The Dalton argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-????, February 04, 1893, Image 7

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TILTON TICKS. ..., W <«•■■« »» <-.p«r.-Tb. «... TiITOS Ga., February 2.-The general hejdth ofour people was never better, with Col lip Henrv, one of Oak Grove’s young ladies, was en- a vupilof Tilton High School rolled as 1 p] eaHe <l to learn other boarding pupils will Sr this excellent school at an early d The singing at Mrs. Cheatham’s Sun r •10 whs an enjoyable occasion, the music lovely, sung with the «“ d “ n TI?XnJ«y '«hool interest is on a , 11 uiiK-p it was reorganized with Rev. MSi superintendent, Capt Brown K ■ A.o Miss Lila Martin secretary and 31 simpler the best literature Good a .iltH tnav be reasonably expected. Cupid hfffi been cutting his capers in attain. Mr. Richard Green, and Miss Ella Adams were united in the holv bonds of wedded bliss last Sunday aftprnoon in the presence of a small fam afternoo , om 1H a prosper- K B g farmer ami stands high both and social circles, while the Mde represents fully those charms and 1 which make our Southern womanhood the fairest of the fair. We extend to them our hearty congratula te busines outlook of our merchants S C. Collins and sou say they never had a better cash trade at this season. W M Stovall says that trade is good. Cant Brown stated that business was dull with him, but he has been sick and has the blues any way. . T L. Finclier says trade is moderately good with him and when he has no cus tomers to wait upon he is breakink colts While wealt know what a thorough going fellow he is, still this last item of bravery and courage adds another star to his crown. Townsend & Gentles report business flourishing with them. . W R Greer states that he was closing out, and a little cash gets a big pile, as he intends going,west and will sell, further more, that he has the prettiest baby m U Rev. Mann will preach at the Presby terian church Sunday. VARNELL ITEMS. Nome Nick and Others Enjoying Them selves—A Sew Merchant. Varnell, Ga., February 2. Prof. Seymore, with the aid of his sister, Miss Maggie Seymore, is con ducting the school at this place, which promises to be one of the best in the county. Messrs. Brown and Wilson honored the boys at the Coal Creek church with their presence one night last week. Tom Calhoun, of Apison, Tenn., has been ih shaking hands with old neighbors. Dr. M. W. Speer, Chattanooga, with his charming bride,stopped last‘Satur day, for a few days. They had been to Florida on their bridal tour. We regret to say, that Mrs. E. H. Speer, is very ill. Drs. Boyd and Speer, of Chattanooga, are attending her. i We learn that one of Chattanooga’s ’young merchants is b-re to engage in business. We wish them much suc cess. Rev. Mr. Jackson, of Tunnel Hill, preached at the Baptist church last Sabbath. Some probability of him being called by the people as pastor. The clouds that overcast the sky to day produce quite a gloom, after such brilliant sunlight, in thought of the consequence, which will it be, rain or the much talked of ‘'snow to fol low?” But let us all hope together for pleasant spring weather. If you wish a nice pair of evening slippers, call on or send to Chattanooga Nioe Company. STAFFORD SETTLEMENT. Personal Points About People You Know. Rev. Mr. Gober preached an excel lent sermon last Sunday at Bethel. James Obarr, of Chattooga county, is visiting his father Samuel Obarr this week. Miss Fannie Burns is visiting riends and relatives at Resaca. 'V. g. Richardson will move to town soon. Chauncey Wells made a sho r t visit to Itesaca Monday. m. Henderson has moved on to ohn Camp’s farm. Revenue Arrests. United Stated Deputy Marshals Wm. - array and W. W. Mauldin tin* past *eek arrested Berry Dews, Arthur right and Ed Davis, all colored, in the rpt'uu'- °I Gordon county, for illicit » Arthur Wright was»bound of ti. i? Uommissioner H. C. Hamilton, n ’ an d seut 011 to jkil in Atlanta. ■ln S'T. two were leased- R'aida-i a . c °nnty these two officers an I > I and caught Bud Nelson tried U VV^ er ’ c °l° r ed- They were Tiieu.l ,e ’ ore Commissioner Hamilton and l a ' ? Q charge of illicit distilling •* oimnd over. THE ARGUS; DALTON, GA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1893. NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Nome the Week's Happen intra In Other Place*. James G. Blaine was buried Mon day. Only those invited attended the funeral. The northern press is paying the Rev. Sam P. Jones some very flatter ing, yet deserved compliments. A man by the name of James E. Berry, suicided in Savannah Sunday. Excessive drink led to despondency. Mrs. Dr. Felton has ceased her series of ‘-cards” denouncing Baptist and Methodist clergymen, and they still live. The Italian Umberto Pian tini.who shot himself and his step sister Selita Muegge, a few days ago in Atlanta, died at the Grady hospital in that city Sunday night. The girl is improving. Fred Schuman, a well known mer chant of Memphis, Tenn., killed,with arsenic, his daughter, aged thirteen, son aged nine and himself. Financial troubles, wfth hereditary insanity, the cause. Joe Bryant, an old negro, who occu pied one of the houses on, the pauper farm in Rockdale county, was burned to death a few days ago. It is thought the fire rolled down setting the house on fire. Janies G. Blaine’s confidence in his wife is shown by the disposition of his leaves, unreservedly, everything to her. She is to be sole executrix of the will. His estate will amount to SBOO,OOO. William of the oldest and wealthiest wholesale and retail shoe merchants of Augusta, died at his home in that city, from congestion of the lungs, Monday morning. He has been a resident of Augusta forty years. Cleveland will give Gen. Wade Hampton a fat place as soon as he is inaugurated. Wade Hampton fell fighting democracy’s battles against the populist cranks in South Carolina, and Mr. Cleveland thinks he deserves recognition at his hands. Ralph Davis, a lawyer of Memphis, and speaker of the Tennessee house of representatives, is charged with cheating and swindling a client, who has asked his debarment from practice at the hands of Hie Memphis circuit court. Justice L. Q C. Lamar was buried in Macon with imposing ceremonies last Friday. Many distinguished characters from different states weie present to do him honor. Beautiful eulogies were delivered by prominent men of his native state, all tender,true and touching. A pall is over the hearts of the entire nation. The wife of Mr. Will Harper,a farm er of Haralson county, killed herself a few days ago by taking strychnine. She lost a little child a month or two ago, which affected her mind and caused self-destruction. In a note found in her bosom, she requests that her husband and remaining child live with hpr mother. COVE CITY CHAT. What In tioinir on in That Lively Little Settlement. Cove Citv, February I.—Forest Black’s mill is in operation, and is getting a good custom. John Faith chiseled the rocks of this mill out of Cove mountain some twenty years ago. Misses Eugenia and Amanda Brad ford, Cove City’s charming belles, spent Saturday at A. J. Barnett’s. Silas George, whose injuries were mentioned in last week’s Argus, is still very low, and not expected to recover. Bill Stowers, who was cut three weeks ago. is improving, and will re cover. i Green Sloan, of Resaca, was here Jilonday. Mr. Ralston has bought a great many hogs for Callaway <t Bryant the past week? A. J. Barnett sold him several hogs and two dogs. Prof. Robert England, of Union, was here last week. A. J. Barnett, Jr., has a position as miller for Forest Black. Wm. Coker killed a mad dog last week. Jim Edwards was up from Resa<*a yesterday. Miss Anna Moony, of Rome ; Misses Ella and Dora Mariner, of Blue Springs; Miss Carrie Masters, of Cove City ; Miss Rooney, of Texas; W. T. Brewer, of Adairsville, and Jas. Mas ters, of Cove City, were entertained by Miss Anna Mote Sunday. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised’druggist o sell Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Coldfi, upon this condition. If you are afuicted w ith a Cough, Colds or any Lum , flirt at or Chest trouble, and will use this r medy ns directed, giving it a fa.rt rial and ex perience no benefit, you in iy . turn the bottle and have your money refunded. We coule not make this oft’e. did we not know tnat Dr. King’s New Discovery could be relied on. It never disap points. Trial bottie tret at S. J, Mc- Knight’s Drugstore, large s’ze 50 and $1 CURES RISING - - BREAST.. MOTHER’S FRIEND” offered child-bearing woman. 1 have been a mid-wife for mauv years, and in each case where “Mother’s friend" had been used it has accomplished wonders and relieved much suffering. It is the beat remedy for rising »f the breast known, and worth the price for that aloue. Mas. M. M. Brister, Montgomery, Ala. I can tell all expectant mothers if they will use a few bottles of Mother’s Friend they will go through the ordeal without any pain and suffering. Mrs. May Branham, Argusville, N.*l>. Used Mother’s Friend before birth of my eighth child. Will never cease its praise. * Mas. J. F. MoojlK, Colusa, Cal. Sent by express, charges prepaid, ou receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Sold by all druggists. Atlanta, Ga, Georgia. Whitfield Co. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned thaton the 6th day of April, isui. Nancy Carder, late of said county, departed this life intestate, and no person has applied for administration on the estate of said deceased, in said state; that a<t ministration will be vested in the clerk of the superior court or some other tit and proper per son on the first Monday in February, 1893, unless valid objection is made tosuch appointment. prin. tee $2.65. Joseph Boole. Ordinary. Georgia, Whitfield Co. B. C. Chase has in due form made application for letters of administration on the estate of Johnathan E. Crow, deceased, and all persons are required to show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted on the first Mondav in February, 1893. prin. fee th.7o. Joseph Boole, Ordinary. ESTABLISHED 1873. itr.sroi v.v i oilitv morh than 00,000.00 G. L. HARDWICK & CO., BANKERS, DALTON, - - . - GEORGIA, Our recor I is nearly twenty years of success ful business under same management. With ample capital and a knowledge of your wants we can serve you satisfactorily. MOUNAIN CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH COURSES. Dining Hall in connection with the college, Good boarding and room, tire and light fur nished, $3.00 per week. Students may enter at any time. Send for catalogue, WILEY BROS., PROP’S dalton Liven). Sale and feed Stable CALLAWAY & BRYANT, OFFER the very Best Livery Rigs for every purpose to’lie had in the oitv. Double and Single Teams for Evening Dri ving. Calls and Parties. Reliable Saddle Ani mals for ladies and gentlemen, Buy. Sell or Exchange. Southern Shorthand —AND— Btisinesst Colleyv, 57 N. Mrond Nt., Atlanta. Ga. The Leading Commercial College of the South. FOUR f SHORTHAND, mTTPGPq | BOOK-KEEPING COLLEGES | tei,e<;raph Y, IN ONE. Ipex-aRT. The Most Largely Patronized Business College in the Southern States. Large Catalogue free. Name this paper. ■ Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the ■■ Best, Easiest to Use, and ■ Sold by druggists or sent by mail. ■ 50c. E. T. Ilazeltiue. Warren, Pa. Bi ■K||| | IQ For the cure of U 111 I J V Coughs,Colds, Croup, OULL wHoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis. W U v U I Isumption, apd for the relief of 0 I fl fi Consumptive persons. WBKI I W At all dealers. 25cts. V I IIVI Souder’s Great Cut on Sewing Machines. NEW Machines down to $14.50, $lB, S2O, $22 and $25. ii. ii. sounEji*, Riohardeon Block, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Entrance Market, Broad and 7th streets. CUT THIS OUT Lofton Hardware Company, 824 MARKET STREET, CHATTANOOGA, - TENN. Write for prices on Hardware, Guns, Cutlery, Tools, Etc,* Prompt attention given to all orders and inquiries and lowest prices guaranteed. Finley & Chester, ARE PREPARED, with the hes: tools and the most skill ful workmen in North Georgia, to do 111 W Jill ill MitiiltWL Overhauling Engines and Boring Cylinders a Specialty. Keep and sell Engine Trimmings, Valves, Pipe and Fittings. Give us a call when you want anything for your En gine or Boilers, and we will save you money. FINLEY & CHESTER, Dalton. Ga. Dalton Select School For Boys and Young Men, SHELTON, A. M,, PRINCIPAL. Spring Term Begins Monday, Jan. 9,1893. The object of tins school is to meet the wants of those parents who desire their sons to have special private training, to afford young men in business an opportu nity to pursue a limited course of study and to prepare young men to enter certain classes in college. The course of study will be elective in accordance with the de sire of parents and pupils. Tuition rates will be from two to five dollars per month according to advancement and the number of studies pursued. Tuition billsdue at the end of each scholastic month. For examination and matriculation come to the Principal’s home at Baptist Pas tory, Monday at 0 a. m WE' WANT 5 CAB LOADS Clear Pine Timber, 4”x8”xl4”. Cherokee Manufacturing Co. S. XL COYUE, Contractor and Builder, • • DALTON, GA. All Material Furnished and All Classes of Houses Built on Short Notice, Anywhere in Gettfgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky. Coal Mine and Iron Mine Houses a specialty. Payments will be made easy.’ AU kinds of Work done, and bond and security given when desired. fitly Write and get figures on your work, R J. McCamy, Pre*. T. R. Jonks,Vice-Pres. R,. 1. Peak, Cashier. The First lalionel Bank DALTON, CA. PAID UP CAPITAL $60,000. A general banking business transacted, Col lections remitted promptly- Ail business en trusted will receive cheerful and prompt atten tion. Accounts strictly confidential. Deposit® solicited. * DIRECTORS: — R. J. McCamy, s. B. Fki.kek. T. R. Jonks, P. G. U alkek, 8. E. Bkrsy. J- I- Smith, Trammell stark. B. Z. Herndon, R. I. Peak. 11 1 ic lit* Ifo r<l *** DETECTIVE AGEHCV KSTABRISHED AUGUST, 1886. 511'2 Decatur St., >• ■ ATLANTA, GA, (Fourth Door from Kimball House). All business is upon a basis of mutual honor and the strictest congdenee, Ref e rences f urn ish e<h • J. W. HICKS. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Dalton. Georgia, Estimates made for anv character of building, material furnished when desired, and lowest legitimate prices guaranteed. Will also do all kinds of Job Work ami Carpentering. Give lue a trial. Prompt attention to all business eutrnstfd t« mv care. Mystic Carnival, February 13 and 14,1893. THE MOST BRILLIANT MARDI GRAS For Years, The E. T„ V. & G. R’y Will, on February loth to 13th inclusive, sell tickets to Mobile and return, from all coupon stations on the E, T., V. <& G. and Mobile and Birmingham Railways, at ONE FARE For Round Trip, Good to Return until February 28th, 1893. Call on any Tidket Agent for full informa tion, or address ; B. W WRENN, G, P. & T. A., Knoxville, Tenn. Job Printiug. If you want any bill heads, letter head# or other commercial job printing done, call at The Argus officii, and we promise to satisfy you as to price and quality of work.