The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 05, 1799, Image 3

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jr or :iga Intelligence. Jhpn.iWtt' Expth'rv* rG T /P L AIIMY OF THE IAJI. GSNERAL ORDER?. tT*,il *’i iftt rS C i r °' dufuft 2 3* * i r In chief p r oh'‘bH 8 *‘ l ",'h 1 c jTiT.indcr m c. o , n V'9 of provinces to exa t co :™. b money f-om the 5n- (hj " » ffi 1,1,e c °P h V. c the collet ion of the orch ;,y contribution, of the country The Lantern cb>f.« <xtreme.r d (Tat..- r i u'th the condufl of certa arogo mini'and Tt.rki a'.ache! to thefer. ee tali no in p.ivate hoafe,. «h ch t ey en ,-r on different pr«««; 1 c ° " min.l 'r in ch ef ate -rd.nrr enafl., that whoeter. on »oy p etext, (lull hi»e been fid WT’d to con'.r bu-.i'iis o. lli.i i « ve b-',-n a rgi’ hr any perfo is whatever, Dull lay his complaint before:■ comm,.tee eompofed of the S ireck adat of M. tie }li fetti, anfofaid de e mp chjef of hrr radefmot. TVs committee Hull meet every day. It (lull have the po«er _io atreft all perfons ruky, af;er tins de nunciation and the Gr.l examination flia.l have taken pbce. . A upuft 24* The army is iulornvd, 'hat in the na tal engag ment which to; k piace \c tween the French and E ig-ifh fqiadrons, the vet Tel the Tan iant gained the high cfi glory. She fought a’orie fer p 6 hours aga nfl ttic whole fq’ndron. ihe hrave enptuin* Da Petit 1 houars, was killed by a cannon bad. Glory to his memory ! G cvy to the woo e crew of the Tuacant ! The F.anklin (truck ’ e fore Hie wes difmafied, or had received any damage. Adnrral Gou came, who v,a3 on board 'he L ? Onei>t, behaved tremely well, this brave man is at Alex andria. Admiral Vilknuve, who rallied the fqmdron and conduct d t to Malta, has thus ipndrred great frvice to the republ’c, A‘! the crews who were on toard the fhips tapcc'Q or burnt, ate at \lex*ndila. Several generals commanding in hof* 11s provinces, have impoftd coturibu ion* in money without being air honfed I a do fo, and without rendering any count. S veral others I ave opp fed ie comribuions in k nd, which the iophtic in'endants were colk&ing, in urfuance of orders ft m the inter ded crural. Several detacl ed offLcrfi have onfikated boats !a !tn w th provifions, ;o ng down the N le. The commander in chief accordingly j naf‘9, that eveiy ciHcer who fhall have mpof d a cortr bu'ion without imrus ha*uy apprTing ihe el a t majors, and m Uing the money to I fie pay mailer I the army, Hi a 1 be treated as a ci api* - ator. Ii it Hr 6ly prohsbirej to ecu -1 n ’° nicney the coutr.bu io. a im cfed in kind, /I be navigation of the Ni’e is free; ■ * a t e on;y means of feeuring tic 'PPT o} Cairo wlh pn v Hons. Ir is ■onib,ted to flop vdfela laden wlih pro- n "-> u tier any preuxe wha ever, commanders of provinces are pro -10 e:;aft thing f,om the in »or an b under any p-etext w a f ever. r; ra oF,s,fm claim the pay of Kea r ;*■ b y wh, cH they wru'd have d .uolc )» a l 1 ng contrary *o our laws. T , u £Uu 28. , e P art of this order refers rc J ,Fe ce 'ebration of S.p'ember » a 1 vc .a y of the foundation of the ln t>,e manner it Hiould o-erwd, It then proceeds—The com r , r ln cli e nadts, that there (h ill ■ m °; y I'* kind of bread ufed io the A me allowances either to tbe or n diniQ,,ftra:or9 nial! be 3 [. u 3 * of a fuperior fort m ade( ° rlh . bpfpi J, t tutl . e cf v n . ' an l lte P e " cf (lures are ueral m rti'P* ,r m K'! io S lo * h « n k - ’ or cn y °'her general, Ip, * I*' b "H ded oej for the dc t ,' rv o . ', ! L - Vil ' ,Mo ,he tofpitala “■caud , y t! * °®' er ° n duty, 1 be «*ks9 of the bread I Tent to hafp'ra’a. Tt ii prohibited n,,! -| dcr the fev.mal penalties to give th s breG to any other purpofe whatever. j The com.nander in c'.icf is informed j that fever.l clerks and admlniltrators i embark in the paffige boats between Ca ro and Rofe r 1 a id Daraictla, with- ■ fin' being provided wi.h orijera as te j qu r. d. The commander in chief ex prefs y fo;bids a y Frenchm n from being a'lowed to ernbat k ci her at Bou’ac or old G iro, or any o her p ace, w ih out a p..[fport, cirher from lire general in chief of tha Half, or ti e comptroller Sji.y. Polls Hull be placed at thr p ints of arrival and of f t ng ov.t ot thtfe r> boa:s to fiipcrintead the exccu'.ioa ot this rcgu’n'.i n. 'i lie m’litary council of the d Vfion of genera! Bon, has condemned lo five years mpt la irn-nt iu it ms, a peilon of the nsm* of Vaultre, a doti.eflic ol c;t zen Th rr or, ad utant fuh licuttnatt oi t!ie 24 h hod: chaff u;s coi.vlded of tobbery. Augufl 29. 1 be commander in c 1 icfh ing inform | cd that the iuhab’tan 3 of the town of j Alkh am have a affinated t e aid de j camp Ju.lien, and fif.eenofil e French men w;;o fanned his cfcir r , orders tliat the laid village fliall be burned. The general L?rui fitall go with 500 and an advice bear to yj\ kham to execute die Bid order. A ll the cattle and gra n found in the p’ace fiull be embaik d and confifcated to the profit of the re public. If the khetka can be arrefied, they (hall be brought as pubi c holla; rs to Ca ro. Tbe town fhall Lc pillaged, and no houfe left flsndicg. A p-cc a mat 00 fit .ill be ifiucd through the neighbouring towns, dating that Ak hanj was burned for having aflafTinafed French area who navigated on the Nik- BUONAPARTE. Buonaparte Commander In Chief. Headquarters Cairo , I d Vendemairgy September 2 2. Soldiers, We this duy celebrate the id day of the 7UI year of the republic. Five; years ago the independence of the j French p ep e was thrca’cuie 1, but you | rock Toulon, the prcf ge of the tuinor the enemy, A year after, y u beat be A ftnans a: IT go. The following 1 year you were on the fubm t of ih j | -A 1 p?. Y u ftruggled cgainll Mantua j for 2 years, a d y. u gal cd die famous j victory of St. Ge rge’s. Lad year, you were at the feu tea ct the Drave and Ildcfoufe, returning from Germany. Who would then have la : d that th s day y u weird be c n the bar ks of ti e | N le, in the centre of the anc ent conti | tei.t ? From tl e lifhman ce!e rale J | inatteand commerce, down to the hi ! de. us Bedouin, you fix it c attention of. th.e wold. Sold ere, your deftiny is glorious, you are worthy of what have done, and of tl c opinion which is entertained of you. You will j die with hono', I ke the hiave m n whofe names a.e infer bed on the pyram ds ; o you wi.l return to your c<~un ry, cr* with laurels, and w th the admi/at’on 0: every p opie. During five months which have ehpfed fince v;e left Europ fl , we ! have been U e obj -6ds of the p rpetual j f (licitude of our ci untrym n. 'i’his day j forty mil .oos of men are thinking of j you, ‘i hny all txclaim, “ It is to j the r labors—to tl e V b’ond, that we 1 Ik all owe a general pea e, repofe, il»e profpenty of commerce, and the auvan | tages cf evil liberty. ” (Signed) S BUONAPARTE. ' BOSTON, Feb'tarv 5. Arrived armed iTupa Mercury, Per fon, aud VV. fhiogtoa, Gunn ngham, f orn Leghorn, 97 dayr. Ti c latter fell in, on the 19 h Nh v. in th.e put of Gibraltar, with a French z beck of two nines, and four fixes on her wtifl, £tid lined with fwivels fore and afr, manned with 50 Mm, who bore down upon him, and fired a pun ; the Wafh og’on was prepared with 12 fives, and tout 2 q hands, lo engage her, which (he d ; d fo; about half as hour, dur ng whiwu j'fie zAcck attempted to board tlie Wa tiio’toa» bat it the mom nt of this | manceuv e, capt, Cunningham fired a well directed b oadfide into the Rover, and obliged her to lh:cr off, w.lh great ■ flau u h:er, I NcAV YORK, February 12. I Rbe commencement of war between France and .America, which we men* j turned in cur paper of Sa urday, is not jan event in the had furpr flog. The jtwo countries have been, in fact t r fo me j triTJe in a ll:te rf v.’ar ; and it is w .h i p cafnre we fe? America refill with fp-'rit | . the unprincipled attach of an enemy, wlk lc cocvvi.ien.e p_ihapB do a noli ;how ,t at il is time to commence hoi - ! tHi re, A war btw co France and America is now a matter of very 1: tie In it there can 0 cur nothirg of gre: t and war! k’ ; and con mere al ilia rs have long been fob jeded to all the tReSa of its influence. America may hurt the French Wtft- In i a Ci lonica ; but France he 9 hug ce led 10 regard their poiTtlßou as a pc ;H of iror-ortanec. Ail that ran re in r 10m th s v. ar p, that America nil pro'eft her oun coajls, and France will con inue io plunder her commerce in Lu- 1 rope. BALTIMORE, February 11, Ihe o.deers of ille dorp of war Bal* 1 m ' e, we It am, have all nfi>ned, ex cept Inc hill lieutenant of ma ices, and furgeon’s mate, and have encra’ y efMhefh-p; affi shat the crew, difla- with the r fltuation, havr mutinied ai d refufed to cb.y orders of the ofliccrs tha remain. # The rftffel wna lying, w.:en left by the failing matter, capt. | HocJgk fs, who arfiv d yellcruay, at : j Lrauty IDand, from which they are de- ; j term ned not to dir until their grievances i | are rtdrtfled. In the mean time they ' pcim 1 1 no boat to come aonglide with nitue th s n two petfjns in her. Both uic ofliccrs and crew, it is f id, are jirritaca a: the dllmiiFd of their fitll, commander, CHARLESTON, February 22. The collector of this port having re- 1 j reived informaHoo from rhe federal go * j j vemment that fevcral perfona were about to embark at Hambur, h in a vtfTcl hound to th'S pert, whole views, it was fil'd, were Tortile ! o this county, be tor feme time paR baa g’veo ordusfor a l perfona cemng from Hamburgh to ibe ItrA’y examined. Ycfterdny, on ti e ; arrival of the brig M'ncrva, ir was found | that there wrre live pafLnptrs on board |of her, who it was probable w re thofe defignaied by the gevernmenr , they . ir g two wh;'e Frenchmen, two men Jof coltrr. and a woman, were air.fled ; 1 on examining their baggar.e the e were a | number of let era found ccr c aled in two tubs which had Die bottoms. y\a do j authentic account cf the route, is of tnrfe letters has yet been nude public, we are not able to fey what the v cws i f thofe p.;r p e were ; flwjjid they be as | i has been reported, cf a bollile otiute, v,t will rake the car lie It oppor.unity of layn : before the public whatever the coidli'ut' d author!,its may deem proper for publication, The f u m*n and the woman were yefterd:.y lodged for Lfc keeping in Fort P cckney ; the two men of co or were put in irors, they were put in fe parate apartments, , Oac of the men, we are informed, is a Mr. Ai rman, or Salmon, member of , ! the late conv n ion of F*a ce. February 25. 1 The brig Two Brothers, of C3pt. Sc bow, from Liibon, which place he iclt on 1 he 1 ilh of November, on her p:lT;,;c, :n !at. 37. long 59 met with a ( gale ot wind, wtiich carried ;:u :y I oth mails, the ru 'der, two men, and cve;y thing upoa deck. Tee crew were then unable to guide the vcTTe', and His d.i'.ted a? the mercy of t*»e waves in:o the latitude of the Wat Ind ts On the 25111 of January, one of t e peop e d.ed with hunger, and it was egiscd by the cicwon board to tut him 1 into p ecc? and eat Mm, when forfunitely 1 on the 26th, fell in with the fchooner j Auicra, ca P*» Cowls, of Button, b und to v haneftun, from Demcrara, which fuppticd them with previous and necef farn.B, a J toi k the vdbrl in to* 10 the e gc cf the Gu'j-h, where the cable b-oke in the night, when thewefTc! drilled I ac’ain, until Hie fell in with • coaflcr from Charldlon to George'own, corn* 1 by capt. HarnTon, who polite'y , - 1 PP he people on board with waer, and p oted the tcHcl into Bull's B.iy. lie crew were without water fev a j d-yg, and fer lix days cat on yof a cat, and lomc rate, * February 26* YcftercNy morning ainv'd the fc’ 00. nrr fax, capt. Snow 7 , 14 Jaysfrona St. Kit Fa. G p*. Snow Ic't Sr. Kitt , a in com - Wi: ’> r 4 »a lof American, bou d to d ffertnt por 3 in the Ui.i cJ 8 ares, n (Ur convoy of the United 8 ates b t 1 No Idle capt, Wilhame, and Richmond* cap-. Barron. i he convoy bad not en irc’y cleared ..'.e harbour of BafTeter re, when they d;f. rvered two fnga'cs llacddig in, the one had the other n tow. One of the frij-a es was inure Tardy kn r w.i to be the Unit'd bta'cs frigate IC ot if:hat on, cap , liuxton, and the Notfolk, enpr Williams, tore away to Ip ak her, Cap'', W. went on buaid ti e Cot Itt Hat on, ai d re; c vid l! rg o* rio is intelligtnc- from cap*. Tmxion, that tlx frg te he had iu tow w.s the French fr gac lufu genie, of 44. guns, wh ch ho [ fid cap urtd. I Capt. Truvlon difcoTrred lie French frigate to tl.c win. ward of Neva, and I hove out hia fiords which ml heng I ar.fwerct’, be y ave dwfe to her, ami ! commenced the ad on, I’ht Frenchman | crouded fail to get c fF, but after a chafe I of three hi u 8 fhe was c<mp'etcly ov t haul d, and was brought to dole action off St. Kill’s *, this faded f-.r three quarters of an hour, when the man hi v r.g th head of lia maiuuiuSt carried away, Ifuuk Ms colors. Tie Coiiftd'rttion had but two men k'!e i, and f ven wounded, the French fiigat: hod 40 k. led, tnd a gicat nuun fctr wounde . Opt. VV. received 'etters from, Ttuxton, for the fccietery of the navy, w ich he pur on boa d otic of the ton*' voy bound to No fo k. Opt. Truxton in coded f o carry bis prize into B. lf tcrre, St. Chn’floi beds, to rtlir, and fend her to the Unit d Sta’ea. '1 he I Infertile was on acm IV, and on y4or 5 days out, 7’ic finng Was dili.uCtly heard in St. KdFt), We a»e informed t at the Frcnd nun who were t.kvn out of the Hamburgh brig M;ocrva, and co; fin d in Fort Fioi kucy, are n vv l from their dole cotifinem' nt, and fufTcrcd to vale about ike F rt, and ,i,at their baggage has hern rt flori d to them. We have fathered no farther 'tiforma* tion on the fuljedt of the pep -rs deti-6t -d iu the Han.bargb vtflVl wh ci cm be relied o ;—a inn k. was ye ferday found on board her, the contents «.f which it is G'd are of coufiJ rab e importance. LOUISV I L L E, TUESDAY, March $ t 1797- The treaty b*twe n the Un’ted St.itea, and die C -e'okecs, lias been ra iti d by the Frefidcot cf ibe Uu ted Stales. Ture’l 7uf ft, cfq. cf Medford, . MifTachu r cr 8, ia appointed con fu 1 of ILc Uuited Slate a for SurririMm. A perfon iu Lorc'on, writing, or ra*her meaning to write to a friend in the country, to dir-d to him at I? e Saracen’s Head, Mnowh I', or at N-r. Joct’yn’s an apothecary, under t c r’uzz C;V nr Garden, vro eq« f 1 lows ; Dyewreft fur me, at the Srj vu*» UcjJ , in Sowhat, or at Pit. Jaw fl agi % potty carrier, under the thh* Common G rdirj'%