The Dalton argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-????, February 04, 1893, Image 8

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Diamonds! W atches! Solid Silver Flat Ware, Finest Plated Flat and Hollow Ware, Solid Gold Rings, fine line Plain, Oval and Band Rings, Rings set with Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Garnets, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Agate, Moon stone, Sapphire, Opal, Topaz, Turquoise and many other beautiful stones. You have a large stock to select from. I give you the lowest prices to be had. No goods allowed to leave my establishment without the purchaser knowing exactly the quality. TAPP, the Jeweler, Dalton, 6a. We Have Just Concluded to Put on the Market A FEW HUNDRED BOXES OF ROYAL BRITISH PAPER! At 10 Cents per A Box contains 25 large, square Envelopes and a full quire of Paper —Cream Laid. To see it, is to like it. FARNSWORTH BROTHERS.. Goal! Coal! I have a large supply on hand, and will receive several carloads next week. J. D. GRAHAM. Dalton, Jan. 27. THE ARGUS; DALTON, GA., SATURDAY; FEBRUARY 4, 1893. SUCCESSFUL REVIVAL * Bein* Conducted in Birinin*tiam by I>cm. BloNNer and Culpepper. Dr. Blosser writes from Birming ham that he and Mr. Culpepper are meeting with wonderful success in conducting their revival at Birming ham. The large tabernacle in that city, which seats from 4,000 to 5,000 people, is taxed to its utmost capacity to accommodate the large crowds that attend both morning and evening services. Anniversary Service. Rev. W. T. Dale, who has been con fined to his bed for more than a week, wishes us to say that be is so far recov ered that he feels that he will be able to fill his appointment here on tomorrow. The occasion will be the 83rd anniversary of the Cumberland Presbyterian church as a separate denomination. The Aniversary Song will be a special feature of the occasion. Last year the anniversary sermon was on the line of the “Historical and Doctrinal.” This time it will be on the line of the “Practi cal.” It is recommended that the church at large observe the following week as a week of praver and self-denial, in behalf of Home Missions. It is requested that all the members of the Ladies Aid Society be present on to morrow, and further that all members of the church be present. The public generally is al ways welcome at this church; come one, come all. The invitation is made as broad as the Gospel invitation itself. Notes by the Wayside. By a North Dalton Parson. —The meetings at Hamilton street church are well attended, and a great in terest manifested both on the part of the church, and the unconverted. Method ists, Baptists and Presbyterians, are all doing what they can, working together to get souls saved. The meeting prom ises to be one of great power. - Rev. Clayton Quillian is helping the pastor in the revival meeting at Hamil ton street, and his sermons are all good. Ik> is a very earnest Christian worker. —Preaching at Hamilton street Sunday at 11 a. m. by Rev. G. J. Orr, and at night by the pastor. —North Dalton is greatly in need of a postoiHce. Some good man is going to take steps to get one, we are told. —M. I). Smith will preach at Five Springs today and tomorrow’. —The editor of The Argus palmed off his old fighting rooster on a certain preacher in town, and now to pass by that parsonage you would be amused; it looks like a regular cock-pit. There is no telling what some people will do. Wanted—A Salesman. We want a good salesman to run a wagon and sell our sewing machines for a Dalton firm. Salary or commission, or both paid to the right man. A man entirely new’ to the business and under 35 years of age preferred. Ap ply to H. W. Ford, special agent of the Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co., Dalton, Ga. NI KJ AH LABS. Hook-Keeping, Stenography, Penmanship, Practical Arithmetic, Practical Gram mar, Typewriting and Other I'seful Branches, Will begin Monday, the 6th inst., at nine o’clock in the morning; large and comfortable school room, corner Hamil ton and King streets, upstairs, over Can non’s clothing store. Day session from 9 a. m. so 1 p. m. Night session from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. A practical education is more valuable than any other accomplishment, as it qualifies one for many positions. It is a stepping stone that leads to higher places. It is the gateway to advancement ami in dependence. A bookeeper and stenographer, who is a good penman and understands the elements of the English language and the practical part of luatematies, • would be safer from poverty than a great Greek scholar. Those who wish to enter any or all the departments of this school will please apply at once. Applv to: J. STANFORD DALEY, Dalton, Ga. NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Home the Week'* Happening* In Other Pl aces. The president, Thursday nominated Howell E Jackson, of Tennessee, to be associate justice of the supreme oourt of the United States, vice L. Q. C. La mar, deceased. The Jeff Davis Monument Associ ation is making arrangements to have the body of president Davis moved from New Orleans to Richmond and interred in Hollywood cemetery on May 30. Joseph Smith and Henry Anderson were instantly killed, and Charles Di vine seriously injured,at the shipyards in Chatta'nooga, Tenn. Monday after noon by of a barge which was propped up on skids. The barge was pronounced finished except search ing—pouring water on the inside. The three men were under the barge, watching for leaks, when it fell crush ing them. C. J. Davis, of Morristown,Tenn., was accidentally shoband killed in Atlanta Wednesday by young Miller Camp, at at a boarding house on the corner of Gilmer and Courtland streets. . He was there to visit his brother, Will Davis, a conductor on the E. T. V. & G. road, who was hurt in a railroad accident recently. The killing was accidental. • The monarchist government of the Hawaiian Islands has been over thown and a republic established. The Hawaiins want to annex their Is lands to the United States govern ■ment, and her ministers, with that end in view, arrived in Washington yesterday. But all is not smooth sailing, as the dethroned queen, it is said, will claim the protection of England and complications may en sue. The colonized Americans are also kicking against annexation, it is said. N. F. Mnrphy, of Marietta, died at the station house in Atlanta, Monday night. He was arrested while intoxi cated and carried to the station house to spend the night and was found dead in his cell by Turnkey Cooper. Two other prisoners occupied the same cell with him, but thought him sleeping until they were told to feel his pulse, and were horrified to find him dead. He was a member of the Royal Arca num and his wife will get $3,000 from that institution. Dr. Wood’s Office. I would respectfully inform my pat rons and the public generally, that I have locked my office in Col Green's building, southwest corner of Hamil ton and Crawford streets, where calls can be left, if I am not in. Respectfull v, W. E. Wood, M. D. Dalton, Ga. Feb. 2, 1893. Fresh rolls, Fresh bread, Fresh cakes, At Buchholz’s. Money now selling at from t> to 8 per cent. Dalton Building & Loan Associa tion. , At St. Mark’s. Rev. J. B. Craighill preached at Adairsville last Snnday morning, and at Dalton at night. To morrow he preaches in Dalton both morning and evening. The evening services at St. Mark’s Episcopal church hereafter will begin at. 7.30 o’clock, instead of at 7 as here tofore. Such improvements on bicycles as the Pope Manufacturing Company have made on their celebrated Colum bias are enough to make any man want to own one. Their new 1893 catalogues are now in the hands of their agents, and by calling on Tapp, the jeweler, you will be supplied, not only with their cat alogues, but also with tine wedding and birthday presents, watches, diamonds and latest and prettiest styles in jewelry, etc.; but above all don't neglect to have your watch repaired. Seed Irish Potatoes. You will find a full supply of New- York state seed Irish potatoes at Flem ister & Riley’s. Did you know that gormally & JEFFERY did not get out a lß;ht wheel UN til September of 1892? Well, they did not, preferring to stick to the spring frame. But, say! When they did finally decide to put a light wheel on the market, it ‘‘got there.” Believe it? Out of .‘l9 events at different points in the United States between September 3 and November 13,1892, Road and Track, the Nos. 3 and 4 Ramblers came off with 20 firsts, 18 seconds, 11 thirds. Wonder ful, isn’t it? And, mind you they are road wheels, not racers. Special bargains in new and second-hand wheels given by J. K. FARRAR, Agent, ' DALTON, <3r-A- RED OLAY. W hat In doing on in That. Lively Little Precinct. Red Clay, February 2. —Good Mr. Hicks, the weather prognosticator, has either failed in his calculations or the storm to come to us between the 24th and 31st of December last has kindly turned in another direction. If the latter, we are much obliged, as well as thankful for the present balmy spring weather. We note a number of our farmers pre paring ground for sowing oats and plant-’ ing gardens. It really seems that spring is about to break forth in all its har monious melody—that the chime upon one hill will soon echo that on another, and all nature eagerly behold the fasci nating picture and listen to its soothing lullaby. We note visits to Red Clay by the following gentlemen. W. P. Whitten, Graham Shell, McKenzie Reid, Doc Bagby, Robt. McCoy, W. P. Brewer and Major Reeder, representing the J. R. Hall Tobacco Company of Greenville, Tenn. Doctor B. B. Brown is now one of us. He moved into our town on yesterday. It is not yet decided as to the date of the reception. I learn that T. H. Pittner has disposed of his Cohutta business to James R. Huff, and that the business w ill here after be conducted under the name of Pitner & Huff, Willie Pitner remaining in business. If high-toned courtesy and first class ability will insure success they will have it. • W. L. Williams has also opened up a full stock of goods at Cohutta. That prince of good fellows, Warren Norton, expects to enter business here. In my last letter to you I gave the re sult of the election in this district for justice of the peace and constables. As the printed statement was in error, I am advised to correct it. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: J. G. W. Mills 89 J. W. Cresswell 6 FOR constable: J. W. Butler 82 J. C. Caldwell 10 Wm. Chambers ...; 3 Total number of votes cast, 95. The health of our community keeps good—only one serious case, that of Mrs. Sam Worley, and she is said to be better. $1,500 Soda Fountain. Bryant & Fincher have purchased and will put in by April Ist, a SISOO soda fount, to be run in connection with their drug store. It the finest in North Georgia. And He Deserves Success. Col. W. C. Martin is having his property in west Spring Place com pletely overhauled and when complete it will be one of the handsomest and most desirable residence properties in this town or county. Bill is a bustler from afar and ’though living in Dalt< n he is accumulating considerable prop erty in Murray county. He knows how to judicinuslv invest his spare * hange”—Sprii g Piace JimpkctD , □ ■PRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—-No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in .Millions of Homes— -40 Years the Standard* RURAL VALE. Pttsonnl Notes mid News Gossip About People You Know. Mr. Garvin, of Dalton, has moved up near Deep Springs. Wfe extend to him and his family a hearty wel come. Mr. Morgan, of Tilton, is visiting his cousin, Mr. Gus Tate, of this place. We do not particularly admire the present condition of the roads, yet whenever we attempt to navigate, we always get‘‘stuck” on them; there fore we do not censure those who travel extensively for being “stuck up.” We hear that the pupils of the Dawnville school have organized a debating society which meets every Friday afternoon. We suggest that Deep Springs and Cedar Valley schools follow suit. Who knows but what a Clay or Webstef may be living near in obscurity, who only lacks such an opportunity to disclose their genius. A very interesting spelling bee was held at Cedar Valley Wednesday night. Thomas Manis had a large forking Thursday, to which all the young men were invited. For Rent. A nice 5-room house on Gordon street for rent cheap. Centrally located. Call on W. L. McWilliams at J. Trotter & Sons. Born Hungry. The editor of The Argus was ask ing a Dalton negro about his children a few days since. The negro said he had two. “Are they big enough to eat” asked the editor. “Foh de Lawd,boss, cullerd chilluns is born cryin’ fer sumfin to eat. ’Pears to me dey is always born hun gry.” Buy cotton seed meal and hulls for your cattle. Car load just recieved by T. A. & S. E. Berry. ■ . I Premiums for the Farmers. The North Georgia Canning Co. will award to the farmers of Whitfield, the fallowing prizes this year : • To the farmer producing the biggest yield of tomatoes to the acre, SSO; second best, $.15; third b< st, $lO. Health and Strength. If yon ate not feeling strong and healthv, try Electric Bitters. If “La- Grippe” has left yon weak and weary us£ Electric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on Liv< r, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will fii d speedy and permanent relief bv taking Electric Bit ters. One trial will convince you that his is the remedy von need. Large bottles only 50c. at S. J. McKnights drug Store.