The Dalton argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-????, September 09, 1882, Image 3

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jta Street, near the Bridge. SEPTEMBER 9, 1882. " kOB STATE SENATE : nested to announce W. C. CARTER, " clire , t ‘Sy ns a candidate to represent of Wjnaterial district, in the general assem g: Estate Os Georgia_ vnTFRS of the 43rd Senatorial District: ToT ,n.?idate for Senator from this district, I 8,11 “ c .f dU ask you for your suffrages, audrespec ful y 888 > 0U " 3 T, R, JONES. Dalton, August M. authorized to announce the name of S. We are authonz udate for state Senator L. ' lK } M w ( l Senatorial District, composed of the Whitfield and Murray. „ ramie ted to announce Samuel D. Xh asTcandfdate for Sheriff of Whitfield 5X Eiectionjlrsi Wednesday In January. for city clerk. W BAGNALL is presented to ,. TI S of Dalton', for the office of City Clerk, W ‘December election. rr it (lATIS, announces himself a candidate , H r?; v clerk, and solicits the support of the fXffieof D-nltou- Election in December. induction iu retail price of School Books, at Stationery and Book Store of W. M. Haig A Co. Si and see for yourself; price low as they can be bought anywhere. Country Merchants and Teachers are Infor . t ln t W. M. Haig A Co., Dalton, can fur nish any of the Standard School Books, now used this section, at publishers’ wholesale prices They cannot be undersold in any market. Send Jour orders, or callatstore, Hamilton st. If you want a good Lamp cheap go to Sloan & W alker’s. —— Bible and Testaments at Gudgers. Miss Gussie Rooney has gone home. Will Trammell is acommercial tourist. Will Lampkin is clerking in Atlanta. Charlie Nagle is traveling auditor for the E. T., V. & G. R. R. Joe W. Barrett’s family are at Cohut- tah Springs. The female college opened with nine ty pupils. Dr. Felton at the court house this af ternoon. The National gave another of its pop ular hops this week. J. C. Clemants addressed the Calhoun people, Tuesday. Lyman Wells has the Small pox, at Chattanooga. Miss Mattie Trotter lias returned from a visit to friends in Tennessee. The wife of Mr. John Short, of Murray died last week. We learn that Mrs. Jathan Gregory, of Murray, is quite sick with fever. No use for Hair Restorer, if you will buy your wife an Anchor Stove. Col. James Hunt, killed a fine young deer near Catoosa Springs last wek. Smoke the “Peto Cigar” the best in the land—scts. —at Gudgers. Maj. Nisbet, of Dade, is dead. He was a good soldier, and an honored citi zen. Our John Smith is running for the leg islature in Bradley and Polk and thinks he’ll make it. Mrs. Dr. C. N. Brown, for a long time past an invalid, died Wednesday, and was buried Thursday in the cemetery. Miss Kate, daughter of Dr. W. T. Rus sell, died on the 23rd of last month, at her father’s residence in Catoosa county. It is stated that Mr. Bonj. 11. Hill will write the biography of Senator Hill and compile his speeches and writings. The race forßepresenative has cooled down, and Col. Hackett’s friends feel more hopeful each day of success.—Ca toosa Courier. ' A New York World correspondent at the A irginia Springs has discovered that Georgia furnishes the rarest types of loveliness. Br. Malone of Gordon county made thirteen wagon loads of clover off of one >alf an acre of land, each load weighing two thousand pounds. On Friday night a Calhoun mink kill ed thirty-seven chickens for Mr. J. P. ,a 'g. M hen he got ready to go home a dog killed him. Rimufe T ' Vig - gS wiU make the Congres sional campaign so lively for Gen Sea gendemnn C n'!l th ° E ? ghtk thflt tho ktter Ho da XT ne 7 *• winter ’ 8 rest in lonaa after the election is over Quite a number °{ the most beautiful dX 8 r ? Vißiting Dalton ’ will in ' £ his afternoon in reading the dou column advertisement of J. A. Blan toU- Seo the trade mark. e are very much pained to learn of s , “'»"''»««.ofMr.A. P. Algood, 1,0 b »» boon oiek tor Ilk* I *'’’ ot tl "’ Ro " w Tribune, w wri^Cß back as if Texas . o next station to wore Mian Urea. bri.™”',?,™ 1 ’ 1 " 8 ' ” Rome, with hi, Mrs "in" ™ r CUy lhe in Dalton . • commonc e business storj' -< ’ - ccn Py*ng the old Loveman i e ± r ' U ; at n llßrben RrOB -« a ™ merchant tail 0 ’ 8 Son "’ the oldest Clot hin. ni ; ’ t ,n \ hoUße in America. 8t ; Or^ Orinthc ver y beat sampled arßnteed - Call “nd see our J. J j> p and" UCS ’ ar ° now r eceiving £. b“ h“ l " >«4 session <4 t > ‘ u,B >will hold a public kn °wn as the No'' 81 ? 11 ° f her claBS Saturday, the ini a Pre P ar atory, on b ‘ tere «tedinMu«i’ at:f ’’ M * AH persons to attend, n : ‘ ? are cordially invited ot tlle class as aH Open 8e88io »* exll ‘bition. rd,nanl y taught: notan I Guitar and Violin Strings at Gudger’s. Several Catoosa farmers are picking cotton. Floyd county has sold one bale of new cotton for 20 cts. per lb. Announcements from candidates for countyoflices are now in order. Work has again commenced on the Presbyterian church at Ringgold. Rome counts on 140,000 bales of cotton of the coming crop. There are twenty-three criminals con fined in Floyd county jail. Rome is about to dig a new well to in crease her water supply. Dr. Felton spoke to a good crow d at Ringgold yesterday. Harps and Musicial instruments, all kinds, at Gudger’s novelty palace. The farmers of Floyd county report that so far the rains have not damaged the cotton crop. Have your bread baked on an Anchor Stove.* Confederate bonds are again in de mand, and bring six dollars per thou sand. D. Sholl requests us to announce him as a candidate for city clerk, at the De cember election. For Hardware, Agriculture Imple ments, Labor Saving Machinery, Tools, Wagons, buggies, and everything of the kind, go to T. A. & S. E. Berry, Dalton, Ga. It is worthy of mere passing comment that the Macon Daily Telegraph and Messenger has recently picked up a pretty fair list of subscribers at this of fice. Fresh Drugs and Medicines, Toilet articles and preparations, Perfumaries, and all standard Druggists notions, at Sloan & Walkers. Whoopin cough, catarhal intermittent and typhoid fever are prevelent in this and adjoining counties. The Ellijay Courier reports everything lovely, the goose hanging high, and the mountains on fire for Gartrell. The celebrated Anchor Stove every one warranted. Sold in Dalton, by J. W. Bogle. Murray will have more court Novem ber. The Walker County Messenger re ports much sickness, several deaths and large accessions to various churches in, the county. The same reports are made by the Spring Place Times. Jack Sitton is engineering the steam rock crusher of the E. T., V. & G. R. R. below Dalton. The road is being put in fine ballast. A Dalton physician advises that fami lies coming from Chattanooga, on ac count of small pox in their families, or within their immediate neighborhoods should be guaranteed. The cheapest dry goods in Dalton are at Harben Bros.’ “Emporium.” They are receiving daily, largo stocks of goods for the fall trade. Extraordinary bar gains in Shoes, and mens Clothing. Squire Sam Reed, of Red Clay district, announces for the legislature. He is an old citizen, and a good one, and if elec would do nothing of which his constitu ents would be ashamed. School material, all kinds, as cheap as any place in city, at Gudgers Book Store. Hats! Hats! Hats! Harben Bros., are closing out an immense stock of Wool & Fur Hats at cost come and see them before buying. If you wish any kind of machinery, engines, etc., call on John Black,Dalton, Ga. He is thoroughly alive to your wants, and will supply you at short no tice, at manufacturers prices. When you have cotton do not sell till you see him. Getting 'Ready, Happening in at the store of L. B. Hambright & Co., a few days since, we found all hands arranging for their new stock of Dry Goods. Mr. H. is so sensi bly impressed with tho prospect of the season, that he informs us his now stock will be one of the largest and finest ever brought to Dalton. He has bought for cash in the best mhrkets, and will sell for cash on shortest possible margins. In Two Tears. The last Postal Guide shows Dalton to be tbo 14th office in importance In Geor gia, Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Oolnm bus. Romo, Macon, Athens, Americus, Griffin, Marietta, Brunswick, Thomas ville and Albany, being rated higher, in the order in which they arc given. Two years ago Dalton stood twentieth on the list. When we consider the minute statistics upon which the department classifies the post offices, this showing is a decided compliment to the increas ed business of our city. Ilave Only to Call. Trotter & Bass, enthused by a heavy summer trade, have bought one of the largest stocks of goods of the season, now arriving and being placed in shelf. This is ono of Dalton’s most popular and progressive firms, enjoying the confi dence of all who have traded with them and their name is legion. So full and varied is their stock, so polite, attentive and watchful the salesmen, that you have only to call to be pleased. Messrs. Mach and Tom Trotter, and Wyly Rice are doing the honors of the house. Letter List. There arc advertised letters remaining in the Dalton post office for the week ending August 26. When calling for please say “advertised.” E. M. Buch anan, Jeptha C. Crow, Natty Davis, B. L. Dullaney, Venie Davis, Georgia O. Hull, Mary Johnson, James Livet, G. F. Smith, Joy F. Thompson, Francis Tur ner, Annie Wahl, Westley Washington. ROB RANDOM. I have been observing, for some time, transactions, the almost invariable se quence of which is matrimony. Just as certainly as the cherry bloom is the fore runner of blushing fruit, or the tender anxiety of the groom attracts notice to his new made bride, so the shopping of woman advertises her inmost secrets. *** A lady friend tells ine of a double, heavy weight, alliance which has, for some time, been the quiet gossip of so ciety circles. I refer to the heroes of the occasion. The ladies are two of the most popular of our society group, young, pretty and vivacious, while the gentleman are such general favorites that preparations are now on foot to wel come them into the arena with a bril liant illumination of the town —both in sured. # # # A young Hamilton street merchant, not long since, told me, with the serious air of confidence that he was in love, but had made up his mind never to mar ry till he could treat his wife with that distinguished favor and tenderness that could only be expected from the most af fluent condition. Says he: “I would not have my wife think less of me, be cause of my inability to carry her into all the extravagances of society, the watering places, etc.” I could not help but think that his future was one of for lorn dependencies, but I have since learned that he has recently made ad vantageous investments in a heavy stock of jeans, that is likely to place him snug nest egg. It is claimed that a Cincin nati gentleman has negotiated to largely water the stock, and still have a nice margin below ruling rates. *** Does marital happiness depend upon social or financial condition ? Some of the most miserable people I have ever known never knew the war" of what money could buy. Some of the happiest, seemed only to have the capital which God’s sunshine afforded. Fashion and its concomitant frivolities have ever been the same since Eve shook off her first toggery for a new outfit. There is more happiness in healthful work, a common purpose to grow up together, an effort to excel in that sphere where God has placed you, in contemplating the good of your surroundings, in fitting yourself to appreciate the same, in rapturous lips and twining arms, than can be squeezed out of a life time of forced gay iety. IL b Random. Bro. Whitman, of the Citizen, this week, puts some leading questions to Dr. Felton, and afi'ects to desire an ans wer. The request is timely. Dr. F. will address the people of this county to day, at the court bouse. We invite Bro. W. and his friends to be present, and if they are still desirous, guarantee that the Doctor will settle their inquisi tiveness. Now, Bro. W., you are the challenging party. If you fail to prove the good faith of your challenge, tho people must set your squibbing down as naught. Now Goods. We are now receiving a large and fine assortment of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Queensware, and Gro ceries. Will sell you cheaper goods than any other house in Dalton. Will buy your peas, and country produce, and pay the highest market price. Give us a call. No trouble to show’ goods. L. W. Barrett, W. R. Davis. W. R. Davis & Co. Good Work. Rev. J. W. Lee has just closed a series of meetings at the Methodist chapel, at Five Springs, near Dalton, of two weeks duration, with an accession of 25 mem bers. lie supplies this church with af ternoon sabbath services, in addition to his regular pastorial duties at Dalton. We have been told that it took the edi tor of the Atlanta Constitution a whole day to trim the Stephen’s speech so that it would do for a campaign document. To the Voters of Whitfield County. I am a candidate for Representative in the lower house of the Georgia Legisla ture, from this county, and respectfully ask your influence and suffrage. Elec tion on sth of October. Samuel Red Clay, Ga., Sept. sth. 1882. The Georgia republicans have harmon ized on one ticket, with Col. Forsythe, of Rome, for congressman-at-largo. The republicans of this county, held a meet ing last Saturday. W. n. Beckner Wants to sell his entire stock of Goods, consisting of Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes. The stock is all fresh and new, and bought at cash prices. J. W Bogle will, in a few days, have the largest lot of stoves ever brought to Dalton. They were bought directly from one of the largest stove foundries in the West, and will be sold cheap. The only scientific Iron Medicine that does not produce hetujacho, Ac., but gives to the system all the benefits of iron without its bad ejects, is Brown’s Iron Bitters. Bob Springfield, while wrestling, Tues day broke one of his legs above tlie an kle. Fifteen hundred bushels of now rice have been received in Savannah. MY OLD HOME BY Mils. C. J. ECHOLS. That dear, dear old home, where many a time and oft, a prattler, I have lisped my gladness and wept my childish tears. It stands there motionless and feeling less, yet all unconscious as it is, it seems to me, at least, or I fancy, that it looks lonely and sad at being left by those whom it so long sheltered—those too, neath its roof have known true happi ness. Sweet home, though stranger heartsnow beat around thy hearthstone, where a short while since, the bosoms that were dearest to me bounded, though far from thee now, thy walls which have often rung with my gladness are still be fore me, the dear old room where morn ing and evening we met to pray, is unfor gotten ; and even the sacred chiar where my sainted mother sat next to father is treasured in my memory yet; the grassy yard around thee,where the faith ful .dog watched, the frolicsome kittens played, where the gentle cows came to be milked, and the careful hens gather ed their brood, and where the swallows chirped,all, all are dear to me yet. Could thou speak, dear old home, thoucouldst tell of happy, “bygone hours,” —and sad ones too; thy walls have witnessed the departure of spirits too from clayey cas kets to a home elsewhere. Sacred to mo then for this if naught else thou hast looked upon happy bridals and hast been warmed, too, with the soft breathings of sweet babes. Thou hast looked upon sad partings and happy meetings hast witnessed in thy unconsciousness the coursing down of bitter tears, and hast, been gladdened and made merry, too, with joyous laughter. Dear home'; what hast thou not seen 1 all of life’s varying scenes from little babyhood to riper years, has been known to thee. Thou hast lookod upon a mother and father, as daily they led there little ones, four in number, to the hallowed altar place, and kneeling there; their earnest heart pleadings for God to bless them, to fit them for time and eternity, has been, if thou couldst hear, heard of thee. The bird like prattling of tender in fants has been known to thee, and thon hast sheltered bosoms in which the hopes,the longings,yearning, yes beauti ful hopes of manhood have nestled. And thou hast marked the seals which time set upon treased hearts and brows, the deepening of blossoms which once seem ed kin to the beauty of a sun pinked peach. Thou has seen all these; and yea, more, thou hast witnessed, if the uncon cious gaze from thy senseless walls has ever inyaded heart sepulchre, where memory entombs the bnds and flowers she would fain encase from blight. Ah 1 dear old home, when I left thee, to be thine inmate no longer, my heart saddened, and my eyes filled with tears. I looked so often in my mother’s room, never so dear to me as' then ; and even the view from the window where she sat, had never seemed so beautiful, mourn fully beautiful. I hide me away ts other spots, loyelinked as they are with much of the brightest, yes the sweetest part of my life I can with deep feeling sing: “O! could these days but come again With their thorns”and flowers, I would give the hopes of years For those by gone hours * * I A medicine of real merit, perscribed by many leading physicians, and univer sally recommend by those who have used it, as a true tonic is, Brown’s Iron Bitters. ROMANCE OF A DRUGSTORE. Arts of Beauty behind the Babels—Purity tho Perfection of Fashionable Toilet, To the Public: We respectfully call your attention to our select stock of drug gists sundries. Perfumery. In this line we offer the finest goods manufactured, such as Lu bin’s, Lundborg’s, Wright’s, and Bald win extracts. Taylor’s, Hoyt’s, Aus ten’s and Pemberton’s colognes. Cosmetics. Prepared chalk white and tinted, Lilly white, Cascarilla, Tetlow’s Swan Down, Pozzoni’s white and flesh color complexion powder, Dorin’s rouge, Carmine, etc. Dentifrices. Perfumed Orris root and chalk, Layfield’s Oriental, Barne’s den tifrice, Sozodont and Florentine. Toilet Soaps. Cashmere Boquet, Ro sodora, Jesse Oakley, Windsor, White Castile, Tar, Carbolic, Military Walnut, and an endless variety of other brands. Brush Goods. Bristle and wire Hair Brushes, backs of Walnut, Satin-wood, Rubber, Rosewood, etc., etc. Also brushes for the teeth, nails, shoes, and clothing, and Bangs. Combs, Horn, Bone, Rubber and Ivory. Fine and coarse. Children's Goods. And for the little folks we have Chewing gnm, French harps, Teething rings, nursing bottles, and prepared food —such as condensed milk, arrow-root, soluble beef, etc., etc. Miscellaneous. Sponges for bath and carriages, Purses, Wallets, Chainoise skins, Canary bird food, Stock powders, Aniline dyes for worsted or silk goods, picture frames, and stationary, etc., etc. Call and examine, and buy. Dr. R. F. Wright Co. Parlor Drug Store. TUTT’S PILLS A SUGAR FLVM. Tutt’s Pills are now covered with a vanilla su gar coating, making them as pleasant to swallow as a little sugarplum, and rendering them agree able to the most delicate stomach. They cure sick headache and bilious colic. They give appetite and flesh to the body. They cure dyspepsia and nourish the system. They cure fever and ague, coativcnees, etc. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a box, BOOTS AND SHOES AT Retail and Jobbers PRICES. J. C. MORRIS & CO., Dalton, Ga.,No oh th f.Niatonal Hotel Exclusive Boot anti Shoe/ STOS'^ ! - SEEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn’t you rather feel fresh and strong? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you arc tired of that kind oflife, you can change it if you choose. How ? By getting one bottle of Brown’ Iron Bit ters, and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. »6,1881. Gentlemen :—I have suffered with pain in my side and back, and great soreness on my breast, with shoot ing pains all through my body, at tended with great weakness, depna sion of spirits and loss of appe. tite. I have taken several different tnedicinos, and was treated by prom inent physicians for my liver, kid neys, and spleen, but I got no relief I thought I would try Brown’s Iron Bitters; I have now taken one bottle and a half and am about well—pain la side and back all gone—soreness all out of my breast, and I have a good appetite, and am gaining in Strength and flesh. It can justly be called the king qf vtedicuut. John K. Allbnder, Brown’s Iron Bitters is composed oflron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung aud Kidney diseases. TUTTS PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER, lion of Appetite, Bowels Mmrtive, Pat* la the deed, with a dull sensation in the batik part. Pain under the ShoulMT tullncM after salina, with a dlsfn clinsMo® to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of tempor. Low spirits, with a feeUn* of having neglected some duty, HearK Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Hrtteeb* generally over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly oolored Urine, and CONSTIPATION, 'MITT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects sneh a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Inereaao the Awhettte, and csiws the body to Take on Flmb, thus the system ts and by their Tante Button on the IMuewUve Oieaiis, Becalnr Mwols are m duoed. Price 25 centa. * Wormy ta., W. T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. fI*AT Haib ob WmsKERi changed to a Glossy kb aex by a sln<!e application of this Dyb. It Im parts a aatvial color, acta InsUatansougly. Hold by Drngriata. er sent by express on receipt of M. •mm, M MtBRiY WKW TOML Car. TUTTS HSr*L W YalaaM. letera.Uoa ult twti a»Miet< vm s. w rnu a> wUmum./ Brick Work. I have returned to Dalton, and will attend to all brick work entrusted to me, promptly and reasonably. Isaac Thbailkill. CAINSVILLE AND DALTON Short Cut Railroad. COPY, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. State of Georgia, Dawson County. Bo ft known: That tho following Articles of Association arc made and signed on this the twenty-first day of March, in the year of onr Lord, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, by Robert F. williams and Jacob P. Imboden, re siding in the county of Lumpkin, in said State, and John L. Summerour, residing in said county of Dawson: ARTICLE I, Tho said Robert F. Williams. Jacob I’ Imbo den and John L. Summorour do hereby form a company, for the purpose of constructing, main taining and operating a Railroad, for public use in the conveyance of persons and property from tho cltr of Gainesville, in Hall county, in said Abate, io the city of Dalton, in Whitfield county, in said State, of abouteighty-flvo miles in length: said railroad is intended to be made through and into the connties of Flail, Dawson, Gilmer, Mur ray and Whitfield, in said State ARTICLE 11, The name of said company is and shall be ‘•The Gainesville A Dalton Short-Cut railroad compary” ARTICLE HI, The amount of the Capital Stock of said com pany shall be three million dollars, and shall consist of one hundred and twenty thousand shares. ARTICLE IV, Thosald Robert F. Williams, Jacob P. Imlio den and John L. Summcrour shall manage the affairs of the said company for the first year, and until others are chosen >n their place ’ ARTICLE V, Said company shall have a principal office and residence In Gainesville, tn the county of Hall, within said State. In tessimonv whereof the said Robert F, W 11- liatns, Jacob I*. Imboden and John 1. Summer our have hereto subscribed their names, place of residence and the number of shares of stock each agrees to take in said company: Robert F. Williams, 35,000 shares, resi dence, Auraria, Lumpkin county, Ga. Jacob P. Imboden. 85,000 shares, resi lience, Dahlonega, Lumpkin county, Ga. John L. Summcrour, 5,000 shares, resi- dence, Amicalola, Dawson county, Ga. State of Georgia, Dawson County. Personally appeared before. the Ordinary of said county, Robert». Williams, Jacob I’. Imboden and John L. Summcrour, who being dulv sworn, on oath say Hint the ” f deponents, subscribed to the Os Association. to I ponente, amt that it is ( !,. M rnU- the rail- / construct and to " ' r / road named in <ms. / I*. /MIIOOSN- / . S worn to »nd IM3 IIJCNHV c. pmvtfoll county » Wanted for Cash: ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE! I Dried and G-reen Fruits CABBAGE, POTATOS AND TURNIPS, DeJOURNETTE & CO. HOME AISKI) ~ fruit trees Tp OR SALE, BY 8. W, BACHMAN TILTON. Ga. ».000 Grafted Apple Trees, two years old next Fall, and first oinss in every respect Shockley, Jackson, Stevenson’s Winter. Winosau Mange, Limbertwig, Goss, Buckinham, Bell’ flower, Horse, Early Harvest, Red Juno. 10 cents Each, or $9 per Hundred. WIM c “» Standard Bartlett Pears trees, 40 cents each or three for fl. tsep 23 ’ Summer and Winter Resort. NATIONAL HOTEL, DALTON, GEORGIA. ’ J. V- A. LEWIS * SON, PROPRIETORS teT u?> I v A Ti lONA i\l 811,0 r Y c °K nlzo( l Headquarter* nl t °‘"E Men Bn ' l Commercial Travelers. U ALTON m the most important town on the o, ’ * . w 8 Place of some note a* a r . an,l y i J lter Ke « <>rt - Catoosa Springs, the Saratoga of the South, are dietant by rail only 16 miles and Cohnttah Springs which posaes*re markable curative qualities, are reached by a regular hack line. There are six mail train* daily, Iwo Colleges, male and female, are lo cated hero; also Churches of every denomina tion. Population ab out 3,000. R. E. PARKER, WITH Atkins, McKcldin & Co., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS, 35 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. 35 |sep24 lyj D. W. HUMPHREYS, A-ttorney-nt-Law, DALTON, GA. L. J. GARTRELL, _A.ttoi-Yicy-rit-La.Yv-, No. 8X Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. Will practice in the U. S. Circuit and District Courts at Atlanta, and the Supreme aud Supe rior court, of th, State. sepll ly McCAMY A WALKER, Attoreyß-at-Law, DALTON, GA, Office: Cornerof King and Penta ste. Practice in the various Courts of the State. Jelß om. DR. J. C. BIVINGB, Physician and Surgeon, DALTON, GA. Office on Crawford street, JyilS ly ZDZEd. ZR,. Will attend as Consulting Physician or Surgeot, In important cases in the counties of Whitfield, Gordon, Gilmer, Catoosa, Murray, Bartow land Walker. Charges moderate. Office at tho Par lor Drug Store of Dr. R. F. Wright, Dalton, Ga. DR. J. P. FANN, RESIDENT DENTIST, DALTON, GEORGIA. Office: Up-stairs on Hamilton Street, opposite National Hotel. Patbonage Respectfully Solioitib. .1. L. SCHULTZ A CO. DIALIRB IN Fresh Meats, Sausage, Etc., Hamilton St., DALTON, GA. /Jelß tfj JESSE HOLLAND, Livery and Sale Stable, DALTON, GA. Good stock and comfortable conveyance*, on most reasonable terms. jelt ly, EAST TENN., VA. A GA. RAILROAD. Important Change of Schedule—June 25, 1882. [Selma Division.! north. south. Mail, Accom’n, Mall, Accom’n, Lv <1:30 am. 5:36 pu Selma Ar 9:15 pm 10:00 am “ 0:45 10:40 Calera, Lv 8:02 4:45 “ 4:16 PM 7:45 am Rome, *ll:3»aM 7:30 pm “ 6:15 10:50 Dalton, “ 9:40 4:25 “ 8:18 l:3sPMClevelnd“ 7:00 2:20 “ 11:85 5:00 Knoxville “ 3:30 10:52 am “ 1:01am 6:40 Morrist’n “ 1:45 9:02 Ar 4:15 10:50 Bristol, 10:20 pm 5:00 [Alabama Central Division.! WESTWARD, EASTWARD. Lve 4:20 pm Selma Ar 11:00am “ 6:45 pm . Uniontown Lve 9:42 ain “ 7:oopm .Demopolis “ B:soam “ B:4spm York “ “ 9:20 pm Lauderdale 6:40 am Ar 10:00pm Meridian 5:3a am Mail train north connects at Calera "'ith L- A N. for all Western cities and with Romo at Rome for Atlanta, and at Dalton with W• * • for< 'hattanooga and pointe north, at Bru to N. A W. for all eastern cities. .ts-Wnm. Accommodation tndn X? «H »U- i connecting with L. <v N. at v . . f r Tenn : Pin cities. At Cleveland and Warm r I and V'a. summer resorts, no blg train ' Springs and other iu / / through t at / ( trnlnH for ***-