ohio will each give
twenty-five thousand democratic ma
jority this fall, while Pennsylvania will
follow with a plurality quite as large.—
Cincinnati Enquirer.
There are thousands of poor people in
{bin country who find it difficult to make
nosare living. But in New York the
Vt - day William H. Vanderbilt paid
Oneid’v f ° r a liia, " ol, ‘ l ---Atlanta Consti
in battle <
there was a’tens’s flirtation is ridiculous,
there with the organized demoe
f m'r ’v Na ' H ’ bUt * ie BWf * no,,,in «
wrappevr r,n of P rinc >ple» promulgated
Herald. «'ieiny that meritscondemna
aldoata Times.
do say that whenever any one
AVuU' s the independent movement in
to Simon Cameron, the
l, y man swears like a trooper. His in
:ne'. S ‘" R ag ’“ ''dirmities should tend
stanceV 1 *; 11 abjure profanity. It is un
rcsentings’in any one, hut especially to
Says an Eng- as he is, upon the bound
.^ir<u^ ria - s * v *
The doctor we Harris county have
at once said til thirty thousand dollars
case, and (northern loan association,
tSuld' neene - v ~ere - Tho no'"-
rem kteof interest in 8 per cent., but
Expenses make the actual cost of < 15 per cent, per annum for ;
ngfive years the loan is obtained. The
at tl,e iwc numbered
ami that they are
forced to pa/V high a rate, when mon
•y is sc kwd where properly
••cured ao a «atl eommentarv
both upon our p<-Apl B ami their Juus.
If it was known that men who made i
debts would be compelled by l aw and
public opinion to pay then, money
>oqld It* as low for farmers as for bank- !
ef9. 'fbj; Utu>r failure of sniveling dem
| •jjogjics hl reduce tip- nite by fixing that
•ate by law, show s that they commenced
it the wrong end. Such a law is a stain j
upon our commercial reputation, invites
fraud and defeats the very ends it was
Intended to promote. The best business
men obtain what they want upon the
best terms, and it is an axiom with them
that an article is worth what it will
fetch. Monev is a commoditv ami its
price is regulated by the laws of supply
ami demand. The supply is now ample,
hut an extra rate is put on in Georgia as
insurance against had collection laws. —
Hamilton Journal.
Congressman Black is recovering the
use of his limbs.
The Southern Chatauqua is to be lo
cated at Tallulah Falls.
The supreme court of Ohio decided
the Pond liquor tax to be unconstitu
The next Methodist general confer
ence meets on the first Wednesday in
May, 188(1, at Richmond, Va.
The republican convention for the
nomination of state, officers will be held
in Atlanta on the 2d of Au ,ust.
Vennor predicts sharp frosts on the
7th, Sth, 25th and 26th of June, extend
ing down as low as northern Mississippi.
It is understood that. Lieut. Flipper’s
sentence is to he mitigated, so that lie
will not be dismissed from the service.
The Maine greenbackers nominated
Solon Chase as candidate for governor
and adopted a straightout. greenback
There are four thousand saloons in
Cincinnati, and, on Sunday, about, six
thousand back floors, according to the
The next genera! assembly of the
Southern Presbyterian church will meet
in Lexington, Ky., on the third Tues
day in May, IBS3.
The state democratic convention will
meet in Atlanta on the 19th of July. Del
egates will be selected by the counties
on the first Tuesday in July.
Little Fromm, a new baby of Manhat
tanville, N. Y., is fourteen inches long
and weighs ten ounces. Its parents are
taller and heavier than most parents.
The Atlanta extension of the Macon
and Brunswick railroad reached Mc-
Donough last Saturday at. 10 o’clock. A
great crowd gathered to witness the track
Track laying on the New Orleans Pa
cific road was rushed through Shreve
port, La., Sunday, in order to get the
work done before an injunction could be
Frank Stringfellow, once a rebel spy,
is now the rector of an Episcopal church
at Farmville, Va. He is said to have
killed more than a hundred federal sol
diers during the war.
Winter and spring have come in close
conjunction in Coffee county, Ga., by a
remarkable marriage, the groom being
ninety-six years old, while the lovely
bride was sweet sixteen.
• r- - -- ■
The fruit growers of Georgia are taking
active steps to secure refrigerator cars
for use in shipping the present fruit crop
north. It is likely that daily shipments
will now be made from Atlanta.
The governor of Missouri, having
! tiled of removing criminals by giving ad
vance pardons to new ones, has about
concluded to pardon Frank Janies, and
allow him to settle down as one of the
leading citizens of Johnson county.
The south does not grow enough pro
visions for home use, despite the ad
vance made in that direction. So far
I this season she has drawn on the north
for wheat, to the value of $55,000,1 KK);
I corn, $50,000,000, and provisions, $72,-
000,000. Total, $177,000,000.
A physician in Cincinnati claims to
have discovered a process by w hich lie
can change the skin of of a colored per-
I son white by the use of a certain drug.
He has left on a visit to the south to
make further experiments, having been
| successful, be claims, in two cases under
i his charge at home.
Over S,(MH) persons were present at
: lowa Circle park. Washington City, re
■ eently, on the occasion of a bicycle club
| contest. Over l(K) wheelmen partiei
, pated, ami the approach of the line of
riders to the park, heralded by the clear
I notes of a bugle, is said to have been a
I very attractive sight.
The real and taxable property in Phil
t’ a corui.i„ ,o a recent assess
went is $553,775,229—an increase since
last yearof $10,106,100. Os this amount
■ $545,608,518 is in rial estate; $5,477,-
330 in furniture; $1,974,965 in horses;
$129,860 in cattle, ami $614,494 in pleas
ure carriages. There is $45,863,769 in
money at interest. Os gold watches
there were 13,891, ami of silver 345,
The horses attache I to a hearse in a
funeral procession took fright and ran
away, in St. Louis, recently. The hearse
was badly mashed and overturned, and
tho coffin, containing the corpse of a
woman who, in life, weighed 250 pounds,
was thrown out ami Hie whole bottom
torn off, exposing the body to view. The
broken glass from the hoarse ami coffin ! !
had cut and bruised the face of the dead 1
’J* a horrible manner. A look< T - W , fell I ,
down in a fit. •
Aleck Parish, formerly of Griffin, Ga.,
committed suicide at Senoia.
Robert Walker was found dead on the ,
railroad near Charlottesville, Va., Sun
W. A. Camp, a carpenter, was killed
by a train on the W. <x A. R. 11. atCliat
, tanooga.
i Nellie Reed was brutally murdered by I
her husband, Maj. Reed, near Greens- i
boro, N. C.
Col. Wm. 11. Tucker, of Raleigh,
N. C., died suddenly of apoplexy, aged 1
about 60 years*
Rev. Dr. Wm. Adams was installed as
pastor of the First Presbyterian church
in Augusta last Sunday.
Fred Beck, an expressman, jumped
from the third story of a hotel at Quincy,
HL, ami was fatally injured.
Mrs. Noble Cross died in Waterbury,
Vt., from the effects of a tumor which,
when removed, weighed eighty pounds.
The Troup cotton factory, LaGrange,
Ga., closed its first year’s operations
with 24 per cent, earned on the capital |
Married in Georgia: In Savannah,
Henry C. Mauer to Miss Bessie Saxon;
in Columbus, A. Banner to Miss Hanna
Lizzie Moore, of Fremont,Ohio, seven
teen years of age, has become totally
blind. She had rubbed her eyes after
tom bing a vaccinated arm.
A young man named Newsome, of
McDuffie county, shot himself w hile out
hunting last Saturday. He lived but a
few moments after being shot.
George Donaldson, a Scotchman, aged
76, committed suicide at Carey villa,
! Tenn., on Friday, blowing off the top of
his head, lie was quite wealthy.
The Sherman gold mine, near Clan
ton, Ala., caved :n. One miner was
killed, two badly wounded, ami two res
cued in six hours after the caving in.
Colorado steers, fattened in lowa, sold
at SB.(X) per 100 ponmis in the Chicago
market Thursday—the highestpriee beef
has reached since Chicago has been a
1 city.
A white man, named Ed Dantis, while
at work in a limestone quarry, at South
Pittsburg, Tenn., hist .Monday, was in
stantly killed by being crushed by fall
ing walls.
Mr. Speer publishes a card in which
he states that Mr. Stephens was aware
of his telegram to Dr. Felton, ami that
between himself and the great com
; moner no issue exists.
A pow.erfnl religious revival is in pro
gress in the town of Eatonton, Ga. So
far there have been sixty-seven addi
tions to the various churches—to the
Methodists forty-two, to the Presbyte
rians sixteen, ami to the Baptists nine.
Died inGeorgia: In Lumpkin county,
John B. Clark; in Cave Spring, J. T.
Dozier; in Athens, Win. Allen; in Con-'
yers, Dr. R. A. Jones; in Fort Valley,
Mrs. J. W. Matthews; in West Point,
Dr. T. N. Miller; in Rome, Miss Mattie
West; in Red Clay, Mrs, J. G. W. Mills.
The Cincinnati Southern train which
. left Chattanooga on Sunday ran into an
: obstruction on the track a few miles
1 , from the city, caused by a slide, which
■ overturned the engine, almost com
l pletely wrecking it, and threw the mail,
j express and the baggage car from the
1 track. The engineer, Olle Gould, was
injured, but not seriously.
The census olliee has issued a bul
letin showing that by the census of 1880
I the number of persons in the I’nited
■ States was 50,15.>,783 ; the area in square
miles, 2,1)00,170; the number of fam
ilies, 9,945,916; the number of dwellings,
1 j 8,955,812; the number of persons to the
! I square mile, 17.29; the number of lam-
■ ilics to a square mile, 3.43; the number
of dwellings to a square mile, 3.02;
acres to a person, 37.01 ; acres to a fam
, ily, 186,62; persons to a dwelling, 5.50,
and persons to a family, 5.04. Tne area
in land is surface only and exclusive of
1 the Indian tei ritory and tracts of unor
i ganized territory, aggregating 69,830
square miles.
, O’Tyson & Co.,' headipiarters for all
' kinds of tine Wines and- Liquors lor
medicinal purposes.—Adv. »
' A beautiful line of White Piques, Nain
> sooks ami Lawns just received at L. B.
I lambright’s.—Adv.
FokSm.e— A pair of very heavy Fair
bank s Scales cheap tor cash. Apply at
I this office.*
O'Tyson Co.'s Lunch Counter is the
; place to get your meals.—Adv.
Aline line of Hats at L. B. Ham
’ Go to O'Tyson A Co. for all kinds of
cooling drinks.—Adv.
xirii.t. itt; soi.t> BEEoin: ini: t oikt
l ' » house<|<>or in the citv of Dalton, on tile llrst
riies<|av m July, iss-‘, la-tween the leual
liours of sale, the following |>ro|>erty. to-wit ■
I'hc following city lots in Dalton, viz: 3 lots
on hast Morris street, lettered d„ e. an,l f.. each
fronting .si feet on s >uih side of said street bv Is i
feet in depth; also four lots on llct ainx street
e.ienlH-red 14. 20. 22 and 24. each froniin. M) feet
on the east side of Mei aim street bv 15u feet in
’ Vvl’.?;i i 11 ! 1 le ' ' , '' l ““ h > Grtne of afi fa from
W hittleld superior court in favor of I z/ \\
G.evn vs the Dalton ( ity Co. I bis June, ls« 2
■ Gso at thesaine tune and place, a house and
I u inthecityof Dalton, (la., on the east s:du of
MeCnmy stre.-t, la-ing 50 feet front and running
back .0 feel, lietng in the south end of Dalton and
south of the colored Presbyterian church, now
oeeup.ed In Fred Jon,as the propertv of
I mi*i»’\ \ Hamilton. Levied on bv virtue of a
tax n ta, and < ounf\ v> TinAlev A Hamil
ton. 1 ropei-ty pointed out Io L X l
; m;.-'Prsn'-e
HtED. (OX. Sheriff.
■ - ■ ■ i. —«— —— - -- . _ 9
Mrs. Matilda McCollum vs. John W . McCollum
Whillleld superior ( ourt, VprilTenn, IssJ—
Libel for Divorce—little to perfect service. "
return of the s|„.,., ir that the defendant does
,"'J " ’ **ud county and that hed.-es lh> t l( ..
side tn his st ,tc: it is on m„tio- ot counsel ~L
_".-ed that said defendant ,ap| e.t and plead at
tne next term of this ,-, urt. else t |, ( . '
Mtiered th default and the pla nttff .i11,,»,.,| , ,
ITmo-.l and that thist nle t H . puhlt-hed ln Jtm
’■i I ton Argus once a month fur four m-tntlis
B.Z. HERND-IS-.PirVA?; ;:' " '
Dalton, (,a.. A|>ri' Z, lss2.
A true extract fn>m the minutes of Whltrtcld
superior court. nine i t
apSt 1.-imfm H. < . HASHLToN. < - l - ,
te; < * 1 '- "■"
«st„ S2O
' V honaedoor in the <-ity of Dalton, Geoi 21:1.
b<-txv< .-i» 1t»- legal ii 'iu '" f s 011 th" l>i-t 1 tie— •
day in J»ne next. th'* following property, to-
W lLt. All that parrel of land, beflinnmg; on tie
south aide <>f Gordon .-treetlo fee from the east
Jineol Hamilton street; thence. »>uth 120 feet,
thenee ea-t 25 feet; th-nee south 1.10 *uy -
h r street; them-" east to right of 11 ay ofG.t. <>.
I{ It ; thenee north along said r'ght of way to
Gordon strA-t; He nest to | lace of begin
ning 2d Mao- n ll ’hat parce, beginning on
south Hide of Cuyler -treat 100 feet from eastL hue
of Hamilton street; thence south Bbti feet to Moi -
ris street; theme east 5o feet; i hence no. th 3M>
feet: thence "’’“t lx*ginnnig. ou. All
that parcel of land, beginning on Morris street
at a point 15<i feet east of the ea-t lineot McCamy
sr,-f them ast 150 feet to MH amy street;
thence south along McCamy street •'.IO feet to
north line of lot numbered 2.1; thenee ea-t along
said north line 1.'.0 feet; theme north 510 feet to
beginning. Allot said property Iwing in the city
of Dalton, Ga. Levied on by virtue of all fa froin
Whitlield'm|MTiorcourt iti favor of Lizzie W
Green vs Dalton City Company. This May 4,
\ I-a, one parcel of land in Dalton, Ga.. M hit
field coiintv, iKMtiided as follows: fronting on
.Jones street S2', feet: them e ea-t along an alley
line feet: thence outhS2‘ 2 feet; theme west
IIS', feet to Jones street. Levied on as the prop
erty of George Strickland, to satistiy a (1 fa flont
justice court H72d district. G M, in favor of W G
Smith vs Georg" Strickland. Property pointed
out by plaintitl. Iwvied on by Jl* Perdue, LC,
air 1 returned to me. Ma I. ISSi.
\l-o. at tlie same time and place, on two un
divided seventh- interests in lots Nos. 42 and 44,
on South Spencer streel. in the city ot Dalton,
G.1., and the improvements thereon, as the prop
erty of Jm ob Wrinkle, to -atisfy a II fa from jus
tice court of Ihe s72ad district. G M, in favor of
W S Liimokin is \ N Wrinkle and Jacob Wrin
kle. Levied on by Jl* Perdue. LC, and returned
to me.
FRED. COX, Sheriff.
myfi td
Mil ICE.
> Court of Ordinary of Whitfield county. I
will sell mt first Tuesday ill June next before the
court-house door in Dalton, within legal hours
of sale: lot of land No. SR, in 12th district ami 3d
section of M hitfield county, its the property of
Wm. Roberts, minor.
A. I*. ROBERTS, Guardian.
May t, IXB2.
<45. AAOWGt
.■.fauufacturers of the original and only genuine
Stivi' w ood Pumps,
Champion Wind Mills, Iron Pumps. Boss
bieUe Grinders, Patent Door and Win
dow Screens, Etc.
’ Aa ''MS
■ill 'U
—— ■ 1‘ it,- .—-fc, D»,~ - ’-Wf -*■' —'
We have over 20 years experifsee in the minufacture of
Pumps and W;ni Mills.
It will not cost you five cts.
per day on the investment to
pump water for ail your stock
-<>witi' our Mill.
JaJAjfcGSETU Every Mill warranted never
Tf'l/k to blow down while the tower
"^S^afes.'Jr Fold by dealers everywhere,
-eagreSend lor Catalogue.
''*%£■? Powell & Douglas,
Waukegan, 111.
I ■ , . ■-
A Never-'Failing Cure for Burns,
Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, etc.
After forty years of trial, Perry
Dav is’ Pai n Ki Iler stands unrivaled.
It is safe! It acts immediately 1 It
never fails!
Editor of the St. John (TI. B.) News, sayn:
In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores, etc.,
It Is the most efi'eei-ial remedy we know of.
No family should be without a bottle of It
for a single hour.
From the Cincinnati Dispatch:
We have seen its magic effects, and know
it to be a good article.
From I. S. Potter, U. S. Consul at Crefeld
Kheuish Prussia:
After long years of use, I am satisfied it
Is positively etllelont as a healing remedy
for wounds, bruts -s, and sprains.
W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ca.. says:
It is a panacea for all bruises and burns.
From R. W. Adams. Saco, Me.:
It gave me Immediate r« lief.
R. Lewß says;
111 forty y ears’ use It never has failed me.
W. W. Lum, Nicholville, N. Y., says:
I use your Tain Killer frequently. It and soreness,and heals wounds
like magic.
J. W.Dee says:
For and burns It has no equal.
a new untried remedy. For forty years
it has been in constant use; and those who
have used it the longest aieHs bf.'t friends.
, Its success ine’dire’!, because of its merit.
Since the lain! killer was first introduced,
Auntirafsof new medicines bnvc come and
gone, while to-day Gils medicine is more
, extensively used and more hirhly valued
than crer Infore. Every family should have
a l>ottlerc<ii’j[/ortae. Much pain and hens y
doctors’ bills may cf'en be s red by prompt
application of tlie Puin Killer. Unl.lesw’t
medicines, <t Is perfectly safe even in tlie hands
of a cbihi. Try it once thoroughly, and it
will prove its value. Your druggist has iti
at ~5c.,50c.and 51.00 per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, >
- L| Providence, ft. I I.
rf'XV.iPTOMS £*. K A
J*’ B ’Of .Appetite. Bowels erst’vo. Pain . y
n dull sensstion i- tbo
hbTtn ? a n ’ Vu 'e " n '“‘ r the Fhculder
blade, fullness after eating, with a disivi
chnation to exertion of V< dv or mind
Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with
wt«r?a o1 »e«lect. d some duty,
w eanitess. Dizziness, Fluttering at the
HA?d«e 1 h Oto befor ?, tho ®yea. Yellow Skin,
h genet ally over the light eye
Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly
colored Urine, and ni K my
~3hT?’ S Pl, * L! ** r ® especially adapted to
such cases, one dose effects such a change
"" to I,s tonish the sufferer S
bodv'L ‘Be AppeiUe.nial cause the
owiy to ’lake on Flcmta. tbun th» RVMtom in
du<£t nS Ks'gulnr stool. pr , v
duced. Pace cents. » Murray St. NT
2 a *Y,,H, AIR b* changed toaGl' -s\-
l>y "Single appiteftt inn of thia Dvk. It Ini-
K'nrSJ'Jt' 1 . 1 ™ 00 l,r * I ™ , ‘antaneously. sold
<> Druggists. <u ten by agpreas on receipt of U
R l'. T ’"f rs Yim 11 InfnrnfKtloH ~4 \
\CttM Brrrip.. ■ u< IKt g „ f
Special Announcement for tlie Spring!
We present to our patrons, and the public generally, this Season the most com
plete assortment of Goods ever shown here.
They were purchased for CASH, and we now offer them at INSIDE FIGURES.
JVla.lx.e> No TWEista.lx.ei t
We know that money is scarce this year with you, hut remember that
Prices will be in Proportion to Your Purse
I ami if we have the Goods you want, and you can spare the money, now is the
time for you to secure
! iEXiEXRJE&ON «&>
IW. F. Fischer <fc Bro.
Have on hand the largest and liest selected stock of
In the city; in part as follows:
Diamond Rings, Diamond Pins,
Diamond Ear Drops, Diamond Studs.
Gent's Gold Stem ami Key Winders,
Gent’s Silver Stem ami Key Winders,
Ladies’ Gold Stem ami Key Winders.
! Ladies and Gent’s Gold Chains,
Ladies’ Gold Necklaces and Lockets,
Ladies’ Fine Gold and Stone Sets,
F'ne Gold Set Rings,
18 kt. Plain Gold Engagement
an 1 Wedding Rings,
Solid Silver and
Silver-Plated Ware,
Clocks, Spectacles, &c., <fcc
We are Sole Agents of the Cclebrate.d
66 I>IAM< »I > ” Si’ IGCJCIXVCJ I uTCK !
The Ladies’ Favorite!
the most quiet; makes the prettiest
stitch ; and has more conveniences than
any other Machine.
It is warranted five years anti iv the
seii easiest to sell, and gives the best satis
faction oi any Machine on the market.
gA Intending purchasers are solicited to
examine it before buying. Responsible
XG* dealers wanted in all unoccupied ter
J. I>. Ac r l\ Id’. SMITH,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers,
marll till janl 59 Broad Street, ATL \NT \G \
*—■ ■ .HF .—U. -Jl»—mi.u ——
V> holesale asfd Retail ilrnggist,
! ciamti'c K the “am.nton Did 100. Ga. P,...... guarani to
■ i<*lS ts
iu 'Hi i gw—ww—awwr—*
o/ rvo-
: hrScF S KT Sf St EV rrwiiy m I#"'-. 11 I iodide of Iron, Vcrunan
fVISr Ms fft fy IS Ss £jl \ fiarkt >>‘dl‘liosphorunin
IF fy ev.aSSSI ST Je JVm wr Sv V ] , a Portable form. The.
'' e'' fV S 1 27 ) &n ‘PP re P nrn ti"nofiron
T- £r £9 [f j; Ithat trill not blacken the
I I teeth,so characteristic of
noven :><• ; .-ondUlon of the blood, this ueerless rcmedv ha?in An-hsm’i. i> >’spep a ia. and an im-
< - 'hat have balHc.l some of our most eminentnbvii’ciws ha?e xiellT t U «bl“ ome w o“‘ l '* r f , il cures,
ah!" remedy. I (ireserthe It In preference to inv Iron e™.n»'ratmn nA] ‘f’d’ls great and htcompar
as Utt. Haktkk’ Ihon Tonic ] s “Jny p^e ParatlOn
It to the blood,\ W ...HA v.-nue
natu lal healthful tr>ue to |
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(t to (General ( agßf JF a > AShSEf EF JF^F a Jmw
Ih’bilit y, Lftss of Apye-\ fF F EF E JF FF' E jEF |
titc, Prostration of t’ital fff J/ J! JF Fl F
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® Lawrence & Msn'Xin’s
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