The Dalton argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-????, January 20, 1894, Image 3

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MOUNTAIN CITY Business College, CHATTAMOOWA, TENM. rxi-R COURSES ARE AS THOROUGH > Q comprenenaive as those o' any <’o’ ege »a A Wo have the best Penman in the state. We 1 s's. .vonny st tdents o posi ons, o i ‘-. coikee’e.s can keep books, and our sake s fid the best positions in the c /. «MT Catalogue and Specimens of ’•eumanse p FIE * WILEY BROS., PROPRIETORS. DfL HILL HARRIS. | DENTIST, DALTON, - - . GA. »0- Office o'-er J. M. Berry s. Teeth ex tracted pain a specialty. OUR CITY CHURCHES. The Presbyterian a The Sunday school last Sunday opened with inspiring music. The school was very large; many new pup ; ls. Every class was full and new ones organized, and there is still room for more. We welcome all. If there are any children who need clothing, if they will report that fact, they shall be given. The morning congregation was very large. Rev. M. A. Matthews gave us a fine sermon from Matthew xi, 28. No synopsis could do it justice. The hun dreds who heard it were lifted into the very presence of God. The evening sermon from Jeremiah v, jjart 31st verse, made a great impression. Many came forward and promised to live lives of readiness. Come out tomorrow morning and evening; you will enjoy it. Communion at 11 o’clock. The music will be fine. The choir, with some new voices, is now full, and they have been practicing. Come one, come all. The First Methodists. When Superintendent S. E. Berry called the Sunday school to order, 175 bright and happy faces were ready to le spond to the opening service. After reading the responsive exercises, the school was led in singing by Mr. J. M. Berry, who seems to possess the rare fac ulty of coaxing all the music out of the younger members. It is a real p'easure to hear the little fellows lifting up their childish voices in sweet unison with the deep, mellow tones of Master Roy’s trom bone. and the inspiring accompaniment of Miss Linney Blosser. The teachers were met with full classes, and for thirty minutes discussed to the edification of fell present, the “Fall of Adam.” " The morning church service was highly profitable. A full house greeted the pastor, Rev. B. F. Fraser, and the solemnity of the hour was deeply im pressive. The Holy Spirit seemed to rest in an unusual degree upon the preacher, and for forty minutes he spoke with great power and intense earnestness, on that verse from St. John, which has comforted the aching hearts of so many thousands, viz.: “Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me.” The evening service was also highly interesting, but was not so largely at tenced on account of the inclement night. Just Tecevi 1. A car load of covten seed meal and hulls, at T. A. &S. E. Ee- ry’s. For mdk and butter, notb : ng equals tb s "eed. The First Baptists. h The Sabbath school of the First Bap tist church was called to order at 9:45, and the exercises were exceptionally good. The number present was larger than it has been in more than a month, and the recitations seemed better. The superintendent, teachers and many of the scholars seemed in good spirits, and the prospect is quite encouraging. It is to be hoped that every member of the church who is not providentially hin dered may feel it to be his duty to be in school, as a teacher or scholar, on every Lord’s day. lhe preaching by the pastor, at 11 a. m. and ,p. m ti seemed unusually good. 1 ins was the regular day for church com munion, which was observed at the close of the forenoon service, and participated io by a larger number of members than usual. Bro. J. M. Stansbury was pres ent, and by invitation participated in the service, and added interest thereto. The text of the forenoon sermon is found in 1 Corinthians xi, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30th [jforses: “For, as often as ye eat this ■read and drink this cup, ye do show T,! e Lord’s death till He comes, etc.” ibe object and importance of this ordi nance and the duty of church members to obserye it, were well and forcibly set lorth in this sermon. Members who get up and leave without particinating in it, * ertamly refuse to show the Lord’s death and remembrance of Him proper respect, and thereby deny Him and will be de n>ed by Him. lhe subject of the evening sermon "as: Every member has its place in the "’dy, and the welfare of the body re quires that every member must perforin function. The text was: “Whatso ever thy hand findeth to do, do it with | thy might.” Ecclesiastes ix, 10; and 'be 12th chapter of Ist Corinthians in con nection. Ueß t Cough Syrup. Taates Good. Use ftwr*i^»»— In'Imp. Bold by druKKiiitH THE ARGUb: DALTON. GA., SATURDAY. JANUARY 20. 1894. Dainty Violet Tea. Last Friday evening, Mrs. R. P. Manly gave a violet tea, in honor of Miss Haz zard, of Deleware, and Mr. Sterling Peak, of Michigan. Among those present were the members of the Cosie Club. Miss Ella Lewis, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Hazzard, and Messrs. Matthews, Colvard and Mc- Camy. ' At 8:30 the portieres were thrown aside, the butler announcing tea. The host leading the way, they were ushered to the dining room, where one might well have imagined himself in fairy land. Soft, sweet music gn eted their ears, rendered by the hostess’ little daughter, Emilie, during their two hows’ stay at the table, the table being prettily decorated with ferns and violets. Dainty little boutou naires, tied with violet ribbons, were ar ranged for each person. Os course, it is useless to comment on the menu, as the hostess is well known for her charming hospitality. Later in the evening, Miss Ella Lewis favored those present with tome of her choicest selections. The costum* s of the ladies were dainty and appropriate. Miss Hazzard in pink crepe de chine, pearl trimmings and dia mond ornaments. Miss Ella Lewis, lavender satin, black lace trimmings; diamond ornaments. Mrs. Walker, amethyst silk; diamond and emerald ornaments. Mrs. Hazzard, canary brocaded China silk, jet trimmings. Mrs. Peak, black silk, with red satin and jet trimmings; diamond and sap phire ornaments. Mrs. Dettor, black silk, beaded net and jet trimmings. Mrs. Babcock, lavender silk and black lace; diamond ornaments. The hostess, in combination of black velvet and canary brocade, jet trim mings ; diamond ornaments. The guests voted it an evening of un alloyed enjoyment. Enjoy Good Health. You can easily do it, if you will keep your stomach, the laboratory of your body, in good o-dcr. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy will do this. It will build you up and give vou good health. It stands alone as the best. Send for book of full particulars and be cured—enjoy good health and be happy. Book free to all. Price 50c. per bottle. For sale by druggists. Best Stoves. Big lot of heaJijg and cook stoves all Linds aid sizes, just received. Cah and era nine before buying. T. A. & S. E. Berry. A Grateful Widower. An English widower returns thanks to a choir for their sweet singing at wife’s funeral, “thereby enlivening and briglitening up the dullness and mon otony which not unfrequently charac terizes a funeral service.”—Exchange. Iron Castings—any size or shape. MANLY FOUNDRY. Store House to Rent. Corner lot. Apply to VV. G. Lid dell, North Hamilton street, ts. Fine Tobaccoes. We have placed on sale in Dalton, our famous brands of tobacco —Jeff Davis, McCord’s Choice, and Red Fox, manufac tured by Ogburn, Hill & Co., expressly for us. You will find Red Fox and Jeff Davis tobaccoes with J. C. Riley, Bryant & Fincher; McCord’s Choice with J. Townley & Son. The “Old Columbia” Cheroots, for which we are sole agents, a cheroot equal to the best 5-cent cigar, have been p’aced with L. Buchholz and J. F. Robinson. Try them. Chewers and smokers of tobacco will find it to their interest to try these fa mous brands of tobacco before buying elsewhere. ARNOLD & McCORD, Wholesale Grocers, Atlanta, Ga Japanese Liver Pellets are small, bnt great in their effects; no griping; 50 doses 25 cents. Bryant & Fincher. Jeff Varnell Married. The following item, taken from the Clarksville News, Red River county, Texas, will be of interest to many Ar gus readers, as it tells of the happy marriage of an old Whitfield boy : “Mr. Jeff D. Varnell is now in the ranks of the married men and he is receiving the congratulations of his friends, and they are legion. “Mr. Varnell on Wednesday was married to Miss Carrie Ball, at the family residence at New Boston, by the Rev. J. H. Wiggins. The wed ding was a very quiet affair, only the intimate friends and relatives of the parties being present. Mr. Varnell is our efficient county attorney and he is extremely fortunate in securing Miss Ball for his biide, for she was one of the sweetest young ladies in New Boston, besides being pretty and refined. The presents were beautiful and tasty and showed the high esteem in which the newly-wedded couple are held. They came on to this city after the ceremony, and are stopping at the Ilotel de Florence until they yet ready to go to housekeeping. May their journey through life be without trouble and all the jovs ofrthis world fall to their share.” The Argus, and all of Mr. Varnell’s Whitfield friends, extend hearty con gratulations. STILL IN THE RING! And doing the Drug business in Dalton. Always the lead ers in reliable goods, we can be found at the same old stand for 1894. telly CmpM! Purest Drugs! Lowest Prices! BST A specialty made of sup plying the trade with Paints, Oils, White Lead, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, etc. Bryant & Fincher, DRUGGISTS. Hotel Dalton Block, DALTON - GA. Whitfield Jheriff’ Sales. WILL be sold, before the court bouse door in Da ton, Ga., ou .he Tuesday : n Feb.u a y, 18! 4, to the behest b'dder, wl.b’n .he hours of sale, the "ollowing de. ci bed p ope '.y, to-wit: O ’e hundred acres of Ic. of land number 40, bein’ allot said lot number <). exeepi 40 aces in • lie southeast cor aer of s id lot; aid also, of CO seres of lot of 'and numb rC° bei rj the cas. ha’f of olid last named 10.- bo.h of s ’d lo*i of land bei u” s' r' 'din .he ’Oh disldct and 3d sec ion of W'lllield county, Ga.. said .wo p? <els ol lan 1 be : u" the se ,dement o’ laud waeie John Mav r sided at the <’.ne o' 'he exempt'ou of said moi’t'. eon said lands. Levied on a ■ the proneuy of Jolhi May, .o s i.Js y one mortj,r3e fl. ‘a.. ram Whi held Su'enor cou t, in favo? of C. Aultman & Co. vs. Jobn May; sa : d property pointed out and d igm"-d tu said fl. fa. Wil be so'd on the .i.J. Tile day : n Feb’uay, ICtF be ween he let 1 hou-s of sale, a. the s ore room latelv occupied by W. 11. Beckner, on Ham i'ton street, in Dalton, Ga., the emi - e stock of goods o' said Beckner, consistin'’ of groce ies, provisions, tobacco, snuff and suea other art cl< i as ate usually ca.iied in a g'Oce y s o e, includ ing .he .u ni .ure and Axioms. Le led on as iie p.oper /of W. H. Beck le , to salk y a mortgage a. fa. Iron Whi field Superior cov. t, in favor of A. D. fmn.on A Co. vs. W. 11. Beckner. Sa’e io c >nJnue .-’om day to day till the got as a e dis posed of. 8. A. FR.'ZiER Sheriff. LEWIS HOUSE, Dalton, Ga. THE LEADING HOTEL OF THE CITI A HOME FoR THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. RATES, $2 PER DAY. Special Wes by H or Mcnth, K. J. DETTOR, Proprietor. JOHN F. HARRIS, M. D., Eoleotic Ptiysiolan, Having permanenti y located at this place, respectfully lenders his services to the puolic. When not professionally engaged, can be found at his office on Hamilton street, or at residence on North Spencer street. «6FTBpecial attention given to diseases of wo men and children. W. & A. R. R. —AND— Mik, Chitagi i SL Louis RAILW 3 DAILY TRAINS 3 W TO W Chattanooga. Nashville, Cincinnati, Chicago, Memphis, St. Louis. McKenzie Route —TO — Arkansas & Texas. EMIGRANT RATES! For M ips, Folders and any desired Infor mation, write to J, W. HICKS, T. I’. A., 36 Wall Street, Atlauta, Ga. Or JOS. M. BROWN, C. E. HARMAN, Traffic Manager, Gen. Pass. Agent, ATLANTA, GA. Best job work in the city, for the least money, at the Argus Office. —DALTON— BiMm ii Loan Mini MEETS FIRST SATURDAY IN EVERY MONTH. Loans Made on Real Estate in the County I Several Farms and Dwellings for rent or sale, on reas onable terms. W. IS. Sec’y and Treaa. r Don’t B m » v J B it w tn ■ w You get the benefit of ||iClose Competition in Everything ? Ready-made houses of any description shipped quick. We have several desirable lots for sale. Call and see us, or write us at once. We sell the best Shingle made cheap. FARRAR LUMBER CO,, 44 Maiden Lane, DALTON, GA. Will iR Lillis (I Filb. And will pay the highest market price for same. We are still in the market for choice Apples, Irish Po tatoes, Onions, &c. and always want Chickens, Eggs and Butter. See us when you have any PRODUCE to sell. DeJournette & Co., Produce Dealers. Cherokee Manufacturing Co. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF and ©Fessed Liumbep, Mouldings, Ceiling, Flooring, Shingles, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Stair Work, both wholesale and retail. for Prices. 110 and 131, Ilnmilton Street, Dalton, T. A. & S. E. BERRY, IRON AND HARDWARE. Wagons, Buggies, Harness, IMPROVED FARM MACHINERY, PLOWS, &C., A SPECIALTY Plumbers and Plumbing Supplies. Ilnmilton tsAtreet., - - - I}A.LTOiN G-A.. Baker & Colvard, —MANUFACTURERS OF— FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Marble and Granite Monuments, HEADSTONES, TABLETS, AND CEMETERY WO UK OF ALL KINDS. fjET All Work Warranted to Give Perfect Satisfaction. Iron Fencing a specialty. DALTON, GA. 8 Do You l;> FEEL SICK? f Disease commonly comes on with slight ?! X symptoms, which when neglected increase ?! X in extent and gradually grow dangerous. I RIPANS TABULES l! | take ripans tabules ; X ts your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you —rr; DIPAKIC TADfll i!* 6 SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, 1 722 nIrANO lAoULLOC) g F ° r DERS OF V TH eTtOMACH, disob-take ripans TABULES| X Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. 8 EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. I 0 take the place of SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL, g Q C ° M Druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. ] [ O MEDICINE CHEST Box (0 vials), 75 cents. Package (4 boxes), $2. i X and should be kept for For Free Semplea address I g use in every family... THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. |!) O IQ SPRUCE STREET, - - NEW YORK, ij'