The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, January 29, 1799, Image 4

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PARODY ** AUnm lh' b <‘l>* ani th“ f i-r Imo «n t u U> ihc Auih>»i ol ilie “ Murk.” Giles Jo'.lup (hr Grave , an I Brown Sally Green, A DOCTOR fa prim a (Irffj fi ' ; ;v, Hob a-ix-bbcil in fuinc fight tig't ma al* I i)ui, ; T liry in k• ii ) the c jj dial wi’h i; ur 11 de- j lif h; ; Ci cs Jl»i ' t! e O r av* wni j rt five Ice t in hr gfii, And lour ic. I ihc Brown Sail) Orecn, •* And a •** fiid Ci <*» Jnltup, t( to nior« row 1,0 T.» l hvlie a lei cnfii !on^, At f me li cpniny huj, < r jcr. api the May* or*» (how, y uM tumble in lave wi h f me fmart »ity lift 11, And with nim fliarc ir ihop in tin 11 1 anil. «< Lo;d ! ho-i” ran think f> ?” brown b. I'j Ciren lai ‘ t • Y ii mull know mtp,h y little of ne ; F.r if you b nv ug, ui 1 1 >on he dead, I 4, p n my ihat none in y.ur lie id ' 8h i. husband of Sally Green be, “ And if r ? c f r another my heart fltould lift :Ji , Fa f io 'on ai d ihe *'aith wbl h I gave, C id giant, il a , a I omner, too amply fup . . . O.e -ra mg nay give me a pain »n the fi.'lr : Miy )« nr,■ iioft henbiinp rhubarb to phy lie hr bride. And lend me we Udofed to ihc grave •’ A 'ay went poor Gi’cs to what place i not i« Id, Sally e l l, till lire blew her nofc* furr ! Jjm i e Ii “I a twelvcmoiuh elapiV whtfn behold ! A Brcwei, q itc llylifh, hit gig that wa) rol d, And Uopp’j ii at Sully Grcen’i daor. His wealth, his pul-1 elly, and w! i key ol cane, Soon mndehrr nntn e to he. esws ! The ( cam ol lining beer now Urwildered J,er b a.n, Uc caught her wbi’e lipfy ! denials were \ an, So be tarried her h me at his i,iouft. A ul t o v the r Bfl beef had been bleflM by ) ihe . rie 11 j j To cl fltn ow Hi* gueft Tiad begun • y ,t)«n d nail "ke a *. If, fell ihc t-ii.’e on ilir leufl * ivory ci had he cluiil of her knife and fork crafrd, When n bcil fiwai a duftmaa’s) lolled UNt! Th> nfi wih nTi' zeme.’. t brown Sally) G een found Thai a ll a v.av fluck by her ft W : His tta>. aid h s rudles wt.b luufi *cu cm i owi <d : He eat in *i, he d .ji k not, bu r turning him II mid, Sent fomc pudding ana/ to be fried > J His w : g wn turned and fhort was his height, H s aj rou v as dirty to \ lew ; T.c w< m i (<'li! wraiidroMs I) we ehufhed »l h n hi ! The eat-, as hrv ex ed him dew back (w el hey nngh ) Fr h s ) was ,cs gicm and blue ! Now all wfhed to f- e k, but none knew what to lav, They !• ■ ke.i nigh v ft n ilh atul queer, /11 i.j’h f kc h In i c, while Ihc ircm* 1 bled— “ ! pr:i' , De r li , 'i ur je: uke r fl e yen wmiM lav And pr kc vf Km: iltong or I mail I Leu l w 7 he fenv f rt f» is Tr ent ; ihe ftrerger co n plie;, >• d1 ii w : i* In in ) s frz deigns to null, i Adzouks !wut a TjUaii f>a ; i) ga.c through * futptizc i L ke a iig ih\i is ftnek bow file epered j hei e cs, VNhm lie rctncnurJ Joilu.’s Larc :k II i E ih irifs then es cl timed, while Ihe turn ed up • c ii cui ** Si-, 'oni Is it is n't ft' to lc f;cr 7i c pot toy* ian b y n.d the pot baj s run iltr, And could n t cricave what (he noil'c j was au-mt V' fc i: the addi«ilcd Sally Green ; •« Beb M me, thru 112-firl! bi h >!d me V f '• h'* cr ed ; • “ Y"u\e bfocen the faith which you ga re, G d fi a it:, that, to punifh your faUchood and pride, Q.'er eniji g ihaold give you a pain in your fide ; Come I *vhl l o w this rhubarb ! I’ll phyft- ll ,r b in And .<ad herwell dofed io the grave . Thut fulpg, the phyfic her throat heforc ed d )\vn, 1 1 fpiie of whatever fhe could fay ; |*h<n bo e to his chariot the datnlci fo iruwn ; Nor ever was flie feen is thit Sown, Or the doiftor who wbilked her away. Not ln el the Brewer end none Jime thai limr, To trake ufe of the brew-houfe pre foinc ; For its fi miy btl evedj that by order fuh lim e, There Sully Green Tuffcrs Ihe pain of hci c rrne. And to g't out of the room. At midnight f< ur times in each year does I or f >r g if, V’iih Uuicki m tde thr chamber rcfo’ind, 4 1 wi.n’i take the rhubarb ! * Ihc fquaJis in a Irght, While n iup in his leftiiand, a draught in his right, Giles JoJlup purfues her around! With wigs fo well powdered, I heir fees while they crave, Dai eng iound them twelve Dollars are fte”, They d< nk chicken-broatb, w hlie this hor rible flavc, It twang’d through each nofe—“ To Giles Jo I up the G ave, And h.s patient, the lick Sully Green HISTORICAL ANECDOTZS. The emperor, Charles the Fifth, when at Wertemberg, was deftied by Come of his oHi- 1 ccis to order the bones of Luther to be dug up and burnt. He nobly told (hem, “ I have now nothing farther to do with Lu-j 'her. He has henceforth ano* I rher judve, whole juiifdi6tion if is not 1 wful for me to ufurp. Know, that I make no war with the dead, but with the living | who ft ill continue to attack me.'* SaJadin , Egypt, Saladin, the Soldan of Egypt, (hough he had dominions e ongh of his own, was always ready, when occahou offered to make free with other people's. At his return, without fuccels, from the Hege of Mnufel, in Syria he feized into his hand* the whole lordfhip of Emeffi, in p'ejudice to the right of Nafi Fdihn, the young piince who claimed it. And this he did upon pretence that the father of the youth had foifeitsd it, by giving countenance to confede l racics aga'nfl the So!dan's inter eft. Saladin. howtv r, ordered ( that proper care ihould be taken of the injured prince’s educa tion ; and being defirous to ob- | ferve what progicfs he made in his fludies, he was brought day before Soldan, wdio aiked him, with much gravity, in ivhat pa t of the Alcoran he was reading ? “ f am come,” replied the young prirre, to the fui prife of ad near him, “ to that verfe which informs me, that he who devours (he eftates of orphans, is not a king, but a tyrant/* The Soldan was much lUuicd at the : turn and fpirit of this repartee; b >tafr* r a paufe and recollection returned the youth this generous anfver: “he who fpcaks with fuen rcfolution, would aft with lo much courage, that I reftore vott to your fathers poffeffions : lett I (hould be thought to ftan H in fear of a viitue which I on'y icveience." Dionyfius the e’der, having taken the city of Rhegium, after a long hege ; Phyto (by whom the city forces hidb'en com manded, and who 1 ;ad figtialized himfelf by the mod. eminent bravery and love r o his country) fe ! a Dcrifice to the lavage ie* fertment of the ronqueior, Di onyfius o»de.< d him to he tied to the »op cf an high military machine, and in that manner to I be earned through all the ranks, for a g izing (lock to the viftoii ous army. Wh le this cruel ceiemony was peiforming, the tyrant, in hopes of augmenting the furrows of Phy o, fent an herald to in o m h rn that u yef terday his 11 1 had been thrown into the fea " To which the ihuHnous captive anfwercd, then mv f>n n ha; pier than myfelf by one day. D > unifius perceiving that Phyto’s great nets of foul was yet nnfubdued by the vari ous indigni ies hitherto inflifted, had ti n led tiuoip h the city ! with t xe utioners behind him, who cou ged hun all the way wbi ear yer p ocl timed !i the jtia;tor Phyto is thus treated, lor h tvi gliiufd up the inhabitants of Rhegium to rebellion.'’- rn “ No/’ anbveied the unconqucr ed hero, “ you Ihould rather (ay, that ih s ufage is inflicted on a 1 ver of his country, be cmfe he would not facrifice its ibe: ties to a tyrant." Dionyfius equally afton (bed and intimida ted by fuch exalted fi mnels, dheftly oidcred him to be thrown into the (ea : whole w tves loon overwhelmed as much of Phyto ?s could die, a d tianfmitted his immortal ;art to that world of (pi:its, where the e are no pumfhmcnts for vi'iue, and where tyranny cannot come. I FUR sale, Onth’ FIRST TUBS DAT in Fihu.ny next, tht Ma kit Hjuji, in JLouitV. le, A TRACT of LAND, on the I_ouif• ills /a Roa adj lining lards or Joicj’h C airs aid Archib. 1) Luilr, containing :Q' Acres. Six m«n hs cieiit will be given, on givi g frrn i?y. Archibald Woods. 2 2. DANI EL M'DOWELL, Boot and Shoe Maker, Hat REMOVED liom Brosd-;ireef, to CKfihN STREET, »l:erj nil «o k it. his MO-, will be cJ wiia ncamefs and dif )au 7i, 'J.snna’y 22. caution. IfFORWAKN a I P.-rfr r.s fro n rurchT JL -nr a NOTE of HAND, given to c I vsnoke* Burn., in July, ai .d r a>ab ein Mattn. u vv.ii gucu on a contract, j.nd Uj: contract not t o;np!j:d with John Sapp; Januarj n, x * WANTED TO HIRE, liy tbf Wed or Alon/h r A NEGRO Wfi.sCH, w o can Crk, Wafh and Inn; tor fuch a one, g*nercus W*gei wih be given. £i quite at ili s Offices. January 2 2. FOR S A L F, Cheap for Cajh, London d ffi Banket* Wnitf, H n? and Giceu Plaint *v h c ard fled Flannels Ra h C atingi Superfine Broad Cloths Second do. do. | Black Buff ard Grey Cafljmere* Fdlii unable SuandoWQ and Ca&mere Veil Shape* Marfci !«», Jean* and Jcanet do. Clouded a: d Silk Nankeen* Royal Rtbb* and Dei immi Velvcrc's, Cordmoy* ar .o Tliickfiet* B ack, B ue and Pink Durants C duos and Chintzes Tailioied, f tigged, Triped and p’ain I court and Bock Muflin Mu in Shaw's and Tianckcrchicij B ( k an i Jaconet C avals and Gotten Cambrick* B aik Sik Handkerchief* Ribbons and Ferretings Sewing Silk and Twiik Mens Dear Skin Glove* liifh Linen, 3 4 and 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheeting* Oz 'aburgs Mens, Wcm-nj and Youths Cotton and WOl ft'd Hofc Mcnr, Womens and Youths Shoe* f.utics Morocco Sandals Mr * and Womens and fine Hafs Guiles, Tcflamrnt* and S.eiliug Books Federal Ready Reckoner* D.ftionancs, and a variety of fmall rics I ik Powder, and beft Dutch Quill* Violins Looking GlaTci Iv. ry Comb* R z ts a id Cafes Gut and Pitted Bu'lonf L irpr and fmall do. Pen K’t'vcs K.ui\ cs an d F >rks Tab'e Sp« o.l* Trunk and Chefl Lock* MaJriIc a d Briolc Buckles 1 Stirrup Irons and Bridle Bit* ! s hoe K. rives, Ta ks, Awi BlaJci P' errs a d Gmblets Cotton Cards, No. 10 J 1 aiea and Weft-India o» C >gniac and Peach ranctv Tencriffc and Maiaga Wine* Hol’ai:d Gin j B >lica Tea i Sugar ! Pei per and Spiee ! Brim(hme ami Copperas A >• 6 I 8!. and 10 1. Nails Brft R fl; Gunpowder bar Lead and Shot ftfiorted AtSO, -An * fl irrment of PATENT MEDICINE and QjJFENS-W .RE, ioge her with a varit y of other article*, too numerous to infcti. Z. LAMAR. January jj, | The .SUBSCRIBER BEGS leav C to i .form the Ci izens of Louifville, and the neighborhood j adjacent, that he [UrpTe* teaching a j fchooi in Louifville, providing he meet* j wi h cncoi ragement. His plan of tcachjrg, with refprft to time, will be as follows I that is. be will in v. inter, teach ii c hours eve y day, widm out ary intermiffion. In lumincr, he vill teach eight hours every day, with one hours imc millio'. He will confine him* ft If to thirty Lh Ur* ; but privileged oreadona ly, to ;ake youths, v.h * may w fh to learn fome Branches of the Matas* ' n a '. s He will h's Scholars, without «!if* j tin . io n, Jbvu/J if be wiJheJy heading, Wi i* I ting, Audi i.cijc, Geometry, Trig no* ; metry, Surveying; the Theory v,f Navi gation, in fix cafes; ti c ufe of J,e Globes, tcrenc and celcHiai ; Geograj by, £ cmeni* of Allronomv, with an tafy method of calculating the magnitudes ard d ftancci of the Heavenly bodies ; the Elements of ; Practical, Natural Philofopby, agreeable to Fergufon, with a number of other u(e* ful Branches. And all tnis, for Twelve Dollar* per annum, or One Dollar per month The Srh-ol to c mmcacc as foon as is a lufficic t (u fcription, and a hoi fe j provided. The Huufe at the fcbulars e** ' | cnee. The Sub;Vlh-r flatter* h : mfclf. that he " 111 give general fatisfaißion to thole La. dies tr Gentlemen w ho nay favor him with the tuiii n of their Children, as he hath ! Ipcnt fomc years of I is v- tnh in ten.husJ j fchooi. ANDREW BURNS* Delightful t.Jk fo rear the tender fitant , ‘To teach the youn% idea ho tv to jt ot. And flour the jrejh lojiruftion in thi mind» January 22,