The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 26, 1799, Image 1

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VoL. I.J T u E s D A Y, February 26, 1799. [No. 6. —' ' REASONAND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE 'I HE WAT. "~LOUISVI LLE : —Publifhed every 1 uelday, by AMBROSE DAY, at three dollars per ann. payable half yearly in advance. Addrrfs from the Mafons of Ver mont, to the Prefident , and his an far. To the Prefident ofthe United Stales • Sir, \ fundamental principle a jnons mafons, in their private aflemblics, is, not to introduce politics, left, from a dilTerence of fentiment, the harmony of the lodge might be didurbed. But a maxim of equal impor tance is constantly inculcated by the brethern of the craft— to be willing and obedient fub je6fs to the government under which they live. Imprelfed with thefe fenti mems, at a time when jcalouly is induflrioufly propagated a gainll our fraternity, the mem bers of the grand lodge of Ver mont, alfcmbled in ample form, compofed of its officers, and a reprefentation from thirteen !e -cular lodges, under its juri[dic tion, with that promptitude which becomes true Ameiican citizens, beg leave to exprefs to you their mod entire and une quivocal approbation of your ! official condu£t, hnce called to : fill the of date, t . , We rejoice, that, although ; your fimation has been delicate, and your public conduct ; viewed with the jaundiced I eye of diftrud and envy, yet : that your vvifdom, firmne (s and dec}lion ; have ftrengthened the ; affeftion of your friends, and defeated the {editions machina j tions of your enemies. It is unneceflary, and may even be deemed unbecoming . men poilefting univerlal philan- I trophy, to enter into a detail of I the unjuft aggredions of a fo il rei P nation, upon our country I uniformly difpofed to peace, " km ever alive to unprovoked in* ■ juries. I i Permit ns, fir, fo fay—that we ■ glory in our country —that we | B 01v i n being Americans—that r|S We an inviolable attachment "1 l^la t country which gave us I a we feel an attach- I I inent to our condituted autho ■ ri Ues— an( j Specially, that we 1 v I ' e an atta chment, an inviolable I attachment, to our chief magif- not the tongue of Jndci fay that mafons arc ca e of faftion f although feme ! Ijarrnng u s> as in ail focities, may IB 1 lclr birthright for a rnefs of ■postage, or betray their countiyj K' ,r f altr y P yet, be allured,! jB ir * tiiat as a body, we are de- i to fupport our coun | „ S lts * We are determin-1 K \ ) 1 4 PP° rt our government ; ■n 1 1 determined, upon a lu!iM.L COav ! aion of the! ‘ jl 0i natives which have j THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE. invariably diftated its adminif tration, to lifque our all in its fuppoit and defence. Can we fay more ? Give us leave, dr, to clofe this fhort addrefs with the warmed adurances of our perfonal ref pe£l : and to join in one gene ral fupplication to the great ar chiteff, the grand mafler above —to give you wifdom to dired —drength to endure—and vir tue to fupport you, in the va rious dignified fpheres of life, through which, b)A your coun try, you maj be called to move ; and, at lad intioduce you to that temple above, a houfe not made with hands, eternal in the hea vens. City ofVtrgtnnes Oct. 23. A. D. 17^8. Signed on behalf, and at the requell of the officers and bie thern ofthe grand lodge. John Chip mart , grand miller. Sam. Hitchcock , I>. grand rnader Stephen Jacob, G. S. warden, William Cooley, G. }. warden. Rojwell Hopkins , G. fecretary. ANSWER. X° the members of the grand lodge SO c> 0) free mafons in Vermont , af]am bit d in ample form, compofed of its officers , and a reprefentation from thirteen fecular lodges. Gentlemen, 1 thank you for this obliging adirefs, which has been tranf mitted to me as you dedred, by his excellency the governor of the date of Vermont. I have ever edeemed the focicties of free mafons in this country, not only as innocent, but ufcful. The principle, not to intio duce politics in your private al femblies, and the other principle to be willing fubjefts to the go vernment, would, if obfervtd, preferve fuch focieties from fuf picion. But it Teems to be I agreed, that the fociety of ma fons have difeovered a fciencc of government, or an art of ru ling fociety, peculiar to them felvcs, and unknown to all the other legislators and philofophers of the world—l mean not only the (kill to know each other by marks or Signs, that no other per lons can divine; but the won derful power of enabling and ' compelling all men, and 1 (up pole all women, at all hours, to keep a fccret. If this arc ran be ! applied, to fit afide the ordina | ry maxims of the fociety, and 'introduce politics and dilobedi ; encc to government, and dill | keep the ferret, it mud be ob | vious, that fuch Icience and Inch focieties may be perverted to all 1 the ill purpofes which have been j fufpeflcd. The characters which compofe the lodges, in America, are fuch as forbid every appre henfion fiom them, and they will bed know whether any dan gers are poflible in other coun tries, as well as this. The approbation you fo ob ligingly exprefs of my official conduct, fince called to the chair of date, and your opinion, that it has ftrengthened the affection of my fiicnds> are highly edeem ed. I fay cordially with you, let not the tongue of Hander fay,; that mafons in America arc ca pable of faction, I am very confident it cannot be faid by any one with truth of the ma fons of Vermont. You have faid enough, and the charaflcridics of candour, which accompany your words, leave no room to doubt of your Sincerity, that you will lifque all, in lupport of your government. And in thefe oious and virtuous refolu tions, may the <.rchite6f eternal and almighty have you always in his holy keeping. JOHN ADAMS, Philadelphia , Nov. 30, PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 20. Gun-Powder, We are forry to obferve by iffie late arrivals from England, that the now more than ever necedary artide, gun powder, has rifen to an unprece dented height, and that the prin ciple ingredient, laltpetic, ad vanced in the fame proportion, ! cent per cent, in a very fhort ' (pace of time. We think that the officers appointed to pro vide thefe eflential articles for . the United States, cannot be too aftive in fccuring a neccflary quantity ; as the prefent prices , in England forbid us to hope for any lupplies from that quar ter —as the following cxtradl of a letter by the packer, dated 3d o<sl. will fhew—viz. “ Gun : powder 200 to 310 s. perewt, , and in canifters i? 1 . ; faltpctre in the fame proportion—both articles fcarce—no faltpetre ar lived in the IaII fhios from In dia.” Miraculous efcope from Jhipwreck . The brig Sophia, capt. [ohn • (lon, of Altona, bound to Phi l ladelphia, foundered at Tea on • the 14th of September, crew 1 and pallengers confided of 20 : men, 16 of whom were drowned immediately; the other 4 by I Swimming, recovered the {hip’s ■ boat, in which they were 8 days I; at the mercy of the Tea, when I by providential aid they made ; St. Ives, on the coafl of Corn wall, and by the humanity of the inhabitants were recovered from their fatigue and exhaud ed date, having had nothing in the boat but one fowl, which they eat raw, and a few bif cuits. from Cornwall they travelled to Liverpool, and embarked on board the fhip Alliance, capt. Jewett, bound to New-York, and arrived here on Wednesday evening. The 4 peifons form raculoufly faved were capt. Ti mothy Dorgan, of New-York, Mathew Van Geflen, his ap prentice, who were palleng rs in ;the Sophia; and two DaniHi Teamen. Mr. Brown, The following is an extraft of a letter fiom a corrcfpondent at Knoxville, in the date of Tcn ncllee, to his friend in this city, dated the 15th December lad. “ Zachanah Cox is now a prifoner at Nafhvillc, (Rate of fcnnellce) he having efcaped from Natchez, and the governor of the territory hearing of his intentions of returning to this country, fent forward lieut. Smith, who arrived here time enough to give his information of his cfcapc ; and Cox was loon afterwards appichcndcd. This may be confidercd as an end to this troublcfome man’ career ; and the deftru6fion c the views ofthe party who Tup ported him in this Rate. Th late treaty of Tellico, and ex linftion of Cox’s plans, will place the favourite ebjeft of many people in this country, an Indian war, at a very great didance, and edablifh a fiicnd fhip between the United States and the Cheiokees upon a firm bafis. “ At a late election for a fe nator, from this date, in the United States government, col. Cock was eleded by a large majority ; in oppolition to all the exertions of the Blount par tyP •TO BE SOLD, OnTUESDAY, the sth March, At lh; M u let Houfe, in LouiiViile , A TRACT of LAND, on the LouiiXille f\ Koad, arijoinipg laud* of Jufcvh Ghars and Archibald Liitl-, contninirg i(y'j Acres. Six months c-c 'it v. iil be given, on givLg apwoved ffnuity. Archibald Woods. Tehrua'y DANIELM'DOWELL, Boot and Shoe Maker, Hns REMOVhD irom Broad-urcct, to CKKEN STRKEV, where all wo k in Ins line, will be e*tcuicJ with nc^incls and rli( a ch. yanuary 22. WANTED TO HIRE, Bt the Week or Blonth, AHF.GRO WENCH, who can Cook, Wa(h and Iron; for fuch a «>nc, '?«iierous W -gcj will be £iv«n. Erquir* al this (Jliicc. January