The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 02, 1799, Image 3

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To U I S v 1 L L E, ' " TVESD'.r, *r' »• '7W ,;ince our lad, «P*' ards ° r , .o e .houfand dollars were [ . , (JW!I from the Treafury. ;;!he holders ofy^oofenp. Purfuant to a joint refolution n c ,h= General Aflemblyof th.s lIS palled at Lou.fv.lle, the ,6th day of February, *799- for appointing two Jufljces of he Peace in each Captain s D.f ;a. agreeably to the frfth fee lion of the third of the conditution, the honorable the Wlices of the Inferior Court of ihe County of Jcfferfon, me yefterdav the tftof Aprt.. ’ prefent- Michael Shellman, Douglafs Hancock. Richard D. Gray, Thacker Vivian, lemor; and John Clements, The Court proceeded to bun-| nefs,when the following appoint ments were made : Capt. Youngs Dijlritl^ Robert Pattcrfon Daniel Connell. Capt, Hamptons Di/irift-~ Jos. Hampton lohn Whitehead. Capt CarjwdVs DiJlnH—Ke nj. Whitaker, Abner Hammond. Capt. Tarver s Di/lriH —Will. Clements, John RaiFord. Capt „ Raiford’s Difirifl, —John, Wood, William Cothorn. Capt. Vivians Dijlricl—Thack er Vivhn, jun. Robt. Fulwood. Capt. KeysDijlrift —Hezekiah Gates, Chailes Rutiels, Capt. Vining’s Diftrift —Win. Hardwich, fohn Vining. Capt. Johnforis Dijlricl—Ho ratio Marbury, James Merry weather, Mr. Day, Yota will much oblige a cor refpondent, by inferting the fol lowing lines, which tends to fhew die opinion, that Engliflh patriots entertain of the French Revolution. O cr the vine covered hills and gay regions of France, See the day ftar of liberty rile : though the cl iuds of detraction unwea ried advance. And hold its nc * courfc thro’ the Ikies. A " fo mild, with a luitre bright, All Europe ui^wonticrfurveys; r°m f clsrts of darkncfi and dungeons of night, 6 s C nlcntl s for a fliare of the blaze. ialw' 01 a unfold.. All nature exult, in us birth ; aITIZ ni£n » u lhe Crcator beholds, AnJ gives anew charter to earth. 0 CatC blow!' fih Imports > > e "indt as ye • t yC wavesa * ye roll • llUl iCCIi lhe fu “’* vertical To | bc finhefi extremes of lhc pole^ p " arotd: ECIUaILaWS l ° lhC * i! * impart, be foul 6 f ° olftc P* ttf Maa to*'! 1/ blnd lhe decr « on his heart. .- above lines were written »ik. i.Vof h n h ' No '" i ' ;h ’ Tk p , J u ty« 1791. h^boveT eman from wh °m ffures Us j '*?. * ere rCCeived * m heard i f 6tter . t!uc he a] 6.n-h Un S at Crown n ' br * « a company of fix or feven hundred, and Covent Garden Theatre* it was received with the warnlejt applaufc. GEORGIA. By his Excellency JAMES JACKSON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION . WHEREAS ia md by »n tft, entitled “ an i£t, cxpUifalory of lb*t part of the Charter of the Uni* yerfity of Georgia, relative to the board of vifitoru 1 and to empower the Sena tus Acadtmicusy to decide on a proper place for the feat of that ioftitucion.” p«ffcd the lixth day of February, ia the prefent year, one ihoufand fven hundred and ninety-nine, it is enafied, “ that in virtue of their fevcial offices, according to the true intent and m-aniug of the la*d Charier $ the G overnor, the Judges of the Superior Courts, the Prclidcnt of the Senate, and the Speaker of the Houfc of Rcprefentatives, do and of right ought now 10 conlluute the board of vlfitors, and a part of the Sc naius A cade mi cut of the faid uaiver fity,** And zokereatt in and by a refolution of both branches of the legiHaturc, at their laft feflion, the Governor is au thorifed and empowered to iflue his pro claontion, requiring the members of the Senatus Academicus of the Uuivcrfi.y of the State of Gcorg'a, to convene at Loutlv ilr, at the molt convenient time in his judgment, between the terms of I the Superior Courts, in the prefent ■ fear, to take under their conlideraticn, and adopt fueh meafures as may belt promote the ohje<ht of that inft.tuiiua. I HAVE THEREFORE thought fit 10 iliac this my Proclamation, re quiring the attendance, as well of the members’ of the faid board of vifitore, aa of the members of the board of truf tecs of the faid univeifiry, at the S’atc Houfe, in JLouifvilic, on Tuefday, the fccond day of July neat, then and there to form thd Senatus Academicus , and proceed on the important duties of the ioit.tut"on accordingly. Given under my hand, and the Great Seal of the faid S ate, at the State Houfe, in LouifviTc, this eighteenth day of March, in the year of Our Lord one thoufaod feven hundred and ninety-nice, and iu the twenty third year ot American Inde pendence. JAMES JACKSON. By the Governor, Horatio Marbory, Deputy Sec’ry. God Lve the State. -V 11 ■■ ■■ FOR SALE, Ac eke OFFICE of the LOUISVILLE GAZ ETTE, cheap for Cajb , NINE pair Gold JEar.Ringj Twelvc pair round Gold Wires Six G’lc Seals 10 tell the day of the menth Six Silver Bottle I-adles Six Plated do. do. Three Silver Tea Caddie Ladles Su Plated do. do. do. Four pair of Silver Boot Buckles Six pair of Plated Spurs Plated Whi-js Four Tlioufand Needles One grocc large Pearl Buttons Six dozen finaller do. do. March 12. FOR SALE, A HOUSE and JL.OT, with a STORE adjoining, near the Market, with a Kitchen, Stable, and an excellent well ol water. It has five fir* place*, and is forty i two by twenty feet, wiih a SHED twelve Icct wide, ALSO, A two dory HOUSE and LOT, with a Kitchen, Stable, Carden, and a good ipring near the Houfe. Conditions, one half cafh ; the remainder on a credit of lix months. Jo r eph Chain, Fcbraa-y 19. FOR SALE, Cheap for CaJlt, London Duini Blanket* While, Blue ami Green Plains Wince and Ked Flannels Bath Coatings Superfine Broad Cloths Second do. do. Black Bull and Grey Cadimerfe^ Faihionablt Svvandown and Caiflmcrc Veil Shapes MarfeilUi > Jean* and Jeanet Jo* Clouded and Silk Nankeens Royal Ribb* and Denimmt Vclvereis, Corduroys and Tliickfeli Riack, Blue and Pink Durants Calicoes and Chintzes Tan hoi ed, fprigged, ftriped and plain Jiconet and Book Mutlin Mullin Shawls and Handkerchief* Book and Jaconet C' avals and Cotton Cambricks Silk Handkerchiefs Ribbons and Ferretings i Sewing Silk and Twill Mens Dear Skin Gloves In/h Linen, 3-4*1104-4 wide Bite and Brown Sheetings Czaaburgs Mem, Womens and Youths dottoa *cd Worfted Hofc Mem, Womens and Youths Shoes Tubes Morocco Sandals Mens and Womens coarl’e and fine Hats Hinler, Tcftaments and Spelling Book* Federal Ready Reckoners D.ftiooancs, end a variety of fmall Hifto* 1 ri»» I*ik Powder, and btft Dutch Quillf V iolins Locking Glafle* ivc ry Co mbs R * rs and Cafes Gill and Plated Buttons Large and fmail do. Pen Knives Knives and Forks Table Spoons Irnnk and Chert Locks Saddle and Bridle Buckles Stirrup Irons and Bridle Bits s hoe Knives, Ta ks, Awi Blades Pi cers a> d Gimblets Cotton Cards, No. 10 Ja naica and Weft-India Rutn Cogniac and Peach Tanoy Tcneriffe and Malaga Wines Holland Gin Bohca Tea Sugar Pepper and Spice Brimftonc and Copperas 4 1.61 8.1. and 10 I, Nails Reft Rifle Gunpowder (far Lead and Shot alforted A t S O, Aii Aflortmcnt of PATENT MEDICINE and Qfj£ENS-WARE, together with a variety of oiher articles, too numerous to infert. z. LAMAR. January 22. F O R S A L E, ! Cheap for Cajh, ROSE aid London Duffil Blankets Baih Coating Kco Flannels Clcu.icd, Striped and Yellow Nankeens 1 h ckfets Black, Blue and Pink Durants Camlets Calicoes and Chintzes Tamboured, Sprigged and Striped P.ain Ja conet and Bock Mufliil Mullin Handkerchiefs Ginghams Pocket Handkerchiefs Martinets Ribbands, Sewing Silk and Twill White and Coloured Thread Shoe Thread I i/h Linen 4-4 wide Humhum* Oznabuigi Men and Youth’s Cotton and Worftcd Hole Federal Ready Reckoners Spelling Bocks A variety of fmall Hiftoticx end Song Books Looking Glalfcs Drcifing Combs Pen Knives Knives and Forks Table Spoons B.k Ic Bits Cotton Cards Nr*, ro Jamaica,and W eft India Ruia Apple Brandy Hyfon Tea 1 Chocolate Coffee Sugar Pepper and Spice Copperas Snuff Bcft Riffle Gun Powdei Shot allotted Salt Pound Pins Scillbrs r. * cdics Writing Paper. Alfa, h large mToftmeac cf Qneesrwiitto gether v,ib» a variety of o<h.*r anidcs. i John B-3:r, Fcortinry -4, T O 3 E SOI. D, ' At the Market 1/, in LouisVrllr % o% THURSDAY tic »8/* cf Ap'ilnm/, the fallowing ESTRATS, to zuit : nPHREE SOWS and one BORROW, JL red landed, with fotn« bla< k fpoti, marked with an under fquare in the righc ear, and fplir and under keel in the eit ; BALL EAGLE MARE, it years nld t hand* high, branded on the thij h V lit head of SHEEP, marked fwallow fork, and under keel in each ear; a BLACK. MARE, 7 year* old. 4 fee 17 inches hi,.!', with a bed on ; a DUN COW, whue lacc and belly, crop aid hole n the rig!.: ear, and under Hope and hole in th£ lei's ; one BLACK. OOVV and CALF, and one whit* COW and CALF, branded DM*; and cne HEIFER, branded RB ; one white 3TEFR, branded S; two SOWS and three BAR ROWS, marked with a fwallow fork i.s the tight ear, and half moon in the le*it. Wm. M‘Dowell, clerk. February 26. / Shy Wm. M Dow- C LI., CLti of the Court of Or Jinary of the Cunty if 7* non, WHEREAS Martha Ycaion hath applied to me for letter* dilinlr fury on the Eilate cf Thom&i Alexander, late of ihi* County, deccafed ; thefe tre therefore to cite and admonifh all and lingular the Kindred and Creditor* of the fnid dcccafed, to be and appear at my Office, on or before the iB;h day of April next, to Ihew caufe, if eny they can, why letters difiniflary fhould not be granted her. Given under my hand, this 18th day of March, 1 and in the twenty third year cf rhe American Inde pendence. By \A m. M‘Do\v- GEORG! A,/ ill, Clerk of th: ‘.f'Jftrfo* County. > Court of Ordinary, wm. MDowtcc. L of the County if J J'ferion, WHEREAS Elisabeth Paulk hath ap plied to me for lettei s cf adminiftra t ion on the ellate of Jonathan Pa Ik, late of this county deceal'ed : thefe a*c therefore to cite ami admonilh all and lingular the kindred at d creditors of the faid deceafrd, to be and appear at my office, on or bcloic the fecondday cf April ncX',to fhew caufe, if any they have, why Utters of adinimf tration Ihould not be granted her. Gi\*;t under my hand, this ad day of March, <799, and in the 23d year of the American Independence. LUCKY ESCAPE WILL cover this Scafon, at the liable oi George Tarvins, five miles below Lcuifvillc, in the County of Jefi’ct fon. That beau’ifol full-blooded Arabian Horfc LUCKY ESCAPE, lately brought fiom Ncw-York. He will cover cn the , following terms, vis. Eight Dollar* ram, the Scafon ending the latl of June Luck/ Efcapc is a beautilul dark bay, riling li c years old, nearly fifteen hands and an half high ; he is very tractable, and will with out doubt produce e« good flock as any turf Korlc ever im, orted. J. Reeves. March ig. Jo be Rtnled or Ltafed , A TWO STORY r\ DWELLING H 8i I H HOUSE, with a CEL -1 mM U MBl LAR Alfo, a well fi ■ S SB S H nifhed STORE. Pollel ® U *V ,n be given imme- J. G. Pofner, Lotrfville, M-rkct bqua.c. March it. . •"ebekezar jenckes Refjit6:f»U’j informs bis Fr/enls in par In u/a* t !;7id the puh/ic in general that hi has lately rt« oeii e.l from Chut teflon an extensive supply of Dry Goods and Groceries, Which renders hss prefent AffortaseU us tomfUte us offered for sale here, and shah a: uri.l lozv for Cajh or Produce. 'January 12. WANTED TO HIRE, J]\ the Month or Yea', ■ A NEGRO M A N. Enquire at tsii Ofi.c, Jur.ujry jc.