The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 12, 1799, Image 3

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r „ v „/ fl Bill, eventual an %fy to th' Prudent of the jj n lled SMcs to augment the r,n) ' -pj£ it enaHed hy the Ser. i* jfj Senate and Houfe t Pfhrelentatives of the United *'J P f America , in Congrefs S r n f j That it fhall be law fir’the PrcMenf of the United States, m cafe war (hall break out between the Un.ted States and a European nower or in cafe imminent dan |,.r of’invafion of their territory g v nn „ fuch power, (hall in his opinion be difeovered to exift to organize and caule to be railed jn addition to the other military force of the United States, twenty-four regiments of infan trV} a regiment and a battalion of ’riflemen, a battalion of artil leries and engineers, three regiments of cavalry, or fuch part thereof as he fhall judge neceffary, thenoa-commiflioned officers and privates of which to be enlifted for a term not ex ceeding years, and to be entitled each to a bounty of dollars, one half to be paid to him at the time of his inliftment, and the remainder at the time of joining the icgiment to which he may belong. Sec. 2. And be it further enaftei, That the Piefident of the United States be authorized whenever it (hall appear to him expedient, if during the feflion of the fe~ mtc, with the ir advice and con fen!;, if in their recefs, alone to appoint and commiffion officers for the faid troops, including a competent number of major and 1 brigadier-generals, provided that fuch general and held officers as may be appointed in the recefs; of the fenate dial! at the next meeting thereof be nominated and fubmitted to them for their advice and conlent. j Sec. 3. And be it further enabled , That the officers, non-commiT honed officers and privates of tioops which may be organ ized and railed purfuant to this a 1, fhall be entitled to the like P a v, clothing, forage and other emoluments and to die like compenfation in cafe of °i ability by wounds or other v,l‘ ) incurred in the fervice, as tl q e oflicer ‘S non-commiffioned , Cers an d privates of other roo P s . corr efpondent deno mma.ions,_ compofing th« army j ■ n, ‘? '’ tat es ; and with { , m dlu ' ! Tubjea to the rules 2 of war. and to all er re gulations for the difei- j L' a " d government of the | <at ' rov ‘ded, that no officer, : e pt captains and lubalte rns j may be employed in the ,l ed . mg fervice > ftall be enti a,.nf. ° an .v Pay or other emolu eeftallbeCaUedint O Thtt°rh' Ai ttjenaHed States V'r 'T oF the United and emotmems th f regUlati ° nS officers n n U re cruiting !* P Uni ffime n t of perfon! who (ball procure or entice a fol-. dicr to defert, or fhall purchafe, his arms, uniform, clothing, or any part thereof; and the pun iffiment of every commanding officer of every (hip or veffel who (hall receive on board his (hip or veffel as one of his crew, knowing him to have defer ed, or otherwife carry away any fol dier or refufe to deliver him up to the orders of his commanding officer ; and the law refpefting the oath or affirmation to be taken by officers, non-commif- Lioned officers, muficians and privates ; and refpefting the in ferring of conditions in the eti liffments; and all other laws refpefting the military eflablifh ment of the United States, ex cepting in fuch cafes where dif ferent and (pecific regulations are made by this aft, fhall be in force and apply to all perfons, matters and things, within the intent and meaning of this aft, in the fame manner as they would, were they inferted at large in the fame. Sec. 5. And he it further enaHed, That it fhall be lawful for the Prefident of the United States at his difererion to difeha ge the whole or any part of the troops which m iy be raifed by virtue of this aft. whenfoeverhe fhall think fit. Sec. 6. And he it further enaHed, That the Piefident of the United | States be authorifed to organize i all fuch companies of volunteers 1 as have been or fhall be accepted by him purfuant to the aft, en- ’ titled “ an aft authorifing the | Piefident of the United States to raife a provifional army” into regiments, brigades and divi sions, and to appoint all afficers thereof agreeably to the organi zation preferibed by law lor the army of the United States. S Sec. y, And he it fur they enaHed, That it fhall be lawful for the Prefident of the United States to caufe the (aid volunteers to affcmble for exercife and difei pline within the flates of which they may refpeftively be for any time or times not exceeding in the whole days in one year and that when fo aflembled they fhall receive the famecompenfa tions as are by law allowed to other ti oops of the U. States. Sec. 8 . And he it further enaHed, That towards the execution of this aft there be appropriated the fum of two millions of dollars, andthatthe Prefident be author ised to borrow on behalf of the United States the faid fum or fo I much thereof as he fhall deem 1 neceffary (which the Bank of the 1 U States is hereby empowered to lend} and upon fuch terms and conditions as he fhall judge mofl advantageous to the United States, provided that fuch terms and conditions fhall not reftrain the U. States from paying off the fum which may be borrowed after the expiiation of fifteen years. Stc, 9. And be it further enaHed, .That fo much a$ may bs neccf fary of the furplus of ihe duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the permanent appropriations heretofore charged upon /hern by law, (hall be and hereby is pledged and and appropriated for paying /he in/ereft of all fuch monies as may be borrowed pur fuan/ to /his aft, according to /he ten ns and condi/ions on which /he loan or loans, refpeftively may be efFefted; and alfo for paying or difeharging t he princi pal fum or funis of any fuch loan or loans, according to /he terms and condi/ions to be frxed as aforefaid. Sec. 10. And he it further enabl ed, That the powers by the frrft and fecond feftions of /his aft verted in /he Prchden/ of /he U. States (hall ceafe a t /he expi ra/ion of /he (eflion of Congrefs next enfuing the prefent unlefs they (hall be by fome fu/ure law continued in force for a longer /ime. \ By w m. far Do w- \ I G J ° R G I A,/ fIL, Clerk of the \ Jtfirson County . \ Court of Ordinary »» m. M Dowell ( oj the C'.un/y of J Jfcnon. WHEREAS Samuel Andrews hath ill piled ro me for letters of admi nistration on the Efbtc of Robert Spence, late rf this County, deceafed : fhefc are therefore to cite and admomfh nil and fingular the Kindred and Cicd.iorj of the ' fud deceafed, to he and appear at my ■ Office, on or before the fecond day of April next, ro fhew caufe, if any they can, why 1 letters of adminilh'aiion fhould not be 'granted him | | Given under my hand, this ?H day of Maich, 1799, and in the twenty third year of the Ameiican Inde pendence. SBy Wm. M‘Dow ei.l, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary t of the County of J<fferson. WHEREAS Elizabeth Faulk hath ap plied to me for letters of adminiftra t io.i on the cllate of Jonathan Paulk, late of this county deceafed : thefe are therefore I to cite and admonifh all and lingular the kindred at d creditors of the laid deceafed, to he and appear at my office, on or before the fccond day cf April next, to fhew caufe, if any they have, why letters of adminif* trutiou fhould not be granted her. Given under my hand, this 2d day of March, 1799, and in the 23d year of the American Independence. By Wm. M'Dowill, GEORGIA,/ CL rk of the Court of J'jJ'-fion County, Ordma>y , for the J County of ‘Jefferson. IHA' r £ applied to the Inferior Court of the County of Jcflerfon, for letters of adinimftrarion, on the Ef fare of John Mur ray, latent’ this County, deceafed; thef« arc therefore to cite and admonifh all and lingular the Kindred and Crcdito.s of the fad deceafed, to appear before the fiid C uirt, or one rf the Judges thereof, on or before the eighteenth day of March next, to fhew caufe, if any they have, why let ters of adinimftration fhould not beg'anted me. Wm. M'Dowell, clerk, February 26. \ FOR S A L F, A HOUSE and LOT, with a STORE adjoining, near the Market, with a Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent well of water. It has five fire places, and is forty t«ro by twenty feet, wiih a SHED twelve feet wide. ALSO, A two Oory HOUSE and LOT, with a Kitchen, Stable, Garden, and a good fpring near the Houle. Conditions, one half cafh ; the remainder on a credit of fix months. Jofeph Chairs. February 19. BLANK DEEDS, For Sale, at this Office, 1 TO BE SOLD, EL. trktt f.ouinnl/e. "TMURSDA\ , tbz r 6/4 y Ap<tl n j/ty tit / Hutting ESTRAYS , to toil ; THREE SOWS and one HARROW, red landed, with fume black fpoti, marked with an under (quare in the right e “ r * and Iplit and under keel in (he 'eit ; HALL LAG LEI MAKE, 11 years eld, j?*- hands high, branded on the thigh V ; lie head of SHEEP, marked fwallcw fork, and under keel in each car ; a BLACK. MARE, 7 year* oM, 4 feet 7 inchei high, with a he 1 1 on ; a DUN COW, white -j-co and belly, crop ard hole in the right eat. and under 'ope and hole in the left • rre BLACK. COW and CALF, and cue while CONA and CALF, htanded DM ; and one HEIFER, branded RB ; one white STEER, branded S; two SOWS and three BAR HOWS, marked with a fvvnllowfntk in the r ghr <• >r, and half moon in the left. Wm. M‘Dowell, clerk. February 26. FO R S ALE’ At the Off ICE 0 f the LOUIS FILLE GAZ- £ < l" TE , cbiitj l jor Cajhy NINE pair Gold Ear-Rings Twelve pair round Gold Wires Six G’it Sc.ils to tell the day of the month Six Bottle ladles Sit plated do. do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladles Six Plated do, do. do. Four pair of Stiver Boot Buckle* Six pair of Plated Spurs Plated W hips Four Thoufand Needles One groce large Pearl Button* Si* dozen fmallcr do. do. March 12. WANTED TcThTreT By the Month or 1 ear, A NEGRO MAN. E>. quire at this Off e, I January 21. _ N O TICE. ALL thofe indebted to the Flint* of lohn CaLhoom, defeated, are re- . 1 quelled to come forward and fettle their Accounts ; nlfo all thole to whom fh* (aid Eltaic is anywife indebted, are rfquelted to bring forward their Demands regularly attefted, to receive payment of John Burton, adminifiraior • February 19. To be Rented or Leafed , a A TWO STORT J\ DWELLING H O USE, with aCEL-» 1 AH- Alfo, n well ft* nifiled STORE. Poflcf fion will be given th* fir (I of March ner t. Enquire of J. G* Pouf ner, Louifville, Market Square. January 12. Ten Dollars Reward. AN-AWAY, rn \ 1 j|V the laft r f Aug. Sr» a' 1798, a NEGRO FKL- X.7 LOW, named PAUL, \ .cJejUV* , country borr, about i(% yoars of age, nearly fix feet high, with on* Crooked knee. It i* K*Siii rr'- srJ probable that h* has gone down rh« country. The above Re gard will be given to anv Perfut, who will fecurc him in any gaol of this Rate, or will giv* information where be may be found. David Terry, Jefferson County , Jan. 22, 1799. DREADNOUGHT, NOW in full perfection, and upward* of five leet two inches high, will itatd this feafon, every ot! cr week in Sparta, and the week following cn Big Ogccbce, viz. Monday, Tuefday and Wed nefday, at Powcltnn ; Thurfday, Friday, and Saturday, at Henry Jones’s mill on the Ogechee \ in order to be let to mares at four dollars the feafon, two dollars the leap, and eight dollars to infure the marc l eing with foal, the money to be paid at the expia tion ol the fealon, which will begin on tha firfk day of March, at Sparta, and end the lad day of July rest ; but the Subfcrinre will not lay himfclf liable for ttny accident that may happen. Dreadnought was got by SurprUe, hi* dam by Fearnought, Surprife was got by Clcdious, and Clodious by the noted hor:* Jaynus. I Anderfon Rccfe. February 19. i