The Dalton argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-????, July 29, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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r® jj 0 '_^K-UJ®w f v I JgSplW |\ REFRESHING and j DELICIOUS DRINK. | Imagine a good- Sized glassful of our TA BO DA, flavored with W Sour favorite extract 1! ■ust as cold as it -* • Should be, and not too sweet. Ks your mouth waters —come Ito us. Ibryant & I FINCHER, Corner Hotel Dalton. Notice to Debtors and ' Creditors. Georgia, whitfielo county.-ah per sons indebted to Mrs. N. R Baggett, deceased. ■ are hereby notified to make immediate payment Ito me’ and ail persons having claims against ■ s>iid Mrs. Baggett, are notified to file theirclaims I with me. H. A. RUSSELL, Administrator. IJul y 1- fit . Notice to Debtors and Creditors. G* EORGIA, WHITFIELD COUNTY.-AH per sons indebted to A. M. French, decensed, are I hereby notified to make immediate payment to I me - and all persons having claims against said I French, are notified to file their claims with me. H. A. RUSSELL, Administrator. I julyl—6t Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLY TO AN ORDER OF THE COURT of Ordinary of Whitfield County, will be sold I at auction at the Court House door of said county I on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: I 80 acres of lot No 134 , 80 of lot No. 118 and 160 I acres of lot No. 119, all in the 27th district and Brd section Whitfield County. Georgia, known as the Richard Crttce homeplace : also 80 acres of J lot No. 122, and 37 acres of lot No. 95 In same district and section, known as the Tirton place. Either of thehbove places are excellent farms, finely timbered and well watered. Sold as tha property of Richard Cruce. deceased. Terms cash. This July 5.1899. JOHN CRUCE. Administrator. • "WE ARE • Headquarters FOR ——r Any and everything kept in a first-class grocery store. We buy for spot cash, take all discounts. We buy by the carload, therefore buy cheap, and are able to sell as cheap as a great many buy. We don’t buy any old bankrupt stock—neither in groceries nor hardware. We keep nothing but fresh goods to offer you. ’ Come to “The Two Big Stores,” Wholesale and Retail. GREGORY & GREGORY, ’Fb.ono 118. MERCHANT TAILORING. New Shop, New Goods, FirsUsiss Fit, GOOD WORKMANRHIPI o HVL/xlx_o Suits, (hsrcoats d Trousers to order. We make them here in Dalton. If you contemplate buying, see us before doing so. " e can eave you money and give better satisfac lion as to quality of goods and fit Spring camples and Fashion Plates have arrived, special attention giyeu to alterations, repairing, Sleaniug, etc. S. T. Farker & Co., •S* Up-stairs over Parmalee's Tin Shop. T. CL EIVIITGS, Physician and Surgeon. DALTON, GA. > OFFICE— Hamilton Street, two doors Dorth of Hardwick’s Bank, upstairs. TELEPHONE— 29, 2 rings. ? Hack can be cured wltu r. Mlles’ NERVE PLASTER. Only 25c. THE DALTON ARGUS, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1899. ODDS AND ENDS. Stray Thoughts of an Argus Man Jotted Down Briefly. “The weather is the beginning of all conversation,” says Dr. Wither spoon. Real conversation never be gins until we get past the weather stage. • • The Egyptians of old gave striking proof of their faith in the future im mortality of human nature as a whole, when they called the coflin “the chest of the living.” • * Os course, the Daughters of the American Revolution are D-A-R --lings. « * Are there any castes of India more degraded than the worst castes or classes of civilized countries? * * In part at least, the spirit which in ancient times incorporated ceremo nies into the ritual and seasons into the calendar of the churches, was the same with the modern spirit which resorts to operatic music, to festivals, to fairs, etc. Both act to placate and attract the world, the first in its pa gan aspect, the other in its civilized (but still pagan.)* “The whole of thought,” with some persons, includes but two things— themselves and everybody else. And everybody else is out-weighed by themselves. Are they one-hearted or no-hearted? < * The poet speaks of “shuffling off this mortal coil.” Would it not be a figure nearer the truth, if we spoke of the mortal coil as shaking us out of it (?) « « How many kinds of a man every man is, in the course of a life-time! How hard it is for him to be one kind of a man—one man all the way through! A book of fiction, setting forth the demerits of a certain country resi dence, emphasizes the fact that “un punctuality was looked upon there as an actual sin.” Had the writer of the book no conscience? What else but an actual sin can unpunctuality as a habit be ? And does it not draw other sins in its train ? I have dreamed of a house built on a rotary foundation, which could be turned to the sun, or from the sun, at any hour, according to our wish or need. The soul is so structured, that at its own will it can be turned to God or from him; and his light may be made to shine in whatever room we desire it, let that desire waken when it may. * * Has not “nothing” more forms than all the “somethings” in the world? Are not many—with some of us perhaps most —of what we call “somethings” simply forms under which nothings lie perdue? ♦ * “It is not the clever men who are most attracted by clever women,” says Mrs. Cameron; “in point of fact, they the more usually—perhaps by the force of contrast —prefer the fools.” * * Today always wears a veil, and we never see its face until that veil is lifted by tomorrow. The present does not perceive its own illusions; only the future recognizes them. The gentle breeze that toys with the flower and the furious storm that uproots the forest, are of the same element. So is it with the zephyr of vice in its first stage and the whirl wind of its later stages. Both come of a heart estranged from God and a will disobedient to him. * * As between man and man, I ’right” is the supreme quality of action, and “just” is the supreme quality of rightness. If men were first and always just to each other, there would remain very few occasions for being generous. Generosity is the human compensation for human want of justice. 4 * * Looking back over life, I find these two things line as a rule. 1. The boys of the long ago, who did not learn the tobacco habit, did learn the whis key habit either. 2. The men of more recent years have not unlearned the whiskey habit, unless they have unlearned the tobacco habit also. That Throbbing Headache Would quick! v leave you if you used Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up vonr health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Bryant & Fincher, druggists. Something New on the Market. We have just bought a lot of Corn Hearts, a better cow feed than cotton seed meal. Try one sack and be con vinced. Sold by Gregory & G regory. C.A.BTORI.A.. Bears the The Kind You Havß AlvVa)fS BoUfiht Signature ' pf A PRAYER. Be this to me for one brief day Os life’s bright summer ; give tome The thoughts that fill your soul and away Your moods, and then I shall not be Sad and forlorn when you are far away. Jus. for a little while 1 long to be First in your heart, with right supreme— To feel that ev'ry waking thought’s for me, And all my own each dream. Lay in my hands a little spnee Fbe golden key that fits your heart; Let me stone look in your face, Reading your eyes—and, ere we part, Stand once beside you in Her place. 'Tis all I ask—this draught divine— Earth be to Heaven, for all it seems— Hold to my lips the fragrant wine, Then let me sink to sleep and—dreams ! Lilian W. Cartes, iu last Sunday's Consti tution. Please Look Pleasant! It’s a mighty hard thing to ask a man to do who wears shoeo that cramp and pinch. But such shoes ate unnecessary. Wear-Resisters don’t pinch. They tit— just right. Get. a pair at TAPP’S. Captain Watkins and the Paris. In an editorial in the current num ber of Harper’s Weekly, an excellent point is raised against the system now in vogue in navigating ocean vessels as recently disclosed by the investigation concerning the ground ing of the Paris. Captain Watkins apparently made his calculations alone, and it was not considered nec essary that calculations be made by another officer for the sake of com parison. Had this been done the ac cident could never have happened except by an extraordinary coinci dence. “The fact that Captain Watkins’ career is over,” says the Weekly, “will of course make other captains more vig’lant, but dependence upon one mind in this sort of thing is ab solutely unsafe. No man can tell when his mental energies, usually keen though they may be, are going to stop working for a moment; and that moment may be the most im portant in that mind’s history.” Why suffer from bedbug bites? We’ve got the bed bug poison that gets bedbugs both coming and going. BRYANT & FINCHER. Life Insurance Policies bought for cash. J. M. Rudolph, Dalton, Ga. Dried Beef at Davis’ this week. Agents wanted for the life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the world’s greatest naval hero. By Murat Halstead, the life long friend and admirer of the nation's idol! Biggest and best book; over 500 pages, Bxlo incites; nearly 100 pages half tone illustra tions. Only 81.50. Enormous demand. Big commissions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick The Dominion Company, 3rd floor Caxton Building, Chicago.—May 27th. Ice Cream and Cream So das, at Buchholz’s, ’Phone 57. > BILLING WW TO HELP vgjgjf/ vWffl/ Securing- free d°m f rom th* g r ty °f catarrh makex loyal friends for Hb erc i tor ' S Pe-ru-na has been making friends of this kind for many y ears - It cures catarrh wher ever located. Mrs - R - Eades > 35 Twenty- V eighth St., De- troit, Mich., is one of the many thou sand of Pe-ru-na's friends. This is whal she says to Dr. Hartman: “ We have used your Pe-ru-na with the most remarkable results and would not be without it. We have always recommended it to our friends. A few years ago I purchased a bottle of your Pe-ru-na and after seeing its results, recommended it to my grocer who was troubled with dyspepsia, the curing of which induced her to sell it in her store. She has sold large amounts of it. My daughter has just been cured of jaundice with Pe-ru-na. My pen would grow weary were I to begin to tell you of the numerous cures Pe-ru-na has effected in our immediate vicinity within the last couple of years.” > Dr. Hartman, President of the Surgi cal Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, will counsel and prescribe for fifty thousand women this year free of charge. Every suffer ing woman should write for special question blank for women, and have Dr. Hartman's book, “Health and Beauty.” All druggists sell Pe-ru-na. Divorce Notice. Dollie Hurst ) vs. > Libel for Divorce iu Whitfield Wilson Hurst I Superior Court. ri HE DEFENDANT IN THE ABOVE STATED I case is hereby notified that a petition has been filed by the plidntifT against the defendant in the Superior Court of Whitfield County, Ga., returned to the October Term, 1899, of the said Court, and he will make appearance then and there if he desires to resist said action, as in de fault thereof the court will proceed, as to justice may appertain. Witness the Hon. A. W. Fite, Judge of said Court, this 24th day of July, 1899. U. A. RUSSELL. Clerk S. C. Whitfield Co., Ga. 4t—2tJuly2tAugust. Beware of Imitations! Consumers should beware of the cheap and r inferior washing powders said to be just as goj&t IO Washing Powder || They are not—there is nothing so good as f the genuine GOLD DUST for all cleaning about the house. Ask for Gfiin OUST : ./'' and insist on getting it. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. xS WflSnilljlrUWUU. Chicago St. Louis New York Boston \IJ ■’ ■ 1 ' » ■■■ ».■- ■ . .... . - . ■ I- ■.■ -- Fire, Tornado, Plate Glass and Indemnity HVSU JR. AIM CE . W. H. PHUDEN. AGENT, DALTON. GA. Established 18G9. Losses paid during the time over $250,000. The Monarch of Strength is jgk LION H| COFFEE. (ABSOLUTELY PURE.) f Its strength comes from Its purity. It Is all puro coffeo. a freshly roasted, and Is sold only In one-pound sealed R i I packages. Each package will make 40 cups. The pack- tj j age Is sealed at the Mills so that tho aroma Is never P weakened. It has a delicious flavor. Incomparable h strength. It Is a luxury within the reach of all. Premium List In every package. Cut out your Lion’s Head and got , valuable premiums free. ' v M does not barn Lion Coffee fn hut .tore, B IX. H It/"?/'xa eend us his name and address that we fl 81 U»ii H X'■ a kILcF may P ,ace ,t: on Bal ° Ibero. Do not accept IS ■ * \vOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo. Ohio. If BLUE GRASS HERD POLAND CHINAS, gOS9BK| By W. S. WAITE, Wartrace, Tenn. \ Herd headed by Ed. Klever, No. 37499. He by Klever’s Model, No. 29719, who sold at public sale for $5,100— -the greatest sire living. Pairs mated not akin. Bred Gilts always on hand. Write for prices describing just what you want. n ' ~ friOFFETTS ® Regulates the Bowels, Is I® sm BBfßw H3E9Q&H Ewii Makes Teething Easy. W y & g il EJ p® J i B TEETHINA Relieves tne WW I l:tllllNllx& ““ TEETHING POWDERS ARk°Your DruKgiet for At. We Pay Cash ! WANT YOUR PRODUCE I If you hive any Choice Apples, come to see us. We always want Chick ens Eggs and Butter. See us before you sell your produce. DeJournette & Co. Dalton. Crsi. 5