The Dalton argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-????, December 21, 1911, Image 1

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VOL. XXXIV—NO. 4. • W MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL A VERY BUSY ONE HAkb.:; A Former Patrolman. Reinstated. At the council meeting last night Patrolman Hardin was reinstated for the remainder of the year. Mr. Hardin was suspended on ac count of the recent killing of young George Glenn. A committee of the council having investigated the affair pud found no evidence that warranted the permanent dismissal of Hardin, hence the action of the council last night. This will prove gratifying news to Mr. Hardin and his friends. INJUNCTION Os Mrs. Lockridge Against City Deni ed [ An injunction recently filed by the Attorneys of Mrs. Lockridge against he city for alleged damages arising irnm the contents of a sewer, was fried in chambers before Judge A. W. Kite and was denied. |lj. S. Chester has a similiar suit for fro same cause. Judge Fite in band it down his denial suggested that me city take the water before and Kt er it goes into the septic tank and ■ve examination made to determine Bit is satisfactory. This plan will ■ carried out. tajis fcrom Every Section of the Globe. . ■President Taft is accused of stealing jgmbcratic thunder in sending a note t 4 Russia breaking off the treaty and Ken asking the senate to approve his |ttion. k'Hotel registers from various parts ■the country are shown federal grand that is investigating the alleged plots. ■Corn heads the list of crops in this Krntry according to government es New York will have a half million dollar Christmas tree this year. Ghost leader is sentenced to serve ten years in the Atlanta peni ■Biary for death of six of his flock. MacVeagh wants currency immediately in his annual re ■k submitted to congress. ■issenger tbains on the Chicago, Milwaukee tend St. Paul collide and are killed* hhtibiiai council decides to ItekA W the American fin adviser. fc hr —*■ ■enator Curtis, of Kansas, d'raft's ; a Mil intended to help trade conditions ■|h other countries, gThe Plumbing Trust is made defen- Wht in suit filed ih Lios Angeles, Cal. (■raiid jury in Lee county, Virgini bribery charges. Qon- W‘ ons s^rn ’^ ar 1° those in Oh'/j sa jj Kiave been found. THE DALTON ARGUS. THE lOUO Hoodoo Under Chief Police Orders By an act of the city council last night the “hoodoo” wagon, alias the “black maria,” alias the “patrol wagon," will hereafter be at the dis posal of the chief of police. It appears that recently the chief of the fire department has objected to having the horses taken from the fire hall to pull the “hoodoo”, and that made it very inconvenient for the “cops“ when they had an obtre porous prisoner. Fro mnow on the chief of police can order it out when in his judgement it becomes neces sary. NEWUfiHTS To Be Placed Near City Limits. All o ft he lights that were reoently decided upon by the city council are to be'placed as soon as the city elec trician and his force can do so. In addition to those it was decided last night to place a light out on Walnut Avenue just west of the home of Mrs. J. W. Barrett, near the hollow where it is very dark and narrow at the large culvert. The above includes.a light on Crawford street at the top of .the hill this sldd of tlie Fail- Ground tiCKot' dflTce? G. WJWAN Was Denied Remittance of Fine. Mr. George W. Horan, by petition and in person appeared before the city council last night and asked that his fine of fifty dollars be remitted. Mr. Horan set forth that similiar case down on Hamilton street was the precedent. In addition to that prece dent Mr. Horan cited that the fire limits had been drawn in to the ex tent that within two doors of his ho tel a frame structure, not nearly so fireproof as the work he had done, was only recently completed. On motion the petition was tabled. A few months ago the council granted the right to Mr. Horan to add a certain amount of work to his hotel and later on he was tried before the recorder and fined fifty dollars for alleged violations of the city Are or dinance. It was alleged that he had exceeded his grant in the premises. cotton < Coming in Rapidly T oday . TlifAb has been mog© cotton bought ft* town today sold than on a'hy day since the season opened. A ery liberal quantities "have Ttfe'en on the ytrnnts and the be£t Shades brought eight and a and the offerings have been fret and the t p Aing in ptxtportion. SothO Tied Cross skimps will add to the appearance bf your Christmas packages and letters and at the same tiicfe ybii will ‘help the unfortunate LEADING PAPER OF NORTH GEORGIA. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN PIEDMONT SECTION. DALTON, GEORGIA. T lURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, Ipll CHRISTMAS Where Santa Can Be Found in Dalton The Weekly Argus comes to its many readers a day earlier this week in order that they may scan its pages and find the innumerable Christmas bargains in Dalton. Santa Claus has been considerably overstocked this year and will have a world of splendid things to offer in Dalton not to be found so cheaply anywhere else. By dropping in at the Fite Hard ware store you will find a great many things for the home, fireside and farm that are not only worthy of Christmas gifts, but are useful also. Baker & Buchanan, the well known Dalton furniture dealers, have things that every woman in the land would like, not only for the ornament of the home, but useful as well. It will pay you to drop in there and look for yourself. Routh’s have so many things that will delight the old and young that it would take two pages of The Argus o even mention them. They are real ‘ ‘ Christmassy ’ ’ too. The Dalton Millinery Company has some astonishingly low bargains for the remainder of the holiday shopping season and it will be unwise not to go there and take a careful survey. Portrum & Altman have a store so full of the beautiful and attractive for girls and women that it is bewilder ing to an Argus reporter. They must appreciated. When you drop in at Miller Bros’. Dalton Bargain Store, it makes one wish they had a pocketbook as big as the moon and then some. You will see there things which you know would not only please every member of your own family but the members of every other family, big and small, within your knowledge. The store is packed full and the goods must go be fore Christmas day. McWilliams, “the square deal man” has been catering to the North Georgia public fbr many years and if he has not got the things this year most desirable for the season they are not to be found in Dalton. You will have no occasion to go anywhere else when you get into McWilliams’ big store. Bowen Brothers have two stores full of the substantial things and there is no reason why the “inner man” i should suffer. A visit there will save s you the worry of “what shall I have for this or that meal?” King Grocery company have fruits, nuts, apples, oranges* cand; es and all sorts of tbs goodies so tooth some to the thousands nf little friends and devotees of old Santa Claus. ‘ If you really want to get right into the middle of the spirit of ' mas you will have to go to f&Ylan & Neal’s and there yt-& fo)ks of the family can up s 0 we;i had so they will fee: g'ood fQi- days to come. ( The EcOn'dttij Store is full from top llu bott'brh 'with everything that th© femitfiite world might want in the way of ‘dress and the men and boys can | lx. entertained there with the fcata# rare ability that can be tbund ahy where else in Dalton. Th'e stot'e has plenty of capable employees to wait on the big trade wiftrout causing any long waits. David Alprts the propri etor, has beeri or the qui vive Tor I this occasion-. COME TO DALTON TO SF x f)P 4 Miss Ruth Horne has go> Je Chic kamauga to lie the guest o f her •ati-nt,' . -Mrs, Tota Lee. / THEJITY Will Complete the Ashe Contract The leaking of one of the concrete reservoirs put in by H. M. Ashe has caused the city council to hold up on the full payment of the money asked gad contained in the bid of Mr. Ashe. The matter has been thoroughly investigated by the’city authorities and they find that the bid and bond of Mr. Ashe make him liable and as Ashe threatens suit the city attorney will begin at once preparing papers to defend the city under the contract. In the meantime the work will be com pleted by the city. Mr. Downing, the well known civil engineer gave it as his opinion the work can be done for about five hundred dollars. This was decided upon last night by the council. FRANKPERCY Had His Auto Catch Fire Yesterday Late yesterday afternoon near dark the automobile of Mr. Frank Percy senretarv of the Duane Chair Mami factoring company, took fire vapors of the gasolipe wlujh he'Avas pouring in the tank. Thv front lights of the machine were Ami it seems the vapdrizniion came in contact with the flames and for a time it looked as if the machine would be wrecked, but vigorous ef forts on the part of Mr. Percy and some bystanders the flames were quenched, not however, until quite a bit of damage to the ear was done. It, however, is in a “goable” shape. A windshield was broken and the paint badly scorched. Mr. Percy got two fingers painfully burned. SAIMUS Asked to Remember Little Ones. Dalton, Ga., Dec. 18. Dear Santa Claus: —Please bring me a doll trunk and a doll go-cart and some nuts and oranges and apples. Your little friend, LUCIE SPECK. iUitbh; bee. 18. Beat ’VailsPlease bring me j a dbl'l bed, a safe and a table and StoVtl and set of dishes and a lot of things to eat. Please don't for get me because I can’t walk and go to the Christmas tree. Good-bye. RVBY NELL STEELE. | PiiVioYa Ga.. Doe. 18. "Pear Santalease bring a lot ot fire and roman candles and a iiftW a shooting stick and cA|>M and good things to tab EAR LSTEELE. I » - ———• I r I frt&’d'n, Ga., Dec. yB. j Dear Baftta : t—Hease bring me ant* Indian Suit, bull, foot ball , gdb, horn, striped, dancing ihan, . ittol's, bdt>k*. n .. r , < FARRAR WILLIAMS CTAvitand street. •1_ - ■■ “ **" Dalton, Ga.. Dee. yB. , Dfear Santa Claus:-“I think lam a 'good boy, at least I have tried to be. FIREWORKS Must Not Be Set Off in Fire Limits By an act of the city council last night the bursting of fireworks, the popping of crackers, shooting of Roainn Candles and the sending up of sky rockets and any and all other dis plays of gun and Chinese and Japan ese powders, the shooting of guns and pistols and anvils and such other noise producing and nerve racking alleged Christmas fun, will not be per mitted within {he fire limits of the city. Everywhere these are permit ted extreme caution must he exercis ed. The law forbids the sale of firecrackers over four inches long to any one under any circumstances". The celebrant must be very careful this- year or the plain clothes man. who will be on the lookout will get them. DR. J. FJARRIS Among the Council Visitors Last Night Mayor-elect J. F. Harris was airing the “lookers on in Veufre” . hist, night, at the meehjhg o? th'g cj<*\ieoyri-' cM. Dr. W. JL add FrtrA; Bell,’ ccuncilmen-ew-. also "' ‘amfing thof-e ha-n’d -ffhff iAineir place s Vi?re Buchanan, Elkins, King, Mann and Wills. A letter from President Andrew Soule, of the state agricultural col lege, with reference to the holding of the traveling agricultural school here early in March, was read by Mayor Trammell and the council agreed to co-operate with it in every way pos sible and Secretary Reynolds of the Dalton chamber of commerce was ask ed by the council to so write President Soule, as the matter was being looked after by Mr. Reynolds. Wm. J. Cummins furnishes $60,000 bond for his release in New York. Better do your Christmas shopping while the sun is shining. Please bring me a jumping jack and a pop gun and a doll that goes to ' sleep. 1 Your little friend, I GRADY MURPHY. i 1 BftiiOilj Gia., Dec. yB. Dhaf Santa Please bring mb A iitllb Mbve, a doll cHi-friAgfe, a little set of flisiifes and some nuts and fruits. | Your little friend, INEZ PIERCE. I Ditltoh, Ga„ yB. Deat- Santo t—l Tea& Wing me sbint Av fe. t. 'iffoAk * doll carriage and shine nuts Yruits. Ytnfr Ultlft friend, OLIE COMBEE. i Dalton, Ga., Dec. yB. I War Santa:—Please bring me an i W gun, a foot ball, some fire crack ‘’ ’ers and some fruits and nuts. , Your little friend, B. F. PIERCE. Dalton, Ga., Dec. yB. Dear Santa-.—Please bring me a drum, a wagon, a fire wagon, a lit tle train and lots of fruit and nuts. x Your little friend, CLYDE PIERCE. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ASPHALT The Dalton Quality is Superior to AU That the M est Construction com pany did a good job of asphalt laying for the city of Dalton was made known yesterday when Contractor L. P. McAuliffe began digging up a slice of it at the intersection of Ham ilton and East Cuyler streets, under which he is laying a main for the new freight house of the Southern Railway. The workmen worked gll day cut ting about twenty feet of it up and ruined several axes and other tools. Mr. McAuliffe to an Argus rep re sent ative said he had cut up lot.; of asphaltum in many southern cities i n ' the Dalton brand was the best he h:.l cut into. Usually the “stuff” be comes brittle and easily breaks up in chunks, but the Dalton variety was tough, though pliable, and in taking it up the hard concrete came up with it. Dalton may well feel proud of hrr asphalt streets. * OROMCES. ,• * • • - * X* '■? A and Laws Passed. , —.. i • A RESOLI'TION Whereas, the Dalton Telephone Company, a corporation whose capi tal stock was originally $1,500.00, has used and occupied the streets, lanes, alleys, etc., for nearly nineteen years —being incorporated April 20th, 1893, and whereas, it undertook to obtain an exclusive franchise in said year and for the use of said streets, lanes, alleys, etc., agreed to furnish one ’phone for the use of the Mayor and Marshal and, whereas, it has failed to even comply with the magnificent offer of one phone for the Mayor and Marshal of said city, but collects SIOB.OO annually from the said city for the use of three phones and pays nothing for the franchises so used by said Telephone Company on which it collects from the people of the City of Dalton something near $1,500.00 per month. Therefore, be it resolved that the city attorney investigate the legal right of the Mayor and Council to give away the franchises of said city an dis the said Telephone Co. contin ues to operate and use the said valu able ffftflfchlses, in said streets etA, that it be required to pay to said city at least 2 and one half per cent of its gross income aS compensation to said i city- lie it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Dalton, that from and after the passage of this or dinance, 1. There shall be no houses wired in the city of Dalton without a writ ten permit from the city inspector, said permit to be had at the office of the city clerk. 2. All service wires must enter building at the nearest point to the city pole lines, 3. All meters must be placed on the back porch or side porch and must never be put on second floor of build ings without the written permission o£ the city inspector. 4. In al cases where there is poweif and lightining in the same building two separate meter centers must be arranged and in all cases there must Continued on last Page.