The Dalton argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-????, February 10, 1883, Image 2

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SXxruus. - --- - - . H. A. WItENCH. Editor and Proprietor KATVRDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1883. —lbb. -B-rr— ... - ■ Tiik public debt'luring the month «f | January was decreased by $1”,<>3G.582,-j The recent butchery of seven Aineri- i trait- in Me.tifo may call for an itivecr gat ion. I’hkkidknt - AiiTiirn declares that )>• will appoint no more negroes tootfice io t icorgia. A Ch ittamhhm man ha* pGer.i b « wife under h peace but s : • <**a whoop bitn up with her t«>ngw* au< t ><• same. How to Suit lite atm at the same time please the great body <>f the people is the average congressman is ansieos to find out Thr iHtito-i city council proposes to tax the Hill powers. 3>>»w aomeianly should tax thr <ollliril for oojlllg Ita dinam es on private walla and door fac ings. Tuuee maUionmvm werocaisdidairs for an election to the I‘nitud Htatew senate by the <’olorado iegitdlUtir*. and at .ml advice* the market price for votes was booming Tua frequent missing >d public records nt Info, with tin occbmuiibl burning d a . a court house, may, pomdldy be in svm- I pathetic aodhctdonve with defaulting ! state trenaurwra. Poitait is.fnst becoming a natiensl i game. TiiiuMmsen and Alaba ma have both adopted U officially. By the time the other taeMUrer’a have been in vestigated we tnny have a full flush. A Cibvki.and doctor denounces the base calumniators wl.e circulated the re port that be had answered the call of 1 humanity ami visited a case of small | pox. Now let the devil commence his jubilee. Tux iron makers of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, the rice planters of Georgia and South Carolina, the sugar growers of Ixniiainna ami the cotton mills of the entire south chime in one accord for a tariff affording incidental protec tion. Georgia is a progressive State. A Heathen Chinee in Burke county was notified by a gang of men that he must go, ami he went. Ho was ordered to ■ get out of the country, and ho obeyed | by going to Augusta. Gov. Stephkxs offered fifty dollars for the apprehension of a fellow who had assaulted his wife, and at last accounts the angelic creature was about to “nuike lip” with the brute. Guess she will ' claim the reward. Thu governor evi- I dently don't know some things much. There is no use for outside interference I in these little domestic rehearsals. - It will bo remembered that when General Ryan ami other American eiti- ' zens were put to death at. Santiago, Cuba, in 1873, the United States Gov ernment demanded an indemnity for the lives of the murdered men, and ► pain paid over SBG,OOO for that purpose. The mother of General Ryan has never' received her share of this amount, but 1 after ten years of waiting, a bill au thorizing the payment has just become n law. Diking the period of the south's tran sitory labor demoralization, the free tra ders had a strong argument for unthink ing people, in quoting the low wages of t iis section as an evidence of the south's ability to out-Herod the pauper prices of Europe in manufacturing. These low prices were ths bane es tho south, and the actual development now going on, is not only creating a demand for labor at good prices, but there is an actual scarc ity of amounting to general complaint on the farm. We like the wages. Thk Postmaster General on the 30th of January, issued an order forbidding the delivery of money orders or regis tered letters to the following named Chicago firms: Flemming A Merriam, R. E. Kendall & Co., Charles J. Henri A Co., Bennett, Holtzman A Co., and Cudworth A Co. These firms wore en gaged in a "fortune*'brokerage business, and it fa said that they have received, as much as ten thousand dollars a day from dcladed victims, who might as well have cast their money in the file or invested it in lottery tickets as to uend it to them. Proper who delight to recall that Lin coln whs a rail-splitter and Garfield a canal boy,are busily engaged in impress ing upon the public that Gov. Cleveland once sold newspapers; Gov. Pattison was an errand boy; the Governor of Texas began life as a hostler; the Gov ernor of Kansas originally drove oxen, and Gov. btoneman, of California, who had been a sailor, swept out a store in Croville for his l*oard. These exhibits are very creditable to the men who have risen to eminence from the ranks,but do they constitute a valid claim to consid eration by a national nominating con vention. The reecrd made by these gen tlemau ill office is to bo one inexorable test of their fitness for promotion, and all the rest is child’s play. The Governor's staff will bo in uni form at the Savannah Seaqui-Centen niai. 1 The telegraph bndgetted the news . ' I a Wisconsin wife murder, innrdrr ami ! anici'le in Nebraska, a wife niurxler in Massachusetts, a wife murder Bad sue cide of the huslemd, ta St. the - ' killing oftivc n»-n by ro ( v ? »■* Creo 1 | collision, the kiltiet* *4 ««••* and in jury of M-wral «tto* fey * IWsRJ fomt | train tW ; 1 liti-« of (Mrtm. <r«m iwnfl tojmy Hro I < utc by >h 1 Miooits Üb<r divvwn | •neo su viig<Htsi‘ 'HniiU.ii/ w<ar t* rvo swite trtfcsoiie. I>M oa Mjsv-jt ; vA-UM*' ♦. XiG- n.-t >..<■- fl i Ikß’-t,' ;<• MJ. iww, I mipim . < -■ •>e ' mnvnillreH uni last IHtte-ilcy. flic. Viuitln I'o.M-Wrcene t i -umisiltig irtg'lli mu' u* to •»viUi:m»t a th »och itipi’i* •oiiiitii ♦ |<>ng : rwumn ill Ulu rwur of tile rddtrr dailies. | Col. rhonHoti ban, tfie past. w*?ek pur hnwd tim Hvemng Hero d and w ill con imiw Is ,I'iimcHiioii Tlie rs w ishes hw twe» litihen i gr«n<i •access, as they dtMMNMRt. A.a :am » i.t all right at last. Sho ha* , receiv«wi a bran I-new Treasurer, and letter •: tie is a <ieorgian, named Kredruik Morton Smith. If Alabama will continue to select her Treasurers from Georgia and the Smith family nhe will get along without any further , trouble.—Post Appeal. LI Ironr wise law inakcrn had taken a few | moments thought, it might have occur- I red to them that the government had I beat supply a few of the more Important ' third class post offices with decent fix tures and eanvunivnees before reducing postage. Railroad advancement has been very rapid of late years, but the touch of ingenutily will never bo coniplet etill the i Pullman's introduce an undortaker's < car on all fast Inina. The profit of truck farming will be . vary largely put to a teat in this vicinity ' the present season. Our next want will be a Cincinnati vegetable and fruit car. Tiik number of wife murders reported from the north the past week, woald seem to indicate a curtailment of divorce privileges. — Another very cold "blizzard” swept oyer the Northwest on Thursday and Friday of Inst week. The snow was in many places from one to three feet deep, I and the streams solidly frozen. I A New York dispatch says that the ' schooner Henry S. Wilson, one hun -1 dred days out from Jacksonville, Fla., is believed to be lost, and that all on ! board perished. A bill has been introduced in the Mew York Legislature to repeal the ; j exemption of church property from ‘ I taxation. One or two other Slates have ; already repealed their exemptions of , i this kind. Church and State are in conflict at Fort Smith, Ark. The mayor forbade all public asaeihhlages on account of ti e prevalence of scarlet fever. The : Protestant Episcopal and Roman Cath olic pastors disobediently opened their churches for the usual services, and! were promptly arrested. The failure of the Iron and Steel Com pany of Chicago, caused a groat sensa tion thore. It was one of the most ex tensive establishments of the kind in ths country, ami did an immense busi- : i ness. Judgments and claims amounting to over a million dollars have been filed against it. CRACKEK CREATIONS. Careful ly Con<lrn*e<l, Clip'd anil Credited W. N. Dunbar A Co., Augusta, failed Monday, for |2f>,ooo. Hawkinsville merchants are paying farmers 05 cents per bushel for corn and are reselling it at 75 cents. There is plenty in amrket and not much demand. The Worth Star says: "It dogs were taxed three dollars a head, tiees and all, and a standing reward of five dollars of fered for every pair of eagle's claws and • very fox’s head, sheep raising would I soon be the must profitable industry in the county.” Forsyth has had another, fire, this time burning three stores and destroy ing about twenty-five thousand dollars ; I worth of property. There is only one storehouse in tho town now that has been standing over fifteen years, all the balance having been burned and rebuilt. The grand jury of Jefferson countv, in their general proseutinente, speaking of I the w holeseino effect of the operation of the prohibition law in the county say: "It is exee<‘dingly gratifying to us to note the decrease of crime in our coun ty. This healthy state of affairs is at tributable, in our judgment, to the ex i termination of whisky shops from our , county. With these cespoole of vice, corruption and crime removed, so are the chief causes of nine-tenths of the crimes committed. All law loving, law abiding citizens rejoice that these vile sinks of moral and s< < ial corruption no i longer flourish bi Jefferson county. No . longer do these rum shops contaminate ■ and debauch the young of our county. We thank God that He has, in His inti -1 nite mercy and goodness, enabled us to I i exterminate these foul sources of cor ruption that retard all moral, social and , | religious advancement. Let each and ' every good citizen of our county resolve ' i to stand 'firm as the rock of Gibraltar’ upon the prohibition platform. Then, i , when our work on earth is dune, and , when the places we now till are ottctipi ed by generations yet unborn, then will those descendants of ours rise upand call us blessed. Train up the youth of our comity in the prin ciples of temperance, I and whisky shops, with all their train of blighting curses, will be forever ban- : ished from the soil of Jefferson county.” , James A. Celser, Savannah, Ga., sav#: ; I “I have used Brown’s Iron Bitters for i indigestion mid have been greatly bene- ! I fitted.” IRGI S NEWS ANGLERS. I weal Haiar' and l<ap|H iiliig>> in the (waßtry 1 round Ua, ns Noted by Our special Rc|M»rters. X«*rv -\« • enliv 11 energy on tlie part of ’ *ph w-tst lut <4 correspondents, tlx- Ah<;cs • Jlp rw i.t Uh* mn»t ili'lll.trio'lH nne with an i I * 5-.,-: Wrlntrr’s itirtionary. worth <l3, in • '. > tvrio. < ngagi >1 ii|H>n, lie wants r Mrr.|»o>’l>-nt at every poatomcc, within a ra- i ■A - if Hh» mih-'of hslton. TUNNEL HILL. C. 1’ of Chattauooga, has U ught property here and will move bis i.itlier’a family here ooon. <hso. A. Winter, of the Rochester Nur -• ry, is supplying our people with fancy fruits for fall delivery. The senior partner of one of our grocery firms baa drawn out of thr lines and is preparing for the ministry. G. W. 11. COHUTTA. John Burris, a recent farmer near Co hutta, recently employed as a brakeman on the E. T. Ya. A Ga. R. IL, was crush ed to death Tuesday, while making his first coupling, at thia station. A full force of hands aro at work be- I tween Cohutta and Oultawah clearing | away the land slides. There were two more last Sunday. No trains have run since January 7th, ami Maj, McCracken thinks the way will be perminently opened by the 15th. FILMORE. Sunday schools seem to have gone in to winter quarters. M. P. Berrry and L. C. Quillian are anperintendants at l'l<-aaant;Grove, and I. G. Robertson and A. P. Dantzler at i Grove Le> el. Wake up gentlemen. A neighlrorhood wedding is talked of (or next week. W. If. Kirk la remaining at home with his father during the small pox scare. I. H. Robertson is recovering from a bail spell of typhoid malarial. James Kirke is terribly excited over catching a forty pound Ireaver. Miss Mattie Berry is teaching school near home, and Miss Mamie Roberts has gone to Rcaacca for the same pur pose. It is a pleasure to note the interest manifested in the cause of education in our neighborhood. Old Wild NORTONS. If the news from this section has to be boiled down there will be danger of its burning in the bottom of the kettle. Farmers are sowing every spot that is available in oats. Some few cases of typhoil fever in the neighborhood. , The measles have broken out in the I school of Mt. Cumberland. It opened this session with 150 students. A chance 1 for a good many speckles. Quilt piecing seems to bo an epidemic ■ among the feminine*; don’t know what it portends, unless it be the repairing of several new smokers. Quassia cups too are quite the rage ; cure every imaginary ill the human | flesh is heir to. Wonder if they are asthetic? Several holes baited in the river; may be able to send vou an enormous fish I tale by next week. Some gentlemen have been trying to get up logs enough to raft down the river. Rio. MURRAY COUNTY. From tliu Timos and other sources? Mrs. J. W. Patrie seriously ill. A ten pound boy—G. L. Moore. Trammell Star retires from the Times, I J. R. Hix assuming full control. | Total taxable property in tho county I for 1882 amounts to $1,196,425. Poll tax $1,427. It is said upon good authority that there is not a magazine or literary paper ; taken at this office. Deputy Marshal Thomas passed through the village Saturday night en ! route to Dalton having in charge Sam Si vers, against whom there seems to be an illict liquor accusation. Thomas Frisbie, Esq., on Tales Creek, in Gilmer county recently become par tially paralyzed and is now said to be ! insane. Married.—Mr. J. N. Shinholser,of this village, te Miss A. F. Lewis, at the resi dence of the bride's father. Mr. Joab lA'wis, of Gordon county on last Thurs day evening. r«.r renews. State Treasurer, I. IL Vincent, of Alabama, has left the State, his ac count being short about $217,000. Peor fellow, we pity him. He lacked the virtue of being content with his lot, and mad an effort to get rich. If be had succeeded all would have been well, but he failed, and is a criminal. I Is it to be wondered at that weak men do like Vincent ami Polk? They see men respected because they are rich, I no matter how they obtained their j wealth. They see the people honor ' men by giving them high official po-) sitions whose characters are blackened i by all sorts of crimiual conduct both j in public and private life. They see that money gives one all that high ■ ambition covets, and seeing this they I stake their all or' the chance us getting rich. —Rome Tribune. Cases of blood poisoning continue to be reported from the wearing of striped stockings. One of the victims has sued I a New 5 ork dry goods house for SIO,OOO 1 damages. SKINNY MEN. ‘Wells* Health Kencwer” restores health and viirur, cun's j>vlmpotence, Sexual l>e oility. 81. | Free of Colt. o By calling at Sloan & Walker’s drug t ! store you can get a sample bottle of Dr. Borenka's Cough and Lung .Syrup free of cost, which will relieve the mostob- . ! stinate cough or cold, and show you I what the regular 50 cents size will do. . ’ When troubled with asthma, bronchitis, , dry hacking cough, pains in the chest, and all diseases of the throat ami lungs, try a sample bottle of this medicine. 1.1. su - _ *- What Every Planter Needs A I’lnntvof Seeds, . 45 eta. per doz. Papers t ( ider MHI, . ■♦lt (XI to } So 00 A Wind Mill. 12-> 00to 150 00 [ A Fruit Ilryrr, 40 00 to 300 00 A Sulky Plow, 57 50 to (>5 00 A Hiding Cultivator, . . 37 50 ' A Walking Cultivator JO 00 A Wheel Horse link.-, 30 00 to 35 00 A ."STew PtltveriMT 135 00 to 210 00 A Field Holler, 45 04 to 75 00 . A One Horae Harrow, 600 to It 00 | A Two Horne Harrow. 950 to 22 50 ; \ Mower A l{eapcr.M-( oriniekg 135 00 to 300 00 A Two Hor«eTurning Flow, .. 750 to 12 (>9 A One Horse Turning Plow. .. 405 to 850 I A llaiman or Ferguson Plow Stock, . ... J 65 | A Feed (' u t ter, 850 to 85 50 I A Cot ton Planter, 10 00 to IS H A < orti Planter, 165 to IS 00 1 A Grain Drill 81 Mto 125 OR! A Good Churn, 644 to 20 #0 A Spring tooth Stilkcy, Har- row and Seeder combined, 71 00 A Fann Bell, 5M to 20 00 And w» have them for you. All warranted. 5 prr rent, discount for money with order. , .Jones' or Herlongo’ Cotton Seed at 42 50 per !>■. PLANT BEETS. W» hare a large Stock, and will sell cheap to start the ball. Better foraattle than Turnips, and especially good for Milch Cows. Blood Turnip Bceta, .per pound, Mr | Long Blood Beet. “ “ 70c Long Bed Mangold Worzel, ** “ 50c Round Glolte, •• “ “ “ 55c Golden Globe, ** “ “ *• 55c CARROTS MAKE YELLOW BUTTER fztng Orange Carrot, . “ “ 90c Large Yellowfßelgian. do “ “ 90c Four pound* will plant an aero. Teniatosa are Excellent for Cows Also <4 of a pound will plant a good patch Tic I of a pound Rattlesnake Watermellon wed 00c J Add IScta per lb. if to go bv ' Send for Price List of Field Seeds. Mark W. Johnson & Co. 27 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GA. WHITFIELD SHERIFF’S SALES. WILL BF.SOLD BEFORE THE COURT house floor in the city of Dalton, on the first ' Tuesday in March. 1883, between the legal l hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Righty acres of I and of!' of the soath end of lot laud No 161; three acres in the southeast corner j of lot of land number 160; flltcen acres off of the [ north side of lot of laud numtier 182, and one acre of lot number 183, said one acre being in tlie i nsrth east corner of lot 183, and east of the pub- i lie road leading from Dalton to Tunnel Hill; ; sail! parcels of land lying m a l>ody. all in the 12th district, of the third section of originally ! Cherokee, now Whitfield county, leried on as ' the propertv of the defendant 11. C. Hamilton, I byvirtueof all fa from the Superior Court of said county, J. A. R. Hanks, Admr. of D. A. Walker, deed., tb. H.C. Hamilton. Pro]>erty pointed out by plaintiff.—Pr. fees4.7s. Also, at the"same time and place, lot of land number2l, in the 12th district, and 3rd section, of said state anil county, levied on as the prop erty of J. If. Bissenger. by virtue of a fl fa state and countv, vs J. 11. Bissenger. Property pointed by H.C. Hamilton, agant at defendant. Levy made ami returned to me by J. W. Wilson, L C.—Pr. fe-42.45. Also, at the same time and place, one city lot No. 40. on Hamilton street in Dnlton. Ga.. front ing 25 feet, on said street running back same width one hundred feet as the property of Moun tain Lodge No. 27 lu<K pendent Onlerdf Oddfel lows. by virtue of a 9 fa from the .Justi-e court, 872 d diat.,G. M., Mrs C A Richardson, et al vs I. O. O. F. Levy innde and returned to me bv .1. P. Perdue, L. C., Jan. 16. 1883.—Pr. fee $2.85. Also, al the name and place, three acres, more or less, in the south east corner of lot No. 121, of the 13th district, and 3d section of Whitfield county, known as the McOwenmill lot. Levied on as the property of the defendant by virtue of a tl fa Whitfield Superior court. H. E. Green, use of Dalten City (>., vb. P, C. McOwen. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney, Jan. 31, 1883. —Pr. fee $2.70. S. D. POARCJf, Sheriff. EXECUTOR’S SALE. I will sell before the court house floor in Dal ton. Ga., on the first Tuesday in March next, by virtue of the power v rated in me, as the execu ! tor of the estate of the late Benjamin Lough i ridge, de’ced, lot of land number 292, in loth district. 3d section of Whitfield county, Ga. Terms half cash, balance in eight months with interest from date. W. R. Ul’GSkllKiF, Feb. 2, 1883.—Pr. fee $2.10. Executor. TUTT’S njxPE CTO RANT BggßgagßHaaassasßanKKßEßßSkara 1» oomposad of Hsrbal and Mucilaginous prod nets, which permeate tho substance of the Langs, oxpeetoratos tho acrid matter that collects iu the Bronchial Tubes, a»d forms a soothing coating, which relieves the ir ritation that COUMM the cough. It cleanaea the lungs of all Impurities, strengthens them when enfeebled by disease, Uivigor stas tho circulation of the blood, and brace* the nervous syetera. Slight colds often end in consumption. It la dangerous to neglect them. Apply the s-emady promptly. A test of twenty yean warrants the aster lion that aoremady has ever been found that leas prompt initeeflretea.TUn'B EXPICTORABT a elngle dooo rsUaae tho phlegm, eubdueo Inflammation, and its use speedily eurse the moot obetinato sough. A pleasant eordial, chil dren take it readily. For Croup it te tavaluatslo end should be in every faiiuly. In 9Be. and $1 Bottles. TUT~TS PILLS ACT DIRECTLY offTHTTIVER! Cures ChLHe and Fever, Dyspepsia, Bick Headache, Bilious Colic,Constipa tion, Khessmatlem, Files, Palpitation of the Heart, Diazlneoa, Torpid Liver, aad Female irregularities. If yon do not “feel very well,"eainglepiHat bod-tims stimulates the stouiaob, restores the appetite, imparts vigor to the system Fries. J6e. 3B Murray Bt . IV.T, fcTWMTt FOR TUn i MANUAL FIH.~CR Established IB£6. ENTERED THE UNITED STATES 1837. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. ' Net Fire Assets, over $5,000,000 | Invested in the Uaited States, over 1,000,000 I Deposited in Georgia 38,500 NEW YORK DEPARTMENT: I NO. 153 BROADWAY, NEW YOKE. HENRY H. HALL, Manager, ——. SPECIAL AGENT FOR GEORGIA: J. MONROE OCDEN, Macon, Ca. , 1 sxxxx IWo'enz K.e«3®fi.-cr3, 33! « a , MY FALL STOCK O'K' Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes si; ‘ ( ht’jmr I have Bought Low Eown, and cus (Trade Mark.] T ’ »» ' : . J* WAI KER J* alatte «twn to the B(}ot BOOT and in America. V w (^nS;:/ r, ' e fr,m «d 23F I AM SOLE AGEM' FOR T11F..-E ■ O’ ! I have a fulljline of Men’s, Boy’s ami Youth’s Clothing, ’ Cl <;k-. [i, na ,| also, a full line of Ladies' Misses’, audt hi'ilrons’ Shoes, anil fl. a. : Call amLsee my Goo<ls. They are New am! First < la. sin ;. .1 :: ; 1. . „ . . . , sold low down for the money. ’ sepß-82-ly Yo<i ~ Truly j. A. —y ... KBV. A. L WGitea:- r ”>, lF-Z TiSV - ’• L.TOWK3B. After a thorough trial of the Z *. T -, ‘ IRON TONIC, I take pleasure Z rz/A" 111., eayß: _ in atating that I have been Z "I consider It greatly benefited by its J e.< H Bwa 3a a f a cxeeHant remedy thr ttae. Ministers and Pub- 7 tho deUlitatad vital forces, lie Speakers will find it anau■ .—cfe.- of the greatest value > i v , -• v where a Tonic is neces- if f j f./ restorative properties irA ‘ Oct. 1,1%?. I**™ FUmiß BY ISA DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., 213 S. UAIH BT., ST. LOVI3. ■—w— ■ lll ■■■-■ "-i J-ll —n.’ ij l 4;^".i GMTTAKOIiA • ./Sf 7 Mmmf.u-turcfb of BEST Hl-TINEF) CAsl STEEL SAWS all work ri lly warranted. ALL.KINDS Or SAWSjtEPAIRKD. Satisfaction Guaranteed D2-2m CHATTANOOGA, TENN. & ■ i/A H KG.- . ■. ■ < ' a* ' g- , ■ J J SHIPWRECK! TERRIBLE LOSS OF LEfEi! Mother and daughter go down together. A lovely maiden leaps into etnrnity I and hnsbaada tons and daughters are wrecked and lost. Many rad hearu are left to rue uo the loex A bus baud Lid wife and daughter, a young man lost hia betrothed. A contemplation of those horrible “ wrecks ’’ work wonderfully upon tho mind. The thought makes one fbelaad. tfhe strain upon delicate female nervea is too great. A married lady of cur acquaintance wan bo wrought upon mentally that she became low-spirited and nod, io. i her ai petite, refund food, be came feeble and emaciated, nervous and fretful. Her friends inoisted that she ci Id not Hunk of klieso • wrecks so much, but she insisted that she was sick in reality, and took hot bi d. She soon Lad aches and nams, and worked herself into a net-work of female troubles, v' i vt.nt .rally cadel iu ehroiua female weaknesses and excesses and death. Another case in point was that of a young lady, fihe bad lost a friend and #oon became melancholy fcnn nervous, could not sleep soundly, her memory began to fail her, she lost all de. ire for company, hvr L a ’, n , y V* 8 brilliancy, her eye ite luster, her cheeks became pale, complained cf constant headache, ar i tt victim to a list of female troubles, hyftcrics, palpitation:., delirium, convulsions, and death. v iu case ® ®re of every day occurrence, ana these “ wrecksupci; female eooicty are frightful, 'a hoy should be remedied, aud there is a remedy within tho reach of all, and it is your duty to a; vly it. j on ® ne ®d complain, for dr. dromgoole’s english female bittern v. ill cure all nuch. A book is pub- Lshed giving details of all those “wrecks.” beud voui name to j. p. drumgoolc and co., louisville, ay., and get ono/>ee, Try KAILM’B SAULNE APE&I&NT fer EeadfsGreL aid nad g——no—awn i ■igvr-^4sr < Y^>..»»sex _ ’ ■ ’ Xt < r.- HSICBOiCI THE LIC HT-ST “ W NIK Q __ ♦ H I J istic That it is the acknowledged I.zadxb nt dizputed. rr. fOIH LISTOHST-E EQJTALIT P&Ow The Largest Arme.l, FU Running, Thu M >st 1> autlful Wood-w»rk. ■A SS AND IS WARRANTED -Ker - ' ~7\ 3tj MS: - % To be ?>lade of the best material. To tlo any and alt kinds of work. .Jai ~~ ~ > Je complete in every respect. For sale by T. A & S.E. BERhY, Agents Wanted in unoccupied Territory. Dalton, Go. 2 9 Address DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Richmond, —■■■HlM m I ... . - ,'K.. -TV» IQgIBLEY’SREEDSUi. - X AU' PLANTS, for AI.L CHOI'S, for A LI. CLi-'S AX ’ Cde JPY Y/ MATI-.S. All axe te«t,xl; onl? the --t r. i t out. ,/4 ' \ /I>’ x'Siv> X - Jka. Hroln and I'nnu Seed Manual; rod best met.u.i-<1 J NF N Wr /TT'lof culture < f Gn-tasW Car. t.:. ■F '■•r <?r 3 - ’ I I ' • iPlant-iur. etc. H>< t-. < ■: < ■ <-■< ( J’r.ce Li iot FGOS . several thotirr.nd varieties. FREE. , iii sibiey’sseeds HIRAM SEELEY CO. Rochester, N.Y. . ChicagoJiE —wwaw—k bawaae— riJEE*'** »e®MFa Summer and Winter Resort, it a" b BUSINESS i nivehsstt H BEiSSta Atlanta, C-’n. Kteirms B * "ARTIOM HOTcLi DZR.ZR.ZFLWZRZTG-IIT ‘• a Will attend as Consulting DALTON, GEORGIA. VliyKit’imi or Siirgeoon, In important cases in the counties of Wh'tfleld, ; „ Gordon, Gihner, Catoosa. Murray. IJartou J. <>. A. I.EWB A SON. » g,. a ,|,.unrtcr* Walker. Charges moderate, oilh-e at the Par- Tl: Nath. ■al i; ; therec >^ni ! ' e ‘ . r ra vel«rs- lor Drug Store of Dr. R. F. Wright, Dalton, Ga. for ail Kailroa l Men an.l commer • on tla Residence just in rear of Parlor Drug Stoc“, DALTON 1-the mo-t imperial- te M s L L_ _ W. A A. It. It. ami i- a place of spring McCAMY & WALKER, Attorcy«-Ht-LHNV, - -h. DALTON, GA, .. \I • . Tlwre nro ’ nr< » Oftlcc: Corncrof King awl Pcutzstfi. I’r.rtk • I 1 ' a’.— ini ot t'very ® e the various CourU of the State. j Gm. ’'' ~