The Louisville gazette. (Louisville, Ga.) 1799-1800, April 02, 1799, Image 4

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Ariißs of all Nations '»i t* nd ! A Premium for Genius- Executive Department, Georgia, louifville, Eth 2 3* *799* The Aa, entitled “ *n aft f« r a!te:inp (he Great S*al <T the State of Georgia," p;iffe<l the Bth <3lv r of Ffbiuary* 1799* 1 einp taken up and confider ed ; it i'v OR I) E R E H, That a premium of thirty dollars he given for the he/I drawing of the device for the Great Seal o/ this State, m pur [nance of the freoni feßion of the fail aH—tke device being as follows , to wit: “ On the one fi 'r, a view of the fra fhore, with a fjvp hearing the flag of 'he United Slates , riding at anchor near a wharf receiving on hoard hogfheads of tobacco, and hales of Cotton, emblematic of the exports of this State —at a /mall difiance a boat landing from the in terior of the Sta.r, with hog/heads, Udc. on board, reprefending her in to nal tra/Jic —in the hack part of the fame fide, a man in the art of ■ploughing, and at a Imall di/iance a /lock of fherp in different poftures, /haded hy a ftourifhing tree.—the motto on this fide agriculture and commerce, 1799 —that the other Jide contain three pillars, [upporting an arch, with the word confutation engraven within the fame, emble matic of (he confutation, fuppdrted hy thie three departments of the go vernment, viz. the legifla'.ive, judi cial and executive—the fir hi pillar to h ive engraven on its ha/e wi/dom, the fccond juft ice, and the third mo deration ; on the right of the lift pill ir a man ft mding with a drawn fwo) d, upre/eutmg the aid of the military , in defence 0/ the confli tutwn—the motto State of Georgia, 1799” —Provided fitch drawing h lodged in ihe Executive Qfji e, at Loir/vide, on or he)ore the twen ieih day of April next; the fize of the Jeal two inches and one quarter in diameter ; and it is further ()rdercd, that prcpo/als he re ceived at Ihe fame office , until the Jcid twentieth day of April, for forming, making and engraving the f ine, agreeably to fitch device a d drawing, in a mafterly and workmanlike manner, on or before the third day of fitly next. Bend and fecurity to be given /or the due performance of the work, zvithm the time limited , in the [am of two thou/and dollars . The prop pals will he fealed up, addrrffcd to ihe executive, and marked propofols for forming % making o-nd engraving ike Great Seal of the State of Geor gia The drawings will alfo he Jealrd up, addrejfed ini ke manner, and marked drawings for the device of ihe Gnat Sea!, and will he ex amined the twentieth of April ajore fnd. The cafh. will he paid for the (drawing, the moment it is decided on as ihe heft irjign, and for the Sea! immediately it is covip’.eated and delivered if applied for. Taken from the Minutes, Teft, Thomas Johnson, Secret *'y. G E O R G I A. By his Excellency j A M E S JACKSON, Governor and 1 Ommander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and or the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS ihe General Affembly of this State, puffed an all on the ftxtemth day of February inftan\ entitled “ an aB “ to compel all officers, civil and “ military, to take and fubferihe “ an oath to fupport the conftttuhon “ thereof," in the words following, to wit: u Whereas, it is necfjfary that all officers, civil and military, within this State , jhould he bound to fup port an I maintain ihe confutation of the fame. Be it therefore cnaElcd, that all and every officer , civil and mili tary, holding any office under the 1 authority of this Stair, hy commif -1 fton or othcrwife, [hall take and fubferihe the following oath, before the chrk of the fupenor or inferior ' courts , of the county in which he may refide ; or if a [late officer , before hi\ Excellency the Governor , for the time being, to wit: “ /, A. B. do fo'emnly fwear, or affirm , [as the cafe may he) that I zvill hear true faith and allegiance, to the Stale cf Georgia; and to the ut 7no ft of ?)iy power and ability, oh feme, conform to, fupport and defend the confutation thereof; without any refervation, cr equivo cation whatfoever, and ihe confu tation of the United Slates—So help me God." “ And be it farther ena&ed, that all officers who are now in conmiffm, civil or military, except \ fuch JUie officers as have been eidl ed by the General affembly, at this \ ■ prefent fefjion, and have been day ■ qualified before his Excellency the Governor, /hall, within the term cf • fix month*, take and fubferihe the I aforcfaid oath, in manner and form of ore/aid, which /hall he made of . record by ihe officer hef ore whom it - is taken ; and in cafe of refufal or • I neglect of any officer , his office Jhall • be coo fide ml null and void; and his ■ Excellency the Gov'rncr, is hereby | autkorifed and required, to fill up • vacancy, tn the fame manner as ' if it had been made hy death, re fig- j • nation or removal from the diftnß ; i and in cafe any fturijf, clerk 0/ the i fupenor or inferior court, or any ; other officer having office or truft ■ under the auth 01 ity of this ft ate, Jhall ■ negleft or refuje to take the afore ■ fa d oa'h, in manner and fonn a fore [aid, within the term of fix - months, their aB or aßs as they op- 1 , pertain to the [aid office, Jhall he - conftdered null and void." J have therefore, thought fit, to , ijfue this, mv proclamation, notifying and requiring all officers, civil and ■ military, within this flate, compre -1 /tended in (he faid aB, to conform - thereto , by appearing before the pro per officer and taking the faid oath, within the period thereby limited, as they wi I anfwer the contrary at their peril. Given under viy hand, and tie Great Seal tj the fail Male, at the State-Houfc , in Loui/ville , this eighteen'k' day of February, in the year . of cur Lord one tkovfcnd Jiven hundred and ninety nine, and in the twenty* third year of American Independence. JAMES JACKSON . By the Governor, John Milt os, S ecrclary, God jave the State . Head-Quarters, Louifville, 2 February , 1799. GENERAL ORDERS. | THE Adjutant General will proceed to the annual con vention of the Field Officers of the refpedlive Regiments and Battalions, together with the Brigade Infpeftois of the Bri gades they refpedlively belong to, at fuch times, and at fuch places as may be mod conveni ent for all the Field Officers of fuch Brigades, in order to in ftrud them in'the difcipline preferibed by Congrefs; and in order that the evolutions pre frnbed by law may be praftifed, the Brigadier Generalswill order a company of Light Infancy or Fufileers, to attend each ref pe6live Brigade Convention of Officers, provided, armed and equipped as the law diredh fuch corps to be. He will alfo concert with the feveral Brigade Infpe&ors on the mod proper time for convening the refpe&ive Regimental or Battalion Officers, with the Ad jutants and firft Seneants there ! of, for the purpofe of inftru&ing them in the laid difcipline—and as it is of the greatefl confe quence at the pie lent critical period, that the privates ffiould be particularly taught the duty required cf them in the field, the commanding Officers of the tefpedive Regiments and Bat talions are called on to a6f in concert with the Adjutant Ge i neral and Biigade Jnfpeftors, ; by ordering Regimental and Bat | laiion mutters, at fuch times as 1 they may be notified by the Ad jutant General, that he will at tend them for that purpofe. At 1 fuch mutters the ufual inflec tions will take place, and the 1 commanding Officers will give the numbers of the lefpe&ive Companies of their Regiments and Battalions to the Adjutant General, to make return of the fame to the Commander in Chief. Such numbers to be decided on by the Commanding Officers of the Regiment or Battalion. By order of the Commander in Chief , Thomas Johnson, Scc’ry, Adjutant General *s Office, February 26, 1799. IN conformity with the Ge 1 neral Orders annexed, you will attend on the Brigadier Generals, or in their abfence on the Officer next in command in the Brigade in vvlnch ycu ftfp: dive I y i ft ; receive and diftiibute anv Or ders they may p’cafe to take, for - the purpolc of carrying into ex ecution that part of thefe Gene ral Orders, which relates to the Convention of the Field Officers and the Light Infantry or Fuli. Icer Company of their refpedive commands, at the places they may appoint, and within the pci iods hereafter affigned to each Brigade. You will appoint the time of convening the commiffioned Officers, Adjutants and firit Ser jeants of every Regiment (or Battalions when commanded by a Major Commandant) within the fame penod ; as alfo the time of the Regiment or Battalion mu her preferibed in General Ordeis. The Field Officers command, ing Regiments or odd Battalions wiil pleale determine on the company numbeis of their ref pedive commands, previous to the day of infpedion. All commiffioned Officers will bring their comrniffions on the ground, and thofe command ing Companies will come pro vided with exad rolls of the number of each grade ern oiled in their refpedive diftrids or commands: they will greatly I facilitate and accelerate the in* ; fpedions, by keeping the men jin their ranks, during the re views, and the by-ftanders from crowding on them. The gene ral return of the Hate of the militia will alfo be more accu rate ; if the Officers would pre vail on their men more generally to biing on the ground what arms and equipments they have, the put pole of the review will theieby be better anfwered, and the whole will have exhibited a greater degree of regard lor the laws of their country. j j For the iff Brigade, from the 1 ih to the 27th of Ap il, 1799. For the 2d B igade, from the I ft: to the 25th ot May, 1799. For the 3d Brigade, from the 2d to the 1 ith September, 1799. For the 4th Brigade, from ciis 23d of September, to the sth of Odober, 1799. For the sth Brigade* from the 14th to the 3 1 fl Odober, 1799. For the 61 h Brigade, from the II th to the 27111 of Nov. 1799. You will report to me as loon as poffible on the Brigadier Ge neral's Orders, and on your ar rangements. Jonas Fauche, Adj Gen* i u Major Edmdrd White, ill brigade# George Poythrefs, 2d do# John Foftcr , 3d do, David Blachjhcar, 4th do. Richard Wor/kam , sth do. Ferdinand Phmizy, 6th do* Brigade Inlpcdors. WANTED TO HIRE* By (he frfonth or A NEGRO MAN. Enquire at thii OJfitts J.t>tuary 21,