The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, February 26, 1799, Image 2

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Foreign Intelligence- RASTA DT, Nov. 25- Ycflerchy the French minif lers replied to the lafl German note, in two notes. They have yielded with regard to the debts due by (he communes, hut Hill infill on their former demands refpeftmg F.hrcnbreitdein, as well as the ifland of Biberich, and the toll of Elzfcth. How ever they intimate in thefe notes the pacific intentions of France. BRESLAU, Nov. 30. In the newly acquired cliflri6ls of Eaflern Prudia, the polls on the frontiers arc more than ever guarded with troops, on account of the ravages of the plague. At Ohta and Klcfda there arc blockhoufcs erefted for keeping quarantine. AH Grangers corn ing from Ruffia mufl fubmit to lliis regulation. HAMBURGH, Dec. 8/ Extract of a letter from Frankfort , December 8. ** According to an intercepted letter from a French officer in Egypt, publifhed at Conflanti nople, the French are drongly fortifred at Alexandria. The haibouris defended by fifty 24 pounders and twenty mortars. 'J he batteries are mounted with 80 field pieces.” T.OMDON, Nov. 18. A letter fiom the head-quar ters of the army of Italy, dated Oftobcr 22, Hates, “ that the French army, confiding of 180,000 efledlive men, without including the Cilalpine legions, are in lull march. This formi dable army is divided into three columns. One of them, a very llrong cne, direfts its inarch towards the Neapolitan Hates,” The Surveillant fiigate, the only Hup of the Bred fquadron not accounted for before, is ar med at L’Oiient. Accoiding to the overland difpatches received from Mr. Tooke, at Aleppo, by the lad Hamburgh mail, it appears that .general Buonaparte has eflablifh ed a camp about four miles from Cairo, where he is with his ar my, General Berthier has been lent on towards the confines of Syria, for the piupofc of en tienching himfclf in a favourable pofition, to repel the pioje6lcd attacks of the Porte and tlie Mamelukes, who are adembling a large force in that quarter, November 22. By letters from Cologne it ap pears, that the infurgents in Bra bant have begun to retaliate up on the French by (hooting all the republicans that fall into their hands. A council of war has been held at Aix-la-Chapelle by the French generals, Ac, up on this fubjetl ; from which fa 6l it appears that the infurreftion extends towards the Rhine, < [ Accounts fiom the Hague, 01 the 6th, further fay, that the in furreftion in Brabant not beins quelled, byway of precaution the guards at Amflcrdam hac ■ been doubled. 'Fhc pod how ever was once more free. Another article from Amder ; dam fays, the infurgents arc dil in great force upon the canal o 1 Bruffels between that place anc Antwrep. At Ihyffelt there are 3000 of them divided into companies, where they have ap pointed a military commidion. The French general Collaed is marching againd them with 15,000 men. All the municipa lities are declared permanent, and the bells taken from the deeplcs to prevent the founding of an alarm. November 27. Lord Nelfon has now a pen fion equal to either lord St. Vin cent or lord Duncan- The two latter have each 2000 L on the Britifh and 10001, on the Irifh edablifhmcnt. Lord Nelfon had a pendon of 1 oooh per annum, on account of the lofs of his arm, previous to the late grant of 20001. which makes his income from the country amount in the whole to 30001. a year. Should he therefore be alfo put on the Irifh edabliftimenf, his penfion will exceed that of either lord St. Vincent or lord Duncan by 10001. per annum. PARIS, Nov. 16. Letters from Bruflels of the 9th ind. are filled with an ac count of dreadful engagements between the republican troops and the rebels ; of the whole of the lich and beautiful commune of Bornheim, there are now only a few empty houfes remaining. The Ottoman ambaflador at Paris, has demanded paffports in order to return to Condantino' pie, but he has not yet obtained them. They write from Milan, that an extraordinary cornier had palled through that place on his route to Paris. He brought in telligence that Buonaparte writes word he has lod but 900 men in all his engagements with the Mamelukes, and has driven the army of the beys to the fron tiers of Abyllmia. Half his ar my are marching towards the Berfian Gulph, while the other half proceeded to Suez, where they intended to embark, Bu onaparre found admiral Richcry at Suez, with (even French fail of the line, and four Spanifh fhlps, bound from Manilla. He now only waits for the monfoons, to embark at Suez. Letters from Modar, in Dal matia, date, that Greece was in a conliderable date of agi ation, and that frequent quarrels took place between the Albanians and the janiilaries, in which much blood has been died. CONCORD, m.h. Dec. 22. Yederday the legillature paff cd u an a£t to incorporate Sa muel Blodget, efq. and affociates, < with the exclufive right and pri- 1 vilege of cutting a canal by Amolkeig falls, on Merrimack river, and locking the fame/' ' Hy this generous a£l, the legis lature have clone themfeives much honor ; it is liberal to the proprietors, but ten limes more fo to the public; for it opens an extenfive country abounding with (lately malls, Spars, white oak and all kinds of lumber.— This canal is nearly finilhed— through which, an eafy and cheap conveyance may be had to the waters at Newbury-Port and Bofton; and thus enhance the value of lands on Menimack river, in a (hort time 10 millions of dollars. NEW-YORK, Feb. 1. ExtraH 0/ a letter from a gentleman of refpeclahility in Richmond , to his Jriend in Alexandria , dated January 20, 1799. “ Every day gives more con vincing proofs of the luccefs of Marfhall's ele&ion ; and it is faid that Mr. Henry will come into the legiflature, but I much doubt it. « The legiflature arc about parting an appeal to the people,! in the (hape of an addrefs, i fraught with the moll direful fentiments to the United States.! Times are alarming—civil dif- \ fention, if not adual civil war,! may beexpcdled. Nobody can miflake the meaning of Taylor of Caiolina. He is the prime mover, and is lurrounded by thole who move pietty much as he direds. One* week more, and all their projeds will be out. A bill is oidered to be brought into the houfe, arraying the Hate's judges againfl thofe of the United States, in cafes that may occur under the avowed objed of which is to let at liberty any perfon who (hall be profecuted under that ad. c ‘ Taylor's refolutions, which you have fecn—Nicholas's fub llituted in place of thofe propof ed by George K. Taylor—the appeal, or addrefs to the people, and the bill ordered to be brought in, will fill up the mea hire of hoflility on the part of this Hate againfl the United States, The government of the United States mufl proted itfelf, or yield to the force of Virginia. Such open hoflility cannot and mull not be palfed over in fxlence. Another project is before the houfe, for arming enmafje all the militia of the commonwealth. 1 This is alfo the fcheme of Tay lor and his party —and who can doubt the objed ? It is not to prepare to defend the nation againh a foreign foe, for this party boldly allert, that there is no fuch danger to be apprehended. What then is this objed ? The refolutions mentioned, a£ls con templated, and the manifello to the people, are the bell elucida tions." [Can any one read the above extrad and not fhudder at the confequcncc ? Is Mr, Taylor himfclf aware of them ? g ut whatever may be thought of it by other parts of Virginia, it \ s truftcd that the citizens of the Northern Neck, however dife. greeable the alternative, will noc hefitate about adhering to the Union, and relinquifhingall con neftion with thole who unfortu, nately (hall fubmit to meafurcs fo hoflile to its tranquility.] BALTIMORE, February 2, A P. S. to a letter fiom ; Hamburgh, of the 29th of Nov, to a mercantile houfe in this city, fays; “ Within thefe few days pall, much town talk has been caufed by the arrefl 0 f Napper Tandy, and fix other United Irilhmen, at the requeft of the Britilh minifler. The French minifler tells the fenate, that if they are not reftored in 24 hours he will leave the city. | The fenate, however, full keep them in prifon, and the matter in difputc is to be referred to the king of Pruffia/' SAVANNAH, February 22, Yellerday arrived the fliip Fanny, capt. Wellman, in 9 | days from the Havannah, with jfugar. Capt. W. informs, that he failed in company with np | wards of 50 fail of American 1 vcflels, bound to different ports [in the United States, under con voy of the Delaware floop of war, capt. Decature, and an armed fchooner and Hoop. Capt, Hatch, of the brig Mercury, from Chailefion to the Havan nah, was taken by a French fchooner of 6 guns, the crew taken out and fent to the Ha vannah. Capt, W, alfo informs, that there are two French fchoo ners cruifing off the Havannah, to intercept Americans# Capt. Decature got in fight of them twice, but could not overhaul them. Capt. W. left upwards of 90 fail of Americans in port, •999H888>8998889988898898898988889888898888 t> To be Rented or Leafed , a two story J\ DWELLING iiillM HOUSE, withaCFL -9 9 099 Hi LAK. Alfo, a well fi ■■■■■Bß nilhed STORE. Pollcf lOQilin I' oll will be given the -JH——JH firfl of March nevt. wHBBSSSBSS* Enquire-of J. G. Pouf* ner, Louifville, Market Square. DREADNOUGHT, NOW in full perfection, and upward of five feet two inches high, j Hand (his fcafon, every other week i a [ Sparta, and (he week following on BiJ 1 Ogechce, viz. Monday, Tuefday and V\ nefday, at Powelton ; Thurfday, Friday) and Saturday, at Henry Jones’s mill ct ‘ Ogechee ; in order to be Ift to mares at four dollars thefeafon, two dollars the leap, a ll eight dollars to infuse the marc Icing l foal, the money to be paid at the expiry tionof the feafon, which will begin on the fir ft day of March, at Sparta, and end tu* la(l day of July next $ but the Sublcrio will not lay himfclf liable for any accul« r * that may happen, , ■ 9 Dreadnorght was got by Surprilc, h ■ dam by fearnought, Surprife was g ot Clodious, and Clodious by the noted hor ■ r I Andcrfbn Rcele. | February 19. %