The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 26, 1799, Image 3

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1 O U I S V I L L E, | rnwAY, M-trth 26, t:Q9* j Yi(l t ’r<liv, upwards of eight j V)U f.ud dollars were withdrawn ] p,„ the Treafuiy, by the hold- j ~of yazaofcrip, agreeably to he aft pallet latl (effion, per mitting them to do fo. Congrcfs adjourned the 2d; nHan', 0 to meet again in De prober. - , The Wincheftcr paper ot the n th ult. fays, James Monroe, j{ ;< j s dented a fenator of the Jniteci States vice Henry Taze well, deccaled. A Philadelphia paper of the v \ of February, fays, “ the committee of the fenatc have not concurred in the nomination of Mr. Murray.” Peier Porcupine has contra jifted the report of his being jrdered to quit the country, Norfolk., March 9. The fenate has confirmed the lomination of Mellrs. Henry, Tfworth and Murray. Georgia, Hancock County. Wl ; U T V V Hancock County, do on ur oaths prefent { Kinne, ar retail in g fpirituous liquors 'ithout licence, for trading wh negroes without permits om their mallei s. and for keep- 1 ig a d 1 ford rjyhoufc) efpecially j n the Sabbath. We prefent fames Waller,! ernes Dixon, Robert Rivers,] ohn M‘Cu lers, • John Hurts, i ifburn Brewer, (cfle Ellis, Win -liddox, and jofiah Beal, for dhng liquors wi-hout licence. \V c prclent Nathaniel Waller or mat practice in office as a allice of the peace. We return our mofl fincere bames to ensign M*Call of the ederal troops, at Fort Wilkin oc, for his ind pendent and > i:iotic ronduft in informing no executive of the nefarious nc l 113016 lavage conduft oflieu enmt-colonel Henry Gaither, n with ng thole under his com difguife therafelves in •adj.m habits and to maflacie lv * ! nnoce °t citizens on the rontu-rsoftfcisttate ; and think 2 delerves the moR grateful cknowledsements of our fel 3''^c t ' z ; ns in general. v c ta ke this method of mg our entire approba °n, tlle conduct of governor a °Mon } and we do allure him, lat 3 °twithftandir-g the many '“ b attempts that have been f V ,- Chedlfd PP°mted, ma ;ir.p , auions >n this (late, to e 1 , n u tile ffteem of the , -P-* he ft.ll poffetfecJna veiy Hs e ’ tae confidence of ur l u [ v '. It is therefore Knt s,re that he may eattheßflm of the „ e h ;:;y of tbh Bnd Gratia 1 an I judicious admi hnally bear down all I ! thofe daring uforpers, that mr. \ pretend to trample on the con liituted amhoiities thereof. < And we further feel it a duty , I incumbent op us, to return oa I mofl sincere thanks to the laft \ legislature of this Hate, for peril jtioning to the war department of the United States, for the removal of lieutenant-colonel Henry Gaither, from the com -1 mand of the federal troops fta • tioned on the frontiers of this Bate. We return our thanks to his honor the judge for his drift at tention to businefs the prefent term. JOSEPH BRYAN, Foreman. William Rabun, William Rees, j ksmiah Moorp, E. Abercrombie, John Montgomery, Tlos. Raines, J"icub Denn>B, James Bifh^p, Archibald Smith, Ifham Recfe, Jonathan Adams, r i'urncr Hunt, Wd lira S 1-man, Francia Lawfon* j William Battle, R fdotn Moo e,jun. Lewis Ty?«, Zach. Booth. Thaddeus Holt, Extras from the Minutes of Hancock Superior Court , March term , 1799* MARTIN MARTIN, Clk. GEORGIA; By his Excellency J AMES JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State^ and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION . \7TTHEREAS in and by an aft, V V entitled “an aft, explanatory of that par? of the Charier of the Uni • v:rfityof Georgia, relative to the board 'of v fitors ; and to empower the Scna tus Aeademicus , to decide on a proper j I place for the fcit of that inftitucioa,” ! j??fil'd the fixth day of February, in the prefent year, one thoufand fven hundred i and ninety-nine, it is enaded, “ that in virtue of their Ever a I offices, according to the true intent and meaning of the fa d Charier ; the Governor, the judges of the Superior Courts, the P:dident of the Senate, and the Speaker of the Houfe of Reprcfentativcs, do and of right ought now to conftitutc the j board of vifitara, and a part of the Se natus Hcademicus of the faid uaiver -1 fity.” And whereas, in and hr a rcfolution of both branebea of the legiflature, at their laff ftflion, the Governor is aa thorifed and empowered to iflue hie pro clamation, requiring the members of the | Senaius Aeademicus of the Univcrfry of the Scare of Georgia, to convene at Louifv’lle, at the molt convenient time in his judgment, between the terms ot the Superior Courts, iu the prefent year, to take under their confiJeratitn, and adopt fuch meafurea aa may belt • promote the ohjeft of that inftituiion. I HAVE THEREFORE thought fit to ififue this my Proclamation, re quiring the attendance, as well of the members of the faid board of v.fitors, ' as of the members of the board of truf i tees of the faid unlve.fity, at the Slate I Houfe, in Lou’fvillc, on Tucfday, the 1 1 fecond day of July nett, then and there |to form the Scnatus Aeademicus, and L proceed on the important duties of the jiciftitution accordingly. Given under rny b?.nd, and the ) Great £eal of the faid S ate, at ! the State Houfe, in Lon :r vil‘c, this c : ghtceath day of March, :• in the year cf our Lord one thoufand feven hundred aud ilinety-nice, and in the twenty thiid year ot American lode ; pendence. I* JAMES JACKSON. B? the GTV'ruor, ’ j Horatio Marbulely, Deputy Ssck'jr* : God f-v: the St'Atc. He AD-Quarters, Louifville , ! 23 d February, 1799. j GENERAL ORDERS. I HP ME Adjutant General will -*■ proceed to the annual con vention of ihe Field Officers of the refpedlive Regiments and Battalions* together with the Brigade Infpeftors of the Kri gades they refpeftively belong to, at fuch times, and at fuch places as may be moff conveni ent for all the field Officers of fuch Brigades, in order to in (lru£l them in the difcipline preferibed by Congrefs j and in order that the evolutions pi - feribed by law may be pratli cd, the Brigadier Generals will order a company of Light Infan ry or Full leers, to at end eich ref peClive Brigade Convention cf Officers, provided, armed and equipped as the law direfts fuch corps to be. He will alfo concert with the fevcral Brig ide Infpefto.s on the mofl ptoper time lor convening the rcfpeclive Regimental or Battalion (Officers, vvith the Ad jutants and fi 11 vSerje.mts there of, for the pm pofe of in flf g them in the (aid difcipline—and as it is of the greateff confe quen ce at the p'efent crit’ca’ period, that the p bates fli ul 1 be particularly taught the du y required of them in the field,, the commanding Officeis of ihe| refpeftive Regiments and B it talions arc called on to acl in concert with the Adjutant Ge neral and Brigade Infpeftors, 1 by ordering Regimental <md Bat talion mailers, at furh times s they may be notified by the Ad jutant General, that he will at t rid them for that purpofe. At fuch mailers the ufual infp c tions will take place, and the commanding Officers will give the numbers of the refoeftive 1 Companies of their Regiments and Battalions to the Adjntmi General, to make return of the lame to the Command, r in Chief. Such numbers to he derided o> by the Commanding Officers of the Regiment or Battalion. By order 0/ the Commander in Chief , Thomas Johnson, Sechy, 1 Adjutant General's r ffi c z, Fchiuary v 6, 1799. IN conformity with the Ge- ( neral Orders annexed, you will I attendon the Brigadier General, 1 or in their ahlenee on the < fficer next in command in ! he Brigade in whicli vou re*p 61 vely a6l; receive and dift ibu:e a y Or ders they m ry p eafe to take, for the purpofe of carrying into ex ccution that pa*t of thefe Gene ral Orders, which relates to the Convention ofrh Field Officers and the Light Infantry or F rfi j leer Company oft! 1 e> r rrfp clive commands, at the places they may appoint, and with n the periods hereafter affixed .0 e. ch Brigade. You will annoi it the t me of i i s;on\'eninj the commiffLued Officers, Adjutant and find Ser jeants of every Kegiment (or B ittalioos whm comman led by a Major Command n # ] wiihin the lame period ; as alfo th • lima f the : cgimnt or Bnta i-.ri muter prefenbed in General Orde s. 1 he Field Officers comrmneG in* Regiments or odd Battalions wi 1 plea'c deter i ine on (ho company numbers of their ref pedive commands, picvious q I the d*y of mlpetlic n I All com nt(li med Offi e 3 will bring rhei comrniffions on the ground and thofc command ing Companies will come pi i v d d with exad rolls of the number of each gra ’e oiled in th *ir Tvfp dive diflnds or Commands : they will great 1 / facilitate and accelerate Ihe in* 1 pedum , by krepmg he men in their ranks, during the re views, and the bv-flanders from crowding on th rn. Ihe pene r.d re u n of the Hate of the mi itia wi I alio he mor * accu ia c; if the Cffi ers would pic vail on their m n mmc gr neialy to bung on ihe grout d \vh t aims and equipmen s they h v*, the pu pofe of the *e iew will thereby be better an Tweed, and the vvh ) ! c will have, exhibited a g'eatcr degree of reg .rd for the laws of th< ir counti v. I For th" Ifl Br g de f r m the 1 ifi to the pyth of Ap il, 1799. For the 2d B igade, fr m the ifl to th • 9,5 th ol M »y, 17c)9. F >r the 3d Brigade, from the 2d iq h i tth he t mber, 1799. Fo the 4th Biigade from trio 23 1 of Sep ember, to the sth of Odoher, 1799. For th' 1 5 h Brigade, from the 14th f 6 the 31 fl Odobei, 1799. For he 6th Brigade, born he 11th to the 27 h of Nov. 1799. Ymi will report ro me as loon as pofliblc on the B gadier G - neral's Orders, ;.nd on ) our ar rangements Jjn as Fauciip, Adj Gen. To Major Fdzuard While, 1 fl brig de. Go ge Poythr fs 2 i do. Jithn Fo r cr 3d do. D vid BlcichJliea , 4 f h do. Ric' ard Worfham , do. Ftrdind'd I'h nizy , 6rh do. Brigade 1 nlpedlors. SP.y W;tj, MO w - FLI. ('lnk of fh Cuw t of (Jr ,ina>y of the C u’.ly f Jfcrson. WU E R F. A S Marsha Y aror ba ll a pled to me for Iri cis o admi nr• if’ non the Eilat* ’■ t Tr< f sA cx ntfrr,, i re f this Cou tv, d;cy: f d : 'her are; e rf‘ re to ci'f and admen fh !1 n I (*, MT tfnr tic indrfd z d C pri ice* cf lie f ; rt eccnfcd, »o hr end a-.-prar a « / Office, on or before ’hr i v h uav i t A. ril nev.r, to !' ev c,;-. f« f ny ’he can, wh < f admimllraiiju fhculd not h£ g stnied her. • Given undrrr y h ’.' d, fh*n B'l dav of March, 17/;, nf in the liv-i ty— Ihirrl y ur , i i’.ie Atnc.ican I :dc— I c 1 Jrnc . WANTED IT) fll RE, B, the Mouth or I o-, • A N E G R 0 M A N. n • ’ • n fr' J'.oc.i. { cit tun • J't.e* ■ January An