Newspaper Page Text
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H. A. U |;FN( H. 1.:h..i ;,...! l'r.,prt«»<M-.
S\!I : KD,\Y. AVGUST 12, lAvj.
Hon. Lucius J. Gartrell, -
or fci.tos cvintv.
An Imlcpeudeiit I ««inocrati< Candidate
t nplc'l'<‘4, mils to tb<*
Unbiawd, only to Duty "a Call.
Honored Citizen. Suceidaful Man. Brilliant
Lawyer, u<*Vh I’olitical Life linchallengot
Even by hi* Eniinica.
lie is such a man uh the Empire State
of the South needs Ht her head ail this
We hail hoped io publish Gen. 1 < Inr
tiell’s address Ihin week, Iml thy hour
of its reception prevents. Will R|qH-ar
next week.
< >uganizi:d, bebanged ! There is no or
ganization. Ye scramblers are hut iih
the minnowfAhat play around the car :
cass in the brook. I’raiswl be the land !
Let the people *|*eak !
If the iu<Je|ieiiileiita do their duty <bf
trt-ll will Ite elected, ami Ale* Stephens
will pass into history honored for not.
having la-alinied hia fair name with a
treacherous last net.
The New York World, HpokeHiiian for
the national democratic party, inakea a
bore thrust at Speer, Stephens and Cleni
antK. Read the paragraph headed “The
Democratic Parly,*’ in another column,
from the World.
If, as Home of the papers state, the
govt i nor of < ivoigia is only a figure head,
to he wiggled at will by a sclienlitig leg
islature, and coddled by a set of depart
ment clerks, we should, at least have ; a
man not so easily bandied. a
Dn. Fkltox’m speech in so far as it
deals w ith the actual poiitics of the times,
is said, on all sideos, to be the finest ef
fort of his life. With a full vole and a
fair count lie w ill gain a victory sublime
in its attestation of confidence.
Thk organized element, claiming to
represent democratic sublimity and the
integrity of our community, met in imiss
convention on front jury bench at tl e
court, bouse, last .Saturday. 0, respec
tability! How we weep as ye pass into
-so narrow a channel.
■“The late democratic,” is Uie way a
middle Georgia paper begins a doleful
paragraph ; and from the same source
wequote: “ Harmony, harmony; (1, har
mony ! Where out thou? Why hast thou
Kuu.uken ua, in thin, the Bore hour of
weed ?”
Murray county is about as badly mud
died in the matter of a representative as
in the .senatorial matter. I’arson Ellis
would not I*o into the convention, but we
are told that he tied the nominee on sev
eral ballots. It is not altogether a walk
over for Howell, as Ellis is said to have
a strung following.
Catt, Boh Wilson, ot Murray, is a
candidate fur senate, and he thinks we
have been tin just <l«»Y him. To put Jiim
on an equality withTbe lailletin of our
other candidates, we presume it would
.be stry. that ('apt. Bob hitches on
to the independent list because the or
ganized rack has lost its hook; now
shake, Unole Bob.
Auxuama...has gp.119 democratic, by
about 30,(XX) majority, considerable're
duction from two years ago. In the south
ern port ion'the iieghA-s voted tint denib
b* cratic ticket. Thmuiortliern cbunties
mostly went independent. There will
be at least twenty independents in Hie
noos' s,aU * Te - L
noss 1' '
loadt’ x f a *'° the effort to secure Ste
whiiften’s endoraenntut from the republican
out ynventiou;'>Ke'Wfa/en effort to Bdcrfass
JY*Jften. Gartrell wilh ttft? idea oflfaillg fhV
a republican _ nominee, is as infamously
P false as it isrlfUlg. ' TLy*y endorse
they <Aid Colquitt two years ago, and as
win desired Stephens co- workers this
year. We thank them for it, not only
for (ijirUell but in tljy name of honesty
aml min «lea In ig. V
A Man kb.
Ordinary Monrye counfj-,
has determined not io issue any more
to draijrvdAj*<£o re-,
mains oadirra»y»«kwwi mailer js
discretionary, Ordinary Du-
Ml A".ffVJ'rar«-U of IwcWmiw.
. ‘ , P**', ?'•
Judge ,M< |<a.y 1 appointed qu J
contirnaul t>A.Qie United
States judgship.Heis-of ackaowU-iiged
ability ,tnd his appqjriftfienl will, doubt -•
less give s.ilisfactTon to both bar ami
people. ... 1 ■ ■■a •• f
With one exception ii|j Cobgr4«a since
the war has remained in t-ouiiiiuous ses
sion tor so long a time’hs,the present. !
1 be exception was the mat session of the
rorty-Fourth (Amgress, commencing in
llecember, 1875,, and coulimimg until
late in August of Hie" lol.lowing y«wr.
this was the first Democratic , House
that had been elected f6r fifteen years.
Sixty-Five KepiiHlit'AntAiin^fil/y-*M*ven
. Democrats voted to p'Aaa tlk*c<i»rr and
harlnir hill over the veto in iFp.tme.
Thirty-three anu twenly
aix peuiot-rala voted to shsUtiul
In the Senate nineteen »lu>l
twenty-two Democrats voted to paaii t’he'
bill over the veto; while thirteeniieptrb- ■
lic.ins and three Democrats were for the
Tiik‘e‘.’hio» <4 had just as
welt com«- to a iTali/..itj>»fi, tir-t as 'Hal,
tb it he is in uo position this.year tn g..r
in iiidizc his readers with.the stale swill
slops of a disgruntled past.
The independents do not belong to
that soAp-nciilled dawdling class who
care (or the froth of a midman or the
minrics of a clown, and wc only pull the
aforesaid editor tn the gnilotine block,
not for the essence of bis flabby English,
But because we knQW^'from the nature
of the man, that his harmless missiles
arc mote pricked in* the gaul-poisoii of a
flighty imagination, than salted with the
savor of intelligent brain activity.
There is not even tlie comparative logic
of a small donkey in this slush aliotif
radicals, niggers and . independents
Every man who goes before the people
for office wards their votes, and even thi»
variously esfipfated old man who stand*
on the ancient p>|lcji.'work of Jefl'erkbnian
legemlry desired their endorsement, ami
one of his proudest boasts in the Ameri
can congress Was that not one of them
voted against him.
We want a government for the people,
and arc not afraid of contaminating our
candidates, even witlrtlje suffrage of the
•larky in his hovel. We want them im
pregnated with the sympathy which
poverty mid suffering begets in the
breasts of Christian humanity.
But for tin* 'itjtke of leaving one silken
Cord threaded in the texture of his cran
ium, whereby line electricity of animal
nature may resnsilale reasoning powers,
suppose we admit that independent ism
will bear the fruit whereof the aforesaid
speaks. **
Has he and his party l>een guilty of no
tinning 7 # -
It is.their common laiast that they
have scoofved the independent trick by
filching their aCe of trumps, for gover
nor. 1 ■ .
. ’ *n t I
They have destroyed every vestige of
local organization in order to meetinde
pendentism by its own methods, actua
ted by cowardice, and a knowledge of its
popularity with the peop'e.
And, finally, we charge upon this Hip?
pauk». verbage echoer, that ho has
resisted the effort of his party to build
up lhe'brganiz.ation from its crumbling
wreck, moved sonlly by an eye to |ht
sonal favor, and in I Ire face of the ap
peals of the scarred and battle burnt
veteran of the senatorial district, who is
collar galled in the harness of democ
racy, for the undoing of broken faith.
Prick the scales from thine eyes! O,
herald of democracy.
‘•Tin- lifil<|H'ii<lent Democratic f andlil.itc for
M , Governor.”
To' r reporter ol The .Atlanta Herald
General Gartrell gave atiHWer to Ilia
qnerieH, uh follows:
“What about your commendation its a
suitable candidate for governor bv the
Republican conventions laet week?”
“I have invariably said to my republi
can friend* that if they supported mt* it
would be aa an independent democrat,
ami that, if elected, I would, in tin* dia
clnuge of my duties, be neither a dem
ocratic nor republican governor, but the
governor of the whole people. That,
umler my oath of office, I could not and
would not ad the part of a partirtan.
They commended me without any effort
on my part to influence their action, to
the favorable consideration of all the
peoplet in other worda a* the people'*
candidate, and I thank them for it. I
have yet to hear of a democratic camli
.UAtojn thia slate or elewewhere, refus
ing republican votes, and it is said that
in the past extraordinary efforts have
been made to obtain them.”
“Had .Mr. Stephens been commended
a* you were, do you suppose hi* follow
ers would have been offended?”
“I Mtippose not, nor would it have put
him in tlie position of their standard
bearer.’* His followers tolerate with
■fileat complacency hi* support by inde
pHhdenta, who were denounced a short
tiMe’ amcF a* having formed a coalition
to destroy the democratic party.”
“Do you adhere (e the position taken
w hen you announced yourself as an inde
pendent democratic candidate in Feb
uarv let?”
“I do, smk.lvfvt' never swerved from
it. 1 tbvjHijfid, and now repeat that ‘I
am atf-Viiiepeudeiii candi
date, anfl if elected irw irt be my earnest
desire, by strict and unremitting atten
tion to the duties of this high and res
poitkiblu office, Vo see to it tlivst kite laws
are so administered as to advance the
prosjKTity, proteej. the rights, and pro
mote the all the people of our
beloved Htaten” ■
“When will your address to the peo
ple appear?”
“In a tew days, and I shall open the
campaign afCoffyerii next Saturday, the
12th inst.”
There w ill be a great crowd at Con
yers to hear the general, as Rm kdale
cutlnty is ons of the strongholds of his
’ friends. ' e . 1
Hard ui Congress.
<New York. August!».—^RegardingCon-
the dieralck says-tiiut the •Ad
journment is a relief'to. the people.”
The world says, “lnv'as.4lte worsted all
Congresses ’’ The June* says,'' “No
Congress for many yAmSjdade so bt*l a
■ reeor-J,!.’ ■ Thu Truth sjiya, “It selffijm
UnU^m(session of
long ami so useless has been inflb-ifedon
the country. The Star rays it '. was a
shameless Congress.” The MutsAys it
“* as the most profligate of all Cmig’ress-
I es.” Tire Tribune says, “The redeem
ing features of the session were unseat
ing Southern members who procured
returns by fraud and violence.
Mr. MroHrna mk! the Ro< ua
In lh» Dawson Journal of a recen*
date, we find t(ie following, which seems
to deserve attention; -. .. .
The liogus Bullock-dxmds have lieen
the theme <»f discjntswn to s considerable
extent of late. Surply Mr. Stephens
wdh n« favor the pavinent of these
1 ’
Only four Southern ih-mocrats in the
House, all from Georgia, voted to sustain
Arthur’s veto of the river and harbor
I*l RI H* SEN”: IMi.NI .
I!t « k’ F by Vurintm of
thcwi Naughty Time*.
Stephens is the nominee for governor,
hut this fact does not seem to excite
that noble hearted, generous and brave
Gartrell. —Ellijay Courier.
The |>eople of Georgia may watch the
movement against the bondsmen of the
state road less'es with interest.—Val
dosta Times.
While this thing is going don’t forget
to hurrah a little for Hon. Tom Harde
man for congressman at large. He is
the sugar coating around the gubernato
rial pill.—Democratic Exchange.
About the time Joe Brown and his
crowd scoop in the state road for about
one-fourth what it is worth, a host of
fools in the stale will drop the scales off
their eyes.—Atlanta Phonograph.
The tax returns of nearly every county
in Georgia which wc have yet seen re
ported in the l<»cal press show a hand-
Homo increase in the value <>( property
over last year.—Rome Courier.
The Atlanta Herald promises a right
large gang of independents in the next
legislature. And unless mighty strong
candidates are nominated, the promise
for congressional independents is begin
ning to appear.—Augusta News
Very few democrats will trust Alexan
der 11. Stephens. He is a tricky politi
cian. First he was an ilide|>endent, and
now he is a bread ami milk libera*. Gar
trell hns never changed. He is the peo
ple’s choice for indopend- nt governor
of Georgia, and will w hip the fight.—Sa
vannah Echo (rep.)
The people should be very careful w ho
they semi to the legislature this year.
Recollect that a senator to take the place
of the Hon. Benjamin Hill will be chosen,
and our peopje should see to it that men
ot character and honest}' are sent to the
general assembly. Darien Gazette.
'Hon. A.O. Bacon made an open, man
ly race for the gubernatorial nomination,
and when defeated submitted like a
man. Georgia has no honor too great
for him, and no office he is incapnciated
to’frll. If he should beat Colquitt for
the senatorship there would be retribu
tion in it.—Sparta Ishmaelite.
The Hon. W. H. Felton has started in
to his campaign to regain the Seventh
District, with what success remains to
be seen. Clements, who beat him the
last time, more by accident than any
other way has made a very good n emb r,
but the sensible course of being quiet,
he has pursued, will not suit the Sev
enth District folks.—Albany Advertiser.
The new Jefferssnian democracy needs
harmonizing. We were promised that
if Mr. Stephens should l»e nominated
that the greatest harmony would pre
vail in the party. But instead almost
every democratic meeting that lias been
hold since that time, has been charac
terized with the most disgraceful wTang
ling and scrambling for place. Let's all
harmonise and let the independents
have all the offices this year. No use
doing things half way—Griffin Sun.
Bryant, who said recently in a speech
in Philadelphia that the negroes are
preparing to attack the government un
der the auspices of the southern Metho
dist church, is now endeavoring to re
vive the race prejudices. Fortunately,
the time has gone by when Bryant’s hur
rangues can have any influence on the
negroes. He should confine himself to
begging money from the retired Tood
liiins and Tinktnms of the north.—At
lanta Constitution.
The Griffin saloon is gone. The
avenging sword of a long tolerant peo
ple, including editors, has cleft the beer
mug and the decanter forever, and with,
out a day. Os all the autocratic crown s
that rest in the jewel rooms of the Krem
lin, none are good enough to compass
the brow of the editor of the News. But
for his übiquity of effort, his gulden
speech, his Attic eloquence and the
German vote, the scales might have
sunk on the side of wet groceries and
Brother Searcy have been covered with
an avalanche. Typical campaign, mo
mentous crisis, far reaching victory!
Let hosannas be sung ; let the populace
fall on the neck of this stalwart Buckeye
and weep. Amen and Bishinillah.—
Macon Graphic.
The Met hedist Conference of the La-
Grange district, recently held at Ncw
nam, has placed itself on record on the
temperance question hy the unanimous
adoption of the following: “Resolved,
That any Methodist who casts his ballot
directly or indirectly for licensing the
retail of apirtuons liquors is unworthy a
place in the Methodist Episcopal Church
South. Resolved. That, in view of the
solemn warnings found in the Scrip
tures, apd the many solemn vows which
we have all made to God and the church
that we will renounce the devil and all
his works, and believing as we do that
spirtnous liquors are the greatest barrier
in the way of the church in christianiz
ing tbe peojfle, and knowing, as we do,
of »he improper use of 30 much of the
fruit and grain with which God has so
abundantly blessed us. we feel it our
imperative duty ss Christians to de
nounce the distillation and sale oi spir
ituous liquors.
Foraged men, women, weak and sick
ly children, without a rival. Will not
cause headache. Brown’s Iron Bitters.
Dr. E. W. Speer, who was reported to
have voluntarily resigned the chair o.
oraton and Belles Letters in the stale
universiiy at Athens, is said to have re
caived a demand from about one-third
of the univereity trustees for his resig
nation for no otlier reason in the world
than that he is the father of Emory
Speer! Has it come to this, that the
bosses of Georgia attempt to visit the
sins of the son on the head of the father .
Shame, shame on the men that have so
degraded themselves. It would be just
as well to apply a torch and burn the uni
versity to the ground as to make it a fac
tor in Georgia politics. Its .ninth ilatioii
is oidv a question of lime under such
circumstances. —Griffin Sun.
N<vw Advertisements.
__ --
Afo Whiskey!
Brown’s Iron Bitters
is one of the very few tonic
medicines that are not com- ,
posed mostly of alcohol or
whiskey, thus becoming a
fruitful source of intemper
ance by promoting a desire
for rum.
Brown’s Iron Bitters
is guaranteed to be a non
intoxicating stimulant, and
it will, in nearly every case,
take the place of all liquor,
and at the same time abso
lutely kill the desire for
whiskey and other intoxi
cating beverages.
Rev. G. W. Rice, editor of
the American Christian Re
view, says of Brown’s Iron
Gn.,0., Nov. 16,1881.
Gents:—The foolish wast
ing of vital force in business,
pleasure, and vicious indul
gence of our people, makes
your preparation a necessity;
and if applied, will save hun
dreds who resort to saloons
for temporary recuperation.
Brown’s Iron Bitters
has been thoroughly tested
for dyspepsia, indigestion,
biliousness, weakness, debil
ity, overwork, rheumatism,
neuralgia, consumption,
liver complaints, kidney
troubles, &c., and it never
fails to render speedy and
permanent relief
II lioune floor in the city of Dalton, on the first
Tuesday in Septeinlier, fs.s2. lietween the legal
hours ot sale, the following property, to-wit:
The north naif of city lot
south half of city lot nnmlMjr 188, on the west
side of north Spencer street, in the city of Dal
ton, Whitfield county. Georgia; saitf two lots
fronting fifty feet on said street and running
back CIS f("et. Property in possession of defen
dant in fl fa. and levied on by virtue of a Whit
field county superior court fi fa, Chas I’ Gordon,
executor o's .1 If Gordon, dee’ed, vs L N Tins
ley.—fee |3.50.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
numliers 12, 13, and 14 in the 12th district and 3d
section of Whit field county, and numl»er 311, in
the lllh district and 3d section of said county, as
the pro|>erty of Henry Brooker: levied on by
virtueof superior court fl fa of said county, Daw
son A Walker, bearer, vs said Brooker. Levy
made by Ralph Ellison, former deputy she rift,
and returned to me.—fee .30.
Augunt 5, ISS2. FItEI). ( OX. Sheriff.
It is t>jc concurrent testimony of the public
and the medical profession, that Hostetter’s
Stomach Bitters is a medicine which achieves
results speedily felt thorough and benirn.
Beside rectifying liver disorder, it invigor
ates the feeble, conquers kidney and bladder
complaints, and hastens the convalescence
of those recovering from enfeebling dis
eases Moreover It is the grand specific
for fever and ague.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers
» reae rally.
The Ovnnd IMewv Wook
Theatrical and Circus Life
° n AGENTS Hreen Room
Die Secret.! HUIH I O
W thk Saw Dust
Revealing the mysteries. of the Theatre Cir
! cus, Variety Show, Concert Dive, Ac., Ac.
Home and Private Life of Actors and
Most wonderful and interesting liook ever puli
lished. Exposing the secret doing* orGi.Mv Pal
let girls. Hack Door Mashers, Matinee*. Midnight
Supper*. Ac., Ac. 8
Tne veil lifted from the BLACK ART. How
"J 1 *" < * re Xrcd from cannon; Men eat fire-
Heads are cut off and hundred* of oth.-r myste
ries performed. J
150 Beautiful Illustrations, and Elegant
Colored Plates.
I'O-.niV 1,1.1 the fastest setting liook ever
published. Agent’s canvassing naifit, Sfi rents
Illustrated circular and full particular* FRKK
Agent act <iui> k and secure territory hv address.’
ing SI N ITRI HHINtu o„
A Hi Pine street, St. Louis, Mo.
V< r ; T* Fischer <fc Bro,l
Have on hand the largest and best selected stock of
“ J ] n the city; in part as follows;
DIAMONDS. Diainoffdf*?d<
Dinmuti'l Riiigr,
Diamond Ear Drops, Dirttnond
WATCHES: t . ■
Gent’s Gold Stem and Key Wmdprß, , * - ■
Gent’s Silver Stem mid key Winders,
Ladies’ Gobi Stem sipd Kqv
Ladies and Gent s Gold ( hain«, ' •-
Judies’Gold Necklaces and Lockets, • ,
Ladies’ Fine Gold and Stone Seta, • -.- , .
Fi oe Gold Set Rings, •,
IS kt. Plain Gold Engflgernert z
an I Wedding Rings, .
Solid Silver and
Silver-Plated Wjart’r ...
Clocks, Spicrf-serlds, Ac.,
tt'e are Sole Agents of the Celebrated * $
“ 1 > 1 A Al<>> I>” SI>ECTACL Kr I
It SttEixxcls at tlxeHead]
fcgjU Domestic!
Th 't it is the a' knowlerlscd
iii~ " TI,K Tkadk is a fact that cannot bediapntw|H
I' : * r -esf Armed,
B vvmmwwJw'Wllll 11" - Lightest Running,
The M-isl B anliful Wood
r? 4 ANr> ,s
VjT ' e 'T ll’c l ,f ‘«t materia?,
j?’ To'lo any ami all kinds of work.
To be complete in every respect.
~o r s . l!(> i,.. T . A& g E berry]
Agents Wanted in nnocetipieil Territory. Dalton, Go. H
82-8 9 Address DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, Va.l
For the Cure of Kidney Diseases.
J ;icnU‘pains. ('olic. ( r;iu»|». (iravrl. u uftho kirk and
stomach. in<li’4c<tion and «lv-pcp«H. Give* tone tn th” nervous -vstem an«l restores amt st
the memory. ( tires nervmis debility, rlc.
A. App<-t and l*2x<*<-ll<‘nf Family TonitM
For many years I have l<ecii engaged iu preparing imvlicfnes for the nfilicted. and during that
have eudeavonxl to place only the very t»est retned’es before the public, as a urout ut this a-sertiH
1 refer the reader of this paper to the great success of
the merits of which have stood so long before the people, and have won tlwir wav into so
families, and an" accepted by a nunilterof our leading physicians. Their rpproval inclines
continue my method of advertising, viz: let the remedy be tried and prove its meriL to thecumW
nier, and llicv to recommend to their neigblors.
Frevitt Bros., Dalton, Agents for Georgia and Ala, UtUce: No. KI Plum st.. GiueinßatiJlH
f -A eomMnoMtm of Prfl
Ww W■ —7- I taßide of Iron, T.rucw®
JJ J B t 1| I Hark ondVboJiphorw. 'igj
JF f B Ml ' n Palatablr form. ®
■fir < Jf Jj K \ <rnly preparation
llr g J fJ J 0 I that will not blacken liM
licet A, so chararteratv ‘VB
\other iron
CENTf.EMEN: I have used Dr. Hartkii’s Ibon Tonic in my practiceJ'and in an
y* twnnty-five years In madlctne, have never found anything to give the results that I>«. llakthiM
Iron Tonic does. In many cases of Nervous Prostration, Female Diseases, Dyspenala, and soMi
povertslicd condition of the blood, this peerless remedy, has in my bands, made some wonderful
Cases that have baffled some of our most eminent physicians, have yielded to this great and iuooa?®
able remedy. I prescribe it In preference to any Iron preparation made. In fact, auch a
as Du. Hahteb s Iron Tonic fs a necessity in my practice. Da. ROBERT SAMUELAj
ST. Louis, Mo., Nov, ifith, 1881. 3104 Wash Ave«jM
It gireM color io the blood.\
h<mlthful tone to I I ■
the rtigextirc organ* and I f J £ Iff £ f A M
nervou* *>tetem,making \ M * J K J
applicable to Generali I * ft J JJ I J
liebilitg, Imo* of .4ppe-j I f & J i M
tite, I‘rontration of Vital I I W J
Powers and Impotence.l
11. DIETZ & CO. I
Represented bv I
J. a. tibbs. j CHA’ITANOOUA.TENX.
IS SENI> F(>R TERMS. an2o 1 y
jk". fj. Si'Hb per day nt home. Sample worth
TO HI Jn„ll , f re , VWr( .,„ i r ,;„ A(
An gm la, Maine. utar'JH ly. j
Loan of Appetite, Bowels cottive. T»»JI
the Head, with a dull sensation in .T ■
“ok P»’n under th®
blade, fullness after eating, with » I
cli nation to exertion of body or cii» 1
Irritability of temper, La>w spirits. *., ■ fl
a feeling of having neglected «o me ,
Weariness, Disxiness, Fluttering ~1
Heart, Dote before the eyes. Yellow B *Jfl
Headache generally over the right I
Restlessness, with fitful dreams, n-* |
colored Urine, and
TUTT’S PILLS are especially »dap |,4 J I
such cases, one dose effects sueh a j
of feeling as to astonish the snfferer- «
They Inereaae the AMeUte. and <’•‘‘*l , fl
body to Take on Fleets, thus the ’I" 1 !?Jfl
no.rtahW. and by their Tonic Aril—
Gray Haik ob Whiskkbs changed v>“
Black by a single application o< this Dy*-
parts a natural color, acta Instanteneou";', jl■
by Druggists, or sent by express on »ece>P' ,JI
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