The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, March 26, 1799, Image 4

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*J. ■» - * ~ ■ GEO R 0 I A. Dy his Excellency J A M 1- S ' ( \CKSOM, Governor and Gommandcr in Ch;cf of the Army and N ivy of this State, an l of the Mihtii thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WHERE \S the General Affmhly of this State, faffed rn aft on the fixtc nth day of tffbraary inflan\ (Vtilled “an aft “ t > compel all civil and 11 military , to take and fuhfcn c "an oath /o [upport the confhtulion " thereof" in the words following, to wit: “ Whereas, it is necejfary that ell officers, civil and military, within this State, jhould be bound to [up fat ani maintain the confutation of the fame. *• Ik* it therefore enabled, that nil and every officer, civil and mili tary, holding any office under the rri'.honly of this State, by commiff ff i or i tier wife, /hall take and fihftribe the following oath, before t\e cl ik of the fuperu.r or inferior to'ais, of the county in which hr miy refide ; or if a [laic officer, hforc hr Excellency the Givernr, f)) ike time being, to wit: “ LA. B. do folemny /wear, or affirm , ((75 (he calc vny he) tint 1 will h 'ar true faith and. allegiance, to the Si '.'c of Georgia; and to the ut mofl of my power and ability, chffrv*, conform'to, fup port and df end the confutation thereof; without any rejervaiion, or equivo cation whalfoever , and the confu tation of (he United States—So hdp me Go IT “ And be it further enafted, that all officers who arc now in commi/fion , civil or mditary, except fuch flute officers as have been (lett ed h) ' the General ajfmhly, at this frrffnffeffion, and have been day q ialifed before his Excellency the Cite nor,[hall. within the term of fix months, lake and fub/oihe the oforefaid oath, in manner and form cfore fail, which [hall be made of rrc vd by the of fixer hrf ore whom it is token ;and in cafe ff refufai or •negktt of any officer . his office ffiall be con filer ei null am void ; and his Excellency t.e Governor, is hereby author)fid and required, to fill up finch vacancy, in the fme manner as if it hid been made by death, re fig nation or removal from the dijlntt; and in cafe any fh riff ’ clerk of the Juperiur or inferior court, or any other officer having office or trujj u nde r the a nth orityif t hi sfate, ] hall negletl o>- refufe to take the afore fia:d oaTi , in manner and form afore find, within the term of fix months, their att or atts as they cp- to (he /aid office, fihall be WMc fidered null and voidT 1 have therefore, thought fit, to i-ffue this, my proclamation, notifying and requiring all officers, civ I and military, within this [late, compre hended in the [aid att, to conform thereto, by appearing before the pro per officer. and taking the faid oath, within the period thereby limited, as they wi l anfwer the contrary at iheir peril . Given under my hand t end the Great Seal off the fai l Sta'e, at the Slate-Iloufe, in Louifville, this eighteen'h day of Ecbru ny, in the year vf cur Lord one thdvfind from hundred and. ninety vine, and in the twenty third year of American Independence. Signed, JAMES JACKSON. Ay the Governor , [ oitm Mi lton, Secretary* God Jave the State . Executive Department, Louifville , Etb. 20, 1799. ORDERS D, That a concur r d Reflation of the 16th off February infant, by the General Affemhly , in the words following, io wit: ** Rcfolved, by the Senate and Uoufe of Reprejentatives of the Stale of Georgia, that the Jufhces of the Inferi r Courts of the five- , ral Conn' its,Jhall on the fir ft Mon day in April next, meet at the Court llovfe, in their re/frflve Counties, and nominate two Jufiices of the Peace, in each Captain s Diflnft, agreeably to the fifth fiftion of the third article of the Confutation, and certfv and tran/mit the fiame to fas Excellency the Governor he pub- , hJhcd in the Louifville, Savannah and Augujla Gazettes, for the infor mation of the Jufhces of the Infe - nor Courts for ih* fever al Counties, j and of all other per fins concerned • Taken from the Minutes, Atlefi , Thomas Johnson, Secretary s Artifls of all Nations attend ! A Premium for Genius. Executive Department, Georgia, Louifville , Feb, 23, 1799. The Aft, entitled u an aft for alteiing the Great Seal of the State of Georgia,” palled the Bth day of February, 1799, being taken up and confider* rd ; it is ORDERED, Thai a premium of thirty dollars be given for ■ the be ft drazomg ofi the device for the Great Seal of this State, input : fuance of the fecond feftion of the i [aid aft—the device being as fellows , - to wit: “ On the one file, a view of the jea flare, with a Jhip bearing the flag of the United States, tiding at anchor near a wharf, receiving on 1 board hog [heads of tobacco, and bales of Cotton , emblematic ff the exports of this State—at a finall difiance a boat landing from the in terior of the State, with hogfheads, • &c. on beard, representing her in • ternal traffic —in the bad part of : the fame fide, a man in the aft of ploughing , and at a finall di fiance 1 a flock of jheep in different pofhires, ■ ■ jhaded by a flourifhing tree—the r motto on this fide agriculture and commerce , 1799 —that the ether fide con'am three pillars , [upporting an arch, with the word confutation engraven within the fame , emble matic of the confutation, [upported jby the three d epartments of the go- \ vernment , viz, the legfiutive, judi - ’ a] and executive —ihe firfi pihar fjiave engraven on its baje xvijdcm% Uc Jicond jnflice, end the third mo d'ratwn ; on ihe rigid of the lajl pilar a man funding with a drawn ffiord , uprc/cnling ihe cid of the niidary, in defence oj ike confii tdion—lke metto State cj Georgia , 1799" —Provided fuck drawing \ fji lodged in ihe Executive Office, at loui/ville, cn or before the twentieth cay of April next ; the fize of the [cal two inches and one quarter in diameter; and it is further Ordered, that propofols he re ceived at ihe fame office, until the [cid twentieth day of Apiil, for forming , making and engraving the fame, agreeably to fuch device and drawing , in a maflerly and workmanlike manner, on or before the third day of July next . Bend and jecurity to be given for the due performance of the work, within the lime limited, in the [urn oj two thou/and dollars . Ihe prep of ah will he [ealed vp, addrefjed to the executive , end marked proposals for forming , making and engraving the Great Seal of the State of Geor gia The drawings will alfo be [ealed up, addrefjed in like manner, and marked d rowings for the device 'of the Great Seal, and will he ex amined the twentieth oj April af ore fid. The cojh will be paid for the drawing , the moment it is decided on as the heft irfign, and for ihe Seal immediately it is compleatcd and delivered , if applied for . Taken from the Minutes , Attejl, Thomas Johnson, Secretary . LUCKY ESCAPE WILL cover this Seafon, at (he liable oi George Tar-.ins, five mile* beiovv JLouifvillc, in the County of Jefl'cr fjn. That bccu'i r ul full-blooded Arabian Hrrle LUCKY ESCAPE, lately brought from New.Y.irk. He will cover on the following terms, viz. Eight Dollars each, he Seafon ending the latl of June. Lucky Efcape is a beautiful dark bay, r’fipp live years old, nearly fifteen bands ard an hi. 1 high ; he is very tractable, and will with i;oubt produce as good flock as any turf Horlc ever imported. J. Reeves. March tg. To be Rented or Leafed, a A TWO STORY /V dwelling HOUSE, with a CEL LAR. Alfo, a well fi tviflird STOKE. Poflef liyn v-i.I be given iflJnic- Enqutre of J. G. Pofner, Louifyille, Market Square. March rs. FOR SALE, At the Off ICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ - L T'TE , cheap l for Cafe, NINE pair Gold Ear-Kings Twelve pair round Gold Wires Si* G'U Seals to tell the day of the month Six Silver Battle Ladles Lit Plated do. do. Three Silver Tea Caddie ladles Si* Plated do. do. do. Four pair of Silver Boot Buckles Six pair cf Plated Spuis Plated Whi« s Four ThouLnd Needles One grace large Pearl Button! 1 Si T dozen fmallcr do, do. .March 12, FOR SALE, Cheap Jot Ca/h , lOVDON Di.ffi. Blanket* j Wniic, Blue and G;tcn Plaint W h; e and Red Flannel* Raih C atings Supt! fine Broad Cklhs Secoi d do. do. Block Bull’ a-.d Grey Csfllmerct Fi.ftiionable S'.iandown and CafiaTerc Veil Shapes ♦ ! MarfdJc*, Jean* and Jeanct do. I Clouded at d Si.k Nankeen* Royal Ribbi ard Denimmi V clvere’s, Corduroy* at d Thickfet* Black, B ue and Pn.k Durarus Calico:* and Chintzes Tambored, fprigged, ftriped and J. coret and Bock Ml'.ilin Muflin Shawl* and Hano kerchief* Book and Jaconet C avats and Cotton Cambricks Back Si.k Handkerchief* Ribbons ard Ferretmg* Sewing Si.k an. l Twill M ns Dear Skin Glove* Ir.fh Linen, 3-4 an i 4-4 wide White and Brown Sheeting* Oz tabutgs i Mem, Wcment and Youths Cotton snd j Worflrd Hole ' Mens, Womens ond Youths Shoe* Ladies Morocco Sandals Mens and Womens crarfe and fine Hats Bibles, Tcftaments and Spelling Books Federal Ready Reckoners D.cliooarics, and a variety of fmall Hiflo* j rics Ink Powder, and be ft Dutch Quill* Violins Locking GJaffc* ivory Combs Rz rs and Cafes Gilt and Plated Button* Large and fmall do. , Pen Knives Knives and Forks Tab’e Spoons , Trunk and Cheft Lock* Saddle and Bridle Buckles Stirrup Irons and Bridle Bit* Knive*, Ta ks, Awl Blade* Pi cers and G’mbleti Cotton Cards, No, 10 , Jamaica and Wcft-India Run* Coguiac and Peach ! Teneriffe and Malaga Wine* , Holland Gin ' Bohca Tea I Sugar Pepper and Sp’ce Biimftone and Copperas 4d. 6 I BJ. ami 10. i. Nails Kell Rifle Gunpowder Bar Lead and Shot aflorted ALSO, An A iWtment of PA TENT MEDICINE and QJJEENS-WviRE, together with a variety of other aitides, too numerous to infett. Z. LAMAR. ’January 22. FOR SALE, Cheap [or Qajh y ROSE and London Duffil Blankets Bath Ccating i\uj F.ant els C.b uded Striped and Yellow Nankeens Th ckfets Bl ack, Blue and Pink Durants Camlets Cnlices and Chintzes Tamboured, Sprigged and Striped Plain Ja coret and Bock Muftiii Mafl’n Handkerchief* G.i ghams Poikct Handkerchiefs Mull nets Ribbands, Sewing Silk and Twill V* hire and Coloured Thread . Shoe Thread jrifh Linen 4-4 wide HumJiutn* Oznabu tgi Men and Youth’s Cotton and Worftcd Hofc Federal Ready Reckoner* Spelling 80. ks A r iriety of fmall Hiftotics and Song Book* Looking Glallcs Drcibng Combs Per. K lives Knives and Forks Table Spoons B idle Bits Cotton Cirds No, to Jamaica and Weil India Rurn Apple Brandy B\fbn Tea Chocolate CofFcC Sugar Popper and Spice Cop peius Sniff Bell Riffle Cun Powder Shot allotted S.k Pound Pins Seniors Needles Writing Pa-er. Alfa, a large aflfortment of Qnceniware, to* ge;h;r v.irb a variety of wrhrr aniclcs. John Blair. February j 6.