The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 19, 1799, Image 3

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~. ~,o'eato.h'. bill to be emi-1 , |' « an aft to lecure unto jofeph Bryan, the excluhvc: Lt and privilege, ot erefling i bridge acrols great Ogechee vet - within certain limits. a * bill from the lenate to be he town of Wnghtfborough in the county of Columbia, and to fecure the inhabitants there of, in their rights to certain lands appropriated for their benefit was read a third lime, and palf- A mefiage from the fenate, by their fecretaty, Mr. Robert lon. Mr. fpeaker—the fenate have agreed to the report of the com jnittee, on the Governor’s mef fage on the fubjefl of the do crees of the federal court. They have patted a refutation authorizing and empowering the Governor to ilTue his pro clamation, requiring the mem bers of the lenatus academicus of the univerfity of the ttate of Georgia, to convene at Louif ville, at the mod convenient time in his judgment, between the terms of the fuperior courts in the prefent year, to take un der their conlideration, and adopt, fuch meafurcs as may beft promote the objedt of that inftitution. The houfe then took up the amendments of the fenate, on a bill to be entitled, “ an aft for the appropriation of money, for the year 1799 ” and on the quellion put iq allow John Mel ton, efq. the (um of one thou sand and ninety-four dollars, it ■was carried in the affirmative ; and thereupon the yeas and | nays being required, are as fol low :—Ayes 38 —Noes 6. The houfs tnen took up the t refolution of the fenate, autho rifing the Governor to ittue dedi mufes under the executive Teal to fuch perfons as he may judge proper to qualify the juftices of the inferior courts in the refpec tive counties, and concurred therein* dhe houfe then adjourned till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock. Married, on Thurfdav even ing latt. Mr. James Scott, of Augufla, to the amiable Mifs Mary Marbury Frazier , of Louif ville. hied, fuddenly, on Tuefday, the 12th inflant, Mr, Needham Cullers, of Columbia, South- Carolma, AMERICAN CONGRESS. 110 U S R OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tite/dav , January 28. naval establishment. The following relolutions re poited by the committee were agreed to. Rrfolvei, that two docks be c ab ‘tthed m the United States, an ' [ * m a fum not exceeding fheiefo 0^ arS appropriated Kefdv'l , th it 100,000 dollar's be .appropriated tor the puichafe of timber, to be ided or pre ferved for building (bins, or vef ~ A 7 felscfwarfor the United States. Rcfoived , that the navy be augmented with fix (hips to carry not lefs than 74 guns each, to be built or purchaled within the United States, 2nd that a lum not exceeding 1,000,000 dollars be appropiiated there for. Rcfoived that the Prefident of the United States be autho rized by law to augment the number of guns on board any veil’d now in the fervice of the United States, or building above ( the number at which fuch (hip (hall be rated, and that 35,000 dollars be appropriated tor that purpofe. Rcfoived, that the Prefident of the 1 nited States be authorized to take into the naval eftablitti. ment, fuch revenue cutters now in the fervice, as may be, in his opinion, fit for fervice abroad* The committee rofe after confidcrablc debate on the third refolution, and the houfe took them up and agreed to them, and on motion, refeired them to the committee by whom they were reported to bring in a bill or hills purfuant thereto. Adjourned. . The following mejjagt of the Prefident of the Uni'td States, was received this day. Gentlemen of the fenate and Gentlemen of the houfe of reprefi ntatives, An edict of the executive direUcry of the French republic of the 2gth of October , 1798, inclo/ed in a letter from our mnifler plenipotentiary in | London of the 16th of November, is of fy much importance that it can not he too foon communicated to you and the public . 1 JOHN ADAMS. January 28, 1799. Extra ft of a letter from Rufus King e/q. miniflerplenipotentia ry of the United States at Lon don, to the fecretary of fate, dated November 16, 1798. u Ihe annexed arrete won J d ap pear extravagant and incredible , if it proceeded from any other authori ty ; but mankind is fo accufomed to the violence and injufice of France , that we ahnofl ceafe to exprefs our furprife and indignation at the new injlances that Jhe continues to dif playN [TRANSLATION.] Decree of the executive directory of October 29, 1798. The executive directory, upon the report of the minifler of foreign relations , confidering that the fleets , privateer s % and fli ps of England and Rujfia are in part equipped by foreigners. Confidering that this violation is a manifefl abufe of the rights ofna tions, and that the powers of Europe have nit taken any meajures to pro hibit it. Decrees , i ft. Evrry individual. native ( ou ongv are) of jnr ndy countries, allied to (he French republic orneu tral , hearing a commi/fion , granted by the enemies of France or making part of ihr crews of /hips of roar and others, fhall be by this fln git fad declared a pirate, and treat ed as jack, without being permitted in any ca/c to a!ledge that he had been forced into fuck ftrvvt , by vio lence, threats or other wife, 2 d % The executive directories of the Batavian , Lnga r ian, Cifahine, and Roman republics fhall he iu flrufted to this ejfeft. 3 d. Theprov fions contained in the fir/l article fhall be notified to thofe powers which are neutral or allied to the French republic. \th. I he minifer of exterior relations is charged with the execu tion of the prefait arrete which fhall be printed in the bulletin of the laws. ( Signed ) T k a i l h a r d , Pres ident. CHARLESTON\ Feb. n. Yeferday arrived the brig Au rora, II oidman, Hamburgh 6o days. A Hamburgh paper of No vember 2jth % received by captain Woodman , contains the following paragraph : Vienna, Nov. 3. The la ft ac counts from Conftantincp'e pnft live ly afferty that Buonaparte was de feated at Cairo, and was obiged to retreat to Alexandria, where the Arabs furprifed him , and defrayed h l s whole army. Letters have alfo arrived from Scutari , dated the of and a'fo from Italy, which make mention, that the Arabs with a conftderable army, attacked Buonaparte, but that he fought f 0 defperately that he killed 14,000 of the Arabs and 13 Beys, but fill was compelled to retreat to Diamet ia t where he was again attacked by the Arabs, and every Frenchman was killed. Buonaparte s head was cut off , embalmed, and font as a t>ophy to Lonflantinopk. This news gains belief in this metropo lis. Capt. Spi'er has brought from Najfau apart of the crew of the brig Mercury, capt. Hatch , which [ailed about four weeks face for the Havannah. The Mercury was captured off the Havannah by the Coffee-Mill and Ranger , two French pirates , one of which fired two broadfides into her after her colors were ft ruck. The captain and crew of the Mercury were put on board a fmall Spanifh Jloop, and fent for the Ha vannah, but an Englifh privateer falling in with the f loop, took the crew from on board and carried them into Naff an. The flaps Thomas and Harmony from this purt are fent into Ja maica by an Englifh frigate. A letter has been received in this city, wh'ch confirms the account al ready publijhed, of the Pre ft dent of the United States having difmiffed capt. Phillips from the command of the Baltimore floop of war ; and adds, that the P ref ident has alfo directed the mini tier of the United ■ Stales at (hr. court of London, to de mand Jatifaßion for the infult oj f trod to the American /lag, by com modore Lonng, report Jays, that the ■ Jatifaßion to he demanded, is the dijmijfal oj the commodore . SAVANNAH , Feb. rs. Yeflerday arrived the b ; tt'zcA, /mr, m 16 days /ro?/i Martinique, a gentleman who comic in the above ve/Jel has fovaired us with the following information : I hat accounts had arrived previous to their failing, 0/ the taking of Maltai by the BrU'fli, under general Stewart —Md/ the account feme time fince circuited, of Viftor Hughes being forcibly taken on board a frigate at Guadaloupe, in irons, bound to France, by order tj the directory, is atlually true—and that the governor of Guadaloupe, count de Fourneaux appears well difpojed towards the Americans, and intends [ending the Retaliation, (United States fchoon r formerly) as a cartel to the United States, with the Americans that have been captured and brought in there. ProviJions at Guadaloupe, (that ts America n produce ) were exceed ing [cane, beef 36 dollars , pork 40, and other articles in propor tion ; and that there is no ri/k at prefent, in going to, or coming from I the WeJUlndies, from the number of ! American and Britifh cruizers in all directions. Commodore Barry is cruizing off Guadaloupe, and has exchanged fe ver alfhot with the forts, DREADNOUGH T, NOW in full perfeftion, and npwarof of five fee' two inches high, will (land this frafon, every other week ftt Spar a, and the week following on Big Ogcchce, viz. Monday, Tuefdayand W>d nrflay, at I’mvclton ; Thurflay, Friday, and Saturday, at Henry Jones’s mill on ihc 0 ;cch 'c ; in order to he let to mares at four dollars Ihe feafun, two dollars the leap, and eight dollars to infure the marc being with fold, the money to he pail at the expira tion of the feafon, vhich will begin on the full day of March, at Sparta, and end the lal day of July next ; but the SubfCMDer will not lay himfclf liable fur any Occident that may happen. D eadn< u*bt was gat by Surprile, his da n by Fear nougl t, Surprifc was got by Clodious, and Ciodious by the noted boric Joyous. Anderfon Reefe. February 19 FOR SALE, A HOUSE ami LOT, will, a STORE adjoining, near the Market, with a Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent well of water. It lias five fire places, and is forty two by twenty feet, with a SHED twelve feet wide. ALSO, A two flory HOUSE and LOT, with a Kitchen, Stab e, Garden, and a good fpring near the Houfe. Conditions, one half cafli ; the remainder on a credit of lix m urbs. Jofeph Chairs. February ig. NOTICE. ALL thefe indebted to the Ellate of John Calhoon, deceafed, arc re quilted to come forward and fettle their Accounts j alfo all thole to whom the fanl Eftate is anywife indebted, are icqueftfd to bring forward Ihe ir Demands regularly atteflcd, to r eccive pajmenf of John Buiton, adminijlraior> February 19*