The Daily argus. (Dalton, Ga.) 1909-????, March 31, 1911, Image 3

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iSOQEff I Francis Flemister I Stertains at Bridge. K »•- I’rancis Eleiuister was hostess I l’ ri ’"- v pa,t ' V vester ‘ lay at ’ eri,oon I glw was played at four tables Miss I ■ I )e11 McAfee Inakin " highest ■ H>" After the interesting game a I Had eetirse was served to the guests, I |Hi included Misses Ethel Brothers. I ■jjj >rv Nell Spencer. Mary Dell Mc- ■ Margaret Showalter. Marie 110 - K l&gsworth. Emery Kirby. Grace J K? Louise Felker. Louise Flemis- I ter Lillian Bishop. Frances Berry. May and Mary Louise Horan, Wrxltie Rembert. Addie Mae Flowers, | ■ „klyn Chauncey and Blanche I Miss Flemister was assisted I by her mother. Mrs. M. and her sisters, Mrs. | mil Fite and Miss Grace Flemister. >d< Hß Circcle Entertained McCarty. Thornton Avenue Sewing circle n ,K' delightfully entertained yester- 1 da afternoon by Mrs. AV. S. Mc it Her home was spring-like in of fragrant apple blos v W 8011S> Each member brought her nftdle work and the needles were busy ' ■ for several hours. Late in the af ter toon the guests enjoyed an ice <‘ oli ' e - Besides the members, those pW'iit were Mesdames F. T. Hard w®k. M. C. Foster, 11. P. Colvard, J. I J. Lock Brown and Misses L JEkise and Agnes Bryant and Ret Mrs. McCarty was assisted lv her guests by Mrs. J. | Brown and Miss Mary Brown. 11. S. I’.ilieridge, of Chattanoo yesterday in Dalton. “ ll’ < ' :l . v, °n is spending a ... d ;,vs i' l Atlanta. OUHB * * • I k - Dodger went down to yesterday. On her "’ill slop in Rome to visit her I Mr. Sam Lowry. I» » » ?eiami Mrs. J. W. Edge left to ll ■ B"' Nashville, where they will re ] bi the future. I• ♦ • K^^B r ' M. -L Townsley, who has been 1 -'ll si Os her father. .Judge S. B. il. i'ir several weeks, lias re- home in Chattanooga. P(j •lohn L. Edmondson, of Atlan- todav. 3 M -A D of Atlanta. I’ ll t 0 v i s i t !I(>r nio ther. Mrs. St Cordon. I* * * ' ’ 1 ■ 1 nrner. a well known ■ "I lilton. is spendding the in Dalton. ru H .• • • i‘- M. Gudger and Air. Tom ‘ -''i'trray, are spending the i Mi" Dalton. I* * * ll ( ' Pirook is confined to .«** with rheumatism. Max Keister, of Spring Place, ■’ Thmsday in the city. D ■’'hope leaves Sunday for •'Bj|®l" lH -t’. Da., (o look after the in- °f the estate of the late Dr. 11. , l’ (1 having owned consider- pr "l"‘ n ' t .v there. -i B W Buchholz Ice Cream ■■ ' >ar lor. the place for i jr '“iiess and satisfac- ; service . most u P=to=date ‘ 11 ’ eani Parlors, ail Drinks, a full line CANDIES IJ BUCHHOLZ Phone 57 ♦ *♦****♦*♦♦*,» I* COOKING DEPARTMENT. * »»♦*♦♦******* Fried Tomatoes. | Slice tomatoes, salt and pepper; roll in flour and fry’ in hot bacon. Put sugar on them when frying and fry . until brown. Potato Fillets. Pare and slice potatoes thin or cut them in fillets about a quarter of an inch square and as long as the potato; keep them in cold water until wanted, then drop them into boiling lard; ' when nearly done take them out with a skimmer and drain them; boil up , the lard again, drop the potatoes in and fry till done; this process causes the fillets to swell up and puff. Serving Mushrooms. A delicious way to serve mush , rooms is to butter a dish and sprinkle with a first layer of bread crumbs, . with bits of butter, pepper and salt and a liberal supply of butter over * the last layer of bread crumbs. Rich i milk or half cream poured over each layer makes a proper finish. Cook fifteen minutes in a moderate oven. Mushrooms so cocked are fit for the palate of the veriest epicure. New Idea for Salad. A new idea for celery and apple • salad is to grate the apples, which > should be tart and firm, into mayon naise dressing. The celery, shredded and crisp, should be served on chilled lettuce leaves, with the apple mayon naise turned over it. —l— i i Apple Custard Pie. For a New’ England apple custard pie, stew quartered apples in a very ■ little water until they are tender, then rub them through a colander. For one pie allow one pint of cooked ap ples. While they are still hot stir into them a tablespoonful of butter, one cup of sugar, two well beaten eggs and a half a cup of cream. Line a deep pie plate with rich crust rolled thin, and fill the plate with the pre pared mixture. Bake in a quick oven. A meringue may be put over the top if desired after the pie is baked. Dainty Pudding. Cut an angel food cake around the center; put on a thick layer of sweet ened whipped cream, and on top of this place marshmallws close together. Then put on a thin layer of whipped cream; place on the other half of the angel cake, then whipped cream and last of all, another covering of marsh mallow’s. The dissatisfied people with their coal, are the people who did not buy from us. Do like your neighbors do —buy from Bowen Bros. 3-29-4 t Bankruptcy Sale. I will sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the corner of Hamilton and Cuyler streets, Dalton, Whitfield coui.ty, Ga., at 10 a. m., Saturday April 1, the en tire stock of goods and fixtures of E. W. Petty, bankrupt. T will be glad to show property to all desiring to inspect it at any time before the sale. Sale subject to the approval of the court. March 21, 1911. W&S L. H. CRAWFORD, Trustee. Eight packages Blue Ribbon NASTURTIUM SEED for 25c Bowen Bros. THE DAILY A*€Ws. DALTON. GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1911. frn i > iiL.’:i n ■ W TO, brightens and preserves everything about the home. There is no old or dingy looking furniture or woodwork in homes where Liquid Veneer is used —all is clean, wholesome, sani tary. Liquid Veneer can be applied by anybody, anywhere, at any time, and there is no muss to clean up after ward. There are no cans, no pots, no brushes. There are no sticky hands or surfaces. Simply moisten I a piece of cheese cloth and wipe off J the surfaces, as you would do dusting. Just try Liquid Veneer and see ■ how sweet and dean it will make 1 everything. 4-oz. bottle 25c. 12-oz. bottle 500. SOLO BY I Gardner Plnmbing Co. in in, FOR RENT AND FOR SALE All Kinds of Real Estate On Fort Dependable and else -1 I where in Dalton TEslate 'ZA.gencp A 15J4 HAMILTON STREET ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT. DON’T GET RUN DOWN Weak and miserable. If you have kidney or Bladder troubles, dull head pains, Dizziness, Nervousness, pains in the back, and feet tired all over, get a package of Mother Gray’s Aus tralian Leaf, the pleasant herb cure. It ne”er fails. We have many testi monials from grateful people who have used this wonderful remedy. As a regulator it has no equal. Ask for Mother Gray’s Australian-Leaf at druggists or sent by mail for 50 cts. Sample FREE. Address the Alother Gray Co., Leßoy, N. Y. Rome Medicine Co., Rome, Ga. Gentlemen: —We have had your Neurosarsin in stock for the past two months, have had a good trade on same and we have had repeat orders from those who have used it. While we know nothing of the in gredients of the preparatioon. we know that those who have tried it have been pleased with the results. Very truly, HALE-JERVIS COMPANY S' '“W- I - "W J '.A 1 i -t. Ladies! Having had numerous inquiries regarding dresn-niaking and tailoring, we take pleasure in announcing that we have added to our up-to date cleaning, pressing and dyeing works, a ccmplets Ladies’ Dress-making and Tailoring department Tl:i j department will be in charge of Mrs. Joe Car michael and Miss Lucy Hardy This is a work that Dalton has long needed and wetrust you will give us your patronage. Sat isfaction guaranteed. We call for and deliver your work. Dalton Prepatorium No. 1 I King St. Phone 160. Al. P. Fann, Prop Only Four Days More of Our Red Tag Sale The bargains we are giving each day will surely interest you. Special for Tomorrow Saturday at 1U A. M. Galvanized Wash Tub, 1 to customer,none to chil dren 25c Special 2:30 P. M. 15 Beautiful Jardinieres, worth 75c and sl.oo,first 15 persons buying 50c or more gets one of these Jards. for only 25c Long Wear Shoes Kor comfort, style, fit and service buy Long Wear Shoes 30 days longer wear than any other shoes at same price. We like to show you our line and talk shoes with you. Men’s New Silk Four-in-Ha nd Ties; exceptional values - - 25 c Routh’s, Dalton, Ga MRS. J. W. CROUCH FLORIST. Choice Cut Roses, Flowers and Plants We can on short notice furnish el egant Bridal Bouquets, and Floral Designs, Decorations for Weddings, Reception?-, Etc. Write or telephone your orders Chattanooga, Tenn. TTaF McEntire" CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER General repairing—All sorts of Car penter work done in first-class style Also grates and Brick work. Droj me a card and I will call at once. Candy Sale Save half your money. We have just received 600 Lbs. Red Band Candies. Fresh, pure and delicious, right from the manufacturers. Special Saturday. Fine Victoria Chocolate Cream Dropsl, regular 20c value, 2 lbs. for 25c Little Butter Cups, sell 20c lb. everywhere; our price, lb 10c Cream Covered Dates, pound.... 10c Peanut Brittle, 20c value, lb 10c Pigeon and Bird Eyes, lb 10c About 19 other varieties at 10c and 20c per pound. LADIES! Have your combings or cut hair made up in the newest Ringlet Puffs, Curls, Braids and Transformations. Send or write. LaMAR HAIR STORE, 111E 7th, Ground Floor, Chattanooga. J M .RUDOLPH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office up-stirs Hardwick building. Commercial practice, collections and bankruptcy law a specialty. Commissioner to take testimon.y ... DALTON, - GEORGIA. By special arrangement with the Murray Music Co. we will publish, in Satur day’s issue of the Argus that great Broadway song VANITY FAIR Vanity Fair is being sung in all the large cities by the composer STELLA MAYHEW Are you a subscriber? If not, subscribe NOW so you’ll not miss this song. Advertisements in this c Uumn cnljr > t»ne cent a word. PASTURE for horses and cattle by , the month. Apply to Y. V. Richard son, Phone 130. FOR RENT—OId council chamber, up stairs in Oglesby building. Paul B. Trammell. ts While you are having your plumb ing work done have it put Sanitary Way, and protect your home from dis eases. See H. L. Reeder, Practical Sanitary Plumber, ten years exper ience. I also do steam and gas fit ting; guarantee satisfaction. Phone 126 or 107. WANTED—Situation as engineer or as fireman. Can furnish the best of references. E. F. Brown. COTTON SEED FOR SALE—Of fer 600 bushels cotton seed for sale for short while. If you want any make your application, at once. M. S. CHARLES. 4t WANTED—An experienced steno grapher. Aply at the office of Mad dox, McCamy & Shumate. ts NOTES FOR SALE. First mortgage notes bearing inter est at seven per cent. Will discount so that purchaser will earn nearly ten per cent on his money. Address Dis count, Box 55, Chattanooga, Tenn. STRAYED —Monday afternoon, a brindle yearling heifer. Has on lea ther halter with piece of chain at tached. Finder please return to 48 South Depot street and receive re ward. BOY, 14 years old, has attended, public schools, wants job at anything. I am willing to work and have had experience in store and factory. Wil lie D. Burnes, No. 5 Green street. We are the only people that sell the Royal Cement. All large contractors are required to use it, such as The West Construction Co., and Haig & Puryear. If it will pay them to use it, it will pay you. Bowen Bros. Good Bermuda pasture for cattle, inside city limits, at SI.OO per month for the season. Apply to W. F. Sum merour. ts ■* '■■V •»!■»! ■ II ■ II !■ Os course you have heard that wealth would not buy happiness, but did you ever hear any one say that poverty would? But as a matter of fact it doesn’t pay a woman to lie awake nights to listen to what her husband says in his “After all things are pretty evenly apportioned in this world.” “Eh-yes! A strong minded woman generally has a weak-minded hus band.” —Smart Set. A man will brag about the cold bath he takes in winter as much as about the important people he knows. . SOUTHERN RAILWAY. NORTHBOUND Departs. No. 13 8:46 a. m. No. 7 .10:39 a.m. No. 15 6:57p. m- No. 5 8:10p.m SOUTHBOUND Departs. No. 8 6:29 a. m No. 6 7:55 a. m. No. 14 7:48 p.m. No. 16 5:30 p.m. WESTERN & ATLANTIC. SOUTHBOUND Arrives. Departs. No 3... .4:05 a. m. 4:08 a.m. No. 93. ...B :15 a. m. 8:19a.m. No. 1 ...4:13 p.m. 4:17 pm. No. 95.... 5:23 p. m. 5:27 p. m. NORTHBOUND Arrives. Departs. No. 94... .10:20 a. m. 10:25 a. m. No. 2.... 11:57 a. m* 12:01 p. m. No. 4.... 11:57 p. m. 12:01 a. m. No. 92.... 8:08p.m. 8:11p.m.