The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 19, 1799, Image 4

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A K ECHO T f. s. An mhrrfinrnt macaroni hmr fafjjcr ajk'd a Idly, what d jjertnce there, tun between a unman of wit and a fool ? fhe i eplied, “ juf! the (amt as between you and a nun *//**/*” An F.ngUfh gentleman being taken ill of a rell >w-/cve r a 1 famai cay a laiVf mho had married in that if,and , indirrfjjy Inn'ed to him. in the p y e(cnce of an Irifh plv fician that a tended him, the propriety of making Ins wily mac mntry where people wre fo opt to die ; the phyfi * dan thinking his judgment called in quifucn, tartly replied, “ By Jajns madam , I wifh you would tell me that country whtftpn pie. do not die, and I will go and end my days there” The rm’quis de la Seal las, an Italian nt blcrnan, having imb ed the neighbouring gnrry to a grind entertainment, where all the delicacies of the feafon were provided; fotno of the company arrived very early, for the purpofc of pay : ng their ref pefts to his excellency. Soon after which the Major-Domo entering the dining-room in a great hurry, told the marquis that there was a mofl wonderful filherman below, who had brought one of the finch fifh in Italy? for which, however, he demanded a mod extrava gant piice. Regard not his price cried the marquis ; pay him the mon r y direflly. So 1 wou’d, pleafe your highttefs, bathe icj lif ts to take any money. IT hat then would the fellow have ? An hun dred Jlrokes of the frappado on his j bare /boulders, my lo>d; he fays he will not bait afmgle blow. On this the whole company ran down Hairs, to fee fo lingular a man, A fine ffi! cried the mar quis : what is your demand my Jriend ? Not a quatrini, my lord , j anfweredthe filherman. I will not take money. JJ your lord/hip wifhes to have (he fifh, you muji order rne an hundred la fits of the frappado on my naked back ; other wife 1 /hall appiy ellewhcre. Ra ther than loje the fifh, Paid the marquis', we mnft ten let this fel low have his humour. Here, cried he, to one of his grooms, dif charge this henefi mans demands ; but don I lay on too hard j don’t hurt the poor devil very much I The filherman then dripped, and the groom prepared to exe cute his lord (hip’s ordeis. Now my friend, fa id ihefifherman keep an ex aU account I he fetch you ; hr Idvritdejirc a fin fi firoke more than my due. The whole com pany were aflenifhed at the amazing fortitude wlh which the man fubmitted to die opera tion, till he Ind received the fiftieth lafh ; when addrefling hitn r clf to the feivant— Hold } my friend, cried the filherman: J have now had a full Jhare of the prize. T ur /hare! exclaimed the marquis; what is the mean ! 1 tug of all this ? My lord, returned the filherman, I have a partner, to whom my honour is engaged that . he Jhall luve his full half of what ’ ever I receive for the fifh ; and \ your lord/hip, 1 dare venture to fay, 1 will t by and bye cun, that it would be a thoufand piti sto defraud him of a Jingle froke. And pray friend , laid the marquis, who i* this partner? Your porter , my lord , an (we red the fifhcrman j 1 who heps the outer-gate and rjuf ed to advut me, nnlefs I would pro vii/e him half what I fhnu'd obtain f r the fifh. 110 !ho ! exclaimed the marquis, laughing ve y heartily, by the hlefjing of fvaven he fhall have double his demand in fid t le. Ihe po ter uas accord ingly fent for ; and being dripp ed to ibe (kin, two gio mis were direded to iavouwlrh Jl their) might, till he had fairly receiv ed what he was fo well entitled to. The maiquis then ordered his flewatd to pay the fifherman twenty fcquins ; dcfiring him to call annually for the l.kc fum as a recompence fo the friend ly fcrvice he had done him. PROPOSALS For Pub Jhi/igy by Suhfcription, a E ETVS PAPER, entiled, the LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. I. Th LOUIsyjLLE GAZETTE Jhallh neatly printul, on a demy fize, (of ’which this is a jp.cimn) and deliver ed to Suhf Fibers in town :tc>y ‘7 u /day, and to dijl .nl Suhfiribers ly the mojl fptedy onveyan t, 11. Pr ice to Su f libers—three dollars per annum, payable half yearly in advance. 111. AdveitJeme-ntt i-ujeited on reapnabh toms iV. Effays, Articles of Intelligence, and Communications of an int rejling nature, ’will be thankfully received , andJlnil/y attended to. To the PUBLIC. BY the a Ivice of a number of rcfptffab/e gen -1 t 'em in of this town . the Editor fubmits the alive to the public eye. Pledges himfef to adopt a line I of conduit!, which, le thinks cannot ja I to fecu-re him the approb :tmn <J all—that he is determined, to aeikert to the (lii<flc(V impartiality. The LOUISVILLE GAZ E'T'l'E Jhall e-ver he- open to ah parties—infuinced by none. He will conjiantly endeavor to prrf nt hr t read" ets • with the latcjl an I rv-ojl authenticated E reign j and Dcnrjhc Inttl ig-cnce. It will be his parti j i cu dr Judy to render it a ufe ul an i enter ta-inir-g } paper. An I hopes by his ajjiduity ana fi ift at tention to hufnejs, to meet with the patronage of a generous public. The utiTty of a paper , on the propejedy muji appear obvious to every one.. TViih theft prof Jftais, and a reliance on the j inhabitants of Louiji ille, and the public in ge-re ral, he remains with due rc/pefl, th ir obdieM levant , AMBROSE PAT, Louifvillr , January 22, IJQQ. " Wm.M ( Do \v- v Jeff, fan County . \ * LL > “WM *f WM. M 'Do WELL, ( Probates of the Lounty ajoi esaid. WHERE 4S Maiy Prince hath applied t i me for letters of adminiftraiion on me edate of Sylvanns Prince, late ol this county defeated : their a>c therefore to cite anti admonilh all and Angular the 1 kindred a cl cieditors ol the faid Sylva- us Prince, to appear before me at my office, in L uilville, <'n or before the twenty 1 1 fecoud day if February next, to lhe« i j caule, if any they have, why letters oi adiuioiltrution Ihould nut be granted her. Given under my hand, this 22d c!a of J iiiuary, 1799, a;.d in me 13d year of the imler cmtencc ol the United States of .America, DANIEL M'DOWELL, Boot and 6/we Maker, Has REMOVED Iroai Broaa-..reef, to GREEN STREET, where all wo -k n his line, will be executed with neatnefs and dit a ch, January 2J. WANTED TO 11IRE~ 7?v the .Month or Tear, A NEGRO M A N. lE-pin at this CJfs.c, r 0 BE BOLD, On TUESDAY, the sth March, At the Market Hiufe , in Louisville, \ 1 RAC 1 of LAND, on the Louifville Hoad, adjoining lands of Jolepl- C ans and Archiball Little, containing 0 Acres. Six inan'lis ctcdit will bf | wen, on giving approved frru'hy Archibald Woods. F,hrua<y FOR SAL E, Cheap Jor Cajh , J 0“ DON Duffil Blankets White, Biu; ami Giecn Plains vvhiic and Red Flannels Ha h C atings Superfine Broad Jlofhs Second do. do. Hlack Hull’ and Grey Fufhionable Swaadawu ami Caillmcre Vcfl Mari’i.lci, J*an« and Teanct do. Clouded a'd Si k Nankeens Roynl F bis and Dc immi Vclvcrcts, Corduroys and Thickfcti Back, B ue and Pmk Durants C.dico s and Chin zes • Tanboied, fprigged, Oripcd and plain f conet and Bo k Muiliti Mu 1 in Shawls and Haiidkcrehicft B »‘ k an.l Jaconet G avals and Cotton Cambricks B a< k Si k Handkerchiefs K bbons and Ferretings • ‘if wing Silk and 1 wilt Mens Dear ikin G oves It Ih Linen, vide VA bite and Brown Slice tings Oziabu'gs Mens, omens and Youths Gotten and Wor fled Hufc Meur, Womens nnd Youths Sho'Cfr Ladies Morocco Sandals Me s and Womenseoa-rfe a*d fine riatf* Bi )!.*s, Tcrtamentsand Spelling & Oil ks Fedeni Ready Beckoners U.ct muancs, a-nd a vai Lctj of fm-a-U Hi To ries 1 k Powder, and Left Dutch Qu-ill-»i V lollns Loi king G1 afle*- lv ry Combs R z >rs and Cafes- Gut and Fluted Buttons* Large and (’mail do. Pen Kn ives K.'i’ne-s and Forks Tab c Spoons Trunk and Chert; ‘Lock* Sa Idle a d Bridle Hucklc-j- Stirrup Irens and Bridle Bit* Shoe knives, Ta ks, Awl Bfedm Pi eeri a d G mblcts Cotton Cards, No, 10 Jamaica and W ert -1 udia Rim Gog-niae and Peach 1 randy Tencri-lTe a-nd Malaga- Whim Hoi laid Gin Boh fa Ton Swgar Per per and Spi-ee* Ri imftßt>c and Co.pfer-a»* 4-1. 6 1 81. and 10 1. N-a-il«s Bert Rifl-e G-u-n po-w4er , bar -Le-ad a-nd S hut a (Tor fed 1 ALSO, An Afl 'rtmen-t o( P A TEN T MEDICINE 1 nnd QUEEN S-W a BE, togcthc-r with a variety oi o-i-hcr- articles, t»®@ numc-r-ous-to rnfert. Z.. LAMAR. January 22". CAUTION. I FOR W A PiN all Pcr fons from purchvf* 104 a NOT Eof HAND, given to ccl. awdrew Burns-, in July, and pavable in March It was given on a contract, and Ghc contrad not complied wish \ John Sapp; 1 January ;J, Jo be Rented or Leafed , a A TWO STORY /V DWELLING HO USE, with a CEL LAR .Alfo, a well fi nirtied STORE. Poflef* lion v ill be given the firft of March ne»t. di—.— maw ■ Enquire of J. G. Pouf, Louifvillc, Market Square. January 12, Ten Dollars Reward. ip~i ]) AN* a WAY, on Q I TV. the la ft rf Aug. 3! 1798, a NEGRO PEL* ' Low, named PAUL, country born, ab ut 26 years of age, nearly ’ x feet high, with one crooked knee. lr is ■ ~ probable that he ha* gone down the country. The above Re ward will be given to anv Pcrfcn, who will fccurc him in any gaol of this flare, or will give information where he may be found. David Terry, J if->-son Ccunty, Jan. 22, 1799, EBENEZAR jENCKES RefpeKfully informs bis Friends in pattimlar and the public in gemrai } that fu has lately ri ce tied from Char teflon i A N EXTF.JI3IVK SUPPLV Of j Dry Goods and Gioceries, I fVbich renders his prefent Affortme* t as complete as offered for sale here, and rubleA fit will Jf ,/ lorv for Cnjb o r Produce ; the following sir tides form fart of his sljfu<: merit : SUPERFINE Second and uihcr Etoad Cloths K.*r fey meres and Swandown F.laftc Cloths anH C. ffimere* Negro Clt th and Flannels Gicen an*! Oh\e Vclverets D ) do. Corduroys A h mdfome Aflbrtmcnt of Muflint du d< z*n of Muflin Handkerchiefs A handfome Aflortmeit of Calicuet Four pieces of Curtain Calicoe* Twelve pieces of Linen Six pieces of Humhams Six pieces ol allotted Durant* T *o l iters of Bath Coating 3row H i Hand Aforited and Ct tfon Hofe Clouded a d Striped Narkcent vlarffillee. Dimity and Jean WaiPcoait Pattern! Si’k, fvnft and Threads aIT )ted Tapes and Frrretfings A gc eu 1 -A(Torment of R bbonj Ladies Kidfkin and Silk Gloves, VVorflcd do. do. Four dozen of Mens Fine Hat** , Four dozm of Ladies Fire do. Six dozen of Mens Stocking* Three d zen of Ladies do. Three dozen of Ladies Bonnet* Two d< zen of Mens Cravat* Six groec of final 1 Buttons Two d zen of large fine Mens Shoes fhieed. zen of Ivory Comb* Three d< zen of Blanket* Four lbs. of colored Thread Four lbs. of fine do. Twenty lbs-, of Shoe Thread Three dozen of Shell* Two d. zc-n o.t Cotton Cards, of the kind Fi-v lbs. of Powder and Shot Sad Is Tacks Snuff Jk Tvesand Forks Mu Hard Snuff Boxes Ha-ir Pow-efe-r and Flay m.g Cards- Mens Saddles a; d Bridles Apples a d Onion* Su.g*a<r, Coffee and ■ /ALSO, Ah Afforteent o£ Liquors*. ffanuary 12. | WANTED TO HIRE, . Pv (be IVtek or M’ont-h^ A NEGRO WJENGH-, w o can Cook, Wafh and I»nm ; for a one, gwisero-iks mild be given. E-nq.uir;* at th S Officcfr. farm-ary 22. NOT! C £ TME S u4' fori ber intending togo to the? Northwaid, early in the Spring, «c - qvie-fls all Perfon-s wh-atfoever, indebted m him, to make payment by the fir ft of March next-; o'berwife they will be fued wi-.Jiout any d-i ,1 indhion. Henry Pennenton. Lo'u-ifv-Mle, January 22, 1799. The SUBSCRIBER BEGS leave to inform the Ciiizen* of . Louifvillc, and the neighborhood adjacent, that he purpifej tcachirg a ft bool in Louifvillc, providi: g he meets with eneoi ragement. His pi an of tcachirg, with rcfpetft to time, will be as follows : that is, be will in winter, teach iix hours every day, with-* out ary inlcnnillion. In lummer, he will teach eight hours every day, with one hours imcrmillioo. He will confine hirn felf to thirty fcholars ; but privileged occallonally, to take youths, who may wifh to learn Home Branches of the Mathe matics. He will tench his Scholars, without dif tinriion, Jlould it be wife J, Reading, Wri ting, Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigono metry, Surveying ; the Theory of Navi gation, in fix calcs ; the ule of the Globes, terenc and cclcltial ; Geography, Elements of Agronomy, with an ealy method of calculating the magnitudes and diftanccs of the Heavenly bodies • the Elements of Practical, Natural Philofophy, agreeable to Fergufon, with a number of other ufc ful Branches. And all t/iis, for Twelve Dollars per annum, or One Dollar per month. The School to commence as Toon as there is a fufficient fubfeription, and a houfe provided. The Houfe at the fcholars ex pence. The Subfcriber flatters himfclf, that he will give general fatisfatftion to ihofc La dies or Gentlemen who may favor him with the tuiti >n of their Children, as he hath Lent fome years of his youth in teaching fchool, ANDREW BURNS. Delightful tajk to rear the tender plant , To teach the young idea how to Jioot , And pour the jrejh njh u £i. on in th: mind, January 22,