The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 12, 1799, Image 1

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the LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. ' T ~ t ' j | T U E S D A Y, February 12, 1799. [Mo. 4. , ‘ ~ ' REASON HND 'TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE lU.IT, ~~ ~ "*“■ y 7[sv I LLE : —Bubli Hied every Tuelday, by AMBROSE DAY, at three dollars per arm. payable hi!f yearly in advance. I o U I S V I E L r, TUTS DAT, February *799* PROCEEDIN' G S OP THE LegiJUure of the State oj Georgia, Begun and held at Louifville, oa the fecund Tuefd *y in January, 1799* House of Representatives, Thar [day , January 17. Several petitions reported upon, Mr. Butler from the commit tee to whom was referred the prefentrnents of the Grand ju ry of Wilkes, reports, that it appears to the committee the prefentrnents fet forth good and fubflantial reafons why the ad for prohibiting Haves from be ing brought into this St re from : any of the United States does not an Twer the prrpoles f or which it was intended. Mr. Watkins notified the Houle that he fhou’d to-morrow bring in a bill to be entitled, An act declaring the alient of the Legiflature to a Tale of part of the lands belonging to the UmVeiiity of the State, as contemplated by the Senatus Academicus, for the benefit of th it inftitution. Mr. Irwin, from the joint committee appointed on finance made the following report : “ Fhat they hive ex imined the books and abflraft of the Trealury, and examined the fame with the checque of offi *e, and find them fair and correct. On the letter of James Merri wether, Efq. Comptroller Gene ra’, your committee report, that tnev have examined the books and original entries in his oilice, and compared the fame with the abfhadd, and find them con eel : and are happy to obferve that bom tiie vigi ance of that officer lome counterfeits have already b-en dcte&ed and none are like 1/ to pals undi(covered ; and Lie cheegues under which he has ilFued new ones appear well ca tuiated to guard againft fu ture irnpofitions. Your com iriftee are lory to fr id from the information of tint officer, as V ’ e Ifiom luch other inquiries as tuev have been able to rn .ke, J t7 °e> not appear wh t amount , uidi evidence- of debt, or cuims againft this State have , e . n Lfaed, what hive been Ca “" a m > or is HOW outfland ing. • J^r * Walker from tire com !t; Ce appointed for that pur- Pn e reported a bill to audio- L Xccutora and Adminiflr 1- SLo lluke tales to laud in certain cafes, which was read the (irR time. The houfe refolved itfelf into a committee of the whole, on the bill to regulate Elcheats Mr. 'ones in the chair—‘he committee having made pro gress, role and had leave to lit again. F/(day, January 18. A melfige from his Excellen cy th e Gov ernor w a s rece i ved, accompanied with the laws of j the United States, which being' read, was ordered to he on the I table. Agreeably to notice given; ycflerday, Mr. Simms moved j that a committee be appointed j to prepare and report a bill to, be entitled, f< an a6b to appoint, a printer to the State,” and a committee was appointed con* ; filling of Mell s. Simms, Bryan and Abraham Jones. - Ma J imes Jones nodfic 1 the j houfe that he would to-morrow move for leave to b;ingin a bill to he entitled, <{ an a6l to revile and a iicnd an a 6l, requiring the Inferior C mrts of tha (cveral counties to provide For thn pay anvnt of the fees of ini /vent prifoners, and alfo to provide for the difchvge of the arreara ges due for building bridges, which may have been taken from the counties under whole orders they were built, by divi iions which have taken place in Inch counties. Mr. Elliott bom the joint committee appointed to report wh it 1 iws it may be neceffary to pa s during the prefent leffion, brought in a final report, viz. A bill to be entitled an a 6l to i empower the £ enators and Re presentatives of this State, or! 1 any two of them, to make to the United States a deed of cefhon 1 to a c.-itain tra6l of the un’oeat -1 cd lands cf this herein | defciibed, on certain conditions, limitations and reftri&ions, , j therein m^nripned. : | A bill to ca r ry in l o efFe6l the . 24th fc6lion of the fir ft article of the conflituti n. • I A inella r e from the Senate o : informing the hou'e that they ; are now ready to convene in tire y Representatives’ chamber, to /proceed to the election of the ; public officers ag r eeably to a :• J ji n.t resolution or both houfes : s 1 he Senate being convened 1 in ihe Rerncfentatives’chamber, - both houics proceeded to the j election, by ballot, of a Scna ■ tor, to reprefent this Stale in the • Congrefs of the United States — • 1 three Judges of the Superior • | CouA—an Attorney General — /two Sjlicitois General, and a Health Officer for the port of Savannah. The ballots being le para tel y and feyeral'y taken and ex amin ed for the afore I aid appoint ments. it appeared that Abraham Baldwin, was duly elefted a Senator to reprefent this flate in the Congrefs of , tlie United St tes— That David lh ydic Mitchell , was deeded a Judge of the eaf , te n di ft r i 6d —George Wait n fo r 1 the m’ddle ddl.i6d—and Tin mas \P. Carnes for the wellern dil tii6d. That William B. Bullock, wa? e T e6d d the Attorney General— : Pc er J. Carnes Solicitor Gcne |ral (or rhe middle did riel—-and i Peter Van Aden Solicitor General forth 3 wellern di(lri6d—and Doa >r Michael Burke, the Health Officer for the port of Savannah. i he Senate having retired, r> * the houfe adjourned till 10-mor row, Saturday, January 19. Agreeably to notice given, •Mr. Butler moved for the ap pointment of a committee to bring in a bill to regulate weights 1 a O O and wirduu this State. The order of the day bung called for, the houfe tuck under j conii leratiou the reports of committees on petitions, which ‘ were am nded and agreed to by ; the houfe. Monday, January 21. Several petitions p dented. Mr. London, agreeably to notice given, moved for the ap pointment of a committee, to p»epare and report a bill to lav out a town in the county of Ef fingham, to be known by the name of Springfield. A com* Imittee was appointed accord ingiy. The houfe refolved itfelfinio a committee of the whole on the bill, entitled, “ an aUt to repeal an acl, entitled an act for miliclmg penalties on certain perfons therein named fo far as it relpecls the baniihrncnt of [chu johnfon, William Corker and Stephen Corker/ 1 The committee having gone through the bill role and reported the fame with amend rents. Tuefiay, Ja unary 22. A committee was appointed to bring in a bill to compel the officers of the militia to tike an oath to fupport the con filiation of the State. Mr, Jam s Jones from the committee appointed, repotted a bill concerning KiTavs and for improving the breed of hol ies. Wednesday, January 23. The committee app Anted to examine and report (he fituad on of the public goods art! (Veil meafures as rn iy be neceffary relpcMing the fame, report, tint they hive ex >mined tlie laid goods and find many of thorn much injured, and from I the cbcumflances. together with , moll of them having bc # n laid in at extravagant prie s ; your committee are convinced it will he irnpoflible t > difpole of them without confiderablc lofs to the State, and that; the longer a (ale 9 O is delayed, the greater (lie lofs will be—they therefore recoin mend, that John Shellman Fto~ mas Collier, and Zachariah la mar be app unfed to alcertam the exa6t quantity, as near as may be the value of (lie find IV veral articles on ban 1, and rcpoi t as fp~cdily as poffiblc thercoa to the f gill auc. The report was agreed to by tlic houiV. Mr. Biyan moved that a com mittee be app Anted to prepare and repo t a bid for building a toll bridge acrols great Ogcchcc river, at the place known by the n une of Bryans Cowpens, and a committee was appointed ac coidingly. A ;rcdabSy to notice given 'yeflerday, Mr. Thomas m >vcd I for tlu appointment of a co 11- uiittee to prep ire and rep o t n bill to be entitled an acl to lay off a new county out of the counties of Wilkes an I ()Me- O ill irpc- A committee was ac cordingly appointed. Friday , February t. The h.iufe met purfuant to adiournment. A motion v r as made by Mr. Simms to reconficler the minutes fo 1 «r ; s refpetls the bill to bo entitled, “ an a6l to give con current juiifdiction to the fupe rior courts of this (bite, w:th the infeiior com ts thereof, incc t.du cafes ” And on the quefliou put to agree to the fame, the yeas and nays bei g required, are as .ollow ;—A) e> 1 4 Noes 39. So the quell ion was 1011. The hjufe then proceeded to take up the report of the joint committee 01 ill it part of h;s Excellency the (ioverno/s com munication, which re 1 peels lur vcys—and the fame being read. On motion, by Mr. Watkin% that the t lowing provifj be , inlett das an amendment : li Provided that Jus Excel lency fhd. be of opinion, that fuch farveys li ive been nnde agreeably to (he laws ut Lids flate, and (h tall legal lequihte* had been bona fide, performed by the p if >r.s making Inch hir vcys, prior to the order cf coun cil, relpecling grants for one 1 ihoufand acres; and provided