The Dalton argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-????, January 26, 1895, Image 6

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AVER’S THE ONLY Sarsaparilla ADMITTED READ RULE XV. o “Articles © AYER’S \ that aro in o A,'7 Buy way d “r si I y^SAPAB*-• I serous or of- o , patent modi- O 1893 > cites, nos- © ' ' tr u n’s, and ® empirical preparations, whose©* ingredients are concealed, will © not be admitted to the Expo- ® sition.” o o Why was Ayer's Sarsaparilla admit- © ted ? Because It is not a patent medicine, O not a nostrum, nor a secret preparation, o not dangerous, not an experiment, and o because It is all that a family medicine © o should be. © At the § WORLD’S FAIRg Chicago, 1893. • © Why not gr?t the BestP ® Atlanta Exposition Notes On the 15th of January, a train of twenty-one car* loaded with coal, and provisions left Atlanta for Lincoln, Ne braska. This is due to the efforts of Ex Governor Northen, who was recently in Nebraska, having an extensive acquaint ance with prominent men in that State, fie was quick to see the need of help for the famine stricken region and appealed to the people <sl Georgia to send a train load of provisions. The appeal met with prompt response, and the above men < tinned train was the result. One of the , cars w’as loaded by individual contribu tions from the Directors of the Cotton Statesand International Exposition. , The Cotton States and International . Exposition is being advertised in every continent. The latest addition to the list of languages made use of is the ' Arabic. Mr. E. J. Arbeely, editor of the Kawkab America (Star of America) takes a lively interest in the Exposition, and has published an article in the last issue of his paper. This will circulate , wherever the Arabic language is used, and will bring a number of Oriental ex hibits. Mr. Arbeely is a native of Syria, ' and has a large acquaintance through * the Orient. The Chicago Herald, which recently £ did so much to advertise the Cotton 1 States and International Exposition, in f its issue, of January 11th, contained an 1 editorial urging the Illinois legislature * to appropriate $50,000 for a state exhibit r at Atlanta. The Herald states that there ' is a fund which can be used without ( levying a dollar of tax, and argues that ’ the manufactured goods now bought by ' the South from New England could be furnished by the manufacturers of the West just as easily. With equal mail facilities and an equal showing in freight rates, the West ami South ought to have as large an intercourse as the South and the East. Following the same line, Business Leagues in several Illinois and Indiana towns are taking steps to have their manufacturing industries represen ted at the Exposition. Hon. Hoke Smith, Secretary of tl e Interior, will contribute to an early issue of the Independent an article on the Cotton States ami International Ex position. From the start, Secretary Smith has done a great deal to pro mote the interest of the Exposition, and has been the means of securing sev eral foreign exhibits. The same issue of the Independent will contain a sym posium on the South by a number of distinguished men, and this issue of that journal will, no doubt, be one of the most notable it has ever published. A great many unique suggestions have been made by parties who wish to help advertise the Cotton States ami Inter national Exposition. A characteristic one comes from Texas. A gentleman from that State wishes to drive ten white horses tandem through all the Southern States, making a tour of nine months, visiting every town and hamlet. The horses are to be richly caparisoned, ami the leader is to carry a banner with a suitable legend, announcing that he is on his way to the Exposition. The Art Department of the Cotton Stales and International Exposition is likely to be one of its best features. A commissioner of distinguished ability has been secured to take charge of the department, and lie will make a pre liminary trip to Europe for the purpose of interesting foreign artists of merit President Collier has information that Governor Mitchell has appointed a com mission for a Florida State exhibit at the Cotton States ami International Ex position. J. E. Ingraham, and W. D. Chipley are commissioners, and S. Paul Brown is assistant commissioner. Mr. Brow n has asked lor four acres of space for the exhibit. English Spavin Liniment removes a’l Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps ami Blemishes from hnrsesl Blood Spavins, C irbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sf rains, all swollen inroats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Biemish Cure ever known. Sold by S J. McKnight, Druggist, Dalton, Ga. Plug tobacco, 25 cents per pound, at Horan’s. Pine Grove Dote. Pine Grove, January 20.—1 rise to make my bow fioi.i Pine Grove this time, thia being my location for tbe present year, lam pleasantly rituated ami have a nice school, comfortable school home, good pupils, good attend ance, ami a delightful place to board. Thanks to Commissioner Berry for locat ing me in such a desirable community —- As I write, 1 am seated at an upstairs window overlooking the “lower ’ Spring Place road, at the residence of R. J. Keith, my hoarding house, and as I look upon the lovely pine forest that sur rounds me, this thought presents itself, that the name Pine Grove is descriptive of this place. From my window 1 see the Baptist cnurch and on the oposite side of the road stands the school house, on my left is the Methodist church, called Mineral Springs, and I am sure no part of the county is more prolific in its groopings of valleys and coves, ridges and rivulets; also pure springs of water are abundant. No section of our county "presents a more inviting field for intelligence, capital, and energy. The Connasauga river flows on one side, with stretches of the richest bottom lands whidi produce immense crops, and there are numerous other streams in every di rection. The people are wide awake, all have plenty and I never hear politics imntioned, and am inclined to think they believe more in hog and hominy than politics.—The general health of the community is splendid; all are well and happy —1 he social affairs are conducted on the go a.s«you-please and do as-you please plan —1 was never thrown with k nder or better people, autll am glad that I am here.—Tilton, I learn, is the same old 7 and (i; think some of the younger as well as the older folks are a little matrimonially inclined. Well we are glad of it.—Bro. McNabb, I failed to get the Look you suggested that I read. Come down to Pine Grove some Sunday and preach for us, and bring the book. —I would like to know who Five Springs was striking at about love, and I believe there was something said about old maids. J. L J. To prevent the hardening of the sub cutaneous tissue of the scalp and the obliteration of the hair follicles, which yause baldness, use Hall’s Hair Re newer. “Ho! Hello! Are you training for a race?” “No” shoutetl the flying man, “I’m racing for a train.” The trouble was he didn’t have a Rand-McNally Guide. Fresh Oysters today. L. Buchholz. Four Big Sucpesses. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies Have reached a phenomenal sale: Dr. King’s New Discovery, for Consump tion, coughs and Colds, each bottle guaranteed—Electric Bitt< rs, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kid neys, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which is a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just, what is claimed for them, and the dealer whose name is attached here with will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Bryant & Fincher's Drug Store. “Orange Blossom” is a painless cure for all diseases peculiar to women. Sold by Bryant & Johnson’s Aromatic Compound Cod Liver Oil with Malt, Lime and Soda cures consumption and all pul monary troubles by making rich blood and new tissue, adding flesh and strength to the body. Bryant & Fincher. In Poor Health means so much more than you imagine—serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don’t play with Nature’s greatest gift—health. Ilf you are feeling out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, have no appetite and can’t work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine,which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure—benefit comes from the very first dose-«7 ii’on't stain your teeth, and it’s pleasant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women’s complaints. Get only the genuine—it has crossed red lines on the wrapper. All others ate sub stitutes. On receipt of two 2c. stamps we will smd set of Tec Beautiful World’s Fair View* and book—free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MD. THE ARGUS: DALTON. GA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 26. 1895. Cedar Valley Items. Cedar Valley. January 9.—Well Christmas holidays are gone and nobody ' got drunk, alljpassed oft lovely and pleas" I ant. —J. T. Isbill and family, ot Varnells, visited L. N. Dantzler and family during Christmas—brought bis hounds witii I him ami they went swamp rabbit hunt ! nig. They had a fine time hunting and i shooting them on the wing; you oel they got a load ot them.—J. L. Dantzler who has been very sick for the last month, is improving slowly.—L. N. Dantzler and wile visited the old man Jewel ami fam ily last Sunday. He said the old man would be 90 years old next month, ami is able to get around and do lots of work yet. He is the oldest man we know of in the county, he has but two children living, one at home witii him the other lives in Arkansas He was born and raised in Rockbridge county, Virginia ; moved to Whitfield county Georgia, in the year 1848 ami has ever since lived where he now lives. —Prof. Seymour be gan teaching bis sciiool at Cedar Valley last Monday w ith a pleasant smile on his face. We iiope he will continue to keep that pleasant smile and make a success of his school and build himself up as a good and faithful teacher. —Wal- ter Strickland, John Tripp and Henry Murphy went last week to Lenoir L'en nessee on the hunt of work but were not successful. We did not think Henry would stay long when he went. The attraction in the valley was so great that he returned several days before the other boys.—We saw in your valuable little paper that one of the dotters thought some time ago he had heart disease and we partly believe it. —Miss Sallie Weatherford, a c larming young lady from Forsyth, is visiting W.B. Tripp and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Webb, of Acworth, spent Christmas holidays in the valley.—We understand that James Kirk is building a new house for himself and family on R. F. Dantzler’s ridge farm, near 0. N. Manis, where he expects to make corn this year. —Alick McGill has bought him a farm near the county house on the top of Cedar ridge, he is building for himself a house. We think it a healthy location to take his new wife. —Henry Dantzler went to Texas about a month ago, writes very flattering news back to his folks which is causing Texas fever to rage in the valley.— George Dantzler is going to Dalton High School "otf. yf A City Missionary. Rev. J. W. Howard, Baptist City Missionary, tJfjfumbns, Ga., says: “Some months ago I had an attack of LaGrippe which produced Catarrh in ' my head and general prostration. I used King’s itoyal Gernietuer and it wrought a wonderful cure in my case. 1 had indigestion and it cured that ,<lso. I have recommended it toseveral persons afflicted with different dis eases, and it has always procured the 1 happiest results.” sl. Six for $5. New ’ package, large bottle. 108 Doses One « Dollar. Soldwy Druggist. Johnson’s Aromatic Compound Cod Liver Oil enriches the blood, builds sound flesh, restores strength and vitality to the debilitated body. Full pint bottles SLOC. Bryant A Fincher. f ' M' j-D itewW) & rev. z. c. Taylor. A WALL OF PaaflCTlOH Against Disease in Far off Bazil. Rev. Z. C. Taylor, Missionary of the South ern Baptist Convention to Brazil, writes of Germetuer: ' I consider It a wall of protec tion against disease, and a sure guarantee of health aud happiness. Since I first took Ger- Bietuer threa years ago my healsh has been almost perfect. I work Incessantly, and can expose myself as much as a native. Rev. Mr, Taylor’s location is at Bahia, al- Fao Hinder tbe equator on the Atlantic coask. t is the home of Malaria and all thus® malfg. ftant forms of disease that are burn of is. Here, as in all other places of like character, Gernietuer has signally triumphed, it is the gieat Conqueror of malaria in all Its forms ir.rl in all places. Will break any fever In less time than Quinine or Antipvrtne and leave none of their unpleasant efieota, »iioh as nervousness, nausea and prostration. And then .it U so good to take that even little Children soon learn to cry for it fl.oo, 6 for $5.00. Sold by Druggists. King's Royal Gercnetuer Co., Atlanta, Ga. C. L HARDWICK & CO, Bankers, DALTON, - - - GEORGIA. Onr recon! is, nearly a quarter of a Century, successful business—under same inanagement. SHy 1 Capital and responsibility nearly a quarter of a million doiiaix iMf Right Arm Paralyzed! Saved from St. Vitus Dance. “Our daughter, Blanche, now fif teen years of age. had been terribly afflicted with nervousness, and had lost the entire use of her right arm. We feared St. Vitus dance, and tried the best physicians, wit h no benefit. She has taken three bottles of Dr. Miles’ Nervine and has gained 31 pounds. Iler nervousness and symp toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely gone, she attends school regularly, and has recovered complete, use of her arm. her annotate is splendid.” MRS. It. R. BULLOCK, Brighton, N. Y. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Cures. Dr. Miles’ Nervine is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists s<ril it at 81. 6 bottles for 85, or it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. For Sale by Bryant & Fincher, Dalton. MAGNETIC NERVTnE. .arftSTVi ,s so,t ’ wr, hon 7 S iiaran t ee to cure Nervous Prostra is/v' O’ W tion, Fiig, Dizzi- Tv?. # ness, Headache and •'pSf’L** Neuralgia and Wake- C. &A. fulness,caused by ex- cesalveuseofOpiam, Tobacco and Alco -'TTLJI- ' I'kV-Sv-ri hoi; Mental Depres • BET ORE - Af~ i ER* sion, Softening of the Brain, causing Misery, Jneaiity and Death; Barreness, Im potency, Lost Power in either sox. Premature Old Age, Involuntary Losses, caused by over-indulgence, over-exertion or the Brain and Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Orgrms their Natural Vigor and doubles the joys of life; cures Lucorrhoea and Female Weakness. A month’s treat ment, in p'ain package by mail, to any address, JI per box, 6 boxes $5. with every 85 order we give a Written Guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circulars free. Guarantee issued only by our ex clusive agent. For sale bv Bryant & Fincher,Dalton. Tis I" W it ROUTE !S THE DIRECT LINE TO IE X A WEST IS THE SHORTEST LINE TO BiT SI3UTH£RN TE* A S; IS THE ONLY LINE TO TEXAS ALLUHOER ONE MANAGEMENT. b-1 isTHE ONLY LINE GIVING CHOICE M OF ROUTES via SHREVEPORT m ORviaNEV/URLEANS. |0 IS EQUIr-PEDVfITHSOLIDVESTIBULED H TRAINSTOHEWORLEANS ANDWITH M THROUGH SLEEPERS ATLANTAAND BIRMINGHAM TO SHREVEPORT. Pfl CLOSECONNECTIOfiATEITHERPCINT WITH THROUGH SERVICE OF TEXASLINES OUR RATES AS LOW AS ANY! A.d.LYTLEDIV.PASSBAGCNTREADIHOUSECHATTANOOGATENa J.R.MEGREGOR TRAV.PASSRMNT 20051 ?. T AVEBIRMINGHAM ALA ‘ WJ3.RINEARSON G.P.A. CINCiNNATLO. Ladles or gents. Agents. $75 Pi a week. Exclusive territory. The W Bapid DlshWanher. Washes nil the dishes for a family in one minute. Washes, rinses and dries them r *-'•-**■ J without wetting the bands. You f* fr-A. A push the button, the machine does | RAPID Merest. Bright, polished dishes, I Oil* WASNER Bnd cheerful w i*e«- No scalded Xfingers.nosoiledbandsor clothing. rniten muss. Cheap. <"■ durable,warranted. Circularsfree. W. P. HARRISON A CO., Clark No. 12, Columbus, O. J. M, Deardorff & Son Wholesale Dealers iii Suh Dih, TWI \ ES. STATION El! Y, BLA N K BO( XS, 827 (kahili St, ChiiuMfa, enn. Pleasant Valley Academy Rev. Jno. F Cox, A. IL, ... „ Principals. W E. Talley, A. Thorough course of instruction. Board in private families at from st> to «s per month. Dormitories for students desiring to board them selves. Tuition reasonable. Spring term begins December 31st, 1894. For further information, address, J IVO. J'. COX, >unn Gt OMNig BLOSSOM Is as safe and harmless as a flax seed poultice. It acts like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. ' “Orange is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceiptof si. Dr. J .A. McGill&Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. FOR SALE BY Bryant & Fincher, DALTON, GA. R J. McCamy. Pres. T. R. Jones, Vice-Pres It. I. Peak, Cashier. T&8 First national Bank , DALTO J, CA. j PAID UP CAPITAL $60,000. 1 A general banking business transacted. Col lections remitted promptly. All business en trusted will receive cheers ul and prompt atten tion. Accounts strictly confidential. Deposit* solicited. —directors: — R. J. McCamy, s. b. Felker. T.R. Jones, J. B. Headkick, S. E. Berry. J. I. Smith, Trammell Starr. B. Z. Herndon, R. I. Peak. HILL HARRIS. DALTON (DENTIST) GA. Best of Dental Work at moderate prices. Office open six days in the week. Don’t run about to hunt work ; it must come to me. Teeth Extraeted Wit lion t Pain. T. C- EIVIITGS, Physician and Surgeon. DALTON, GA. Office on Hamilton street, two doors north of Hardwick’s bank, upstairs. • , J. W. HICKS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Dalton. Georgia. Estimaes made for any character of building material furnished when desired, and lowest legitimate prices guaranteed. Will also do all kinds of Job Work and Carpentering. Give me a trial. Prompt attention to all business entrusted t my care JOHN F~ HARRIS, M. D., Koleotic Pliysieitni, litl.TOX. ga., Having permanently located at this place, respectfully lenders his services to the public. When not professionally engaged, can be found at his office on Hamilton street, or at residence on North Spencer street. tMFSpecial attention given to diseases of wo men and children T. R. JONES. W. C. MARTIN JONES & MARTIN, Attorneys at Law :• <1 D2LJLTOIT, C3-JL. I £3s General Law Practice. I C. N. KIN O, I A.-ttomey I SPRING PLACE, GA. I General Law Practice. I THE “SHOBTEfT AND RICHEST To the East, I ANDALL VIRGINIA POINTS is VIA I BRISTOL AND THE J fflM in ™ 111 Look at the Schedule : W Lv Chatt. Southern R’y. 930 am 5 4’> p m I Lv Cleveland 10 30 am 5 4-’> pui I Lv Knoxville” 12 55pm 10 00pm I Lv Bristol N&W RR. c, 05 pm 115 am I Lv Wytheville “ 759 pm 8 30am I Lv Pulaski “ r3opm7 10 am I Lv Bradford ” 857pm9 40 am I Lv Roanoke “ io 30pm 11 -to am ■ Lv Natural Br’d” n49pml 04 am I Lv Luray “ 321am5 20 pm ■ Lv Shenandoah Jet Bi O RP. 535 urn 8 2'> pm I Ar Washington •• 740 nm 10 30pm ■ Lv Washington 8 00nin 11 30 pm ■ Ar Baltimore 8 45am 12 30 a' ll ■ Ar Wilmington 10 36 am 303 am ■ Ar Phila, 24th and Chestnut Sts. 11 15 am 330 am ■ Ar Round Brook J’ AII R. llWnm 5 4>«m ■ Ar New York CRRof NJ. 200pm6 52 am ■ Lv Roanoke N&W RR. 10 40pm 11 <0 a® I Ar Lynchburg “ 12 30«ml30p® I Ar Petersburg ” 580am6 45 P® B Ar Richmond “ 640am7 00 p® ■ Ar Norfolk NAW RR. 820am8 40 P® I No. 6, Washington and Chattanooga Vestibn ,f . 1 ' I Limited, is a solid train composed of I’ullmaD ■ finest Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, New Orlean to New York and Memphis to Wasnington. ' es ' '■ tibuled Coaches and Dining Car. Fo. 4. Express, has Pullman Sleeper Cha"*' nooga to Radford and Washington to New iota Information cheerfully furnished. ■ W.BBEVILL, WARREN L. ROIIK. I G. P. A.. N.& W. R R. Western Pass. Agt . | Roanoke, Va. 11 W. 9th St.. Read Hoime- g Chattanooga, leu 11 - ■