The Dalton argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-????, November 25, 1882, Image 3

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Slpt ,Vlver* iHinff . R» tes: ? 75 00 . r<Junir, 1 y e * r ’ 40 00 ’column, 1 J r ear ’ ' ... 25 00 •IIXH? S .SS 1 """■ ! b "‘ “ COUt1 ’Ht\> >li»g notices, nonpareil, monthly Sl^'* 1 local matter, 3 cents a line. changes, P* 1 ’ )rcvjer> 5 cents a line. Local No deviation. ° rC Ji te l n>sf<>r^l•^ ia,^’ositio,lS ■ sl,e 000 mostly local. Subscription Circuit'®" J 1 ’ xo teniw with de;u i i,eats. |,rk ' e He ilv we run no half and half trade. Elll pliatn-al b WRENCH. Publisher. rZmeLted to announce Samuel D. WK candidate for Sheriff of Whitfield Eloction tlrst Wednesday in January. , »< tai •miiounce J ESSE C. VAK* for Tax Receiver at the January election. January election. .ufi'iiT DAVIS announces himself as.acan aS’-VaxConoctorln the J.msn elec tion. FOR CITY CLEKK » v w daGN ALL is presented to Oniton. (or the office of City Clerk, at the December election. ,i n o\TIS, announces himself a candidate ‘‘.VJ'erk, ami solicits the support of the p£ploo/Ulton. Election m December. 1) SiIOLL announces himself for city clei k, at the December election. We ire requested to announce AMOS SOUTH j. an n tor coroner of this county, at < he .1 an uary election. Reduction in retail price of School Books, at Stationery and Book Store of W. M. Haig & Co. fall and see for yourself; price low as they can be bought anywhere. Country Merchants and Teachers are Infor med that W. M. Haig & Co., Dalton, can fur nish any of the Standard School Books, now used in thia section, at publishers’ wholesale prices. They cannot be undersold in any market. Send your orders, or call at store, Hamilton st. If vou want a good Lamp cheap go to Sloan & W alker’s. . TUTT’S PILLS A SUGAR PLUM. Tutt’s Pills are now covered with a vanilla su gar coating, making them as pleasant to swallow as a little sugar plum, and rendering them agree able to the most delicate stomach. They cure sick headache and bilious colic. They give appetite and flesh to the body. They cure dyspepsia and nourish the system. ’I hey cure fever and ague, costiveness, etc. Soid every where. 25 cents a box, «• BU( HUPAIBA.” Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney,Blad der and Urinary Diseases. sl. Druggists, Rev. J. W. Lee. Last Sunday was the last preaching of Rev. J. W. Lee, at the Methodist church, before conference, and at the morning service he delivered one of the best ser mon’s we have heard in a longtime. It i. the very general wish of our citizens that he may be returned to this station, as we are tire sure that it is of his mem bership. Rev. T. A. Seals. Rev. T. A. Seals leaves next week for Conference, which convenvenes in La- Grange on the 29th inst. No people was ever served more faithfully, zealously and efficiently than this beloved man of God has served the Methodist Church at this place, lie has received some sev enty-seven members into the church this year, and assisted in several revivals here and eleswhere. We trust he may be returned to his present charge by the Conleretice, for certainly nothing would please our entire people belter.—Mari etta Journal. 1 here is not a house in town that can show you a lietter and more reliable stock of gents and boys clothing than I). Ji. Loveman’s. If. A Hymenal Happening. Yesterday morning Mr. Charles C. ihorn and Miss Imogene S. Parker '’ t ‘ t united in the holy bonds of wed lock, at the residence of the bride’s fath «r > J . 11. IL Parker, Esq., 144 McDo nough street. The beautiful ceremony of the Catholic church was performed by ’ H ‘ pi test of the parish in a most im pressive manner, after which an elegant r> past was served, which was partaken of oy the large assemblage. The happy Pa i received the hearty congratulations of numerous friends. Many handsome 'm i upeth wedding presents were ex "bited. The groom and bride departed lliwphilus Trevitt, of this city and on the ni" 1 " aterR ’ of iio| ne, married T>e v ° *’ tlie reßi<,enee of the bride. eCt g, '; , :? ,le Wer « "eleome.l into hearts of the “old people,’’ bv a re the'even 1 ‘J 0 " 10^3 ’ F ‘ Trevitt, on large nun l” ° IGth ’ at wllieh a XX ItOU yoUng Pe °* Dalton hov i lhee. was a model lual comnli’ i and t heartil - v mu- pooling of t' Uen * to th ® cou P le 0,1 the ’-'H ni e 7. CO,nU,On j ° J ’ 8 and 111 “>es future trail way. •has Fannie Mayson M,.\r i , «of Capt. j. M Af «e, daught- ’narried to Mi /* ' lee > Canton, was Judge Brown * ® rown » 800 <>f . ° Wn ’ on the Wth inHt . hoi "e, inarr'i^l’'m 0 ° f Da,ton ’ now of o’clock, in ....; ‘ ,in * morning at 4 ’■ Oll ueetion bv r' ' " Ulke a southward •S.lf M >tl,eear >y train. A "" i '“\Vni, 1 L l |' , ' y ’ Mac °n, anil Miss I, .., „ latter |. ts . o' *,' 1 l * ,e residence of AJcCull. aßtMonda y.byiiev. W. c. There are 146 counties in Georgia. The festive tramp is now on his south ern tour. Tax collecting in this county has been slow. There is still a dull feeling in trade circles. J. B. Gudger visited Chatttanooga last Tuesday. The city registration books will soon be closed. The doctors are growling at the health of our town. The Dalton cotton compress is mak ing a regular run. A November snow storm is a new wrinkle for this section. The western fever has about run its course in our vicinity. The city election is only’ seventeen dwys off —Dec. 13th. A case of small pox is reported near Casville, Bartow county. Charley Thorne and bride took supper at the National Wednesday. There is very little important business before the legislature so far. The Suuday-School children should have some Christmas fun. Our railroads indicate a lively travel southward, in all directions. Dalton has had quite a round of strange visitors the past week. We know an Atlanta editor who gets his button hole boquets at Dalton. All kinds of country produce has made a perceptibleadvance in prices. As a rule most of our farmers will be able to live at home next year. Election tickets printed at the Argus office, at lowest rates. ts Chattanooga has the mumps, and is to have a new 100-ton blast furnace. The North Georgia Conference meets at LaGrange, Wednesday, 39th inst. A bill to introduce compulsary educa tion is another advance step for Georgia. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving day. The bank and post office will observe it. Last Sunday was the first visit of two bridal couples at the Methodist church. Senator Jones has our thanks for a copy of the comptroller-general’s report. Whitfield county has paid into (be State treasury fur the year 1881, $8,246.- 68. The Chattanooga papers assert that there is no small pox epidemic in that city. One of the rural minors of our vicini ty’ is that a car load of small pox passed through Dalton this week. It is now pretty well settled that the Legislature will adjourn next Saturday, to meet again in July of next year. Ralph Ellison requests us to state that he is still in the field for sheriff, and will continue till the day oi election. The annual conference of the M. E. church met at Resaca, last Thursday, Bishop Andrew presiding. He will preach to-morrow at 11 o’clock. All invited. Mr. Lupton, the new lessee of the Ex change hotel, has spent the week in cleaning and refitting the house. It is now open for business under the most favorable auspices. The Comptroller General’s report shows that the city and town property of Whitfieli county, for the year 1882, is valued at $470,653, an increase of $29,915 over the previous year. Tne E, T. Va. & Ga. R. R., will sell round trip ticket good till Dec. 25th, from Dalton to Washington city, to par ties wishing to attend the national me chanical and art exhibition for $25.55. Come and see our large stock of unlan dried Shirts, the best in the market, at D. R. Loveinan’s. ts. It is estimated ihatthe liquor dealers of Georgia will pay into the State Treas ury, next year, taxes amounting to §50,- 000. The Chattanooga authorities admit the existence of a number of small pox cases in that city, but deny the exagera ted reports. Local candidates are slow to announce their names. They may as well under stand now that this is the only true way to convince the voters that they are real ly running. Boots! Boots! Allmost acknowl edge that the stock of Boots is the cheap est and best in this market, at I). K. Loveman’s. ts. Cleveland quarantines against the small pox at Chattanooga. Also adopts compulsory vacillation. Masonic. Ata late meeting of Dalton lodge the by-laws were so changed that the regular meetings now occur once a month, on rhe second Monday night in each month. At the next regular meet ing in December the election of officers for the ensuing year will take place. All members in good standing are re quested to te present. Store Room for Rent. The brick store room, now occupied by Kinger Manuf’g company is for rent for the year 1883. Apply to 3t Miss Cornelia Holliday. All persons indebted to the Argus for subscriptions:—Well, we expect you to come right in and pay up. The post-offie department requests persons sending newspapers by mail to write their names and address on the wrappers. Youthful vigor and business horse sense can both be had in the municipal race. There are representatives of both good qualities in the field. The Constitution says it is reported that the visit of Colonel E. W. Cole to Atlanta last week will lead to important developments in railroad circles. On motion of Senator Jones, a resolu tion in relation to the Western and At lantic railroad lease was taken from th<» table and referred to the committee on the judiciary, Tuesday. Editor Argus: Please announce the candidacy of the following Board of Al derman for the year 1863, as the choice of progressive Dalton: Pnul B. Trammell, R. P. O’Neill, John Black, James B. Gudger, George Hamilton, Wm. G. Smith. The Post office department has taken steps to suppress the correspondence of the fraudulent marriage associations. They have been the most transparent swindles that ever entrapped the wary. The bill providing for the consumma tion of Senator Brown’s generous gift of $50,000 to the State University has been made the special order for Tues day next. The University needs the money, and it is to be hoped that the Legislature will see its way clear to util izing it. —Post Appeal. After you have bought Shoes all around, and get tired of being humbug ed. Call on Herron & Son for they’ car ry the Boss Shoe Stock of Dalton, prices guaranteed.—Sept 23.-ts In redistricting the State, 15,400 in habitants is the basis of apportion ment. The Seventh Congressional Dis trict has 14,614, in excess over that num ber Cherokee county has a population of 14,325, which if taken out of the Sev enth and put in the Ninth will make the Seventh about right. Rev. Geo. D. Harris, who has for several years popularly held the posi tion of pastor of the Baptist church at this place, has relinquished his charge to accept a leading position in the en gineer corps now engaged in making the final survey of the East and West railroad. The church, we learn, will not elect a pastor to supply his place un til January.—Cedertown Advertiser. Calender’s Colored Minstrels, atTrev itt Hall, last Thursday night, was the best ever at Dalton. It was simply a rehearsal of the inimitable of the negro in all his grotesque phases of life. From beginning to end it was a carnival of comical characteristics mirrowed to life, without a solitary indecency. Mr. C. F. Hodge, of Bristol Tenn., is opening up a first class Photo-Art galle ry, in the Moore and Manley building. This gentleman is renowned for his ar tistic ability, and deserves the patronage of the public. Physicians say it combines all the de siderata of every ferruginous tonic pre scribed bv every school of medicine. Brown’s Iron Bitters. A Disastrous Wreck. A collision occurred near Pinsons’ yesterday bet ween one and two o’clock in which, we learn, seven freight cars were a total wreck. About 11:30 yes terday morning Nos- 3 and 130 freight trains left on schedule time, No. 3 be ing in advance. Near Pinsons’ No. 3 stopped, and while waiting was run into by 130, with the above stated re sult. No. 130 was engineered by Mr. Stohe, while No. 3 was in charge of Mr. Pearsons. Notwithstanding the wreck was a disastrous one, no one was seriously injured. The debris has been cleared away and the regular runs will bo made to-day.—-Rome Courier, 19th. Guanno notes are now past due and we desire that our customers will come in and settle Mr. Lampkin has the notes. B. Woodard. When the United States senate meets in special session in March next., there will be one vacancy from New Hamp shite. Senator Rollins term expires on the 3d of March next, and the next leg islature does not meet until June. On the4thdayof March, therefore, there will be only 37 republican senators, 3b democratic and two readjusters, Mahone and Riddleberger from \ irginia. 1,500,000. While the democratic party has been receiving the above majority, in the ag gregate Brown & Rushton, were receiv ing the largest assortment of Gold, and Silver watches, Clocks, Jewelry of all kinds, Silver plate ware, Crockery and Glass ware, ever brought to this city. Ladies are particularly invited to call and examine. Sheet Music at Acts, per copy. The Dalton Steam Ginning ami milling Co., has hern refitted, and is now run ning in full blast for the custom trade of the season. We have employed Mr. Ar wood, one of the most experienced gin ners of this section. Either he or Mr. Miller will be on hand at all times to take in cotton and corn. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have changed our mill ing days to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. For Sale. Grape vines. Strawberries. 4,000 finely rooted Concord Grape vines ready for immediate transplanting. Several thousand Sharpless strawberry plants. Vines and plants warranted to name and ftt one half the price charged by nur sery agents. Henry Schoellre. CRACKER CREATIONS. Ckrehtily Condensed, Clip’4 and Credited Out of the 1,243 convicts in the Geor gia chain-gang camps, only 113 are whites. Georgia’s representation in the senate of the 48th congress w ill be equal to that of any state in the union. Fifty-one women arrived in Atlanta on the Air-Line train on Friday on their way to join the Mormons in Utah. They were all from Northeast Georgia. Spalding county farmers are improv ing the breed of their cattle. Several stock farmers are breeding Jerseys, and in a tew years quite a change will be ap parent in the rising generation of cattle. Georgia legislators are furnished with tickets over the railroads of the state every Saturday, and the Augusta News says “the rush for the clerk’s desk after adjournment is as fine a sight Us r cir cus ticket seller wishes to see in a life time. The county commissioners of Floyd county have arranged with the ministers of Rome to hold religious services at the pauper house and at the chain gang stockade every Sunday afternoon at four o’clock. There is an evident disposition on the legislature to transact all necessary bus iness as speedily as possible and go home to receive the thanks of their con stituents. A newspaper correspondent savs that the Dmeoeratic leaders in Washington are prattling very little free trade non sense at present, and that they are gradually committing themselves to a modified protective tariti. The grand jury of Bibb county propo ses to have an investigation into’the case of a couple of negro convicts now on the Bibb county chain gang, who have been cruelly whipped and beaten by those having them in charge. Bishop Kavanaugh, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, arrived at Co lumbus on Saturday last. He is on his episcopal tour among the conferences, and will preside at the South Georgia Conference, which meets in Albany next inoiith. Owing to the large and unprecented at tendance at the county schools in Gor don county the past’ year, the School Commissioner states that the public school fund will not pay near as much pro rata as it paid last year. Mrs. Mary Allred, mother of John Allred, of Floyd county, died on the 14th inst. Her age was 103 years and 6 days. She was a native of South Caro lina —moved to Georgia about 80 years ago, and to Floyd county some fifty years since. The Coffee County Gazette exultingly says: “Coffee county has no prisoners in her jail, has had no Sheriff sale in six months that we know of, has no bar rooms or loafers with in her borders, and is at peace with the world generally. We challenge the State to beat that rec ord.” A flagman of the Georgia division of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia Railread was killed near Rockmart, Sunday week. It seems ho had been working very hard for several days and was worn out. Sunday he went to flag down a train to give special orders, an I arriving at his post a little in advance of time sat down on the track and fell asleep, and while in this condition the train came by, running across his b >dy, mangling it dreadfully, and causing in stant death. Notice of Local Legislation, Notice is hereby given that at the en suing session of tlie legislature a bill will be introduced with the fol owing captive: A HILL, To be entitled an Act to alter and amend the road laws of this state so far as they apply to the county of Whitfield, and to authorize the Ordinary and Board oi commissioners of roads and revenues of said county, to levy and collect a per capitar and property tax for road pur poses. Charles E. Broyles. Oct. 21st, 1882. “What station is this ?” asked a la dy passenger of an English tourist near by. Looking out of the window and reading a sign on the fence lie replied : “Rough on Rats,’ I guess, mum.” —The Eye. “ROUGH ON KATS.” Clears out rats, mice, rokSheS. flies, ants, bed- 1 bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Drug gists. '■'o rs’TiPATto?* is a disease make’ - snd leads to indigestion, acid stomach, heart burn, fevers, biliousness, sick headache, torpidity of the liver, colic, inflammatory diseases, nervousness, loss of appetite, etc. These can all be removed by the use of Bailey's Saline Aperient. ‘‘Tough on Chills,” Cures 5 ccsesfor 25 cts. in cash or rtsnipa. Haded by John Parham, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. J. W. Gibbon, of Ark., ■writes : i “For many years my wife was asuilerr r ' from a terrible female complaint that baf fled the skill of al 1 physicians around me. She used Dr. Drcmgoole’a Enfllikh Female Bittern, they cured her sound and veil, and I do not hesitate to say, they saved her life. ■ THE CONSTITUTION,” FOR 1882-3. Is better equipped in every sense tha-n ever be fore to maintain its position IN THE FRONT RANKS OF SOUTHERN JOURNALISM. It calls the attention of the reading public to tlie following points that can i>c claimed. Namely, that it is 1. The largest and best naper in Georgia, Ala bama, the Carolinas. Florida and Mississippi. 2. More reading matter than any paper in the South Atlantic States. 8. The fullest telegraphic service and latest news. 4. The brightest, best and fullest correspon dence. 5, The completcst election returns, 1. Verbatim Legislative reports. 7. official Supreme Court reports. The great Georgia Paper—Better (han Ever. No intelligent Georgian can do without it. Every Georgian should take » paper from the Capital during the next thmcniouths. The Daily Constitution $lO per armum; $2.50'1 months; SI.OO 1 month. Weekly 41.50 u ye.n . <■ mb of 10. $1.25. wish free copy "<> getter up o <iob; ciubs <>f sosi.oo. “ A . THE COXSTf i U * IO.N. dn*». Atlanta, Ga, I COTTON SEED WANTED AT ONCE! DeJOURNETTE & CO. Will pay highest market price for all Cotton Seed brought to them. STAR CANDY FACTORY. J> SEEMAN & CO. MANUFACTURING CONFECTION FRS, WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS, AND F A.IN C Y GHOCERS, NO. 321 MARKET AND 232 BROAD ST.. Represented by ) ■J. \. Tibbs: | CHATTANOOGA, TENN. L. J. GABTRELL, Atforiiev-tit.Ln w, No. By, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. Will practice in the U. S. Circuit and District Courts at Atlanta, and the Supreme ami Supe rior courts of tin- State. s epl" ly DR. J. P. FANN, RESIDENT DENTIST, DALTON, GEORGIA. Office: Up-stairs on Hamilton Street, opposite National Hotel. Patronage Respectfully Solicited. D. W. 11 UMl’li REYS, A.ttovii<»y-jit-La w, DALTON. GA. /mWWMh- |ASENTS WANTED FORI ] Buibracing the Lives bd<l L Wonderful Adventures of Wild Bill. Buffalo Bill, California , exay Copt. Payne, Capt. HSbWK - I Gon. ral Custer, 111111 oU ' er f rpnt In<li»i> n inn i ■ Srouu. Hunters and WILP BILI - 'Guide,. Thrilling Adven tures on the Plalnel Grand Buffalo Hunts! Fights with Indiana! Desperate Adventures! Narrow ■scapes! Wonderful Shooting and Riding. Wild Life in the Far West. One Ilundied l.iustnuioiid 1 Full-Page Color ed Plates! Grandest Book for Agents! Outaella Every thing! Endorsed by Gen. Merritt, Buffalo Bill, and other Heroes. No Competition! 648 pages, price ttXO. Canvassing Outfit fiO cts., stamns or money. Illustrated Cir culars Free. Write at once for agency to HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, Author of “ Border Outlaws,”—“ Metropolitan Life I Unveiled,’*—Etc. McCAMY & WALKER, Jkttoreyss-at-ILii'w, • D ALTON, GA, Office: Corner of KimGi nd I’enfzsts. Practice in the various Courts of the State. jelß dm. IDZR,. JR,. ZF.WPtTG-HCT Will attend as Consulting JPli.vt'iioiit i» <»v S u i-<* o 11, In important cases in the counties of Whitfield. Gordon. Gilmer. Catoosa. Murrav. Bartow am. Walker, ('barges moderate. Ofli<-e at the Par lor Druv store of Dr. R. I l ’. sVright, Dalton, Ga. licNldcin'e just in rear of Parlor Dnig Stffou, OW ECOKS. STAND ABD Books 0 BAB 2 QNZS and CHEAP. Send stamp for Qatalcgue. Address, , CURIOSITY SHOP, 8. E. Cor. 4th *nd Wxahiagtoa Art., ST. LODI3, MS, DR. J. C. LIVINGS, Physician and Surgeon, DALTON GA. Office on Crawford street. Jel* ly JESSE HOLLAND, Livery and Sale Stable, DALTON, GA. Good oto<*k mid comfortable conveyance*, on niotd rcaHonnhle terms. jeis ]y ftOTiOEI! ■tlTUl lx - sold, at Public sale, to the highest bid >V der, Thursday, Nov Ihh, a small, valuable, well improved Farm, 140 acres, situated in the loth district of W'ldtfleld county, « hereon E. S. DEAN now lives. Also Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Wheat, Farming Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, in fact evefthing on the farm. Termsof sale of land: One-third Cash, balance, 1, 2 and 3 years, at 7 per cent interest. For fur tiajr particulars address E. S. DEAN. Beaverdale. Ga. 4.G IO TS WAN r rid) FO3 HEROES OF THE PLAINS, Ky W. BUELL. Embracing the Lives ami Wonderful Adven tures of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson, Capt. Payne, Capt. Jack, Texas Jack, California Joe. And other celebrated Indian Fighters, Scouts, I Hunters and Guides. A true historical work of : thrilling adventures on the planiM. an<l in " tarn progress and civilizatmii Ughts with fn i dian- ! Grand liuffalo Hani- De-perate \dvcn lure*' Narrow Escape*! Wonderful shooting , ilid hg! Wild Life in the Far Vest] i Illustrate ms! 16 Full-page < <-‘-q-l fines' V grand book for Agents. < uWells N?4V.’< *L [ New* YuiK. CASE FOR Chickens, Eggs, Butte/, oionsrs, IRISH POTATOS OATIS&Bro., Hamilton Street, Dalton, Gr. CHICKASAW ROUTE. MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON RAII.HOAm ABSOLURELY the SHORTEST LINK By many miles, to all points in Middle and Northenflvxi s This is the line that first inaugurated the sale <,f Emigrant Tickets to Arkansas, Texas and the Northwest, hence it is preeminently THE EMIGRANT'S FRIEND. The evidence of those who have “gone befero’’ ol th:- superior accomodations afforded by this line, to families moving West * is so conclusive that it has become known as the emigrant's fa ionfe Htute. Children under 5 years of age tree: 5 years old ami under 12, halt fare. 150 pound of Be-vege to each full ticket, and 75 pounds to eachk.or ticket free. First-class and Emigrant Tickets, via this line to all points in ArkfUiSas, Texas. Missouri, Kansas, etc., an be obtained at all principle ticket offices in the south. BAGGAGE CHECKED THRUOGIf Lve Dalton Ga 4.47 am 5.34 pni “ Chattanooga Tenn 5.30 am 8.10 pni “ Stevenson AJa 10.00 am sut pm “ Decatur •• 1.20 pm 1.00 am Arr Memphis Tenn 9,15 pm O.u am J. M. SUTTON, Passenger Agt., Chattanooga. T. S. DAVaNTj Ass't Gen’l Passengt rjAgl., Memphis, Tenn. GAINSVILLE AND DALTON Short Cut Railroad. COPY, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION State of Georgia, Dawson County. Be it known: That the following Articles of Association are made and signed on this the twenty-first day of March, In the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, by Roliert F. Williams and Jacob I*. linlxxlen. re siding in the county of Lumpkin, in said State, and John L. Sununerour, residing |u said uonuty of Dawson: ARTICLE I, The said Robert F. Williams. Jacob P Imbo den and John L. Summerour do hereby form a company, for the purpose of constructing, main taining and operating a Railroad, for public use in the conveyance of persons and property from the city of Gainesville, iu Hall county, in sai l state, to the city of Dalton, in Whitfield connty. in said State. of’alxiut eighty-five miles in length: said railroad is intended to' lie made through and into the conn ties of Hall. Dawson, Gilmer, Mus ray and Whitfield, in said State. ARTICLE H, The name of said company is and shall Isj "The Gainesville & Dalton Short-Cut railroad company - ” ARTICLE HI, The amount of the Capital Stock of said con.- pany shall be three million dollars, and shall consist of one hundred and twenty thousand shares. ARTICLE IV, Thesaid Roliert F. Williams, Jacob P. den and John L. Sununerour shall manage the affairs of the said company for the first year, ami until others a’ - *chosen m their place ARTICLE V, Said company shall have a principal office n - i 1 residence in Gainesville, in the county of Hally within said State. In testimony whereof thesaid Robert F. W I liams. Jacob P. Imboden and John L Summer- - I our have hereto subscribed their names, pluci of residence and the number of shares of etoek each agrees to take in said company: Robert F. Williams, 35,000 shares, I <-••*- dence, Auraria,Lumpkin county, Ga. I Jacob P. Imboden. 85,000 shares, irtl- deuce, Dahlonega, Lumpkin county, Ga. John L. Suinmerour, 5,000 shares, resi dence, Amicalola, Dawson county, Ga. B>aT6of Georgia, Dawbon County. Personally appeared before the undersigns f/ the Ordinary of said county, Robert F. William 1 , Jacob P. Imboden and John L.Nummerour, wff> being duly sworn, on oath say that the aamos or deponents, subscribed to the foregoing Arvides of Association, are the genuine signatures of de pononts, and that it is intended in good faith rff omtrtet and to maintain and operate the tail road named in said Articles of Association. Robert F. Williams. Jacob P. Imboden. John L. Svmmeboub. Sworn to and subscribed beforu me March, JI, 1882 Henry U. Johnton, Ordinary, - of Dawson eounty , wff EAST TENN., VA. & GA. Important Change of Schedule— Jane 15. !W». [Selina Division.] NORTH. BOITO. Mail, Accom’n, Mall, Aceowo. Lv6:3oam 5:85 I'M Selma Ar 9:15 r m 1«:ikd» “ 9:45 10:40 Calera, Lv 8:02 4:44 b 4:16 I'M 7:45 am Rome, ‘11:92 AM 7:80 rM “ 6:15 10:50 Dalton, “9:49 4:25 “ 8:18 1:35 pMClovelnd” 7:09 9:W “ 11:35 5:00 Knoxville “ 9:90 “ 1:01am 6:40 Morrist’u “1:45 9:»1 Ar 4:15 10:50 Bristol, 10:20»m 4:50 [ Alabama Central Dlvssien.] WESTWARD. ■ASTWAB”. Lve 4:20 pm Selma A» IkOvam “ 5:45 pm Uniontown Lve 9:42 aui “ 7:00 pm ...Demopolis “ 8: So aui “ 8:45 pin . York " “ 9:20 pmLauderdale. “ J. - 4-*» m Ar 10:00pmMeridian • 5:35»m Mail train north connects at Calera with 1 . X for al) Western’Cities and with Rome Railrosn " .Rome frn - Atlanta, and at Dalton with « . A ■it Chattanooga and points north; at Bristol n s ot ij W. for all Eastern cities. Accommodation train leaves Selma ait. »p »«. conne - ting with L. A N. at Calera, f or• all v •»•;- ecu cities. At Cleveland and Britton fur ■,nrt and Va. summer resorts; Norristown for Wi>m Snringsand other resorts in >. t. i. • .2 lOssee resorts are reached in d.v s hl. sr.d through connections for Norfolk and Old P «t Comfort. Both trams south connect u» Calera r. • and'v. A' , M g R 1 .“R r <T'».'t<"' Mobile, New Grleaae un p* Yi'r Reeffning Chairs on all nigkt trains. luilot M bkIDUBSi I)lr . hor m A. POPE. G. P. Ag’L Summer and Winter ecr NATIONAL HOTEL, DALTON, GEORGIA. ,y. Q. A. LEWIS * SON, PBOP«IKT'»»' The NATIONAL is the recogniMNl H for all Uadroad Men and Commercial 1 r *'’ ♦ ; 16 mil£, ami < obnttah * " , '"‘i" l, b*ck r hne‘' There «r<- mall tesl-w TYl'v oC< rnges. male amt tem-1-. » borer of every tion. about S.wth FOR SALE.' onv brick 11* , /M . -onte eml of ol /aO J w cU »